ZIMAIC Camping Cutlery, 5 in 1 Cutlery Set Multitool

ZIMAIC Camping Cutlery, 5 in 1 Cutlery Set Multitool Portable Stainless Steel Spoon, Fork, Knife & Bottle Opener Combo Set, Outdoor Detachable Tableware Utensil-Travel, Backpacking

Weight: | 121 g |
Dimensions: | 12.7 x 4.7 x 4.2 cm; 120.5 Grams |
Brand: | ZIMAIC |
Dimensions: | 12.7 x 4.7 x 4.2 cm; 120.5 Grams |
Funktionale Anordnung trifft auf eine leichte aber augenscheinlich stabile Konstruktionen. Die Lager der beweglichen Elemente machen einen robusten Eindruck. Der Haupteinsatzzweck ist auf die Nahrungszufhrung gerichtet. Das sollte gewhrleistet werden!
Derartiges Campingbesteck habe ich in jedem Auto liegen, fr alle Flle. Und auch im Fundus fr die Camping- und Zeltlagerausflge der Kinder gibt es bereits solche Teile, die sich ber die Jahre angesammelt haben. Dabei geht der Fundus von wirklich einfachen und billigen Blechteilen bis hin zu durchaus hochwertigen und funktionalen Bestecksets. Dieses Set hier ist meiner Ansicht nach durchaus in den oberen Regionen des Bereichs anzusiedeln.
Es handelt sich um ein Set das alle wichtigen Teile (Messer, Gabel, Lffel) in einem normalen Format mitbringt, wie man es auch vom Besteckt zu Hause gewohnt ist. Die Teile lassen sich zum Gebrauch ordentlich verriegeln und somit sicher bedienen.
Es gibt noch praktische “Zusatzausstattung” wie Korkenzieher und Dosen/Flaschenffner. Alles nicht fr den reinen Zweck optimal, aber als Kompromiss- und Notlsung durchaus funktional.
Zusammengeklappt ist es kompakt und lsst sich gut und sicher verstauen. Es gibt keine losen Kleinteile, die verloren gehen knnen, und im mitgelieferten Beutel ist alles gut aufbewahrt.
Die Anordnung der Teile ist jedoch ein wenig eigen. Dadurch das Lffeln und Messer in einer Hlfte vereint sind, ist das Handling des Messers etwas behindert. Auch aus praktischen Gesichtspunkten bei der Verwendung wrde ich Gabel und Lffel an einem Teil bevorzugen, damit man z.B. das Brot zur Suppe schneiden knnte ohne vorher “Umbauen” zu mssen.
As someone who enjoys camping and backpacking, having a multi-tool like this is a game-changer. The set combines a spoon, fork, knife, and bottle opener, all made of stainless steel. What I love most about it is how portable and lightweight it is. It doesn’t add much weight to my backpack, which is essential when I’m trying to pack light for a trip.
The quality of each tool in the set is pretty impressive. The spoon is just the right size for eating soups or cereals, and the fork is sturdy enough to handle all kinds of food. The knife is sharp and cuts through most things I’ve tried it on, from bread to tougher materials like meat or veggies.
The bottle opener feature is a nice touch. It’s come in handy more than once, especially during those relaxing evenings by the campfire. It’s great not having to carry a separate bottle opener when I’ve got this multi-tool with me.
One of the coolest features is how the utensils can detach. This makes using them a lot easier, especially when I need to use the knife and fork at the same time. Plus, it makes cleaning them after a meal a lot simpler.
Overall, this 5 in 1 Camping Cutlery Set is a superb addition to my camping gear. It’s well-made, practical, and takes up very little space. It’s been super useful on my camping trips, making meal times a lot more convenient.
Although it looks rather bare-bones, practically skeletal, this is actually a very well-equipped little set of camping/travel cutlery. Everything fits together neatly and tightly without needing to worry about any manipulating any screws or locking mechanisms except for the knife, which locks when unfolded and requires unlocking to fold back up, a useful safety feature particularly for a part-serrated blade that comes this sharp although needless to say it’s not technically UK EDC-legal. The fork detaches from the back of the tool on its own; the knife and spoon are at opposite ends of the main piece with the corkscrew/can-and-bottle opener opening on opposite sides partway along. The fit is all very tight and all the attachments are actually quite stiff to unfold at first, and there are star-head screws which could be loosened or tightened as desired. The stainlessness of the steel seems to be very thorough, often a concern in items like this, and being all-metal it’s very easy to wipe off after use. If you’re looking for an all-in-one cutlery set for camping or similar, this is an inexpensive but comprehensive option.
I thought this cutlery set looked a bit flimsy at first, but it’s actually a great design and well made.
It did take me a couple of minutes to work out how to separate it all, and it’s not the most comfortable to hold while you’re eating, but for such a neatly designed gadget it’s worth it.
A great idea for camping, or just to keep in your bag for when you need it.
Ok, prima di usare questo attrezzo per la prima volta prendetevi 5 minuti per capire come funziona.
Una volta capito il funzionamento per, si comprende che si tratta di un attrezzo indispensabile in caso di picnic, campeggi, o tutte quelle volte in cui si mangia all’aperto.
Al suo interno cela un cavatappi, un apribottiglie, un apriscatole, una forchetta, un coltello e un cucchiaio, ma molto intelligentemente, la forchetta staccabile dal resto, dando cos la possibilit di avere forchetta e coltello separati.
Da chiuso veramente tascabile, e non ha sporgenze che potrebbero essere pericolose se tenuto in tasca, inoltre la lama del coltello, che per met seghettata e met affilata (non taglientissima comunque), protetta.
Fra l’altro, pensavo che la forchetta, premendola forte, si piegasse, visto che sottile, invece no, molto bene.
Complessivamente l’ho trovato un buon prodotto, per il prezzo richiesto, e pu risultare molto comodo.
For camping this little set is perfect and unlike a traditional multitool, the parts are detachable to allow ease of use. Having used the spoon/knife as well as the fork part, for eating on various occasions, I can attest that they are portable, lightweight and of solid enough build that they are durable enough to last a long time. Given that I cannot fault the product in any way, and the included pouch is great for carrying the thing too. Value wise it is what it is, I think that it’s such a specific product (compact and lightweight) tailored for activities that merit that, such as camping… Then that is what adds value to it beyond average cutlery. So that is debatable, but it certainly ticks all the boxes in the regard of those as it does not take up much space and is light.
Very well made and cleverly designed this handy dandy little compact cutlery device is a very useful thing to have.
Great for camping or just keeping in your car if like me that’s where you have your lunch at work.
Took me a minute how to get it apart as the fork dies separate from the knife/spoon part so it’s fully functional and not just a last resort.
Also has a bottle opener and a little draw string storage bag
Siete appassionati di outdoor? Queste posate pieghevoli faranno al vostro caso. Praticit e funzionalit in un unico prodotto.
Il set composto da cinque utensili – un cucchiaio, una forchetta, un coltello, un apribottiglie e un cavatappi – tutti pieghevoli e realizzati in acciaio inossidabile. Il design permette di risparmiare spazio e insieme la disponibilit di tutto ci che occorre per godersi un pasto all’aperto. Il materiale in cui realizzato garantisce lunga durata e resistenza alla ruggine. La custodia con coulisse facilita il trasporto e mantiene le posate pulite e ordinate.
Fr die schnellen Leser nehme ich meine Bewertung vorweg, nachfolgend erlutere ich Ihnen die Details meiner Entscheidungsfindung, meine Eindrcke zum Produkt.
(5 Sterne)
Tadellos, in allen Details berzeugend.
Die Fertigungsgte ist hervorragend, alle Kanten sind korrekt entgratet, die Passgenauigkeit aller Bauteile ist exakt.
Recht praktisch und passgenau erscheint mir auch der kleine Aufbewahrungsbeutel, der auch gut die Zinken der Gabel schtzt.
Ich bin mit der Funktion des Falt-Bestecks sehr zufrieden und das aus verschiedenen Grnden:
– Ich gehe keine Kompromisse ein, denn Lffel, Gabel und Messer entsprechen funktional einem gngigen Edelstahl-Besteck und erwecken nicht den Eindruck einer Notlsung
– tadellose Funktion, alle Bewegungen und der Steckmechanismus sind przise
– wirklich kompakte Bauweise, passt in jede Tasche, dabei verletzungsfrei
– Zusatzfunktion durch Flaschenffner und Korkenzieher
Ich bin darber erstaunt, wie passgenau der Steckmechanismus der beiden Gehusehlften ist und das ist auch ntig, denn nur so lsst es sich leicht trennen und auch wieder zusammenstecken. Damit kann das Besteck beidhndig benutzt werden.
Das Handgefhl ist dabei natrlich etwas anderes als bei haushaltsblichem Besteck, denn die Griffe sind geschlossen, dennoch strt das nicht, meine ich.
Ich erkenne keinerlei Mngel, weder funktional noch qualitativ, so spreche ich eine uneingeschrnkte Kaufempfehlung aus.
Vielen Dank fr Ihre Aufmerksamkeit bei der Lektre meiner Rezension. Wenn Sie mchten, geben Sie mir gerne ein Feedback oder einen “Daumen” dazu, ich freue mich darber.
The ZIMAIC Camping Utensils is a versatile 5-in-1 cutlery multitool that’s perfect for outdoor adventures. It’s compact and cleverly designed, being a stainless steel spoon, fork, knife, and bottle opener, all in one, well, two, considering the item splits in two. So, covering all my essential utensil needs.
While the knife and fork/spoon might not be the most comfortable in hand – it’s a trade-off for the tool’s flexibility.
The fork/spoon is detachable and can be folded into the tool when not in use, with a locking system for safety. It’s lightweight, durable, as stainless steel, and should be tarnish and rust-free. Cleaning the item can be challenging, absent a dishwasher, should food get into the relatively complex mechanism.
A drawstring pouch is included if that is your thing.
Overall, this cutlery tool is well-made and designed, the locking system works well, and the tool operates smoothly.
In conclusion, the ZIMAIC Camping Utensils is a well-engineered and versatile tool, great for on-the-go dining – whether hiking, camping, or a takeaway on the road. It’s compact, easy to use, and offers great value for outdoor enthusiasts and those of us who appreciate a good gadget.
My dad bought something similar years and years ago at a flea market. It wasn’t nearly as good as this one, but proved very useful a countless number of times when traveling.
I ordered this set because it’s detachable. You can have a spoon and a fork or a fork and a knife, which is super handy.
The detaching was easy for me, but not attaching the two parts again together. It took me a while to realize I was simply doing it upside-down
All utensils are quite comfortable to use. I love the fact that the fork and the knife have a lock which keeps them in place. The knife in my set is surprisingly sharp for this sort of cutlery! Other utensils include a corkscrew, a can/bottle opener and a wine opener lever once you mount the corkscrew. Each part of the set is pretty much full size.
The steel used for this product feels sturdy and good quality. It’s stainless steel without the manufacturer going into details about the composition. Hopefully it will last long.
The knife has a clean and serrated part and is really sharp as mentioned earlier. The whole set assembled together weighs 120g and easily fits in a pocket. You get a nice drawstring bag to keep it clean and ready to use. I’m quite impressed by this set and for 15 I’m definitely happy to recommend it.
Thank you for reading my review. I hope you found it helpful.
Se trata de un conjunto de cubiertos pensados para llevar de camping, excursiones, etc. Por tanto, han sido diseados para que ocupen muy poco espacio y sean ligeros y fciles de llevar, cosa que, en mi opinin, lo han conseguido muy bien.
Se presentan en una pequea caja de cartn convencional, sin ninguna inscripcin, ni imagen ni ningn otro elemento de diseo, por lo que no es una presentacin demasiado atractiva si lo queremos para regalar.
Dentro de la caja encontramos una pequea bolsa de tela de color gris y, dentro de esta bolsa, hay el set de cubiertos protegido con plsticos.
Est todo hecho de metal y est hecho de dos piezas que vienen encajadas y luego se pueden ir desplegando las distintas partes, como si fuera una navaja suiza. Podemos encontrar un tenedor, una cuchara, un abrelatas, un sacacorchos y un cuchillo, cuya mitad del filo es de sierra. Todo se puede usar sin separar las dos piezas excepto el cuchillo.
Separar las dos partes es fcil si sabes cmo. El problema es que esto no viene explicado en ningn lado, as que estuve un rato hasta averiguar cmo hacerlo. Para que no te suceda lo mismo, te cuento como se hace: Primero despliegas la cuchara y el tenedor para que no te estorben, y luego hay que deslizar la pieza que tiene el tenedor hacia el lado donde hay la cuchara. Oirs un clic y ya podrs separar las piezas sin problema. Despus se pueden volver unir haciendo lo mismo al revs.
Cuando se separa, te queda el tenedor por un lado y todo lo dems por el otro lado. La parte del cuchillo tiene un detalle muy interesante y es que cuando lo despliegas, hay una especie de pestaa que salta y bloquea el cuchillo, de modo que no hay peligro de que se cierre accidentalmente y nos pille los dedos. Para poder desbloquear el cuchillo deberemos presionar encima de esta pestaa. Este cuchillo tiene la punta redondeada, por lo que no servir para clavar.
Lo que ms me ha sorprendido de este conjunto de cuchillos es que se ven muy slidos y bien hechos. Muchos de estos sets de cubiertos suelen ser muy sencillos, endebles o incmodos de usar, pero con este se puede comer de una forma muy decente. Evidentemente, unos cubiertos de este estilo nunca ser como comer con unos cubiertos de una sola pieza, pero aun as estn muy bien, mejor de lo que me esperaba. En cambio, el sacacorchos es bastante incmodo, personalmente no creo que lo use. En cuanto al abridor de latas, hace su funcin.
La bolsa de tela que trae es de la medida ideal para poner los cubiertos una vez estn encajados en una sola pieza. Al ser de tela, es fcil que se manche, as que antes de ponerlos debemos asegurarnos que estn limpios y secos.
Quizs, uno de los mayores inconvenientes que le veo es que tiene bastantes recovecos que van a dificultar la limpieza.
En resumen, se trata de uno cubiertos muy compactos pero robusto y de buena calidad y que sern ideales para excusiones y actividades en el exterior. Adems, incluye un abrelatas por si en algn momento nos hiciese falta. El sacacorchos para botellas de vino lo veo un poco intil, pero en general, es un conjunto bastante bueno.
Richtig hochweriges Besteck Set bei dem mitgedacht wurde!
Also erstmal liegt ein passgenauer kleiner Beutel bei, der die Aufbewarhung vereinfacht, damit es auch saubner aus dem Rucksack kommt.
Die beiden Teile lassen sich zusammenstecken, damit sie sich kompakter als ein Teil transportieren lassen.
Gabel und Lffel rasten leicht ein, das Messer wird sogar richtig verschlossen, wie man das von Taschenmessern kennt.
Ein zuszliches Klapp-Gadget dient nur der Abdeckung und Handhabung und liegt bei geschlossenem Messer auch ber dessen Vorderseite. Sehr gut mitgedacht!
Korkenzieher und Dosenffner sind natrlich Praktische Addons und stren auch keineswegs bei der Nutzung. Am hinteren Teil der Gabel befindet sich noch ein Haken, der sich zum Flaschenffnen nutzen lsst.
Das Messer hat vorne eine geriffelte Klinge und hinten eine Scharfe gerade Klinge. So ist auch da alles abgedeckt.
Alles in allem finde ich die Qualitt hier super gut (edelstahl rostet nicht!) und mit den genannten Feautres wirkt es tatschlich sehr gut durchdacht. Bei vielen anderen derartigen Tools wird einfach so viel wie mglich angebracht, ohne die Nutzbarkeit zu beachten – hier nicht, hier scheint mir so als ob alles gut passt!
Ich gebe hier klare 5 Sterne! Funktion ist voll gegegeben, Qualitt und Design super und von der Bauart her trotzdem minimalistisch und kein unntzes Gewicht verbaut.
Die Samt-Tasche las Bonus ist das i-Tpfelchen, selbst das ist wertiger als die dnnen schwarzen Beutel bei vielen anderen Produkten.
Presented perfectly with a high quality durable craftsmanship compact & neat design for multifunctional purpose from camping to hiking just being a couple to mention.
This set is very easy to use and practical & versatile to use. Absolutely no issues whatsoever in terms of colour drops or odours & to be fair delivers for value for money and will no doubt have an excellent service life
This 5-in-1 folding multifunctional cutlery is a versatile outdoor camping essential. I can also see it being used in more scenarios than just camping, and you could take it fishing, or it could be part of a student’s initial kit before they get established. The tool includes a knife, fork, spoon, wine corkscrew, and can opener/corkscrew—all the essentials, really.
The fork is detachable, allowing separate use from the knife and spoon parts of the combo, and it can be folded into the tool when not in use. Safety is ensured with a locking system for the blade and fork. The tool is made of high-quality stainless steel, and it’s lightweight, durable, and rust-free. This also makes it relatively easy to clean, although if food does get into the mechanism, then it will take some effort to clean it properly. Therefore, care should be taken.
A drawstring pouch is included for easy storage and portability, weighing 120.5 g, making it convenient for pocket or backpack use while keeping it clean and protected from dust and grime.
I really liked this cutlery tool, and I have owned a number of them over the years, and this is by far the best. The eating implements have a reasonable heft to them and are not flimsy, while the mechanism works very well to keep the knife and fork in place while you eat. It’s well made and an easy recommendation from me.
– got the essentials for any hiking/camping trip
– pretty well designed
– smooth hinges and rotations
– fairly good quality
– quite compact
– not the most comfortable to use the knife and fork but comes with the compactness
– not convinced on the quality of stainless steel, feel okay but will have to check over a longer period of use and many washes
My main concern with the con is just I’m not convinced on it’s quality, but it feels pretty good out of the box, after a few uses and washes. So it might not be that bad, I might just be pre-emptive on this. Overall it is very well made, deigned and there’s no sharp edges where there shouldn’t be or anything. Quite nice in the hand. Not the most comfortable to eat with but considering it’s meant to do a job. It does that job very well.
The lock to keep the knife is place works well. Easy to slide out the fork but not too easy.
Everything rotates nice and smooth. Quite a pleasant experience in that regard.
The only small gripe I do have is that the short stubby knife on the bottle opener seems a bit thrown on as it isn’t sharpened 100% correctly. It’s sharp enough for what it will be used for but it isn’t really needed. I’d still carry another knife that’s more capable and sharp for whatever you’d used this for.
The rest is all good in my experience. Small enough to throw in a bag and carry with you at all times. Been a few times I’ve been out hiking and haven’t had cutlery when needed so this comes in handy to just have in the bag at all times!
The ZIMAIC Camping Utensils, 5 in 1 Cutlery Multitool Portable Stainless Steel Spoon, Fork, Knife & Bottle Opener Combo Set is a pretty handy product!
The product is quite well constructed with it being all made of metal. But when you take the fork off, this part is flimsy compared to the other half which I dislike.
I must of spent nearly an hour trying to figure out how to remove the fork part, it took me having to go to YouTube to find the solution!
There was no instructions inside the box, and the Amazon advert/ and short Video still doesn’t show you how it removes.
But once you know how, it’s super easy! and you most likely wonder why you didn’t thing of that lol
I know i did!
For future reference it needs to state this in the listing, or provide a new video with the solution.
Apart from that this is a pretty cool little device! And ill be keeping it ij my glove box in my car, for when I need a fork or spoon at the ready.
Great handy product! Once you know how it comes apart.
Contiene le posate necessarie per ufficio, campeggio, escursioni, ecc. Molto comodo ad avere coltello e forchetta separabili. Il coltello ha blocco di sicurezza quando aperto. Ci sono anche cucchiaio, cavatappi e apribottiglie – insomma tutto per mangiare e bere fuori casa. Dopo primi usi il materiale (acciaio?) sembra essere di buona qualit, vediamo con tempo…
Viene consegnato in un anonima busta di plastica, dove troviamo le posate alloggiate in un comodo astuccio per il trasporto. Tutto ripiegato davvero piccolo, neanche 11cm che potete mettere ovunque senza fastidio.
possibile separare la forchetta da tutto il resto, e agganciata tramite dei perni, non ci sono istruzioni, ma semplice intuire il movimento per poterle agganciare.
C’ tutto quello che potrebbe servire in campeggio, coltello, forchetta, cucchiaio, apriscatole, apribottiglie e cavatappi.
Dato il prezzo estremamente basso un acquisto consigliato a chi ama fare pranzi in natura oppure stare in campeggio.
La prima cosa che colpisce la fattura di questo kit, davvero ben fatto, tutto di metallo ma non pesante, ottimamente compatto e con tutto quello che serve. Abbiamo, infatti, tutte le posate, cavatappi, apriscatole e apri lattine.
Menzione particolare per il coltello che mi ha fatto penare per capire come si potesse estrarre; incastrato all’interno e non c’ modo di tirarlo fuori con le dita. Poi ho scoperto che la forchetta si pu estrarre completamente ed utilizzare da leva per tirare su il coltello (giustamente direi, perch cos si possono usare contemporaneamente). Una volta aperto il coltello si blocca grazie ad una linguetta che va premuta per rimetterlo in sede.
Lato uso devo dire che praticamente perfetto perch i singoli tool sono ben saldi, robusti e di misura giusta. Da aggiungere che si pu fissare ad un anello ed ha il suo sacchetto di trasporto
Ottima qualit costruttiva
Tutti gli accessori che possono servire durante la scampagnata
Compatto e facilmente trasportabile
Potevano aggiungere una misera istruzione per il coltello perch non intuitivo (ma una volta scoperto diventa facile)
Davvero ottimo, ne sono soddisfatto perch fa bene il suo lavoro ed compatto e qualitativamente ottimo. Vediamo con l’uso come si comporta (parlo della stabilit dei perni e la durata dell’acciaio).
Spero di esservi stato utile