yeedi vac 2 pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner with Mop 3000Pa, 2 in 1

yeedi vac 2 pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner with Mop 3000Pa

yeedi vac 2 pro Robot Vacuum Cleaner with Mop 3000Pa, 2 in 1 Robot Vacuum 200mins, 3D Obstacle Avoidance, Carpet Detection, Precise Customized Cleaning, Multi-floor Mapping, No-go Zones

From the brand


Weight: 4.5 kg
Dimensions: 35 x 35 x 7.7 cm; 4.5 Kilograms
Brand: yeedi
Model: Yeedi vac 2 pro
Colour: White
Dimensions: 35 x 35 x 7.7 cm; 4.5 Kilograms

7 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersTLDR : great hardware but the software needs work

    I spent a week of trying to get this robot vacuum to understand the map of my house.

    I call mine RT which is short for R-tard because it regularly got stuck trying to go through a door that wasn’t there. Even though it has a full map, it sometimes has a little trouble when it gets stuck. A loop counter trap to make sure it does something different if it’s tried 10 times to go somewhere and it hasn’t been able to would be helpful.

    It can go to a particular room that you tell it to easily but getting back, it regularly gets lost even though it has a lot of battery left and just a couple more minutes of doing what it was doing would result in it finding the station. I think it needs a bit more updating in the firmware for how to find it’s way back. An elegant solution would be to have a remote control page on the app so that you could drive it back to the station and it will remember the route it took, in fact, you could do that in the beginning to save trouble. Just drive it around the whole flooring to each room and the map is created. All it really needs is to know where each rooms doorway is and then it could discover the layout of the room on its own.

    It uses a camera onboard the device to recognise the walls and uses them to build the map of your house, It’s not so great if there is bright sunshine outside or if the room is dark so be prepared to close the curtains and switch the lights on while it maps.

    At first it got all but one room and it wouldn’t go back into the final room no matter how many times I tried. I saw on the support pages that it is a good idea to put it in the middle of the house so it doesn’t have to go too far to the extreme end of the house. I did that and it was able to map all the rooms.

    It can only store 3 maps in its memory, I thought a good way was to make a separate floor map for each room but you have to replace the third one with the new map. You can merge sections of the room, but it would be helpful to merge different floors into one floor using the doorways of each room to connect.

    The place where the station was able to discover all the rooms was a bit inconvenient for me to walk past with my walker so I had to make a new map but it turns out that if you move the station a little bit, it will update the location of it in its current map.

    It needs to be on auto to discover new areas to vacuum and it will give you a prompt to update the map if it does. It only does this when there’s new walls to add to the map, new areas to vacuum in an existing room will just be absorbed into the new map without a prompt.

    If it gets lost and you have to take it to the station or you pause it and put it back manually, it will lose all memory of where it discovered, if it gets lost or before it goes back to try and find the station it should transfer the map of what it had discovered before it does so it can be updated in the app

    Now that it has a full map of my house and is able to talk to my Alexa, I can say “Alexa ask robot yeedi to vacuum the master bedroom” etc. depending on the labels, you give each room in the map app. It does this very well and can get to the room easily based on the map.

    It uses a unique scrubbing motion when in mopping mode, which does a really good job of cleaning the floor, even with marks on it, just like being on your hands and knees and scrubbing the floor effect.

    Now I don’t have to deal with the frustration of it losing the memory of the extra room that I wanted it to discover because it got lost on the way back it is a very useful piece of kit for my house and does a great job of cleaning both vacuuming and mopping.

    It needs to be given a little more time to find the station if it gets lost and the app needs a bit more work with regards to the map it makes but overall I am quite pleased with this device. It is better than my previous by a large amount.

    It has a long battery life and can do my whole house (It’s a bungalow) on one charge with plenty to spare.

    It can be a little bit frustrating at first while it discovers the rooms but once it has, it’s a joy to have.

    Overall, I am very pleased with my purchase and I am sure the app will improve with a bit more development and feedback from users.

    Great price for this level of detailed mapping, I hope it lasts

    4.0 out of 5 stars Great mopping function. Good multi level vacuum depending on carpet or hard service..

  2. KNews says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersWow! I am genuinely impressed with just how good this vacuum actually is. I honestly wasn’t expecting it to be quite as good as it turned out to be. Here are my thoughts and views after having the little gizmo patrolling my rooms and hallways for the last month.

    Let’s start with build quality and presentation. Your new vacuum arrives inside a slim but incredibly well packaged box. The main body of the robot is pre-assembled and ready to use straight out of the package. You are given the main vacuum itself as well as a separate interchangeable rear section which I will tell you about in just a moment. You also receive an instruction manual and a charging base. The robot vac, who we nicknamed ‘Robbie’ – unoriginal I know, however blame my kids not me for that one, looks impressive and seems to be exceedingly well manufactured. It has a modern and appealing design and feels incredibly sturdy and robust upon inspection. All parts and pieces that I could easily see and access appear to be made with the same care and attention to detail that is evident throughout. The tracking wheels are solid and rugged and apart from emptying the inner dust trap, or replacing the optional rear mopping and cleaning section there is surprisingly little interaction you need to have at a physical level with the unit. It almost feels, and actually is, a product you can setup and pretty much leave to its own devices.

    It is circular in shape and has multiple cameras and sensors which are constantly scanning its environment. This model (the pro) has something the manufacturers refer to as ‘3D obstacle avoidance technology’. Essentially the unit can avoid items that may have been left in its path, like a shoe or a child’s toy etc. Quite how small an object it will ‘avoid’ I am unclear on? I shouldn’t imagine small Lego bricks etc. would survive a hoovering, however a tennis ball, child’s slipper, glass of milk and rather impressively a chocolate bar were all avoided by my machine during testing. Sorry people, I wasn’t prepared to risk clogging the machine with little coloured bricks so I will leave that rather more extensive test to someone else – lol! Likewise when the unit is in mopping mode it will even avoid carpeted areas and rugs all without the need for any intervention on you part.

    To get any kind of benefit, or even be able to use your new robotic helper, you will need access to the internet and the download of a companion app. I am pleased to report that the Yeedi app is really slick and intuitive to use and I was up and running in literally minutes. On initial setup you need to let the vacuum ‘map’ out you house. It looks like it is going for a strange wander as it shuffles around in a rather random fashion but essentially it is working out exactly the areas it can access and also makes a note of obstacles that have stopped it cleaning a specific area of your house. For initial setup it’s recommended to clear all your floors of non-essential objects and push in dining table chairs etc. Don’t worry if you miss something as Robbie will work around it and pick up the gap on its next sweep and clean of the area. Lips or joins between doors don’t seem to be any trouble either and Robbie will bump over them harmlessly enough. It’s actually pretty impressive to be fair how easily your new robotic helper can get around the house. It will even get underneath cabinets etc. as it works it’s cleaning magic.

    A rather soft spoken and pleasing female voice will inform you as to progress throughout by telling you things such as mopping is beginning, charging is starting or there is low levels of cleaning fluid left in the machine. You can track your robots progress through the app and/or specify cleaning areas (zones) that you wish it to work to. The app really comes into its own here as it lets you fully tailor your robotic pal’s cleaning schedules around you and your families home and lifestyle. You can fully programme it to clean specific rooms or part of a house on a given day or at set times, send it whizzing off to clean a spillage ‘live’ in the moment, and all from the comfort of your armchair. In fact you even remote access the hoover and send it off cleaning whilst you are work so when you return home, you are coming back to freshly vacuumed hallway and living spaces. It’s incredibly clever and also surprisingly addictive to use. We have a Labrador in our family, and as much as she has short hair we still find she moults and sheds hair daily. My partner vacuums pretty much everyday with a regular cordless stick, but we still find that if we send Robbie on a quick tour later that same evening, he still manages to suck up a reasonable proportion of ‘new’ hair and dust – much to her irritation, lol!

    Delving into the app a little further and you can fine tune and create a routine that really integrates Robbie with your lifestyle. You can name rooms, set cleaning schedules and routines, check up on how much life is left in the filter, set different maps for different floors, set water volumes for the amount of fluid being released in mopping mode etc, etc The sheer amount of customisable options is pretty decent but what I am really pleased about here is how easily and intuitive it feels to do. At no point does it become a labour of love or feel overwhelming at all in any way. It all just sort of clicks together and is surprisingly simple to use. Likewise making further changes is a simple process and most settings can be changed with just a few taps of the screen. My hats off to the manufacturers here as often when I have bought products that required additional digital or technical inputs, often the designers over complicated or clutter the user interface and make it difficult to understand and/or use various aspects of their products. Not so in this case I am please to say, as literally every aspect and part of this has been designed to be easy to understand and give you simple but precise control over your new pal’s functionality. Great job team!

    Overall I cannot fault this little gadget in anyway, shape or form. It may initially look and feel like a significant cost to outlay and it did feel like a bit of an extravagant purchase, especially when you may already own a top of the range cordless model like us, but I genuinely wouldn’t be without this now. For sheer convenience and actual cleaning power it’s probably one of the best bits off tech I own (and I own a fair bit too). Yeedi also sell a self emptying bag extractor for this model which I will definitely be investing in later down the line. I would be more than happy to recommend this to anyone and everyone. A wonderful device that does exactly what you would want it to, yet also does exactly what it should do too. Absolutely nothing to dislike here. Don’t contemplate it any further, you will be truly impressed and will be kicking yourself as to why you didn’t get it sooner. Absolutely fantastic!

    5.0 out of 5 stars Incredibly impressive and remarkably good value for your money

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersFirst impressions with this vacuum cleaner are good as it comes in well-designed, eco-friendly packaging together with a printed Quick Start guide and Instruction Manual, both of which are easy to read. This is reassuring as I had not heard of the Yeedi brand before and was unsure what to expect.

    There is no assembly required — you just plug in the power cable into the rear of the recharging station and place the Yeedi on the contacts. The station has a useful cable tidy system at the back, which prevents excessive cable cluttering the floor. The recharging station has to be installed in a position than 0.5 m from side walls, with more than 1.5 m in front to allow clear access so the Yeedi can return to base easily.

    I then attached the edge brush, switched on the power and downloaded the accompanying app by scanning the bar code on the vac. The Yeedi spoke to me in clear English, which simplified the next stages of registering the vac, connecting it our home WiFi network and updating the firmware from v1.5.4 to v1.6.9.

    Before starting the Yeedi on its first mission to map and clean, the app recommended that I lift obstacles from the floor and ensure that the room was well lit as only Basic Obstacle avoidance is supported during mapping. I removed shoes and other easily liftable objects on the floor but left chairs in place.

    I then pressed start and the Yeedi vac explored all areas of our dining room, mapping and vacuuming as it went. The noise was lower pitched and at 69 dB was less noisy than our usual Shark upright vacuum cleaner. My Bang and Olufsen H95 noise-cancelling headphones were able to completely eliminate its noise, making it easy to listen to quiet classical music whilst sitting near to the Yeedi. Our Labrador was interested in the vacuum cleaner but was not bothered by its noise or its movement and was content to let it do its job.

    Having mapped the Dining Room, it then moved onto the hall, kitchen and living rooms. Fortunately, our house is open plan on the ground floor which made it easy to go from one room to another. It is just the right height to get under our L-shaped sofa, which is impossible to reach with a standard vacuum cleaner. We left our dining and breakfast room chairs in place. It had to do few complex manoeuvres to get between the legs but did not get stuck and was able to work out how to get past the obstructions by rotating and moving back and forwards.

    It took 1 hour and 20 minutes to build a map and complete its first clean, which measured 48 square meters. Once it was finished, it found its way back to the charging station and parked up for the night.

    We were really impressed by the quality of its vacuuming, even on the default settings with normal power and once-only vacuuming. It also did a good job of cleaning the mat in our hall, which is usually quite difficult to clean. My wife is very house proud and was delighted that it had done such a good job. It is particularly good at picking up dog hair, which is ideal when you have a Labrador in the house. The dust bin has sufficient capacity to collect dust and pet hair for an entire ground floor vacuuming session before needing to be emptied. This is easy as you just press the red button on the side of the bin whilst holding it over a waste bin. It even comes with a special brush and tool to cut away any long hairs that are caught on the roller or edging brush.

    Our subsequent vacuums have been even easier. We just ensure that the floor space is relatively uncluttered, press the “start” button on the app and leave it to its own devices.

    The Yeedi vac has a high efficiency filter which should be useful for allergy sufferers, which will need to be cleaned each week and replaced every 3 to 6 months, as will the edge brush whilst the main brush should be replaced every 6 to 12 months. These parts of available from the Yeedi store on Amazon, with a pack of 1 roller brushes, 2 edge brushes and 3 filters available for 25, which will last for a year.

    The Yeedi is energy efficient, with a total annual energy consumption of 31 kWh if used twice per week and kept connected to WiFi. This compares favourably with mains powered vacuum cleaner – 2 hours of vacuuming per week with an 890 W Miele Cat and Dog vacuum cleaner would consume 92 kWh. From October, electricity rises to 52 p per kWh, which makes another great argument getting the Yeedi!

    I was really impressed by the quality of this robotic vacuum cleaner and have no hesitation in recommending it.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Top quality robotic vacuum cleaner, ideal for pet hai

  4. Clarence2959 says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersIt worked straight out of the box. The vacuum is efficient and not surprisingly it works best when it has a clear run and doesn’t have to negotiate around many objects, so I would suggest it’s worth spending a little bit of time and effort clearing as much as possible off the floor. You need to make sure it will physically fit under furniture. I have 6 dining chairs which It only just fits under and then only when approached exactly right, but it persisted in trying for ages until the battery ran down. so I just lifted them out of the way next time.
    The mopping function works surprisingly well considering the very small amount of water it uses. The mopping pad comes off for washing and it looks tough. However I use the mopping facility everyday because my wooden floor shows my dogs paw prints and eventually the pad will wear out. I would like to buy spares of this but can’t find how to do this. Seller please get in touch.
    Update December 2022. The seller never did get in touch. I eventually found a seller of replacement pads but when I tried to order they would only deliver to EU countries: so thanks to BREXIT for that. I still can’t find anyone selling replacement pads – the website now says they’re not available. This means that the mopping part of the vac is obsolete.

  5. ChristalBolling says:


    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersJ’utilise ce produit tous les jours pour nettoyer ma maison. J’en suis trs satisfaite. Il est trs efficace, passe absolument partout, j’ai beaucoup d’animaux, et il n’y a aucun poil. Comme je suis non-voyante, des amis sont venus la maison et ont t tonn de la propret de celle-ci. Pendant deux mois il a parfaitement fonctionn, et un jour, le micro programme s’est mis jour, et il n’a plus voulu laver. J’ai d le renvoyer, en racheter un autre, et celui-ci lave parfaitement. Le seul point faible, c’est qu’il a du mal retrouver sa base de chargement en tout cas pour le deuxime. Un petit conseil vous donner, si vous acheter cette aspirateur, n’utilisez pas le mode cartographie rapide Tel que dcrit dans le mode d’emploi qui est malheureusement qu’en anglais. Passer votre aspirateur dans chaque pice individuellement cela sera plus efficace.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 22 From Our UsersEin richtig kleines Kraftpaket dieser yeedi 2 !!! Meine Frau hatte ihn mehr aus Spa zum testen bestellt, nun haben wir ihn behalten da er uns einfach absolut berzeugt hat. Ob saugen oder wischen, das Teil macht seinen Job richtig gut. Vor allem mit Tieren im Haus ist das eine richtig gute Mglichkeit sich ohne groen Aufwand und Arbeit sich der vielen kleinen Haare problemlos zu entledigen.

    Das verwendete Kunststoff fhlt sich sehr wertig an. Walzen und Radaufhngen sehen sehr gut aus. Allein das simple Scharnier vom Deckel der Absaugstation lsst schon auf saubere Verarbeitung schlieen. Generell ist die gesamte Technik des Gerts schon extrem gut durchdacht. Alle austauschbaren Komponenten lassen sich super bedienen. Das Auf- und Abstecken der Wischplatte, die Pads zur Nassreinigung, der Wassertank und Staubbehlter, Beutel und Filter in der Absaugstation, Rollbrste, Kehrpinsel viel besser htte man das aus meiner Sicht nicht lsen knnen – absolut TOP.

    Das einrichten hat bei uns etwas lnger gedauert. Wir mussten ihn 4x durchs Haus jagen bis er dann tatschlich alle Rume und Flchen korrekt zugeordnet hatte. Seitdem funktioniert es aber absolut perfekt.

    Ein extra dicker Pluspunkt der gesondert erwhnt werden MUSS:

    Er passt absolut Perfekt unter die Billy Regale und Kommoden (siehe auch Foto)


    mit der Funktion als Saugroboter

    # arbeitet ruhig und problemlos
    # systematische Reinigung der Rume
    # auch fr Hunde- und Katzenhaare sehr gut geeignet
    # hat keine Probleme mit Teppichen
    # schafft auch ein Verlngerungskabel
    # keine Stelle wird bersehen oder ausgelassen, sehr lblich
    # Hindernisse merkt er sich und versucht spter diese nicht nochmal zu befahren (Couch, Sessel u.s.w.)
    # findet ohne Probleme zur Ladestation, auch wenn diese in einem anderen Raum steht
    # die Dockingstation soll laut Anleitung grozgig frei stehen, aber auch bei beengtem Raum und in engen Nischen hat er sie gut und exakt gefunden
    # hervorragende Saugleistung
    # nicht zu laut

    mit der Funktion als Wischroboter

    # Boden ist feucht, nicht nass
    # hervorragende Reinigungsleistung
    # erkennt strkere Verunreinigung und wischt an diesen stellen automatisch mehrmals drber
    # Wischsystem gleicht dem Saugsystem
    # meist finden zwei Durchlufe beim Wischen statt

    APP Funktion

    # schnelles starten ohne Probleme
    # virtuelle Wnde lassen sich schnell ohne einfach festlegen (falls z.B. nur ein bestimmter Bereich gereinigt werden soll)
    # hervorragende Verbindung zum Gert
    # leider ist das lschen einzelner Rumen nicht mglich – Hier hilft es nur die komplette Karte zu lschen und nicht erwnschte Rume vor dem neuem Scan schlieen
    # schn wre hier z.B. eine zuweisungsfunkton fr Bereiche die besondere Aufmerksamkeit bekommen sollen – vielleicht gibt es ja noch einmal ein Update


    # nicht Alexa-fhig
    # musste bei uns 4xsmtliche Rume scannen bis er wirklich alles korrekt erfasst hatte (luft seitdem aber auch absolut problemlos)

    Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit dem Gert und knnen es guten Gewissens weiterempfehlen. Es erspart und enorm viel Arbeit, funktioniert seit vielen Wochen absolut Problemlos und scheint auch eine hohe Lebensdauer zu versprechen!

    Wir knnen es nur herzlichst empfehlen !

    🤖 😍 Extrem guter Saug- und Wischroboter 😍 🤖

  7. StanleyDelprat says:


    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersCompr este robot por muchas razones:
    Su altura es muy bajita y puede meterse debajo de todos mis muebles.
    Aspira y friega al mismo tiempo.
    Habla en espaol.
    Lo manejo con el movil o presionando el botn directamente en el robot.
    Su precio est genial y adems tena un cupn de 40 de descuento.
    Amazon vende el set de mopa, escobillas y filtro de recambio.
    En fin que la configuracin para la aplicacin de mvil es muy sencilla, slo cambi la velocidad de internet y qued configurado.
    Al princicio lo puse a funcionar por la noche y el mapa no qued muy bien, pero la aplicacin tiene unas explicaciones muy utiles y lo pas 2 veces en el da y el mapa qued perfecto.
    Le puedes poner 3 niveles de succin aunque con el nivel 1 es mas que suficiente para mantener la casa limpia.
    Es una pasada poder manejarlo con el movil, ya que teniendo el mapa puedes etiquetar cada zona y decirle que habitaciones quieres limpiar y en que orden, si quieres limpiar solo los baos, o la cocina, en fin, a tu gusto por completo.
    El depsito de polvo es de muy buena capacidad aunque no imaginas la cantidad de suciedad que recoge aun viendo la casa limpia, y te avisa para que limpies el depsito y el filtro.
    Lo que no termina de convencerme del todo es el fregado ya que pareciera que slo limpia por los extremos de la mopa dejando el suelo en rayas aunque le ponga la mxima capacidad de agua.
    Sin embargo para mi es una ayuda genial en casa, mi casa tiene 98 metros y la hace en una hora mas o menos dejndome todo impecable. Tengo 2 gatos y en verano sueltan muchsimo pelo y desde que “Anita” es parte de la familia, puedo caminar descalza por casa sin tener la sensacin de suciedad.
    Mientras carga se le enciende la luz pero una vez est cargada permanece apagada y en la aplicacin me la muestra con signos de “zzzzz” moviendose como si estuviera durmiendo.
    Cuando est trabajando la aplicacin tambin me muestra el nivel de batera.
    Las escobillas y el rodillo permanecen muy limpios, no como mi robot anterior que siempre tena cantidad de pelo enredado.
    La plataforma de fregado se le pone y quita con mucha facilidad.
    Carga totalmente en unas 3 horas.
    Limpia de manera muy ordenada.
    En resumen, estoy muy feliz con la compra y lo recomiendo 100%. Lo del fregado me parece que en todas las marcas y todos los precios es algo que est en desarrollo, asi que no lo considero tan importante.