FREENOVE Ultimate Starter Kit for ESP32-WROVER (Included

FREENOVE Ultimate Starter Kit for ESP32-WROVER (Included) (Compatible with Arduino IDE)

FREENOVE Ultimate Starter Kit for ESP32-WROVER (Included) (Compatible with Arduino IDE), Onboard Camera Wireless, Python C, 814-Page Detailed Tutorial, 240 Items, 127 Projects

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Starter Kits, Boards, Robots

27 Responses

  1. Christy says:

     United States

    This kit is great. So many different modules and different implementations you can do. Relatively easy to set up with VS Code using the Platform IO extension. When I got it everything was on the board and in the process of trying to remove one of the controllers I broke a pin. I emailed them and they replaced it free of charge! Great customer service as well. Be careful with those pins! Follow the directions on how to remove stuff from the board safely.

  2. JanessaWui says:


    You get everything and more you need to learn and have fun. I have only done the Python courses, they are easy to follow. A lot of stuff to play around with. A good buy for anybody wanting to learn more about either ESP32 or/and Python.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Die Platine und das Zubehr ist sehr praktisch!
    Die Programmierbeispiele funktionieren bestens.
    Was fehlt, sind Beispiele fr eine Kombination der aufgefhrten Beispiele.
    Wo sind die Grenzen der Programmierung eines ESP32?

  4. Anonymous says:


    Sono un docente delle scuole superiori, utilizzo diversi kit della Freenove e devo dire che i vari tutorials disponibili gratuitamente sulla pagina ufficiale dell’azienda sono davvero ottimi. Un componente arrivato con un connettore inclinato e parzialmente dissaldato, ho scritto all’azienda e loro hanno provveduto velocemente ad inviarmi gratuitamente un pezzo di ricambio. Venditore consigliatissimo!

  5. Angie Wynne says:


    Ho ordinato questo kit per fare le prime esperienze con Arduino / ESP32. Il kit offre molti accessori, alcuni dei quali forse non user mai, altri forse a breve. Ho iniziato subito a fare esperimenti con il firmware ESPHome, adattissimo per molti progetti pi o meno semplici. Dopo alcuni fallimenti iniziali dovuti alla mia inesperienza e fretta di raggiungere risultati son riuscito a mettere in piedi un prototipo per leggere da remoto lo stato della mia caldaia ibrida, ossia temperatura ingresso/uscita dell’acqua, stato del segnale digitale di attivazione, corrente della pompa di calore. In pi sto completando due modulini per il monitoraggio remoto delle valvole di zona, ossia stato di ingresso dal termostato, stato del comando caldaia, temperatura dell’acqua verso i radiatori.
    Chiaro che ho dovuto acquistare dei componenti aggiuntivi, come le resistenze NCT (nel kit ce n’ una sola), i rilevatori di tensione 220, i sensori TA di corrente. Ma questo kit ideale per fare le prime prove.
    Il modulino ESP32 va benissimo, ne ho acquistati altri due del tipo ESP32-WROVER-E e altri tre del tipo ESP32-WROOM NODE-MCU di AZ-Delivery, Soddisfatto.

  6. JeniferDaly says:


    Really great kit. I know basic electronic components since before but if you dont there is even explanations for that. Beautiful kit and tutorials to learn about IoT components. You only need a computer to work with this kit but a multimeter might be good also.

  7. Blair Marnell says:

     United Kingdom

    The starter kit has many different components allowing a plethora of different projects to have a go with. The module itself is well-made and has a camera already connected. There is a useful expansion board with a voltage regulator on, allowing it to be powered by an external source, which also connects onto the supplied breadboard.

    I had some trouble running the basic LED blink code (the “hello, world” of embedded development), which I believe is due to the default strapping state of some of the ESP-32 pins but Freenove were very quick to respond to my email and their suggested remedy worked so I am now able to proceed with my project. The camera web server example also ran without a hitch.

    I found the Arduino IDE with the ‘sketches’ worked fine but it hides a lot of stuff. It is great for beginners but I am more used to a professional environment like Eclipse and VsCode, so will have a go at setting those up.

  8. Anonymous says:


    Mon premier kit, j’en suis heureux. La magie pure, un vrai plaisir, les tuto sont claire , et facile prendre en main, et le net et plein de projets plus fou les un que les autres

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This was my introduction to microcontrollers.

    This kit is very well put together, and has a large number of cool components to play with.

    The ESP32 board itself is high qualty, and comes with a nice breakout / breadboard adaptor.

    What is not mentioned very much is Freenove’s absolutely superb documentation – you dont need to buy the kit to get access (its on Github), but the kit contains all the correct part.

    This documentation is written twice – once for Micropython and once for C++ and it is brilliant – it
    introduces all the electronics concepts, explains all the components, and provides wiring diagrams and sample code. Well done Freenove 🙂

    This is so good, I bought another one for my son.

  10. Anonymous says:


    This starter kit is absolutely amazing, every component is of top quality, the freenove team knows what they’re doing and have made amazing in-depth tutorial PDF/videos, I preferred the PDF but it will get you up to speed in hardware projects ASAP, this kit is very worth it!

  11. Anonymous says:


    Este kit est muy bien para empezar, porque es muy barato para todo lo que trae. Tiene componentes originales, de alta calidad… Un manual muy detallado con explicaciones, tambin viene el software, drivers, ejemplos… Todo genial para empezar, como he dicho anteriormente. El nico pequeo defecto es que mi caja (la de plstico) vena un poco rota por fuera, pero al menos no tiene roturas internas. Por lo dems genial. Gracias.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis is an INCRED(IBLE value and a great package. The processor here is WIDELY used in wifi and bluetooth projects. If you have most any appliance (clock, lamp) that connects via WiFi, this chip is probably in there. If you want a TON of I/O, then keep looking at the Arduino or Raspberry Pi. Both excellent platforms, but with a different focus.

    This kit has everything you need, plus much more. You can code in Python or C, the BSP is available, all the dev tools work, their tutorials are excellent. There’s nothing bad to say about this package.

    HIGHLY recommended!

  13. Michelle Resendiz says:


    El Kit ha llegado completo y en perfecto estado al menos en la revisin que he hecho de cada pieza. Queda pendiente probar cada componente electrnico, tarea que ire haciendo progresivamente. Voy a hacer una prueba de concepto, especficamente con la placa ESP32 y el acelerometro/giroscopio que viene con el kit. Luego agregar un comentario final de mi experiencia con el kit.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo acquisto, kit completo, fatto molto bene, di qualit!
    Anche i vari sensori funzionano bene e son di qualit!
    Facile anche da far riconoscere dal pc!
    Unica peccavaligetta un po’ piccola, consiglio di cambiarla con una un po’ pi grande per un fattore di comodit!

  15. Anonymous says:


    Prodotto perfetto per lo studio e per giocare. Purtroppo non avendo il tempo necessario tra varie dogane e trasporto ho dovuto ordinarlo qui, 5 stele Amazon per la tempistica, purtroppo prezzo raddoppiato in Europa quando sul mercato asiatico si trova a prezzi decisamente inferiori

  16. ShauWgq2ql says:


    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersHabe dieses Set gekauft um mein C wieder etwas aufzufrischen und etwas Elektrotechnik zu lernen.
    Der Kasten kommt mit einem gigantischen Funktionsumfang, tollen Projekten und ist leicht in Betrieb zu nehmen. Die Anleitung ist leicht verstndlich.

    ALLERDINGS!: Als Lernkasten sollte man sich etwas von der Anleitung fernhalten. Sonst verkommt alles zu “Bau den Schaltkreis nach Anleitung, lad das Codesample auf den Chip, funktioniert, toll, nchstes Projekt.”
    So lernt man eher wenig. Leider ist in der Anleitung auch wenig auf den Elektrotechnischen Aspekt eingengangen, WARUM man nun den Schaltkreis genau so zusammenbaut. Das meiste ist offensichtlich, aber hufig musste ich rtseln, warum genau an eine Stelle nun ein wiederstand kommt.

    Um was zu lernen gehe ich nun wie folgt vor:
    1. Schaltkreis nach Schaltbild bauen und anschlieend anhand der ANleitung auf Richtigkeit kontrollieren.
    2. Herausfinden, was das Ding im Detail machen soll
    3. Ohne in den Code zu schauen versuchen es zum laufen zu bringen
    4. Am Codesample kontrollieren
    5. Eventuelle nderungen eigenstndig vornehmen.

    Wenn man das so macht hat man hier denke ich ein tolles Lernwerkzeug

  17. Anonymous says:


    J’ai test le projet cam+serveur web fourni pour voir si le module marchait la rception et nikel. Je le range car pas le temps de travailler sur mon module de surveillance de temprature et humidit distance. Puis le weekend dernier kje m’y met et l c’est le drame, le module reboot en boucle ds qu’il rencontre Wifi.begin j’ai essay tout ce que j’ai trouv sur le net (alimentation externe, upload du code zn diffrents mode et diffrentes vitesse) mais rien y fait. Le reste semble fonctionner (j’ai pas test le Bluetooth).

    Mais sans wifi a limite vachement.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our Usersid doesn’t seem to work at first because I forget to take the module off the board.
    I send an email to the support team and get a replied next morning.
    so far so good just recieved the kit so couldn’t tell about thr performing but the materials and support has been great so far.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    First time tinkering with a ESP32 microcontroller after owning others like the Arduino and RPi Pico for some time and I can say I’m very impressed with this microcontroller alone.

    Even more impressive is the bundled components, code, and documentation by Freenove that makes this kit ideal for beginners and intermediates alike.

    The one minor downside is that while the included PDF documentation is generally excellent, breaking down each project line-by-line there are unfortunately some bugs/omissions in the examples.

    Specifically I tried to build the Temperature and Humidity with LCD output only to find that this particular project omitted the useful comment found in other examples that the LCD display address might need to be changed:
    * note:If lcd1602 uses PCF8574T, IIC’s address is 0x27,
    * or lcd1602 uses PCF8574AT, IIC’s address is 0x3F.

    Hopefully Freenove fix this minor omissions in there public GitHub repository.

    One big positive innovation unique to this kit is Freenove’s amazing breadboard adapter. As people will find out quickly, and ESP32 is not directly a breadboard-friendly device as it’s quite wide. The adaptor not only solves this problem but frees-up alot of the breadboard real estate and this along with the great price was one of the reasons I bought two

  20. Anonymous says:


    This kit is such an awesome value for all that you receive. The variety of projects can really spark creativity for those inclined.

    The only issue is that I wouldn’t recommend this for complete beginners to programming as the documentation would be difficult to understand without some initial exposure.

  21. MichealWLK says:


    El kit est fenomenal. El nico “fallo” que le he visto es que la placa ESP32 est un poco “usada” o por lo menos no parece nueva como el resto de los componentes.
    Hay muchsima documentacin en ingls, as como vdeos en youtube para hacer todos los montajes, paso a paso. Se puede aprender mucho con este kit, y es bastante fcil.
    Vienen muchos ejemplos en lenguaje C, Python y Processing. El lmite son tus ganas y tu imaginacin.

  22. Ryan H. says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersAmazing product, so far not had issues with any of the components. The support material especially is great, got this for my younger brother who’s already been diving into several of the projects. I may get for myself later, while have studied some of the programming languages it’s nice to employ this into the electronics/circuits side of their use too.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBought this to get some hand on experience building sensors for the home that I can then add to an IOT platform. Very simple instructions on wiring and detailed explanations given for the sample programs that go with the projects.
    I did have an issue getting the ESP32 to run the code automatically at power on but support responded with a solution for me with 24hours. ( wire in a 10k resistor from the kit between GPIO0 and 3.3v feed )
    Good stuff and excellent support.

  24. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersFreenode is by far my favorite company for first experience and evolution with ESP32 modules.
    Their tutorials are equaled by no other.
    The PDF for this kit is over 300 pages and a pure pleasure to follow with its superb approach of keeping only the essential to do a basic use of the included devices. The very best tutorials seen up to date. All their kits are +++++hyper+++++ well documented with specific pdf files
    This kit is A+ with a +superb+ and exhaustive selection of sensors and devices to experiment with. A highly recommended kit, in my experience the very best one to start/learn about the extraordinary “ESP32-WROVER”.
    The ESP32 is a marvel of design, functionality and innovation.
    A+ for: Seller + Items + Carrier.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI received this for Christmas, from my wishlist. It was perfect for my needs, but on one of the later tutorials I found a faulty component (the camera). I contacted Freenove customer service and they were very helpful and polite. Having sent proof of the fault (a screenshot) they sent me a replacement item, which worked perfectly.
    I can thoroughly recommend the kit and the company.

  26. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersProduct received undamaged. This Vendor and their Products deserve more then five stars. The Products are professional, well designed, and function flawlessly. Every item in this kit is of the highest quality. After Sale Contact with the Vendor was also initiated to answer some technical questions related to a device contained within the kit, but was not included in the Python Tutorials. All questions were answered promptly and extended documentation was forwarded for technical review inhouse. This is a well thought out and comprehensive kit for anyone, beginner or expert. If you are looking for a startup kit or just additional components for an existing Project, this kit provides many of the individual items needed for such. We love the ESP32 Wrover B, and this kit comes with one also. Keep up the fine work, Freenove! — Acigan International, Research and Developme

  27. Anonymous says:

     United States

    UPDATE 2/21: The developer got in touch with me after the Lunar New Year and ensured update on the kit and the documentation.

    Great for beginners. The documentation shows how to use every sensor in the kit. The support team is responsive but not the breezy when you run into issue that is not normal. I ran into an issue with couple of projects where the battery was not enough. I had to supply 3.7V lithium ion to power N293D. I have asked support to update documentation angry supply right battery case.