PROfezzion Airtag Holder with Wire Cable, Protective Airtag

PROfezzion Airtag Holder with Wire Cable, Protective Airtag Case Keychain Scratch-Resistant & Waterproof IPX8, Full Cover for Suitcase, Pet Collar, Car Keys, Child's Backpack, Luggage etc (2PCS BLACK)

Very substantial and quite robust. Now I can find my keys. However, it makes for a rather large keychain – not gonna work well in a pocket and hangs down from the ignition key while driving so the other keys tap on my leg.
I have a LOT of AirTags and many different types of holders, cases, etc. I am very happy with these. They are perfect for my bicycles! They blend in and aren’t something people spot easily. They are easy to use. The tough cable is locked securely inside the case, which is screwed shut with little specialty screws. Only the appropriate tool (included) is compatible with the screws. If you don’t have the tool, you can’t remove the AirTag. The screws are tiny, and a bags of many extras is included, in case you lose one. (Don’t lose the tool)!
This air tag holder is tough enough to survive the Airlines’s baggage destruction unlike others I have tried.
It’s a bit of a pain to open to access the AirTag but it really does the job.
I just set these up. Closed all the screws tightly. The other reviews that said the sound doesn’t get through it are LYING. I bought this product to put in my vehicle and was hoping the sound wouldn’t get through so if thieves got a notification that there was an AirTag nearby being tracked, that the sound wouldn’t get through the case and they would be able to locate the device and dispose of it.
As you can clearly hear in the video, sound gets through just fine.
I’m a bit disappointed in this but they’re well made and do the job otherwise so I’ll probably keep them.
Oh and also FYI the screwdriver that comes with it is very specific to the screws. If you don’t have it you’ll have a hard time opening the case. So don’t lose it; keep the screwdriver in a safe place for future use.
So there’s a seal I guess it does have sum water resistance I won’t test it but at least I don’t need to for where I plan to use em I doubt my luggage will be under water lol, but been serious I love that it screws on to metal , also each piece has 4 screws (total 16) plus you get extra screws in my case my bag has 16 so in total there’s 32 screws I was about to use my screwdriver set when I wonder and yes it comes with its own screwdriver I like it so no need to worry about buying and trying to the correct tip, without reading the instructions a 10 yr old can put it together it’s pretty easy basically just drop the AirTag and put it back together and because the hex screw tip screw it’s here almost impossible to strip the screw am sure someone would find a way
Diese AirTag Halterung ist sehr gut verarbeitet und der AirTag liegt nicht sichtbar geschtzt in der Hlle. Sie lsst sich mit 4 kleinen Inbusschrauben verschlieen und ist wasserdicht. Somit ist der AirTag gut geschtzt vor Kratzern und Feuchtigkeit. Der ummantelte Draht ist fest in dem Halter verschraubt und man kann ihn ohne den speziellen Schraubenschlssel nicht lsen. Der AirTag lsst sich sehr einfach darin verstauen und so am Rucksack, Gepck, Handtasche oder Schlsselbund befestigen.
Ich bin sehr zufrieden damit und kann diese AirTag Halterung nur sehr gerne weiterempfehlen.
Ich beschrnke mich in meiner Rezension ausschlielich auf Dinge, die man nicht in der Artikelbeschreibung ohnehin schon nachlesen kann. Darauf beziehe ich mich nur, wenn etwas dort Aufgefhrtes nicht der Wahrheit entspricht oder davon abweicht.
Die PROfezzion Schutzhlle fr Apple Airtag hat sich als uerst ntzlich erwiesen. Wir verwenden diese Anhnger sowohl am Schlsselbund als auch am Koffer. Die Qualitt ist ausgezeichnet, besonders der stabile Draht sorgt fr eine langanhaltende Nutzung.
Das Tracking des Koffers am Flughafen ist ein herausragendes Feature dieser Schutzhlle. Es gibt ein beruhigendes Gefhl zu wissen, wo sich der Koffer gerade befindet.
Auch fr den Alltag ist die Schutzhlle praktisch. Sie ermglicht es uns, den Standort unseres Autoschlssels leicht nachzuverfolgen. Die Handhabung ist einfach und die Schutzhlle bietet den bentigten Schutz fr den Airtag.
Insgesamt sind wir sehr zufrieden mit der PROfezzion Schutzhlle und empfehlen sie gerne weiter, insbesondere fr diejenigen, die ihre Airtags am Schlsselbund oder am Gepck verwenden mchten.
Hinweis: Ich mchte betonen, dass ich das Produkt kostenlos erhalten habe. Dennoch mchte ich klarstellen, dass meine Bewertung absolut ehrlich, unvoreingenommen und auf meiner persnlichen Meinung basiert. Mein Ziel ist es, Dir eine faire und transparente Einschtzung fr deine Kaufentscheidung zu geben, unabhngig von einer kostenfreien Produktbereitstellung. Vielen Dank, das du meine Bewertung bis zum Ende gelesen hast 🙂
Ich habe mit die Hlle von PROfezzion bestellt um meinen Koffer auf Flgen tracken zu knnen.
Problem: im Rimowa-Alukoffer bringt der Airtag leider berhaupt nichts, da hier die Physik der Sache einen Strich durch die Rechnung macht.
Also muss der Airtag auen angebracht werden.
Die Schutzhlle macht mechanisch einen sehr soliden Eindruck und aufgrund des 3mm-Stahlseils muss man sich wohl auch wenig Sorgen machen das bei unsanfter Behandlung des Koffers das gute Stck abreit.
Mein Vielflieger-Tag am Koffer hat ein deutlich dnneres Stahlseil und ist mir in zehn Jahren nicht einmal verloren gegangen.
Die Hlle ist sicher nicht ganz preiswert, aber immer noch gnstiger als ein verlorener und damit nutzloser Airtag.
Volle Punktzahl.
Die Schutzhlle kommt gut verpackt. Es liegt ein passender Mini-Schraubendreher bei, mit dem man die kleinen Schrubchen schnell und einfach lsen und auch wieder anziehen kann.
Nach dem Lsen der Schrubchen wird der AirTag einfach in die passgenaue Aussparung eingelegt und die Schrubchen wieder angezogen. Der AirTag ist gut geschtzt im Inneren der Schutzhlle untergebracht.
Einen Stern ziehe ich ab, weil entgegen der Artikelbeschreibung der Ton des AirTag fast komplett “verschluckt” wird. Schon in einem Meter Entfernung kann man ihn eigentlich nicht mehr hren.
Wer seinen AirTag gegen Feuchtigkeit und insgesamt sehr gut geschtzt wissen mchte, der liegt hier absolut richtig. Wer auf den Suchton angewiesen ist, sollte besser ein anderes Modell whlen.
Der AirTag von Apple ist schon eine absolut tolle Erfindung! Ob die Sporttasche, der Rucksack, die Brieftasche oder das Schlsselbund, die AirTag zeigen im iPhone ganz genau an, wo sich all ihre Sachen gerade befinden. Nur einen Nachteil hatten Sie bisher, sie sind nicht wasserdicht. Einmal im Regen oder in der Pftze und schon sind sie hinber. Das ndert sich jetzt! Immer mehr Hersteller bieten jetzt wasserdichte Hllen fr die AirTag an. So auch dieser. Ich habe ihn ausprobiert und getestet und kann besttigen: jawoll! Diese Hlle ist komplett wasserdicht. Dem AirTag kann nichts anhaben, selbst wenn das Schlsselbund mit dem kleinen Sender daran einmal ins Wasser fallen sollte, nimmt das AirTag keinen Schaden. Das kann ich Ihnen sehr empfehlen!
Die AirTags von Apple sind eine ganz tolle Erfindung und ich kann sie mir tatschlich aus meinem Alltag inzwischen nicht mehr wegdenken. Ein AirTag am Schlssel. Ein AirTag im Rucksack, ein AirTag in der Brieftasche. Und damit entfllt das hektische durchs Haus laufen, um herauszufinden, wo denn die Sachen sein knnten. Hat man sie im Auto vergessen? Hat man sie im Bro vergessen? Oder hat man sie im schlimmsten Fall tatschlich verloren? Wer ein AirTag und ein iPhone seine eigen nennt, sieht auf dem Bildschirm ganz genau, wo sich seine Sachen aktuell befinden. Nur haben die AirTag aufgrund ihrer Bauform einen ganz entscheidendes Problem. Sie sind nmlich nicht wasserdicht. Und so kann es passieren, dass wenn Sie Ihre Schlssel drauen verlieren und es z.B. regnet, das AirTag innerhalb von Minuten den Dienst quittiert und eben nicht mehr anzeigt, wo sich ihre Sachen befinden. Gleiches wrde natrlich auch passieren, wenn das AirTag mit dem Schlssel oder der Brieftasche in einer Pftze oder einem Tmpel landet. Dem kann aber abgeholfen werden und das relativ einfach mit z.B. dieser wasserdichten Hlle fr das AirTag, die praktischerweise auch gleich als Schlsselanhnger fungiert. Mittels vier Schrauben wird das AirTag in die Schutzhlle montiert und ist da tatschlich komplett vor Wasser geschtzt. Ich habe es ausprobiert und habe das AirTag nach ein paar Minuten im Wasser wieder befreit, kein Wasser konnte einbringen. Das ist auch der Tatsache geschuldet, dass diese Schutzhlle mit einer zustzlichen Silikondichtung versehen ist, die keinerlei Wasser durchlsst. Sehr empfehlenswert. Das AirTag in seiner Schutzhlle ist ab sofort mein Schlsselanhnger und ich fhle mich noch ein klein wenig sicherer damit als vorher.
-really solid, I think they will take a lot of abuse
-a more permanent solution to AirTag attachment
-cable is quite thick, I have no fear they will fall off whatever they are attached to
-includes extra of the tiny screws (which are quite easy to lose, they are _really_ tiny)
-there is no silicone or rubber gasket to keep water out, I question how waterproof these are going to be
-screws screw into plastic thread, I would have preferred a brass insert for the threads. Plastic threads don’t survive too much movement (not an issue if you are going to attach them and leave them, but if you are opening and closing the case a lot, those threads are going to fail).
-since it’s a bit of a (useful) faff to put these on and them them off things (like luggage), choose their location carefully.
1* substandard, mostly cons
2** barely acceptable, cons outweigh the pros
3*** meets the basic requirements, cons balance the pros
4**** good product, pros outweigh the cons
5***** exceptional, all (or almost all) pros
Thick, plastic covered metal cable, that’s secured into the case, which is held together by 4 screws, undone by the included tool. The case itself seems to be of hard impact resisted plastic and comes with a set of replacement screws. This obviously isn’t a product designed for constant application and removal, but more a semi permanent solutions. AirTag itself is hidden away and completely encased in the plastic casing, which, judging by the design, would suggest that it’s splash proof at the very least. Seems to be a high quality product which should stand the test of time.
I about to buy an airtag and thought I’d be prepared with a secure way to house it and to attach it to my case. I have a pack of four and I’m impressed by how sturdy they appear. The screws are super tiny and fiddly but do the trick.
I think on the whole these would be handy to hide in my case secured I’m looking forward to trynig this out.
I going to also put one on my work bag, which will give me piece of mind.
I’m giving this a 4 stars until I can try it out with an airtag, to be fair.
I like the idea of these being protective and they do the job to some degree. I’m not sure I would trust them as being waterproof, maybe splash resistant at best. They’re good quality and would do a good job and knocks and drops, but they are very fiddly to insert and remove them which makes them a little annoying, but I suppose they’re designed for them to live in them long-term. The other good thing is to look at them, you wouldn’t necessarily think there’s an AirTag in them as it looks like a general lock.
Fab idea as you can now lock your AirTag into a case which should stop it being damaged, the case is waterproof so no worries about rain and showers. Comes with the screwdriver so easy to do install and then the wire goes around a part of the bag, so even if visible will be very difficult to steal or remove without having to take the whole bag. Overall pleased.
Keeps my airtag safe & attached, with a nice variety of colours. The cable is a bit long sometimes, but who cares? My AirTag’s never going lost again. Really nice to be able to attach it to a suitcase when going on holiday.
A nice design airtag holder.
I usually prefer to keep my airtags out of sight, especially when travelling so I’m not sure I would use these on my suit cases.
They would prove useful if you need to attach them to anything where you don’t mind it being seen and want to make it a little harder to remove.
You need a special screwdriver (provided) to open these up and also secures the wire strap in place so it cant be removed without the screwdriver.
Whilst the case is made of a tough plastic to survive drops and scratches of your typical airport terminal baggage handlers. It wouldn’t take much to get these off it someone hit them hard enough with a hammer or something heavy to break the plastic.
These could have quite easily been made out of metal and been even more secure, but that would almost certainly have bumped up the price even more.
I like the idea of this Airtag holder, to stop potential opportunists from taking your luggage and possessions. You have to physically unscrew, place your Airtag and screw the holder back in and attach steel wire to the zippers or case.
It feels robust, and can not be broken easily. Of course it does not entirely stop a thief from taking your things and cutting the wire off.
We are Very LUCKY to try “PROfezzion Airtag Holder with Wire Cable, Protective Airtag Case Keychain Scratch-Resistant & Waterproof IPX8, Full Cover for Suitcase, Pet Collar, Car Keys, Child’s Backpack, Luggage etc (4PCS BLACK)” through AMAZON VINE. Thank you.
~~We PROMISE this WILL BE our COMPLETELY HONEST personal opinion~~
We like most of you want every protection for all members of our family.
It goes without saying how precious little ones are, and the world is becoming less safe everyday.
FurBabies also get Pet-Napped/stolen on a regular basis, (always tell over inquisitive strangers your pet is speyed &/or has a chronic inheritable illness, even if they don’t).
And those who may take any of them, are obviously more aware of security devices such as AirTags which your precious babies may be wearing.
ALWAYS EXTRA CAUTIOUS So My way of thinking is, if there is more than one AirTag on each of your loved ones. You have a better chance of finding them.
One of these SUPER SECURE hanging tags will be placed on Little ones bag.
Whilst another will be partially visible on little ones ankle under sock or wrist depending upon weather (long sleeves or not).
With a completely different style of tag holder complete with AirTag, slid inside the back of the belt, of little ones school uniform, and another attached to a ribbon or sewn inside a hidden pocket of uniform.
Our youngest Spot will have a decoy tag placed on the outside of her collar. with a decoy AirTag in it.
Whilst this is securely attached inside her coat with air tag in it & with another tag inside her harness too.
++* Very Easy to use. Yes the screws are tiny, it’s a fiddle ..
.something which can’t be removed quickly, OR HOPEFULLY AT ALL.
++* Not over Bulky.
(Plus. If you prepare for it, hopefully it will never happen.)
++* WORKS WELL with a real AirTag or With a Faux Decoy in it too.
(Throw ANY-nappers off, thinking they removed it when THERE ARE REALS TAGS STILL ATTACHED!)
Hubby will be testing all versions of our new AirTag holders out next weekend, on all Little ones & Spots. To ensure they all omit clear signals.
We will update reviews again then, if any issues with multiple tags on one person or pet.
I think those are really good. Most comments mention using them on luggage but because of the waterproof rating and their robustness i will be using them on substantial pieces of gardening equipment.
I liked that they have included a spare set of screws as there is possibility of losing the odd one.
For starters these are well made and a good design
The securing cable is in proportion to the strength of the overall product so would be tricky to cut through or remove without some other tool.
The case is held together by 4 very small hex screws which again need a tool (supplied) to disassemble and hence remove from the item you are wishing to secure/track.
The small screw do mean that this is a more permanent attachment to something as they are a tad fiddly to undo and, as previously stated, do require a tool to achieve this.
The casing is also of a reasonable thickness to protect the AirTag from impacts etc even if someone wanted to remove it.
Basically, the handle/strap you would be attaching this to would be an easier item to cut/attack than trying to remove this product. So ideally you would fix this to some place that had roughly about the same strength as the Holder.
As for attaching it to keys/key-ring…well each one is not small. If it were a large bunch of keys may be or if they were very important I might use this, but there are other smaller/cheaper options which may be better suited for that task.
This product excels on securing/tracking larger items like bags/luggage (airports).
I have added a small address capsule (usually used for pets) to mine as that requires no batteries and gives an additional/easy way of being contacted if you get separated from your luggage etc
These AirTag holders are a cut above the competition as they are solidly made and really do protect the AirTag from the elements as well as knocks and scratches.
Takes a little bit of time installing (un/screwing plates) so suggest these are for attaching to items on a more permanent basis (e.g pet collar, luggage, transport/vehicle).
You pay a little more for these, but could be a case of avoiding ‘buy cheap, buy twice’.
This is a fabulous pack of 4 AirTag protective cases. It comes with a little screwdriver and a load of spare screws.
The cases are made from a tough plastic and have a strong 3mm cable wire which is securely encased inside the main body of the holder. You have to remove the 4 little screws to insert/remove your AirTag and also to attach the cable to your item/bag/suitcase.
This makes them much more secure than regular keyring style AirTag holders, which can be easily unclipped!
They feel rugged and strong, like they wouldn’t be easy to remove or break off without the correct tools to hand.
They are fairly bulky and chunky, so I wouldn’t want to use them on a pet collar or a bunch of keys, however, they are ideal for suitcases.
Very pleased with the quality and design!
Nice looking airtag holder, which should offer decent protection for the device itself. The cable seems strong and sturdy to put up with some knocks and bumps.
With 4 in the pack, along with some spare screws and a small screwdriver, this has everything needed to protect the air tags. Whilst the initial setup is a bit of a faff unscrewing and securing the tag, once in place you are good to go (might be an idea to put in a new battery at the same time to limit the times needed unscrewing to replace).
Find My Item and the sound playback was all still possible (however the sound is a little muted compared to an airtag not in a holder)
These Airtag cases are what they claim, secure, strong, sturdy, and appear to be waterproof. The only downside is they are a little fiddly to use, which may be the compromise you need to make due to their secureness.
They are opened/closed by 4 small screws to each Airtag case, and as they are security (Torx) screws, you do need an appropriate screwdriver. However, one is provided with the product so not an issue, as long as you remember where you put it.
If you need to attach the cases to something that does not open, such as a luggage handle, you have to completely unscrew, attach the case, then screw back together again, which is a bit annoying. If you plan on leaving it on something permanently, you only have to do it once, but if you plan on moving the Airtags between items, it could be inconvenient. The other option would be to loop it through a split ring/keyring type hoop, but I guess that would compromise the security, which is, I would guess, why they have been designed the way they have.
We did want to use these on our dogs collars, but find they are much too big for that, and will dangle down into food bowls. However, as we walk our dogs using harnesses, attaching the case to that is in ideal compromise, as if a dog did run away whilst on a walk, we would be able to track it.
The case itself is hard plastic, the screws however do go into metal inserts, and there is quite a deep recess from one side to the other for the waterproof part, so I imagine that works well.
The metal loop is plastic coated, which is great, and it clips in one side of the case easily, so overall a good, secure, strong Airtag Case, but awkward if you plan on moving it between items.
This Airtag Holder has been designed and built for longevity and security.
It is waterproof and has a 3mm stainless steel cable incorporated in the the design for attaching to your chosen device. The 3mm cable cannot be cut easily and someone intent on cutting the cable would take specialist tools.
Great Price.
There are two schools of thought about attaching AirTags to bags, keys, bikes and other articles that are taken out of the home so have the possibility of being left behind or, worst case, stolen.
One is to have a visible external luggage tag with a contact e-mail or number plus a concealed AirTag. The other is to have a visible AirTag which cannot be simply removed. This chunky holder fits the latter category.
Fitting is by removing 4 small flush hex head screws to insert the Tag and loop the wire over a strap, handle, frame or lug then screwing it all back together again. (There is a small driver supplied to do this)
If someone for nefarious reasons needs to remove or disable the AirTag it’s going to require either cable/bolt cutters to get through the braided cable or a hammer (or rock) to physically smash apart the plastic, which will not be quick and will not be soundless.
Construction includes a sealing gasket and the wire loop is plastic coated so won’t chafe a strap or damage paintwork. Useful holder.
I’m quite satisfied with the AirTag case that I’ve been using.
The case provides a snug fit for the AirTag, ensuring it stays securely in place.
The materials used feel durable and have held up well to everyday use.
The added loop or keychain attachment is a practical touch, making it easy to attach the AirTag to various items
Have this on my wallet and keys as a mechanic takes a lot of abuse and not failed yet nice and strong
Fitting the airtag is simple enough but its a bit of a faff having to use a screwdriver or allen key to attach and remove from something. It’s ok for something permanent but i like to move my tags around to reduce costs so if im not travelling i’ll use that tag for something else etc. Having to open the tag up every time makes this very incovenient. I’m sure i’ll find a use but its not quite as simple as this brands other offerings.
ot bad, it does its job well and the structure is well made but unfortunately I made a mistake in using plastic as a material, I think it is less resistant and easy to break than any metal even as cheap as aluminum
Holders are nicely built. Love that they can’t be removed without using a small hex bit. They are discrete so not immediately identifiable as an air tag, being fully enclosed helps with this.
I got a pack of 4 and had 16 spare screws in a small bag, so a full replacement set of screws.
You also get a little hex screwdriver that is a perfect fit to all the screws.
With the tag in the case my phone has no problem locating it accurately, the sound is also still loud enough to locate.
Inside each case there is an o-ring seal, should keep out dust and water.
Really happy with these and will be putting one onto a few things knowing it will be hard to spot and remove if stolen or lost.
PROfezzion’s protective AirTag Holder is a hard plastic air tag holder. It has a string wire loop you can use to attach to your keys, or a bag or luggage. You can see how the wire is secured in the plastic holder in the photos. You can remove one side easily to attach to a bag. Once attached you need the included screwdriver or wire cutters to remove it. The loop itself is 5cm deep; so, it should attach to most handles or straps out there.
To put the tag in you need to unscrew the 4 hex screws. There is a small hex driver to help you do that. Once separated you can split the wire out to loop around your bag; slip a tag into the cut-out in the holder, before sealing things back up.
When sealed back up with the 4 small fiddly screws the case is IPX8 water resisting which alongside the AirTag protection should keep it working in most situations. When sealed up you can still hear the audio alert from the tag.
If you have a tag you want to attach to a bag or case; and one of the colours works for you, this is a good put it and leave it. Don’t lose the hex driver though as without it you will need wire cutters to get it off.
I have used AirTag holders before but have found they weren’t very secure and the tag could be removed pretty easily
That isn’t the case with this set of tag holders
Not only does it have a plastic covered metal cable to attach to the cases but the AirTags are held firmly in the holder by special small screws that don’t just open to a standard philips head screwdriver
I think these are very sturdy set of holders
These Apple Airtag holders are very well engineered. Using one leads anyone seeing it to presume the Airtag itself is as valuable as the item it is protecting.
To gain access to the sealed compartment which holds the precious Airtag requires the removal of four smartly blackened stainless steel screws. An allen key is included in the kit to do this.
Before screwing the holder back together the steel cable, which will secure it to whatever you are tagging, needs to be threaded through part of it – a substantial part if it is to be effective.
The holder is obviously intended to permanently attach an Airtag to the object being tracked. Removing and refitting the screws is time consuming and not particularly easy, especially for somebody who is not very dexterous.
Once fitted the Airtag is protected; from theft by the 3mm steel cable, the elements by the IPx8 waterproof rating (1.5 meters deep for 30 minutes) and rough treatment by the tough plastic case.
Aware that the screws are easy to lose the suppliers have included a full set of four replacements for each holder. It will also be noted that the screws are not self-tappers, but proper machine screws that are threaded into brass bushes, so they are designed for repeated use.