7 Responses

  1. SammieMaclanach says:


    Je l avais vu au cinma et ravie de l avoir en DVD. C est pour tous publics. Aprs c est comme toute chose dans la vie on aime ou on aime pas. Regardez la bande annonce…

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I will refrain from commenting on the content of the film itself as I feel most people looking to purchase this item would already know what they’re getting into. Instead this review is about the quality of the item itself.
    I waited ages for an English blu-ray edition to be released of this film, and I was not disappointed!
    It has the same voice dub as when the film was in cinemas, the video itself is super crispy and full of colour (typical of the blu ray format) and the box art perfectly reflects the effort on the films animation. I will admit it would be nice to have a 4K version of this film as it truly is that stunning, but as that version does not and possibly will not ever exist, this is by far the best option for English speakers looking to watch this film.
    I love everything about this purchase, and if I were to ever loose the film or break the disk I would absolutely purchase it again.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Great Purchase

  3. BridgetTudor says:

     United Kingdom

    Everything you would expect from Shinkai, and, if you like his previous work, there’s no major disappointments here.

    Started out strong then lost its way a little approx quarter of the way through with the thankfully brief and pointless appearance of somewhat irritating new characters who added nothing at all, BUT it regrouped before the halfway point and the rest of it was very engaging and fast paced. It was even better for me on the second watch.

  4. Philip59Zvqza says:

     United Kingdom

    The storyline, the writing, the creativity, the humour, the originality, the animation and music make this a fantastic and highly engaging film. While Your Name was still my favourite Shinkai film after I first watched Suzume in cinemas last year, re-watching it again, I think Suzume has the slight edge over it for me now. It feels even more different and original than Your Name.


  5. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Whilst this is beautifully animated, as one would expect, it falls short of the completeness of earlier Makoto Shinkai movies. This may, perhaps, be due to the subject matter. Tackling the events of 11.03.’11 more directly than previous movies via a more juvenile approach meant the tone was off. That and the fact the story itself made no sense within itself. The thing most needed by Suzume was closure over the loss of her mother. Traumatised by the loss of her and, presumably, her own near death experience, the movie seemed to shy away from facing these things directly. There are certainly plenty of references to the event and its aftermath, but the two major elements of the movie (the fantasy tale and the real life tale), each of which would have been fascinating on their own, never quite meld into a satisfying whole. We know Makoto Shinkai can do both with ease and that, in common with many Japanese writers and film makers, he has no problem melding the two. This time, however, I feel the real life subject was just too overwhelming and it was my thoughts of that which reduced me to tears rather than Suzume’s story. The music, too, was oddly inappropriate and overpowering at times. That said, this is still streets ahead of most anime and I will certainly watch it again.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The art of this movie is beautiful as is the soundtrack.
    Very good heartfelt movie, not amazing must watch level like other anime classics but overall a very nice watch.


    4.0 out of 5 stars Amazing Steelbook

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I saw this film on release at the British Film Institute an could happily have watched it all over again. It is an extraordinary story combining Japan’s memories of earthquakes and tsunamis, combined with a legemd that there is a dragon under the earth which creates these disasters. I won’t say more except there are gates which hold back the forces, and professional gateholders. A young man and a young woman are the main protagonists. If you like this kind of stuff, you will ove this one. Ingenious and different.