LEGO City Green Race Car Toy for 4 Plus Year Old Boys

LEGO City Green Race Car Toy for 4 Plus Year Old Boys & Girls

LEGO City Green Race Car Toy for 4 Plus Year Old Boys & Girls, Classic-Style Racing Vehicle Building Kit, with Photographer and Driver Minifigures, Gifts for Preschool Kids 60399


Play without limits

Combine this building set with others from the LEGO City range for more fun-packed adventures (sets sold separately).

Dimensions: 4.6 x 14.1 x 12.2 cm; 100 Grams
Model: 60399
Material: Plastic
Colour: Multicolor
Pack Quantity: 56
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Age: 4 years and up
Assembly: Yes
Dimensions: 4.6 x 14.1 x 12.2 cm; 100 Grams
Material: Plastic
Quantity: 56

22 Responses

  1. FallonCowan says:


    Das zusammenbauen hat hier besonders gut, komplett alleine und sehr schnell geklappt. Fr den einen ist es positiv, fr den anderen evtl. zu einfach, aber der Erfolg hat unser Kleinkind sehr stolz gemacht und daher 5 Sterne.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Siendo consciente de que es un pack de inicio con pocas piezas, creo que el resultado final es bueno en el sentido de que creo que da ms de lo que cuesta. El coche tiene un buen tamao, el diseo es bien chulo y no es nada complicado de ensamblar tal cual viene en la caja o de usar con otros packs para creaciones personalizadas.

  3. Anonymous says:


    En casa nos gusta montar coches de todo tipo con las piezas de LEGO que tenemos, desde coches de carreras, de montaa, utilitarios, minis… Pero el caso es que los coches de alta competicin son difciles de construir de manera creble y realista ya que necesitan piezas especiales como alerones, morros, etc.

    As que con este pequeo pack deportivo ya tenemos un F1 realista con el que competir 🙂 El coche est genial y la verdad es que nos ha venido muy bien para montar carreras, as que estamos encantados (el padre y el hijo, jeje).

    Si te gusta jugar como nosotros y los coches de competicin, te recomiendo totalmente este deportivo.

  4. Alfred Ng says:


    En mi opinin, el set tiene un tamao adecuado y las piezas estn bien distribuidas, lo que hace que el coche tenga una buena presencia aun sabiendo que es un set de los baratitos. Adems, el coche no tiene pegatinas, sino que las decoraciones estn impresas en las piezas, lo que facilita el proceso de construccin y evita el riesgo de daar las calcomanas. De hecho, prefiero eso a las pegatinas, y muchos sets ms caros nos hacen pasar por el aro, cuando pienso que es mejor una buena impresion en la pieza que una pegatina.

    La construccin del coche es sencilla y fcil de seguir, incluso para los nios ms pequeos o usuarios inexpertos. Tiene una gran parte de la base que incluye las ruedas y el chasis, lo que facilita la construccin.

    El set incluye dos figuras y un trofeo. Me gusta el nuevo torso con la marca de la gasolinera Air y el logotipo de Octan Energy. Adems, se ha incluido la posibilidad de cambiar el casco de las figuras, dando mas posibilidades de personalizacin. Las figuras tienen cuatro puntos de unin en la parte inferior, lo que puede dificultar la extraccin de la figura del coche sin quitar el casco o incluso el torso.

    En general, el set es fcil de construir y el resultado final es un coche llamativo y resultn. Adems, el precio es muy asequible y el valor aportado es excelente.

  5. VioletCastella says:


    Set completo che, oltre a tutti i componenti necessari per costruire una dettagliata macchinina da Formula 1, include anche due figure, un pilota e un fotografo e la coppa per il vincitore.
    La qualit del marchio LEGO sempre una garanzia.La robustezza e la sicurezza nei giochi per bambini devono essere la priorit.
    L’assemblaggio stato divertente e facile grazie alle istruzioni dettagliate incluse nella confezione. Questo set LEGO Formula 1 di dimensioni contenute, rendendolo perfetto per i bambini che stanno iniziando ad avvicinarsi al mondo delle costruzioni. Non troppo grande n troppo complesso, ma offre comunque abbastanza dettagli per mantenere alta la curiosit dei bambini stimolando la loro creativit.
    Consiglio questo set per i bambini con la passione delle macchinine.

    Set per bambini di 4 anni

  6. FreddieSilas says:


    Incluye dos muecos y coche de frmula 1
    Piezas ms bien pequeas. Neumticos de goma.
    Manual de montaje muy bien detallado
    Caja de dimensiones reducidas: 14×11,5×4,5 cms. Sobra un poco de espacio pero ms acorde al contenido que otros Legos

    Amazon me ha ofrecido este Lego a cambio de mi experiencia honesta e imparcial.

    El manual est muy bien detallado y fcil de seguir.

    Las piezas son ms bien pequeas pero fcil de montar, y hay que montar todo incluso el pelo de los muecos. Lo que ms me gusta son las ruedas, que se componen de llanta y neumticos. Los neumticos son de goma, no de plstico.

    Uno de los quebraderos de cabeza que tenemos con los kits de Lego es cmo guardarlos, porque los padres tendemos a tirar la caja y guardar todas las piezas juntas en la misma caja para ahorrar espacio. As se mezclan y luego es imposible montar cada juego. En este caso veo factible guardar el juguete en su caja, tanto montado como sin montar.

    En la web de Lego hay recomendaciones sobre como ordenar sus juguetes.

    Coche de unos 11 cms de largo, ruedas de goma

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    LEGO City Green Race Car, very lovely, satisfying and easy to build for my 5 years old son.
    The instructions were super easy to follow, meaning it didn’t take long to complete, more importantly, this continues to give enjoyment after being built.
    This one was definitely interactive and fun. Would recommend.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Nice Lego se

  8. The Dawn of Running How Running Changed My Life says:

     United Kingdom

    Lego is one of those brands that has become synonymous with quality and that can be trusted every time. This race car is no exception and it has kept my four year old nephew happy for a few hours when I’ve seen him.

    Recommended for younger kids.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I received the LEGO City Green Race Car set for review, and my son took on the challenge of building it. Here’s what we thought of it:

    The set, designed for children aged 4 and up, was perfectly suited for my son. The instructions were clear, making the building achievable – it’s an easy build, so good for first timers.

    Once built, the race car is suitable for daily play. The inclusion of photographer and driver minifigures is good as you don’t need to purchase any extras.

    Overall, for children who love racing cars and want to get started with Lego, this is a very good set. It isn’t too challenging, and definitely achievable on their own. 5/5

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great piece of kit for a child who is just starting out with lego.
    It’s easy to assemble, doesn’t take long at all, and as with other lego kits, the pieces are well made and easy to put together.
    I love the fact that this comes with a female driver. It’s great for young children to see this from a young age.

  11. AleciaWVTU says:

     United Kingdom

    his is a race car set from lego city series, a green formula 1, a female driver, a cameraman and a trophy in the set; female driver has a ponytail hair style and a helmet for exchange

    it’s a simple set for small kids, just 56 pieces, really easy to assemble, detail instruction is included, 4 years old kids could complete all without help from parent

    i’m happy with this product, would recommend

    5.0 out of 5 stars beautiful f1 racing ca

  12. ClevelandGabrie says:


    Il set LEGO della macchinina ha all’incirca 60 oz ed un’opzione affascinante per i giovani costruttori lego alle prime armi . Con un numero limitato di pezzi, il set concepito per offrire un’esperienza di costruzione accessibile e coinvolgente. Una delle caratteristiche pi apprezzate la facilit di assemblaggio, resa possibile dalle istruzioni dettagliate e dalla chiarezza del design dei mattoncini LEGO.

    La variet di colori e forme dei pezzi consente ai bambini di esplorare la propria creativit, incoraggiando la progettazione di diverse versioni della macchinina. Questo stimola la loro immaginazione e sviluppa le abilit motorie attraverso un’esperienza pratica e divertente.

    Tuttavia, importante notare che, data la dimensione ridotta del set, potrebbe risultare un’opzione pi adatta ai bambini pi piccoli o a coloro che si avvicinano per la prima volta al mondo LEGO. Per i costruttori pi esperti o desiderosi di sfide pi complesse, potrebbe essere preferibile optare per set con un numero maggiore di pezzi.

    La macchinina LEGO da 60 pezzi pu anche fungere da punto di partenza per ulteriori avventure di costruzione, consentendo ai bambini di combinare questo set con altri pezzi LEGO per creare creazioni uniche e personalizzate. Inoltre, la qualit dei materiali LEGO assicura una durata nel tempo e la possibilit di smontare e ricostruire le creazioni infinite volte.

    In conclusione, il set LEGO della macchinina da 60 pezzi un’opzione adatta per i principianti e offre un’esperienza di costruzione educativa e divertente. La versatilit dei mattoncini LEGO incoraggia la creativit e l’immaginazione, rendendo questo set un regalo apprezzato per i giovani appassionati di costruzioni.

    Lego non delude mai !!

  13. Lin9735cytzjycy says:

     United Kingdom

    Very fun car to build with bright colours, my child said “Nice colours”.
    The instructions were simple and easy to follow.
    Wheels could need help from an adult to push in but otherwise is child friendly.

    The car is very stable and is fun to push along. two legomen are included, one photographer and a female racing driver.
    Overall a great model and would recommend.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Easy to assemble even for younger childre

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Lego is a worldwide known, trusted and robust brand of building bricks.

    This racing car is an add-on for the Lego City range.

    Promoting imaginative play and core motor skills for pre-school and school age, this toy car is designed to fit in with other ‘Lego City’ scenes.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Add on For The Lego City Range

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Fun little set. My little girl (5) found it very easy to build herself, and has had lots of fun racing it around.
    Would make a great little gift, very happy with it.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Grea

  16. Staff says:

     United Kingdom

    My Lego man, and car mad nephew went double mad for this Lego City Green Race Car set.

    It’s a minimal set, with only a handful of pieces, and you’re probably up and running in about 10 minutes or less, but that doesn’t make the building any less exciting (the nephew absolutely loved building it with the bare minimum of help), and the finished product is pretty good. It is solid enough to play with too and doesn’t feel like it will fall apart during play (as long as it isn’t being launched across a room or going off-roading in the garden or something).

    It’s a really nice quick build.

  17. ElvaChiuushfy says:

     United Kingdom

    This little kit comes with an instruction picture book which is quite simple and easy for young children to follow with a bit of care an attention. My nephew found it quite straightforward with a bit of help.

    Makes a really cute car which is typical lego quality and is a great way for kids to get started with using their own kits.
    Not too pricey either so reasonable value for money.

  18. FerminRGKep says:

     United Kingdom

    Any of these mini sets are affordable and great for visiting children who have Legos experience or have never had Legos because their parents cannot afford them.

    My four year old says he loves the colour. I love that he could build it himself and it was great value for money

    I definitely would prefer the vehicles to be designed with doors that open. Overall style is very good.

  19. WilburBanuelos says:

     United Kingdom

    LEGO City Green Race Car Toy for 4 Plus Year Old Boys & Girls – This classic-style racing vehicle building kit is great fun. It comes with an photographer and driver minifigures making it a great gift for preschool kids.

    The package is small and contains all the lego pieces ready to go together. The included booklet contains step by step instructions on how to put everything together.

    I definitely recommend it.

    5.0 out of 5 stars LEGO City Green Race Car Toy for 4 Plus Year Old Boys & Girls

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This LEGO City has a mere 56 pieces. The graphic instructions are child friendly. All of the fine details are printed onto the pieces. There are no fiddly stickers to put on. My daughter is particularly pleased that the race driver is female. The second mini figure is a photographer for immortalising all of her her victories.

    The pieces in the set are all high quality. the fit together securely. Once assembled the car looks really cute. We love the shape and the colour scheme. The car rolls around nicely on it wide tyres. Good value for money.

  21. LavadaBeaman says:

     United Kingdom

    A wonderful easy build ideal for smaller children starting out with Lego. The instructions make it very easy to build step by step. Comes with 2 characters and a racing car. The figures have a helmet and interchangeable hair. I really like this build. Perfect addition to your Lego city collection.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Fun small build.

  22. UtaMedeiros says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a really cool little race car in green and orange and the set comprises of 56 pieces.

    I ordered it for my grandson who is just 4 and it will be his first ever build and I can’t tell you how excited he is about that, after watching all his cousins build, to finally have one of his own!!

    The build is designed for his age group and has simple pieces and picture instructions.

    I will be doing it with him as the pieces are small and kids being kids, you can’t be too careful, but it is an ideal first build in my opinion.

    The quality and detail you get with LEGO is outstanding and this little build is no different. I love the trophy and photographer which sets the finished build up nicely for imaginative play.

    In my opinion it’s a great price and I hope it will be the catalyst that hooks my grandson.

    I hope you find my review helpful.