HULKMAN Alpha65 Smart Jump Starter 1200 Amp 12000mAh Car

HULKMAN Alpha65 Smart Jump Starter 1200 Amp 12000mAh Car Starter for up to 6.5L Gas and 4L Diesel Engines with Boost Function for Totally Dead Battery 12V Lithium Portable Car Battery Booster Pack

Weight: | 1.18 kg |
Dimensions: | 19.99 x 9.5 x 4.5 cm; 1.18 Kilograms |
Brand: | HULKMAN |
Model: | Alpha 65 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | HULKMAN |
Dimensions: | 19.99 x 9.5 x 4.5 cm; 1.18 Kilograms |
Avviata Fiesta Diesel in 2 secondi. La batteria dell’auto non era completamente scarica, ma non si avviava. Con questo jump starter appena ho girato la chiave la macchina partita immediatamente e dopo l’avviamento la carica residua dell’Hulkman era al 99%. Preciso che questo jump starter, a differenza di un altro di altra marca che possiedo, non perde la carica a distanza di mesi di inutilizzo. Perfetto e consigliatissimo.
HULKMAN Alpha 65.
Devo dire al momento il migliore avuto, altri 2 , di quelli con anche strane e potenze stratosferiche hanno fatto una brutta fine, questo costa qualcosa in pi, se poi preso in offerta come ho fatto io, un affare, ma una garanzia…per ora
Awesome in every way. Build quality is excellent, its solid and heavy, thick protection on corners, very bright screen with HUGE display. Jumpers are also built very well. Comes with USB wall charger. Don’t mess around with the others – this is the one to get.
Pratique et efficace. Fait bien le travail pour dmarrer mon vhicule hybride dont la batterie annexe se dcharge trs rapidement. Seul point ngatif pas de sacoche ou sac de rangement du starter qui retourne difficilement dans sa bote aprs utilisation et qui reste en vrac dans le coffre mais ce n’est qu’un dtail.
Booster au top, il respire la qualit !! J ai eu dj quelques booster achet sur Amazon, tous on finis par passer l’arme a gauche au bout d’ un certain temps. Mais celui l ne me donne pas cette impression.
Point ngatif, pour le prix on pourrait s attendre a avoir un tui pour le ranger. a fait piti de le trimbaler dans son carton franchement…
Si quelqu’un a un lien d une bote qui va bie
I got the Alpha85 for my Tacoma a few years ago and I was so impressed with it that I got the Alpha65 for both of my kids and now this one for my wife. I’ve only used it for real once to start my Tacoma when the battery was a little low on water and it had sat for a while and didn’t have enough power to turn over the motor. The Hulkman cranked it up like nothing. I like how compact and relatively light weight these things are. They hold a charge for a long time and they work when you need them to. Makes me feel good to know my wife and kids have that little bit of help out there if they ever need it.
Me saco de unos cuantos apuros. Lo utilice en dos coches diesel de 1.9 l y 2.2 l y arrancaron perfectamente. Uno tena solo la batera descargada pero el otro ya tena la batera muerta. Esperemos que la carga dure tanto como dicen en las especificaciones, lo ir observando.
I grabbed this out of the shipping box and put it in my car, as is, without charging. My car’s battery has been acting up, so I thought I may need it. And I did, at night, in a questionable part of town. A lot of thoughts went through my mind from the point of my car not starting to grabbing this jump starter, connecting it, and the moment of truth. I thought about the store closing in 30 minutes, the part of town I was in, it being night, and the last time I had to call a tow truck it took hours before they arrived. All that was put to rest in seconds. This worked flawlessly. I thought it would, based on the reviews I’ve read, and my other Hulkman product, but nothing is certain until it is. Three cheers for Hulkman!
Fabrication 10/10
Simplicit 10/10
Efficacit 10/10
Polyvalence 7/10 (adapteur conseill pour les motards)
Amis motard, je vous conseille d’acqurir le switch Alpha>Sigma (HULKMAN AlphaC02 Battery Conversion) qui vous offrira la possibilit d’avoir un Y en 12V afin d’avoir une prise rapide dj install sur votre moto pour la booster rapidement et sans avoir mettre les pinces que je trouve d’ailleurs trop grosse pour des cosses de batterie moto, elles sont plus faites pour une batterie voiture. Cette adapteur ne se trouve malheureusement que sur Amazon (Monde), il coute 20 + 20 de frais le livraison. Ca fait un peu mal mais c’est le jour et la nuit de possder un cblage en Y (12V) pour booster votre moto sans tout devoir dmonter.
J’ai galement achet le maintien de charge Hulkman Sigma 1 : excellent, je ne comprends pas comment cette vieillerie d’optimate existe encore).
Se ve que no es el tpico arrancador low cost, los materiales de construccin exteriores son de muy buena calidad, las lenguentas de las tapas de las conexiones son gruesas y de goma de buena calidad, las pinzas son de un tamao considerable, al cogerlo en la mano se nota pesado, comparado con uno low cost, que presumiblemente tiene la misma capacidad de carga, el HUKKMAN, pesa el doble. La presentacin del producto est muy trabajada, viene en una caja precintada en plstico transparente, para asegurarse que no est manipulado o devuelto por otra persona.
Lo negativo es que el maletn de trasporte hay que comprarlo a parte y no es barato.
Desde m punto de vista, si se consigue de oferta un HULKMAN o un NOCO, te aseguras que la capacidad de la batera es real, no vale la pena invertir en arrancadores low cost.
I liked the product. Well made, good design, and easy to use. Three starts later and the Hulkman was still at 97% charge.
With a completely flat car battery you will need to press both buttons on the Hulkman to get the green ready light. This is in the instructions but easy to forget.
Ottima fattura, cos come i materiali, e sebbene non l’ho ancora provato mi parso ottimo. Una stella in meno perch trovo per inaccettabile che in un prodotto cos debba acquistare la custodia a parte, che tra l’altro non calza sui modelli superiori
UP Date: My charger came with no serial number on the box or charger and cables. I called and email customer and got right them after a very short wait. Both stated that some chargers are shipped with no serial number so all that is needed is sales receipt. The Hulkman warranty page does read one needs a serial number to proceed with warranty claim, but customer service said that this was not correct. I received a 24 month warranty but was upgraded to 36 months by entering my purchase information online.