AILRINNI 4K Mini Projector with WiFi and Bluetooth 5.0-200

AILRINNI 4K Mini Projector with WiFi and Bluetooth 5.0-200 ANSI Outdoor Movie Projector, Auto Keystone Correction Portable Smart Projector Home Theater Compatible with iOS/Android/PC/DVD (White)

Weight: | 800 g |
Dimensions: | 21 x 13.4 x 12 cm; 800 Grams |
Brand: | AILRINNI |
Colour: | white |
Manufacture: | AILRINNI |
Dimensions: | 21 x 13.4 x 12 cm; 800 Grams |
Es un producto que cumple su cometido, voy a devolverlo porque no cumple mis necesidades ya que me gustara una experiencia mejor:
-Sonido pobre: Podra conectarlo a un altavoz bluetooth pero por espacio y practicidad no lo har.
-Imagen media: Hay partes de la proyeccin donde la imagen se ve un poco pixelada.
-Ruidoso: Entre un sonido malo y el ventilador del aparato la experiencia no es la mejor.
Teniendo en cuenta lo que cuesta un proyector de los buenos creo que este por el precio que tiene es muy bueno, sencillo de usar y sistema operativo bastante fluido.
Lo recomendara pero siendo consciente que tiene carencias.
Rtroprojecteur qui fonctionne bien, un peu bruyant et le song boffff, prvoir un enceinte bluetooth, les couleurs sont un peu fonce mais c’est pas gnant.
Dans l’ensemble cette appareil est au dessus de mes attentes vu son prix.
Je recommande
PS: impossible de regarder Disney+
Le vido projecteur est plutt beau en lui mme, pour le prix je me disais que j’allais avoir un truc un peu lger mais finalement il est mieux que ce que pensais, l’installation est rapide et intuitive pas besoin du manuel l’application Netflix est dj prsente, j’ai eu l’impression d’avoir un smartphone Android entre les mains pour le reste
…top les petits points ngatifs : il fait un peu de bruit, le son n’es pas du qualit exceptionnelle, pas de piles fournies pour la tlcommande et celle ci doit tre forcment point sur le vido projecteur pour rpondre la demande mais dans l’ensemble c’est plutt pas mal du tout ! A voir dans le temps maintena
Install ds la chambre parentale, ce mini projecteur fait parfaitement le job pour diffuser en trs grande taille nos films prfrs tout en restant sous la couette. Pour le prix, je ne suis pas du tout du, il y a une entre HDMI, et un menu trs intuitif. Coupl en Bluetooth avec une petite barre de son. C’est notre petit home cinma nous.
El cable de alimentacin es muy corto como para un proyector, por lo que no hay ocasin en la que no ocupe una extensin, ms que nada por como hay que posicionarlo. La calidad de imgen es buena, en lo que es detalles y resolucin me sorprendi mucho, no estoy seguro de que sea nativo 4K, pero sale como opcin cuando abro youtube en el (porque tiene android integrado) y tambin si conecto la laptop y abro windows. Pero igual al tenerlo alrededor de 80 pulgadas se ve muy ntido y brillante. No se me hizo buena la bocina integrada, por ello reproduca audio por bluetooth o por auxiliar.
Took this to the maldives, fitted in the case with the screen i bought as an extra. Set up on the beach watched a whole film but you do need an addition speaker which we already had and connected easy with bluetooth.Easy to set up and it was an amazing buy
I am very pleased with this case, and I’m using it all the time to carry and store my mini projector. It’s not rock-hard, but the case is well-made, feels sturdy, and the quality is very good. It holds my mini projector securely, and there is plenty of room for other accessories. Highly recommended!
This is a good quality Projector case, that could actually be used for many other items as well.
It would be great for small tools of for a collection of cables for example
The exterior is hard and durable and has both a carry handle and shoulder strap.
the interior has a zipped mesh pocket and room for connecting/charging cables
All in, this case is well made and protective
Not sure why the description mentions a laptop sleeve, I’m guessing that’s a typo
I’ve never bought a projector before so I wasn’t sure what to expect, what I did know, I didn’t want to waste my money on a poor product, however I decided to take a punt on this for my kids play room.
– it’s absolutely fine and has not disappointed.
– we have movie nights frequently and hooked up to a good sound system it’s very cinematic
– for the price it seems unbelievable (I was considering the Samsung but for the price and the reviews it didn’t seem worth the investment – pleased I went with this instead)
– the quality is not great (but not terrible) in broad day light
– the adjustable options are not precise so you may need to wiggle it around to get it where you want it
– the sound from the projected os poor BUT i always hook up to Bluetooth speakers so it’s not a problem
– it would be helpful if it can with a wall bracket.
– the power button is behind where the fire stick goes into it so that’s a really poor design function.
Would I recommend – yes! For the price you really can’t grumble.
Solid hard case for a projector with foam innards for added protection. The insides are removable so you can use this for just about anything that would fit. Very well sown with a good quality size and ideal for the price. Brilliant case for small devices. Very happy with this.
I’ve recently ordered one of these projector cases to store one of my drones. I was impressed with the quality so I ordered another.
The case is packed in plastic bag. The case is hardshelled with textured outer shell. The zips are decent quality and don’t stick The handle has a rubber grip while the shoulder strap feels a bit on the thin side. Inside the case it coated in a soft material. In addition there is also a piece of foam and an elasticated strap to keep everything secure. On the opposite side there is zip up pocket for accessories.
A great value and decent quality case.
I bought a projector some time ago of Amazon but it has just been stored in a cupboard getting knocked around.
The opportunity came to get this and try it out; its not an amazing case but i have not bought a 400 projector so this is perfect for storing the small BenQ projector i have.
The foam insert protects it enough to hold it firmly in the case and will be good for when it gets transported around as with me being in the Army, it does get taken away whenever i have the opportunity to take it with us.
At least with this, it wont be left loose in a bag and will now have some protection.
This mini projector came very well packaged and included the projector, the manual and the remote control which did not include batteries. The projector is lightweight, it can be taken anywhere as it is very practical and small, it is very stable and the angles of the projector can be changed very easily. It was very easy to use, it can be connected with Wifi and Bluetooth and is compatible with Android, IOS, DVD and PC. This projector has 9000 lumens and 12000:1 contrast ratio, it’s 4K, the brightness is very good and increases by 70%, it has a large screen and after using it on the wall I can say that the picture quality is very good, the noise is good and has a great zoom. I like it a lot, we have watched our favorite movies on a bigger screen, I think it’s worth it for the price.Would recommend!
Quality of the component materials was good. The projector is made of plastic that feels quite resilient. It is compact in size so it’s really portable for taking to friends. It has a good image resolution, even in light conditions it looks good. It has Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Applications can be downloaded and installed. It’s quiet when operating and your speaker sounds good, but you can connect to a larger speaker or soundbar. Good option for watching movies or series in a small room.
The picture quality is excellent. It’s easy to use,and after that arrived it was easy to connect.For price, the video is great, sound is alright, and it’s very small and convenient.
This is a great little projector for a kids room or travel. I’ve tried 3 different mini-projectors in the last two years and this is as good as anything else I’ve tried. Better than some of the others.
Cette petite sacoche rigide vous permettra ventuellement de protger votre mini projecteur si vous en avez un, mais galement tout un tas de choses fragiles (ou pas) que vous souhaitez protger.
Elle est livre avec sa sangle pour la porter en bandoulire, ainsi qu’une mousse anti chocs amovible l’intrieur. Pour le transport vous aurez le choix entre la poigne intgre ou bien la sangle afin de la porter en bandoulire.
La fermeture est d’excellente qualit, et la coque est bien rigide. L’un des compartiment est quip d’une pochette afin d’y ranger des cbles ou des petites choses qui sont susceptibles de trainer.
J’y range personnellement mon matriel informatique fragile (Disques durs).
Bon produit de manire gnrale pour le prix.
Par contre assez bruyant. Et manque des petites fonction comme par exemple mise hors tension automatique ou minuteur pour mise hors tension.
Si vous vous endormez il tourne comme un ventilo toute la nuit il ne s’teindra pas
Me gust la calidad de los materiales del producto. El proyector est elaborado con plstico que se siente resistente. Es de tamao compacto por lo que puede llevarse fcilmente a todas partes. Tiene una buena resolucin de imgenes, incluso en condicin de luz se ve bien. Cuenta con wifi y bluetooth. Se le pueden descargar e instalar aplicaciones. Es silencioso al funcionar y su bocina suena bien pero puede conectarse a una bocina ms grande o barra de sonido. Buena opcin para ver pelculas o series.