LETREEN 4 Pack Car Emergency Escape Window Break Hammer

LETREEN 4 Pack Car Emergency Escape Window Break Hammer Safety Seat Belt Cutter Tool, Car Safety Hammer with Sharp Seat Belt Cutter, Double-Ended Car Escape Life-Saving Hammer Tool

Weight: | 690 g |
Dimensions: | 7.3 x 2.5 x 19 cm; 690 Grams |
Brand: | LETREEN |
Manufacture: | LETREEN |
Dimensions: | 7.3 x 2.5 x 19 cm; 690 Grams |
Reference: | L10-01-4BR |
Die Qualitt scheint sehr gut zu sein, wichtig fr mich ist aber auch dass man es auf mehrere Arten festmachen kann. Einige Lcher und Lcken damit man sie auch mit einem kleinen Gurt in der Mitte festmachen kann. Ganz klare verkaufempfehlung vom Preis-Leistungssteigerung.
Nella confezione troverete 4 martelletti di emergenza con relativa staffa: due di colore verde e due di colore rosso.
La staffa andrebbe fissata vicino alla postazione di guida, io una l’ho fissata con alcuni rivetti.
L’utilizzo chiaro, in caso di emergenza potreste rimanere bloccati nella vostra autovettura con questo attrezzo potrete tagliare la cintura e rompere il vetro.
La qualit molto buona e i martelletti sono molto robusti.
Nessun rilievo negativo ma solo una nota: potrebbero essere venduti singolarmente o in confezioni da due. Difficilmente ve ne serviranno 4.
Il prezzo buono anche in considerazione che avete ben 4 prodotti e che questo tipo di prodotto non si deteriora e quindi lo avrete (spero non lo userete mai) per sempre.
First impressions of these were positive, you get 4 in a pack, two bright green and two bright orange, so we had enough to pass one on to our parents for extra peace of mind.
Quality wise they feel solid and sturdy and I have no doubt they’d be able to break our car window with ease. Thankfully I’ve not been in any emergency situations where I’ve needed to do that but just knowing it’s in the car gives me comfort. I also like how it has a tool to cut through the seatbelt so if you are ever jammed into your seat you can cut yourself free.
Overall I’m really pleased to have got these for additional car safety, it fits neatly inside my glove box and gives me peace of mind so it’s 5 stars from me!
This is absolutely amazing. I’m so happy that I got these as I can have one in my car and feel safe knowing that an emergency. I have a way out. Fantastic product.
These are a really good quality product. Not only the double edged hammer to break the windows but a blade to cut through a seatbelt but it’s safely out of the way of fingers so no danger of an accident.
Confezione da 4, 2 colore arancione e 2 verdi.
Fin dal primo impatto son sembrati essere robusti e ben fatti. In materiale plastico antiurto super resistente non hanno difetti o sbavature. Ogni componente debitamente fissato tramite apposita vite robusta in acciaio e quindi permette anche una facile sostituzione dei componenti (es. lama del tagliacinture). Supporto in abs nero veramente ben fatto con fori predisposti per il fissaggio davvero generosi e clip per il mantenimento del martelletto in posizione che resistono anche in posizione verticale! I componenti metallici del martelletto son di qualit e resistenti e fanno il loro lavoro.
You get 4 of these tools..
Two green and two orange
Mounted on a black mount
Every car should have one of these as you never know when you will need it
These break the windowalthough I’ve not tried this yet and hopefully never will
These also cut the seat belt.
A good sturdy tool to have
Have given one to each of my brothers.
Will keep in door well for easy access
This is a product you never want to need, but if you ever do, it could save your life. These tools are made of a firm plastic that feels sturdy and gives excellent grip. The metal studs on each side add a good weight to the hammer and they’re sharp so they should easily break your side window in the event of an emergency. Similarly the seatbelt cutter is neatly tucked into the bottom of the tool and has a wide opening to accommodate thicker belts while preventing you from cutting yourself.
The brackets are a great idea of you intend to install these into a work vehicle, but obviously I wouldn’t screw these to my roof lining or door panel. However, as it is, it still gives a good base for the hammer and should prevent them from scuffing your door pockets etc.
Overall at less than 4 each, these represent excellent value and should.you need them, may prove to be invaluable.
Every car should have at least one of these emergency hammers. The body of the hammer is made of brightly coloured strong plastic making them easily identifiable in an emergency. The hammer itself is double ended and made of tungsten steel. It’s weighty enough to easily break automotive windows. However, I don’t think these will be any good for those who choose to put aftermarket tints on their windows! The seat belt cutter is sharp and easily cuts standard seatbelt webbing when they become difficult to remove after an accident. Being supplied as a pack of four allows distribution of more than one around your vehicle. Each hammer is supplied with a mounting bracket which can either be screwed or stuck in a convinient position.
If you did get trapped in a car and needed to punch out a window or cut your seat belt these would do the trick. I was worried they might be some light weight plastic item, but when they arrived I was pleasantly surprised.
Solid, hefty in your hand, and well made with the sharp tips on one side to break the window, and the sharp blade safely placed inside a small slit so you don’t cut your fingers. I tried the blade on an old shower curtain, folding it several times to the thickness of a seat belt. It took some effort to get the blade to cut the material, but having no seat belt handy it was the best I could do to test it.
First you get 4, we use them one in each door storage compartment, after all you never know who will need them and where they will be sitting, just having them in the car is a comfort.
These feel really sturdily made and I have no doubt they will work if called on. The blade is safely covered and looks sharp and solid enough to make short work of a seatbelt and the double side hammer should also make short work of a window.
Hopefully we never need to use them but are happy to have them just in case, I’d recommend all drivers get a set of these to keep in the car, it’s a piece of safety equipment you shouldn’t be without.
It’s hard to go wrong with a tool like this, and these don’t appear to have gone wrong. The set has 4 emergency hammers, each with a mounting bracket to keep them in a secure spot so you know where to find them in an emergency (you don’t want them rattling around and having to scrabble for a life saving tool). They have a nice pointed window breaker which should have no problems doing its job. Each tool also includes a seat-belt cutter, which looks just fine.
Hopefully you’ll never need to use these, but if you do I feel confident that they will help get you out of a crashed car, and with a set of 4 for such a low price you can give one to your family members to keep them safer too.
Who’s going to put a value on the price of life? I firmly believe that vehicles should be supplied with an emergency hammer. In the overall scheme of things, the additional cost would be negligible. This is a four pack set, so if there’s more than one vehicle in the household, there are enough to go round.
It’s a simple tool, well made and it’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with how to use it rather than wait until an emergency happens. Great value.
This is a product I hope I never actually need to use, but it gives peace of mind to have in the car.
This is a pack of 4 emergency hammers/knives. Each has a double ended pointed hammer and a knife for cutting through the seatbelt (the blade is tucked safely away, but is easy to use by sliding in to the seatbelt).
Being a pack of 4, there are enough for everyone in the family.
It is lightweight and comes with a mountable holder. Personally I’m just storing this in the driver’s side door.
Obviously I can’t test this fully, as I don’t want to be replacing any windows!, but it feels sturdy and will hopefully help in an emergency.
Bought this for me ..my husbands car and 2 for the kids and their cars..thankfully not had to use and hopefully never will have to ..just gives a bit more piece of mind should the worst happen
. Good quality tool..keep in the door compartment ..Nice and heavy..handy to have in emergency especially if electric windows
Der Sicherheitsgurtschneider ist scharf und effektiv. Die Klinge schneidet mhelos Sicherheitsgurte durch und bietet so eine schnelle und effiziente Fluchtmglichkeit in Situationen, in denen die Zeit von entscheidender Bedeutung ist. Die integrierten Sicherheitsfunktionen sorgen dafr, dass die Klinge im Notfall leicht zugnglich ist und minimieren gleichzeitig das Risiko versehentlicher Schnitte bei regelmiger Verwendung.
Der Fensterbrecher ist leistungsstark und zuverlssig. Die spitze Spitze ist so konzipiert, dass sie Autoscheiben zertrmmert und so einen schnellen Ausstieg ermglicht oder bei der Rettung anderer hilft. Bei der Konstruktion und dem Design der Hmmer steht die Wirksamkeit im Vordergrund und gewhrleistet, dass Fenster leicht und ohne groen Kraftaufwand eingeschlagen werden knnen.
Das kompakte und leichte Design der Nothmmer ermglicht eine einfache Aufbewahrung in Reichweite. Die mitgelieferten Montagehalterungen bieten eine praktische Mglichkeit, die Hmmer im Fahrzeug zu befestigen und sicherzustellen, dass sie sowohl fr Fahrer als auch Passagiere leicht zugnglich sind. Es handelt sich um eine praktische Lsung, die keine Kompromisse bei der Zugnglichkeit eingeht.
Das Paket mit vier Hmmern ist eine durchdachte Ergnzung und bietet nicht nur ein Werkzeug fr jeden Sitz im Fahrzeug, sondern auch Ersatzteile fr andere Familienmitglieder oder Fahrzeuge. Dieser Multipack-Ansatz stellt sicher, dass jeder im Fahrzeug Zugang zu einem potenziell lebensrettenden Werkzeug hat, und frdert so das Gefhl der Vorbereitung und Sicherheit fr alle Passagiere.
Die Verarbeitungsqualitt der Hmmer weckt Vertrauen in ihre Zuverlssigkeit. Die robuste Konstruktion und die langlebigen Materialien, die bei ihrer Herstellung verwendet werden, lassen darauf schlieen, dass sie den Strapazen von Notfallsituationen standhalten knnen. Es ist beruhigend zu wissen, dass diese Hmmer nicht nur eine Sicherheitsmanahme, sondern auch eine zuverlssige Manahme sind.
Das intuitive Design der Hmmer sorgt dafr, dass sie auch unter Belastung effektiv eingesetzt werden knnen. Die ergonomischen Griffe sorgen fr einen sicheren Halt und die strategische Platzierung der Klinge und des Fensterbrechers erleichtert das Auffinden und Verwenden, selbst bei schlechten Lichtverhltnissen oder in Situationen mit hoher Belastung. Es handelt sich um ein benutzerfreundliches Design, das auf die Dringlichkeit von Notfallszenarien abgestimmt ist.
Zusammenfassend lsst sich sagen, dass der 4er-Pack Sicherheitsgurtschneider-Nothammer ein unschtzbar wertvolles Sicherheitszubehr fr jedes Fahrzeug ist. Seine doppelte Funktionalitt, die einfache Zugnglichkeit und das durchdachte Multipack-Design machen es zu einer Fnf-Sterne-Investition in die persnliche Sicherheit.
It’s a bit difficult to review this, as you’d only need it in an emergency, however I can say that the metal bits have some weight to them and are very pointy, and the blade on the seat belt cutter part seems very sharp indeed.
If you need to break a window, hit any of the corners on the side windows, the middle parts of the glass are very strong and are unlikely to break, and the same goes for the windscreen and rear glass.
There are four sets, so it’s great for households with multiple cars, and they each have a holder so you can attach them somewhere, although I’ve taken mine out and it sits in the side pocket, I think it’d be quicker to get to.
Die Hammer sind grer als erwartet, das Mittelfach im Fahrzeug ist damit schnell voll. Aber die Qualitt ist gut, sowohl die Spitzen als auch der Gurtschneider machen einen soliden Eindruck. Das Werkzeug lsst sich gut greifen und liegt gut in der Hand.
These emergency escape tools come in a pack of four, wrapped two & two. You could either put all four in the car, one for each window seat or give two to your nearest & dearest.
They all come with their own mounting bracket (screws not included) but I have put mine in the door pockets as I have nowhere within the car to mount them. The tool itself has some weight to it, without being too heavy and is comfortable to hold. The window breaking tool is nice & strong with a nice sharp point to it. The seatbelt cutting tool is at the other end and protected with a plastic surround so you can’t accidentally cut yourself but with a gap if you did need to cut the seatbelt.
These are a bit like insurance, Will they do the job? Let’s hope I never have to find out.