AILRINNI Digital Photo Frame WiFi 10.1 inch-Smart Cloud
AILRINNI Digital Photo Frame WiFi 10.1 inch-Smart Cloud Digital Picture Frame with 16GB Touch Screen, Electronic Photo Frame,Auto-Rotate,Share Photos or Videos by Frameo APP Gifts to Friends
Package included:
1 x WiFi Digital Photo Frame
1 x power adapter
1x digital frame holder
1 x user manual
The digital photo frame need connected to the power supply.
The digital photo frame has 16 GB of built-in memory, 16 GB available for photos & videos.
If you do not need to transfer pictures, you can disconnect the frame wifi.
Detailed configuration
RK 3126C Quad-core (up to 1.2GHz)
Built-in 16GB storage, Supports additional expansion of storage cards(up to 32GB)
Un trs beau cadeau faire Nol, facile d’utilisation, taille parfaite ni trop grand ni trop petit, ma mre a ador.
C’est vraiment idal si vous voulez voir les photos de famille rgulirement ou partager vos souvenirs avec votre famille plutt que d’utiliser le tlphone portable pour montrer les photos, c’est assez pratique pour les mettre dessus.
Ho acquistato questa cornice digitale per regalarla ad amici e devo dire che ha avuto un feedback molto positivo. Il design carino e semplice e pu tranquillamente diventare un elemento d’arredo per qualsiasi ambiente. Le funzionalit ottime, in particolare l’invio wireless delle foto tramite app che aggiungono sicuramente un tocco pratico. possibile infatti mandare, tramite app, una foto appena scattata, cosa che invece risulta scomoda quando si ha una cornice digitale che funziona con la scheda SD o con la pennetta. La qualit dello schermo buona, e l’interfaccia risulta intuitiva, facilitando il suo utilizzo quotidiano.
Nel complesso, se volete acquistare una cornice digitale soddisfacente senza eccessivi fronzoli e soprattutto senza la scomodit di dover acquistare anche una scheda sd, questa quella che fa per voi!
une fois install le produit fonctionne bien.
possibilit de mise en veille en fonction des horaires.
Par contre certaines photos sont “coupes” par le cadre, malgr le fait qu’elles aient t prises en mode “portrait”. Ce n’est pas une gnralit cependant.
Les grands parents sont ravis, ils avaient du mal a utiliser WhatsApp sur la tablette
This is a wonderful device that allows sharing pictures with family. In our case – grandparents that are tech-fobs.
As we live abroad, we needed a device that will allow sharing images without any issues. The app is simple to install on any phone and the authentification is simple. From that moment we weee able to share photos easily.
The brightness is good and screen quality is reasonable.
There is no battery hence the device must be connected at all ti e to the socket.
For the price it is sold it’s a great Christmas present.
5.0 out of 5 stars This is a great device to share images
AILRINNI 10.1 Inch Digital Photo Frame.
I chose this for my dad who has developed dementia.
With this photo frame I can change photos for him without being there, keep him updated with photos of the grandchildren and great grandchildren (we live 80 miles away).
There is 16gb of built-in storage, so in our case there is no need for adding a memory card.
The all round quality is very good and the frame size much bigger than the old one he has.
I can set the sleep mode so it doesn’t disturb him at night.
Overall, this photo frame is more expensive than some I had looked at but it’s size and the ability to add photos from wherever I am makes this worth the extra.
Happy to recommend this photo frame.
This makes a very meaningful Christmas gift, it’s easy to set up and load photos, it’s neat and visually appealing, I would recommend it as a great gift for a loved one
Trs bon produit rapport qualit prix, cran tactile, avec utilisation trs simple, et ce n’est pas un simple cadre photo numrique tt le monde peux vous envoyer des photos et vido en temps rel. Pour les personnes qui sont loignes ou les papy et les mamies pour avoir pleins de nouvelles de leurs petits enfants c’est vraiment bien !
cadeau offert par ma fille et que j’ai offert ma maman qui a plu tout de suite la famille. Fiable et prsente bien sur un buffet , photos immdiates reues sur le cadre et gres par nous mme pour le choix du temps du dfilement de la photo , je vous conseille vivement ce produit, surtout pour offrir. Mais petit bmol car suite disfonctionnement 4 mois aprs j’ai effectu un retour qui engendre pleins de problmes car soit disant qu’ils n’ont pas reu l’article…. faite attention aux personnes qui grent les retours , en plus contact par tlphone , a laisse rflchir pour les achats …..
Comprata in sostituzione di un’altra che si era guastata devo dire che molto funzionale.Se collegata col wifi di casa e con l’app installata sullo smartphone possibile caricare le foto o i video da remoto, cos anche se si sta in vacanza al ritorno le trovi gi, oppure riceverle da amici e famigliari condividendole tramite l’app.Lo schermo ha una buona risoluzione ed il touch molto reattivo.Ha una memoria interna da 16gb e nonostante abbia l’ingresso per la sd-card non permette di usarla come espansione di memoria ma solo per copiare le foto sulla cornice e questa una pecca.
Want to gift something to my granny, & this caught my eye at right time, Photos frame with a large display of 10inch with HD resolution works with cloud service so I can load pics from my end to sync all my childhood memories with granny & parents. Photos frame connects to wifi, is supported by an app, also have 16GB storage. Uses a minimal amount of power, though run all day also have auto sleep to save energy. Touchscreen display helps to flip through memories, response is good for the frame too. Lightweight and slim design fits’s well in hands. Comes with a stand to support it. Having a few more features makes it the best in the market & the perfect gift for Christmas and memorising old memories.
Aprs deux semaines de l’utilisation, je trouve qu’il est gnial ! Il est comme un vrai cadre de photos. Trs facile tlcharger les photos que je veux pour mettre dessus. Et il change automatiquement les photos horizontalement et verticalement.
Deux prises compris pour adapter mes besoins.
L’cran est trs clair. La rsolution est trs bien! Il peut se servir comme une petite lumire de la nuit!
Je le recommande vivement !!
Un trs beau cadeau faire Nol, facile d’utilisation, taille parfaite ni trop grand ni trop petit, ma mre a ador.
C’est vraiment idal si vous voulez voir les photos de famille rgulirement ou partager vos souvenirs avec votre famille plutt que d’utiliser le tlphone portable pour montrer les photos, c’est assez pratique pour les mettre dessus.
Ho acquistato questa cornice digitale per regalarla ad amici e devo dire che ha avuto un feedback molto positivo. Il design carino e semplice e pu tranquillamente diventare un elemento d’arredo per qualsiasi ambiente. Le funzionalit ottime, in particolare l’invio wireless delle foto tramite app che aggiungono sicuramente un tocco pratico. possibile infatti mandare, tramite app, una foto appena scattata, cosa che invece risulta scomoda quando si ha una cornice digitale che funziona con la scheda SD o con la pennetta. La qualit dello schermo buona, e l’interfaccia risulta intuitiva, facilitando il suo utilizzo quotidiano.
Nel complesso, se volete acquistare una cornice digitale soddisfacente senza eccessivi fronzoli e soprattutto senza la scomodit di dover acquistare anche una scheda sd, questa quella che fa per voi!
une fois install le produit fonctionne bien.
possibilit de mise en veille en fonction des horaires.
Par contre certaines photos sont “coupes” par le cadre, malgr le fait qu’elles aient t prises en mode “portrait”. Ce n’est pas une gnralit cependant.
Les grands parents sont ravis, ils avaient du mal a utiliser WhatsApp sur la tablette
This is a wonderful device that allows sharing pictures with family. In our case – grandparents that are tech-fobs.
As we live abroad, we needed a device that will allow sharing images without any issues. The app is simple to install on any phone and the authentification is simple. From that moment we weee able to share photos easily.
The brightness is good and screen quality is reasonable.
There is no battery hence the device must be connected at all ti e to the socket.
For the price it is sold it’s a great Christmas present.
I chose this for my dad who has developed dementia.
With this photo frame I can change photos for him without being there, keep him updated with photos of the grandchildren and great grandchildren (we live 80 miles away).
There is 16gb of built-in storage, so in our case there is no need for adding a memory card.
The all round quality is very good and the frame size much bigger than the old one he has.
I can set the sleep mode so it doesn’t disturb him at night.
Overall, this photo frame is more expensive than some I had looked at but it’s size and the ability to add photos from wherever I am makes this worth the extra.
Happy to recommend this photo frame.
This makes a very meaningful Christmas gift, it’s easy to set up and load photos, it’s neat and visually appealing, I would recommend it as a great gift for a loved one
cadeau offert par ma fille et que j’ai offert ma maman qui a plu tout de suite la famille. Fiable et prsente bien sur un buffet , photos immdiates reues sur le cadre et gres par nous mme pour le choix du temps du dfilement de la photo , je vous conseille vivement ce produit, surtout pour offrir. Mais petit bmol car suite disfonctionnement 4 mois aprs j’ai effectu un retour qui engendre pleins de problmes car soit disant qu’ils n’ont pas reu l’article…. faite attention aux personnes qui grent les retours , en plus contact par tlphone , a laisse rflchir pour les achats …..
Comprata in sostituzione di un’altra che si era guastata devo dire che molto funzionale.Se collegata col wifi di casa e con l’app installata sullo smartphone possibile caricare le foto o i video da remoto, cos anche se si sta in vacanza al ritorno le trovi gi, oppure riceverle da amici e famigliari condividendole tramite l’app.Lo schermo ha una buona risoluzione ed il touch molto reattivo.Ha una memoria interna da 16gb e nonostante abbia l’ingresso per la sd-card non permette di usarla come espansione di memoria ma solo per copiare le foto sulla cornice e questa una pecca.
Want to gift something to my granny, & this caught my eye at right time, Photos frame with a large display of 10inch with HD resolution works with cloud service so I can load pics from my end to sync all my childhood memories with granny & parents. Photos frame connects to wifi, is supported by an app, also have 16GB storage. Uses a minimal amount of power, though run all day also have auto sleep to save energy. Touchscreen display helps to flip through memories, response is good for the frame too. Lightweight and slim design fits’s well in hands. Comes with a stand to support it. Having a few more features makes it the best in the market & the perfect gift for Christmas and memorising old memories.
Deux prises compris pour adapter mes besoins.
L’cran est trs clair. La rsolution est trs bien! Il peut se servir comme une petite lumire de la nuit!
Je le recommande vivement !!