PropVue Projector Tripod Stand Height Adjustable & Floor

PropVue Projector Tripod Stand Height Adjustable & Floor Projector Stand, Portable Laptop Stand, Camera & Light & Ball Head Stand – Well-Made, Easy-to-Adjust, DJ Rack & Musical Stand
From the brand

Universal Tripod Stand
Dimensions: | 44.3 x 19 x 15.29 cm; 3.62 Kilograms |
Model: | UTS-1511-58-PH-PH |
Batteries Required: | No |
Dimensions: | 44.3 x 19 x 15.29 cm; 3.62 Kilograms |
i was looking for a light versatile yet rigid stand to spend some of my working hours standing. Have been using it for a couple days now and no complaints so far! The quality of materials are definitely good and it is much durable comparing to another stand that i got from a local shop here.
So i have needed something like this for a while as we were propping our projector up with books. This hold the projector in place so we have the perfect viewing angle. I love the way its even got a holder for our extension lead too as i have that strapped up so we don’t have to worry about the wires being in the way.
All in all this is something i can really get behind and say i would recommend to others.
First impressions are great with this stand. There are lots of solidly made parts fitted into the PropVue branded outer cardboard box. The base tripod section, three progressively narrower poles, a power socket holder, an angled tripod-top mount, a top tray (which requires assembly – with the tools provided), a flexible mobile phone holder, some cable clips and a storage bag.
Assembly proceeds by firstly opening out the tripod legs and then inserting the verticl asections and setting to your chosen height. Horizontal pins can be used if you want a tall stand, but leave them out if you want the stand to be short – as they block the topmost pole from sliding in to the partly built structure.
The top tray is thin pressed metal and not as solid as the rest of the structure – it is assembled with four bolts and wingnuts on to the section that joins the tripod and allows some tilting.
Once assembled, the tripod and its centre column are very strong and robust. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for the fitting of the top tray to the centre column. I have tried with a standard laptop and an unltarlight chromebook, and in both cases the top wobbles whenever I am typing. Not only that, but if it is bumped slightly then it loosens from the tripod screw mount at the top of the colum, making it wobble even more, and once in place, it is hard to grip the surfaces to retighten it.
If you are able to use this in an area where it wont be at risk of being bumped into, then I think it would be suitable – for me, however it is not very usable as a laptop stand, and I would not use it for a projector either, as the picture would be moving around a bit too much.
Until I find a better use for it, perhaps as a lighting stand, I will be storing it in its box – the storage bag just looks like a flimsy shopping bag, and I dont think adds much to the product.
I have deducted a star for this wobbly top, but that may not apply for all use cases hence I have not gone so far as to say it is unfit for purpose. Be aware of the issue before you choose. Price when reviewed was around 43.
Estoy entusiasmada con este trpode tan verstil y elegante, adems de resistente. En cuanto lo vi, pens un momento y lo cog al ver las indicaciones de para todo lo que serva y ya no me lo pens ms, porque yo de momento no tengo ningn proyector (que todo se andar), pero soy msico y ojal hubiera tenido uno de estos cuando estudiaba, porque con el peso de los libros, el atril se caa un montn de veces y te desconcentraba totalmente, pero bueno, han pasado los aos y aqu est esta maravilla que sirve para casi todo.
La verdad es que trae muchsimos accesorios y es lgico, porque segn para lo que se use se necesitan ms o menos, pero no faltan y aunque no haya instrucciones en castellano es fcil de montar, aunque haya que echar un poco de fuerza para ello.
Su color negro y su aspecto elegante, hacen que quede bien en cualquier parte y es una ventaja, porque como sirve para muchas cosas lo podemos ubicar donde sea, que no va a desentonar.
Este trpode es muy funcional e intuitivo en su forma. Y adems todos los ajustes que tiene de altura e inclinacin hace que sea tan verstil y sirva para usarlo para varias cosas.
Se puede utilizar para cmaras, luces LED, Cmara de accin o altavoces (con el cabezal esfrico que est colocado debajo del soporte), Tablets, ordenadores porttiles e incluso partituras y/o libros de msica, etc. Es un soporte tan multifuncional con una mesa ajustable en 360 .
Si se usa, como de momento he hecho en mi caso, como trpode para msica se puede utilizar componer, tocar un instrumento musical, e incluso como mesa para un DJ, tal y como figura en sus posibilidades (aunque esto ltimo lo imagino, porque yo no soy DJ).
Adems tambin podemos ubicar el smartphone con un controlador de cuello de cisne en la parte de arriba, por encima de la base de apoyo del trpode y transmitir lo que estemos haciendo, sin hacer ningn esfuerzo paralelo.
La bandeja superior que es donde apoyamos lo que vayamos a utilizar, es basculante y adems lleva una tela que impide que se resbale en ella nada, y si es necesario poner algo muy pesado se puede adems sujetar con unas gomas anchas que vienen a tal efecto, para asegurarnos de que no se va a caer. Para los libros de msica y/o partituras tenemos pinzas especiales para sujetarlos en caso de necesidad o que el viento nos empuje la partitura que estamos ejecutando (antes el tocar al aire libre era una pesadilla, porque los atriles cromados de siempre, aunque buenos, si haca mucho viento hasta incluso se caan enteros).
Este trpode soporta hasta 6 kg de peso, lo cual hace posible toda su versatilidad de uso. Y en cuanto a la altura, puede llegar como mximo a alcanzar 1,50 m y como mnimo 66 cm, con lo cual, las posibilidades de uso son casi infinitas; y teniendo en cuenta siempre la apertura de las tres patas que debe ser de unos 50 cm, para tener la estabilidad que debe, le pongamos lo que sea; y siempre teniendo en cuenta que la zona de base donde se apoya todo tiene unas medidas de 38 X 28,5 cm, que es ms que suficiente para apoyar cualquiera de las cosas y/o aparatos mencionados.
Resumiendo, que su inquebrantable firmeza se debe a todos sus componentes, que bien colocados (pasadores de sujecin, palomillas a la altura deseada, elsticos sujetando lo que fuere en la mesa, sus pies antideslizantes y la anchura de sus patas, etc), hacen que sea tan seguro para todo. Y como msico y con muchos aos de atril a cuestas, os recomiendo que siempre pongis una de las patas justo delante, puesto que todo el peso de lo que haya en la bandeja, trpode incluido tiende a ir hacia all y as, dejando las otras dos atrs, queda ms equilibrado, adems de procurar que las palomillas de sujecin de los distintos tubos, os queden tambin hacia el mismo lado, porque si tenis que reajustar la altura de alguno o lo que sea, si no estn todos al mismo lado os podis volver locos y hasta se pueden chocar las palomillas segn la altura escogida. Son muchos aos de atriles chicos y la experiencia siempre es un grado.
Y por supuesto agradecer la bolsa de transporte, aunque desmerezca con el trpode, puesto que es de tela y muy sencilla, pero se agradece, que bastante lo es tener que desmontarlo para llevarlo y volverlo a montar.
Desde mi punto de vista y con lo poco que lo he probado (ponindole varios libros de msica encima), que ya probar con el porttil a una altura ms baja, como la del sof por ejemplo, lo recomiendo al 100 % y seguro que no os arrepents si lo cogis.
Como regalo a alguien que est estudiando msica y tenga un atril normal, y vea esto y para todo lo dems que sirve, le dejis como dicen “sin habla”. Aprovechad estas fiestas si os queda algn regalo pendiente.
Espero haberos ayudado y Feliz Ao Nuevo a todos!
Firstly this item came very well boxed, it’s fairly heavy, and every part of the tripod stand was in its own bubble wrap or plastic sleeve. The instructions are easy to follow and clear with illustrations on all the steps needed to put it together. Conveniently, it comes with its own tightening locks and keys to tighten all the screws and components together.
Once fully assembled it stands quite tall and the length can be adjusted according to your needs. The legs are thick which keeps the whole structure steady and I did like the addition of the power strip holder and the accompanying velcro ties and clips to hold an extension lead and any cables in place.
The flat tray can be adjusted to 30 degrees, which is handy, particularly when using a laptop. The flexible phone holder and clip are a welcome edition and allows you to mount your phone and bend it to a preferred angle. The tray can be swapped out for mounting other accessories such as the phone holder or the 1/4-inch thread which is conveniently screwed to the bottom of the tripod stand, which gives the tripod plenty of options for various usages.
It’s an extremely flexible stand and can be used in multiple ways, and when not in use, it can easily be dismantled to put away in the included carry bag. Personally, I’ll be using this to mount my projector, so that the family and I can enjoy movies together.
We have a projector that we’ve had to makeshift a stand each time we try to set it up – it tends to go poorly and we spend most of the time adjusting it! So, it was great to finally have a good quality stand that we can just set up anywhere and start using.
It also has a couple of neat little bonuses like a holder for the power brick and even your smartphone, and cable management options which is really handy as we do have little ones that tend to tug on loose cables. This also means it can be really useful as a laptop stand too which we’ve used as well.
Setup doesn’t take too long and it can thankfully collapse into a shape that’s easy to store. I also like that it doesn’t have to have the top plate attached and can serve as a more traditional tripod for cameras and studio monitors, which makes this a very versatile and handy stand to have around for all sorts of occasions.
The quality is good too and I’ve been using it whenever the projector comes out, and even as a laptop stand. I recommend it.
Feels well made sturdy and durable.
Is easy to put together.
Is also easy to adjust.
Great for my movie projector, as it sits perfectly on it.
Can have a variety of different items on it, so is versatile.
Very happy with the overall quality of this.
Projectors are getting better and better but to gain the benefit the Projector needs to be at the correct height and distance from the screen. In the past there would be a chair and then either telephone directories or thick catalogues balanced on top to get to the right height.
The PropVue Projector Tripod Stand solves this problem in an instance. You do need to assemble the kit which is relatively simple but strap your projector to the stand – move to a suitable distance from screen and set the height – most projectors will have a keystone adjustable but it is better not to have to use it – the PropVue Projector Tripod Stand will alleviate this!.
A Great Stand – I recommend it!
I was an early adopter of short throw projectors. These projectors need to be near the screen to work. The bonus is that they are extremely portable, the downside is that you need to find a place to put the projector near the screen. Up until now, I have been stacking boxes to put the stand on, but I was considering putting a shelf up in places I want to use the projector, not an ideal situation tbh.
The stand has solved all of my issues in one fell swoop.
First, the construction and materials used is excellent. Fully assembled the stand is very stable. With my projector on top any wobble once pushed is minimal. It does need a little bit of assembly and for those not used to tripods it may take a little working out.
The design is very well thought out with an extension/power adaptor holder and the option to use either a 360 ball mount with devices that will accept a tripod mount or a stand for music/laptops /large devices etc – this also accepts the included flexible extended phone mount. For those searching for the ball mount – it is situated at the very bottom of the tripod stand between the feet.
For my uses this stand is a godsend, it holds my projector and power lead very securely and gives a good stable platform to watch movies.
At the time of receiving this stand the price was 29.99, however the price has recently risen to 44.99. For me this is still a 5 star product and 29.99 was an excellent price. The new price would still be worth it for me because of the power management options, but this may not be as important for everyone.
Firstly I know the title might seem negative, but I did give this 4 stars, so bear with me.
The instructions were clear and building was fairly easy for most people to be able to put this together.
There were quite a few parts, so it looks a little daunting when you open the box.
The poles and stand plate were of decent quality and it did go together nice and sturdy(ish), I say (ish) because the plastic parts dont seem like they are up to the job for a lasting product. I could be wrong here but they seem brittle and light. Not that anything broke, it didn’t, I would just have preferred them to be a little more substantial, especially the spinners at the bottom.
So yeah it works well as intended though and as I said, it’s fine.
I really do like this will get plenty of use from it. Value is about right, it’s not at the low end of prices, but then again it’s not at the low end of quality either. It’s certainly a lot better than the cheaper range.
This is such a solid, sturdy piece of kit, with a lot of thought clearly going into the design.
There are *a lot* of parts to this, but assembly is pretty straightforward, and once assembled, can remain together, by and large.
To show how well this has been thought out, I love the addition of a power-brick holder near the base of the stand, so when you move it with your laptop or projector on, you don’t yank your hardware off the top because of the weight of the power-brick on the floor; it all comes with you!
It feels solid when assembled, though I’m not sure I’d put the top sliding pole up to full height and then be willing to put a projector on top. I feel that the tripod legs would have to go wider before I’d risk a very expensive projector that way! But this is a niggle–the stand is well built, and the options for height and tilt are excellent.
The addition of a bag for storage and transport is useful, as if you have a set bag there when packing up after a show, you tend not to leave anything behind (beware the costly voice of experience!).
Really, this is a no-brainer, especially at the price. If you’re looking for a stand, look no further!
This is assembled with separate units and is not the quickest to setup, so if you need to setup this in a moment you will struggle.
It is not the quickest to assemble or breakdown, and I do find I have to keep checking if I have everything.
However once assembled and everything done it is quite sturdy, with little to no sway.
The top section is sturdy and can be angled without any problems.
There is a lot of extra bits to this, a section for the power bank, clips for the cables, a phone extension.
I do like the versatility that this offers, it means I can use it as a simple stand or as a more heavy duty stand, and if need be even as a lecturn.
The two things I felt could be better are the elastic straps and the bag.
The elastic straps while quite stretchy do not have my grip so anything of weight will overpower them right away.
The bag is a nice quality of material, but I cannot put everything in without some clever puzzle solving, and the zip is not the best. But on the upside once everything finally is in I have no worry about anything poking a hole in the bag.
As a note the 1/4 head is stored at the bottom of the tripod, not the first place I looked for it
Overall, great stand for a projector or similar, and while it can be assembled quickly it will still take a few minutes of screwing things in and assembly. It is sturdy and caters very well to a projector or laptop, the mobile phone extension is nice aswell.
The PropVue Projector Tripod Stand is a versatile and well-crafted solution for various needs, from supporting projectors to laptops, cameras, lights, and even DJ equipment.
Its height-adjustable feature, ranging from 66 to 150cm, ensures adaptability to different setups. The sturdy construction speaks for its durability, making it a reliable choice for various applications. The easy-to-adjust design simplifies the setup process, saving time for users.
Whether you’re a professional DJ, photographer, or someone in need of a reliable stand, the PropVue Projector Tripod Stand proves to be a worthwhile investment, offering a blend of quality, versatility, and user-friendly features.
This has got to be one of the best ideas when it comes to tripod stands yet, and fully usable for so many things, such as a projector stand, laptop stand, to using it as a camera tripod.
Very simple to set up, and the build and material quality was very good for the main parts but was letdown by the cheaper things made from plastic
As said the items that were in the box made from plastic was the only letdown as they were all made from very cheap brittle plastic but to be fair all these kinds of bits are changeable (and were by me) that are cheap as chips anyway, even for the better quality bits available
The straps included need to be rethought through as well as not much elasticity in them, and I would suggest to use some small ratchet type straps instead.
Now even though this has a few flaws due to some of the poor plastic materials used as mentioned above, because of the overall versatility of this stand and most of the important/main materials used being at a very good standard, I’m still awarding this a 5 out of 5 stars, as the price that’s being asked for this is simply a fantastic bargain and even if you do decide or have to replace the cheaper bits, this would still be the bargain of the century for anyone after something like this
The stand itself is sturdy and of good quality however, a few niggles include a stupidly shaped carrier bag that isn’t big enough to fit everything in and cannot zip up. The cable clips do not fit around the poles without using so much force I almost broke my finger. Item does the job but those 2 points are especially annoying.
This is being used professionally to hold a portable projector to show animations during a dance event.
I use a lot of tripods for lighting and sound systems, but we needed one designed for a projector as the in-house system is broken and we needed to elevate our portable one over a railing.
This projector is very compact and comes in a number of pieces – a standard tripod base, 3 extension poles and the platform for holding the projector. There’s a few other bits and bobs too.
The tripod base isn’t very wide – about 56cm between feet, but it’s fine for stability as long as not used in a public area.
The three extension poles are pretty standard, the lower two have pin holes, the upper one is held only by the clamp. Because of this I’d say that the maximum height with a projector is likely to be with the lower two poles in their maximum pinned extension and the upper pole fully retracted – this is 1m 19cm. With a light projector you could extend the upper pole – I’d recommend adding some tape to the inner pole where it’s clamped to give more grip, and you could get up to about 1m 35cm safely – any higher is just going to be too unstable in my opinion and 1m 50cm as stated in the listing is not actually possible.
There’s also a flexible rod for attaching a phone to – this screws into a corner of the flat top or with an adaptor (that comes screwed into the base of the tripod for some odd reason) and adds an extra 50cm in height, allowing you in theory to position a phone camera around 2m high. I suspect that most people will either use it for a projector OR a phone holder, but unlikely to be both. Most of the weight and time to set-up is around attaching the flat table for the projector- so it’s quite handy you can use it as a portable phone holder without carrying the heavy flat top around too.
The quality of everything is good and should take some heavy usage.
It would have been nice to have pin holes in the top rod and not just rely on the friction created by the clamp, and a smaller carry bag for when using it as a phone tripod only, but these aren’t really complaints. For the price this is a high quality piece of kit.
Regret not buying it sooner. For roughly 35 ish it’s worth it. I can watch tv shows at perfect height. Can use mirror screen and see the back of my hair whilst sitting. The straps are amazing. Perfect for shoots, presentations or for events. Light to carry. Added ankle weights to mine when dog sitting a husky. No fall.
Hope that helps
This stand met my expectations. I use it to work while standing, taking breaks from sitting. It can also be used for a projector. The quality is good. There’s a special mat to prevent the stand from wobbling during use. It comes with a carry bag. The height and tilt angle are easily adjustable. I recommend it.
To sum up: build quality is top-notch, and packaging and delivery are flawless. Love this product so much. Highly recommend to everyone.
Overall, I’m excited about howQ strong and sturdy it is.
Assembly is simply just place stand on floor, Paul Manuel out, outbox, secure base from Lyon floor, place first extension in top of stand, insert locking pin titan and then move onto the other parts. Being sure to follow the instructions this should be assembled within five minutes with no difficulties. It would, however be nice if the screws were not in the same bag as the bolts that hold down the top plate. They can be difficult to fish out of the packaging. I’m not one for dumping stuff onto a table as I have lost parts that way.