OutdoorMaster Heron Ski Goggles with 2 Lens, Frameless

OutdoorMaster Heron Ski Goggles with 2 Lens, Frameless, Magnetic Interchangeable HD Toric Lens, OTG Snowboard Goggles for for Men & Women, 100% UV Protection Snow Goggles
From the brand

OutdoorMaster Heron Ski Goggles with 2 Lens, Frameless, Magnetic Interchangeable HD Toric Lens, OTG Snowboard Goggles for for Men & Women, 100% UV Protection Snow Goggles
Best goggle I’ve ever had. Can’t beat the price. I’ve used them a half dozen times on bright and partially sunny days and the clarity is exceptional. The rubber lining on the strap is a nice touch. Keeps goggles from slipping on my helmet. I have the Herron OTG goggle. It’s a little tricky putting them on over my glasses only because of the style of glasses I have. It’s manageable though. I had Anon goggles with magnetic lenses that cost three times as much as the Herron and I like the the Outdoor Master goggles more. Can’t go wrong with these goggles
These have a very good field of view. The interchangeable lenses (magnet mount) stay on securely, and give you flexibility for differing light conditions. Later in the day the yellow lens really helps with the contours and contrast is improved considerably when the light starts to diminish. They don’t look quite as cool though compared to the mirrored silver ! Headband is nice and wide holding the goggles securely. These look as good as they perform. My favorite pair so far.
Used for 1 weeks skiiing, so report based on this. Interchangeable lenses are really easy to swap and are of good quality. Lo light lens very good. Goggles comfortable to wear. Used with corrective lens insert from previous goggles which can move about a bit but not a problem. Glasses could be worn under the goggles if needed. Seem reasonably robust. So far so good.
My husband says these goggles are fantastic! They fit well with his helmet, and the different lenses are easy to exchange for various light conditions. They seem to be an excellent value for the price.
I have had a great experience with this goggle. I snowmobile and love the ability to change out lenses based on conditions. They are a quality goggle and I recommend them highly.
Outdoor Master un’azienda produttrice di articoli sportivi prettamente invernali e non, che si fatta strada e dal 2021 diventata fornitore ufficiale dello US SKI TEAM americano.
Il kit occhiali racchiuso all’interno di una custodia protettiva “Snow Googles Box ” robusta e ben realizzata con un bel effetto texturizzato simil carbonio, gi qui si percepisce sentore di qualit.
All’interno troviamo gli occhiali con annessa sacca protettiva in microfibra logata.
Sempre in aggiunta troviamo anche la lente bonus in variante gialla per l’utilizzo in condizione di scarsa luminosit.
Questo modello soprannominato “HERON” raccoglie un mix azzeccato tra tecnologia, estetica e confort.
La caratteristica principale di questo occhiale da sport invernale quella di essere ” frameless ” , nessun ostacolo alla visione grazie all’utilizzo di stupende lenti toriche, tutto questo per beneficiare di una visione ” Wide OVP ” cristallina, perfetta senza disturbi con lenti a doppio strato anti UV 400 al 100%.
Ottimo il grado di polarizzazione delle lenti e accattivante il colore( blu Sky )in questo modello testato.
Altra chicca il sistema ” MagKlick “a sgancio rapido delle lenti, grazie a degli inserti magnetici potenti al neodimio possiamo intercambiare le lenti in pochi secondi… fantastico.
Sono occhiali costruiti con criterio e cura di dettagli come pochi, offrono un sistema di traspirazione interna perfetto, assenza totale di appannamenti in ogni condizione di utilizzo.
Inoltre possibile utilizzare gli occhiali da vista sotto questi occhiali perch progettati secondo design OTG…fantastici.
La fascia di ancoraggio degli occhiali logata ben strutturata, molto morbida ma robusta, ben realizzata con inserti in silicone antiscivolo per garantire massimo grip sul caschetto di protezione.
Sono rimasto notevolmente colpito dalla qualit costruttiva e dai dettagli tecnici di questi occhiali da sci, aggiungiamoci anche che l’azienda offre una garanzia a vita sul prodotto, posso straconsigliare questi splendidi occhiali e inserirli di prepotenza tra i miei preferiti.
I love the look of these goggles and they are quite comfortable to wear. the reflective coating on the outside will start to scratch after a few uses, but at this price, you can always just get another pair instead of dropping hundreds on some of the other brands
arrivati il giorno dopo l’ordine
arrivano in un sacchetto!
occhiali molto buoni, ottimi materiali e lenti molto comode che proteggono bene dalla luce!
prezzo nella media
Aggiorner questa e le altre recensioni se ci saranno degli sviluppi nel tempo!
Got these and tested them out during a few days skiing in Vermont. The silver tint look great but were a tad dark of a tent for an overcast day. Use the yellow ones the next day and though they’re not as nice looking visually, they were fantastic. Anti fog is okay on these but definitely for the cost. You can’t complain. These are far better goggles than comparables in this price range
First and foremost, this is written as I’ve just unboxed them. I’m heading out to Italy at the end of January. I’ve also not been paid to write the review – I purchased with my own money.
They arrived in a very solid hardshell case with a soft back that stretches to accommodate goggles and a number of spare lenses (if you wanted to buy more!). The secondary lens in tuck away in a pouch and the front of the case, and the goggles sit behind them with case zipping shut.
The googles themselves fit really well. I’m using a Flaxta Deep Space helmet in size M/L and there’s no clash or fighting for space. I have a medium sized face and they felt very secure. The strap of the goggles does feature a 2 silicone strips that go the length of the band to keep it in place on your helmet (I don’t believe the outdoor master Pros have this).
I picked the 18% VLT lens that came with the yellow low light lens – I’ll update my review when I’ve been out in January. So far the 18% lens does crispen up the bluer colours and offer very good tinting. The low lens are what I would expect. Both lenses are very clear and look good quality. How they hold up to scratches and wear, time will tell.
Es ist nicht so einfach fr meinen Mann eine passende Skibrille zu finden, die all seinen Ansprchen gengt.
Mit dieser Brille von OutdoorMaster ist es nun endlich gelungen.
Ich hoffe sehr, dass die Brille im Programm bleibt und man auch noch in der Zukunft die Glser nachkaufen kann, wenn die jetzigen Linsen vielleicht mal einen Kratzer abbekommen oder man eine andere Linse ausprobieren mchte.
Es ist die erste Skibrille, unter die seine eigene Brille sehr gut drunter passt.
Sie sitzt gut und lsst sich dank des ausreichend langen Gummibandes auch bei seinem groen Skihelm problemlos befestigen. Da er einen recht groen Kopfumfang hat, ist das bisher das grte Problem gewesen. Die Gummis wurden so gedehnt, dass sich die Brillen regelrecht in sein Gesicht gepresst haben.
Der schnelle Tausch der Glser (je nach Witterung) und die tolle und sichere Aufbewahrungstasche fr das gerade nicht verwendete Glas runden das Set ab.
70 Euro ist im Vergleich zu anderen Brillen ein wirklich angemessener Preis. Man erhlt hier eine tolle und hochwertige Brille, die mit smtlichen Markenherstellern mithalten kann.
Occhiavi da sci per giornate sulla neve, con protezione dai raggi UV e lente aggiuntiva magnetica, molto belli esteticamente con visiera trasparente, montata con elastico, adatto agli sport invernali, come sci, snowboard e quant’altro si pu fare sulla neve, un bel paio di occhiali che proteggono bene grazie alla copertura facciale sia dal freddo che dall’acqua, ho avuto modo di testarli durante una giornata di mal tempo sulla neve, ed hanno resistito bene alla pioggia, e al vento senza far penetrare all’interno alcun che, mi sento di consigliarli, per chi vuole un prodotto buono a prezzi accessibili.
Huge upgrade from my last ski goggles which I purchased on amazon. But the price is also double. I was shopping for ski goggles in stores for a long time but they were super expensive (over $100) or very poor quality. These googles are quite well made for the price!
I especially appreciate the fact this comes with 2 lenses which are easy to swap out and attach via magnets. The goggles even come with a hard protective case. The goggles (at this price point) I saw in retail stores didn’t even have these!
Looking forward to wearing these on the slopes.
I have been a long time owner and user of multiple iterations of Smith brand goggles. I watched a video shot at a trade show by an influencer on OutdoorMaster and what really stood out to me was their message about wanting to deliver a great quality product at a value-based price point. I think they have delivered on that with the Heron. The magnetic interchangeable lens system is robust, the fit is comfortable and the carrying case is quite a bit better than what you get with the more expensive brands. The only downside was the weight. It was noticeably heavier than other googles that I’ve used, but not to the point that would prevent me from buying, especially at this price point. Great value overall.
These ski goggles have sufficient foam and elasticity to them that they are comfortable to wear. I like that they come with two lenses. I ordered this in the “A-BlackFrame Vlt 15% RevoColorful” and I love the colourful tints to the lens!
Visibility is good with these lenses on, though I do find that because of the colourfulness of the lenses, the colours I see through them aren’t necessarily accurate (not polarized). But that’s okayThey look great on and are very stylish while still able to protect your eyes from wind & debris, etc.
I like that this set also comes with a semi-hard-shelled case to store your lenses inAs well as a drawstring bag that is used for storage and also to wipe off any smudges from the lenses.
I also like that the lenses (the other one is just a clear, transparent lens once you remove the protective plastic) are easy to swap in and out of the goggles frame. There is some magnetic magic going on to help them snap easily into the frame and stay there.
The elasticized headband is adjustable and also contains thin silicone lines to help keep them in place around your head.
These are good, stylish ski goggles. Not a bad value for the price you pay
Note: If you’re planning on giving these as a gift to the skier in your life, though, be aware that these goggles do not come boxed. Instead, they just come in a plastic bag. So if you’re gifting them, you might want to get a separate gift box to present these i
The clarity and sharpness of the lenses are remarkable, providing enhanced visibility in varying light conditions. Noteworthy is the Over-The-Glasses (OTG) compatibility, making these goggles a perfect fit for eyeglass wearers without sacrificing comfort. The frameless construction not only adds a modern touch but also expands peripheral vision, crucial for navigating diverse terrains. Built with durability in mind, these goggles boast an anti-fog coating and a secure fit that stays put during even the most intense snow sports maneuvers. The adjustable strap and comfortable foam padding add to the overall pleasure of wearing these goggles for extended periods. See the snowy world with unparalleled clarity and confidence—invest in the Heron experience!
These ski goggles are excellent. The lenses are clear, and the padding is comfortable. The latter is made of exposed foam, so I wonder about its durability. You can certainly fit your glasses, but you must squeeze them through the cushioning; they will be behind the ski lenses and before the padding. Like other accessories, the elastic band is adjustable to fit your head size. After using them, a hard-shell case and bag are provided to protect your goggles. Whether you are a snow sports enthusiast or a beginner, these ski goggles are decent at keeping the snow out of your field of vision.
Bequem, riesengross, 2 Glser dabei, die per Magnet super zu wechseln sind, aber innen zu schmal fr Brillentrger.
Ich habe dieses Produkt kostenlos zum Testen bestellen drfen. Ich teste / bestelle grundstzlich nur Produkte, die in meinen Augen brauchbar und sinnvoll sind, und deren Qualitt augenscheinlich keine Nachteile zu hnlichen Produkten aufweisst.
Meine Beweruntsmasstbe:
5 Sterne: sehr gut – das Produkt hat mich in keiner Weise enttuscht, sondern entsprach den Angaben oder hat mich in irgend einer Weise sogar positiv berrascht
4 Sterne: gut – keine deutlichen Schwchen, nichts besonderes, aber gut
3 Sterne: brauchbar aber Schwchen (Qualitt, berhhter Preis)
2 Sterne: deutliche Schwchen, falsche Produktbeschreibung / nicht empfehlenswert
1 Stern: falsche Produktangaben, absolut unbrauchbar, gefhrliche Sicherheitsmngel, einfach schade ums Geld
Nicht erwhnte Punkte sind unauffllig also in Ordnung.
+++Lieferung / Verpackung+++
Was jedem Auffllt: Die Brille ist riesig. Ob sie also zum Helm passt sollte man vorher berlegen.
Die Brille ist bequem, drckt nicht, und trotz der Grsse ist der Nasenausschnitt so gewhlt, das er kaum beim Atmen behindert. (Andere Brille mit rundem nicht eckigem Nasenausschnitt strte allerdings gar nicht (OUTDOOR SPARTA Snowboard Skibrille OTG). Eine Brille darunter zu tragen geht in meinen Augen nicht. Es sei denn sie ist schmaler als 11 cm. Mir fehlt der Vergleich, ich bin kein Brillentrger und kann nur mit Lesebrillen testen. Die sind bei mir alle breiter.
Dafr, dass nur manche Brillen hinein passen, ist die Skibrille in den Aussenabmessungen aber wahnsinnig gross. Auch da war die Konkurrenz etwas besser mit 1 cm mehr Breite innen trotz gleicher Aussenabmessungen.
Die Sicht ist top, keine Farbvernderungen oder strende Spiegelungen (genannte Konkurrenz mit den getesteten Glsern hier schlechter). Seitlich mchte ich meinen ist die abdunkelnde Wirkung etwas schwcher, aber kaum auffallend.
Top ist die Idee eine Glaseinheit (ist ja alles Kunststoff) also inkl. Doppeltem Innenglas per Magnet tauschen zu knnen. Einfach dunkles Glas entfernen, und helles Glas dran pappen.
Das helle Glas ist sehr hell, da hat mir die Konkurrenz wieder besser gefallen mit etwas mehr gelb und (scheinbar zumindest) mehr Kontrast.
Der Riemen ist innen mit Gummi besetzt, was guten Halt verspricht.
Das Produkt macht einen ordentlichen wertigen Eindruck. Besonders der Wechselmechanismus ist hervorragend.
2 Glser und Microfasersckchen zum verstauen, Gutes Hardcase zum Verstauen.
70 EUR ist mir persnlich zu viel fr diese Brille. Die o.g. fast baugleiche fr 40.
I’ve been looking for some new, fashionable ski goggles for a while now and just couldn’t bring myself to spending $200 plus. These Heron frameless goggles from Outdoor Master showed up in my recommended items and I loved the frameless look and all the color options for the band and lens! I ended up ordering the Silver 10% VLT (darkest tint) lens on black band that also included an interchangeable yellow lens for low light conditions. Tried them on with the helmet that I also got from Outdoor Master and they fit perfect, very comfortable, no pressure points on my face or nose. Compared to my old Oakley framed goggles, they have a much wider field of vision and the darker tint is much better in our typically blazing sunny ski conditions here in the Alberta Rockies. The double layer lens definitely don’t fog up in -5C to -10C range and I’ll see how they perform when it gets colder.
It’s a great kit that includes micro fiber carry bag, extra lens for low light and padded hard case for storage and packing. I love the look and fit so we’ll see how they hold up for scratches and impact from the inevitable face plant. Great value, 5/5 until proven otherwise!
First impressions
I like the look of this design.. 2 nice lenses, nice case good value. Perfect for our snow dayz. The hard case will allow you to throw it safely in the bag without scratches. So far the fit is great, very shiny and clear.
-Beautiful easy swap lenses (2 included)
-straps are easy to adjust and have sticky rubber grips
-great fit around face — doesn’t crush my nose (I can still breath)
-Crystal Clear lenses! Also doesn’t distort.
-light weight
-scratch resistant bag when not wearing
-hard case to hold everything (stretchy, noice)
-none so far
I definitely recommend these. Quick test outside/inside didn’t fog, but we’ll see when I get all sweaty. But at least the foam surround will keep the sweat drips out of my eyes. Really comfortable and very clear! Recommended.
Amazon Vine Review
Heron Ski Goggles/Fox Snow Goggles With 2 Lenses, Frameless Design, Over The Glasses, Magnetic Interchangeable HD Toric Lenses, Helmet Compatible — by OUTDOORMASTER
This is a lengthy Review because it is packed with details. I have done the research. If you are genuinely interested in this product, please take the time to read this and indicate if you felt it was helpful.
Years ago, I had a severe ski accident that put an end to my downhill skiing days. However, I still enjoy cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Recently, I came across this product for Ski and Snow goggles. These goggles are not just for cross-country skiing or snowshoeing but also for clearing snow from my driveway. Of course, this activity lacks the thrill and excitement of skiing. I’ll explain a bit more.
I reside in the countryside with a long driveway leading to the main road. During winter, I use a snow thrower attached to my yard tractor to clear my driveway. I don’t mind doing this as it keeps me active and lets me spend more time outdoors. However, I’m not fond of the snow blowing onto my face, constantly giving me a face wash. Even though I have tried snow goggles, they always fogged up, and I had to remove them to see. When I saw these snow goggles, I was curious to try them out as they appeared to be on a new level.
Although I ordered these snow goggles for a particular winter task, they can be used outdoors for just about anything during winter.
Despite conducting this Review in a limited timeframe, my evaluation is from my experience using this product and detailing any positive or negative aspects unbiasedly.
This product became available, or re-available, on Amazon Canada in September 2023, and I requested it in late November of the same year. There was a long waiting period for delivery at the time of ordering. However, that changed suddenly, and the goggles arrived in short order. These goggles come in 15 colours and styles; some pairs have 2 interchangeable lenses. I ordered the Black Frame with VLT 10% Silver for sunny days, and it also comes with an additional Yellow Lens VLT 87% for dull days and nighttime use. One of the most remarkable features of these goggles is the MagKlick Magnetic system for interchanging the lenses. The magnets are robust and easy to use, so that you can interchange a wide range of lenses seamlessly and securely.
I was amazed when I opened the bag and saw its contents for the first time. The excellent and impressive Snow Goggles case, the OutdoorMaster Ski/Snow Goggles with the Black/Silver Lens, the replacement Yellow Lens and a Carrying Pouch. The Case with all items weighs 400 g (14.1 oz), while the Case alone weighs 122 g (4.3 oz). The Goggles with the attached Black/Silver Lens weigh 189 g (6.6 oz), while each Lens weighs 70 g (2.5 oz). The Goggle-Frame with strap weighs 118 g (4.2 oz).
An enclosed Care Instructions & Warranty Information manual is printed in 7 languages. You are advised to read the manual before using the product. It is just one and a half pages long, but get your reading glasses out, as the print is small.
I have taken this opportunity to explain the terminology for your better understanding. You should know if this product is suitable for your needs.
A toric lens is a type of Lens that combines the best features of cylindrical and spherical lenses. It has a horizontal and vertical curve, but the vertical curve is less pronounced than a spherical lens. That makes the goggle frame more ventilated and reduces peripheral distortion. Toric lenses provide a clear and wide field of view with a low profile and stylish look.
The lenses are also made of polycarbonate. Polycarbonate lenses are commonly used for Ski Goggles and have pros and cons. Some advantages of polycarbonate lenses are:
– They are sturdy and can withstand impacts, protecting your eyes from flying objects, falls, and branches.
– They are lightweight and comfortable to wear, reducing fatigue and pressure on your face and nose.
– They can be coated with layers that prevent fogging, scratches, and UV rays, making them more durable.
– They come in various shapes and sizes, providing plenty of options for ski goggles.
Polycarbonate lenses have some disadvantages. They can get scratched or damaged by dirt, dust, or cleaning products because they are not resistant to abrasion and chemicals. Additionally, polycarbonate lenses can cause optical distortion and chromatic aberration, especially at the edges of the lenses, due to their low refractive index. That can affect the clarity and accuracy of your vision. Lastly, polycarbonate lenses have a low melting point, which can deform or melt under high temperatures. Avoid leaving your ski goggles in a hot car or near a heat source.
Visual Light Transmission (VLT) refers to how much light passes through ski goggles and reaches your eyes. The percentage of VLT tells you how bright or dim your surroundings will appear. Goggles with a lower VLT rating let in less light, which is suitable for sunny days. Those with a higher VLT rating let in more light, making them better for cloudy, foggy, or night skiing.
Ski goggles can have a VLT rating between 0% and 100%, but most fall between 5% and 80%. The lens colour and tint can also affect the VLT rating. Different colours can improve vision by enhancing contrast and clarity while reducing glare and eye fatigue. Some goggles have interchangeable lenses that allow you to switch between VLT ratings and colours, giving you more flexibility for weather and light conditions.
Choosing the proper VLT rating for your goggles is essential for safety and comfort. It ensures you can see clearly in all conditions, avoid eye damage or fatigue, and enjoy your time on the slopes.
A Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) frame is a type of plastic that is flexible, durable, and resistant to abrasion, oil, and low temperatures. A soft TPU frame provides a better fit and comfort for the wearer and reduces the impact of shocks and falls. A soft TPU frame can also help to prevent fogging and improve ventilation by creating a gap between the Lens and the face.
Optimal Visual Perception (OVP) is a term that refers to the ability of the Lens to provide a realistic and accurate representation of the colours and contrasts of the environment. A dual-layer OVP is a feature of some ski/snow goggles that enhances the visual clarity and comfort of the wearer. A dual-layer lens consists of two lenses separated by a thin layer of air, which helps prevent fogging and reduce glare. These goggles have a dual-layer lens technology with an anti-fog coated inner lens that gives a fog-free ski experience and a dual spherical lens that provides total protection for eyes, anti-fog and anti-wind and also has a mirror coating that enhances the contrast and reduces the glare.
100% UV400 protection means that the Lens blocks all harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun, which can damage the eyes and cause snow blindness.
Over-the-glasses (OTG) means these goggles will allow you to wear prescription eyeglasses under the goggles. I have eyeglasses for reading, not distance, but I tried the goggles over my glasses. Not only did they fit, but they were comfortable as well.
Helmet Compatibility means an extra-long elastic strap ensures that the goggles fit all ski helmets. Yet the strap is also fully adjustable to fit over fur caps, toques or balaclavas.
OutdoorMaster offers a customer-favourite lifetime warranty to demonstrate its confidence in the quality and durability of its products. With this warranty, the brand will repair or replace any defective parts of its products for as long as the customer owns them or the product’s expected lifetime. This warranty is free of charge to the customer and is often seen as a sign of trust and loyalty from the brand. Ensure you keep your Amazon Order Sheet to claim this warranty.
I like these ski/snow goggles and was pleasantly surprised by their quality and functionality, especially considering their affordable price point. The product boasts a wide range of lenses, catering to every need and preference. The goggles are very well-made, with a clear and broad field of view. The fundamental standout feature is the MagKlick system, which allows for quick and easy lens interchangeability. This feature alone makes the goggles highly versatile and a great value for the price. The goggles also provide excellent airflow and comfort, fitting snugly and securely, allowing superb visibility and light blockage. All in all, I am thoroughly impressed with these goggles. I recommend them to anyone needing a reliable, high-performing ski/snow goggle.
I am pleased to offer a 5-star rating to these Heron Ski Goggles/Fox Snow Goggles With 2 Lenses, Frameless Design, Over The Glasses, Magnetic Interchangeable HD Toric Lenses, Helmet Compatible — by OUTDOORMASTER.
I’m impressed, these goggles feel very good and the material is high quality.
In the package you will find a very sturdy carry case which when opened has a separate pocket for additional replaceable glass. Everything fits perfectly and can be closed, stored and carried around.
When wearing them, goggles feel very natural and comfortable. Also they are lightweight.
Additional glass is using magnet principle and took me a few minutes to figure out how to remove original glass and replace it with yellow one. I found it’s best to remove them in the nose area since this area is softer and can easily be bent to pull out glass since the magnet is fairly strong.
Additional/yellow glass is coming in a soft bag to protect it from scratches but a hard cover pocket is all you need. Cover is very well protected with soft material so once you unpack it and put it in a hard case, I see no need for this additional bag. It’s big enough to put all together / hard case in it, so I didn’t toss it away.
Disclaimer: It’s not yet snowy so I didn’t have a chance to test fogging capabilities, but so far I don’t have any concerns.
Conclusion: High quality product followed with appropriate price (79.99 at a time of writing).
These are very nice goggles. The clarity of the lenses is excellent, and the ability to switch out the lens to another shade for different lighting is a great feature. It comes with a hardshell case to protect the extra lens, if you choose to take it on the mountain with you.
The strap is easy to adjust, and it fits the head nicely.
My only complaint is that these do not fit over my glasses. Of course, it depends on the size of your glasses (mine aren’t that big, but perhaps on the bigger size), but they don’t fit over my average size glasses. If this is important to you, consider the measurements. Luckily, I can see reasonably well without my glasses, and I can ski without them, but I’d prefer to wear them, of course. This is a not a flaw with the item, but it is a design issue the company may want to consider.
Otherwise, I’m very happy with these. Looking forward to the winter and getting out there.
Damit man mglichst fr alle Wetterlagen auf der Piste gerstet ist, habe ich nach einer neuen Skibrille mit Wechselglsern gesucht.
Diese Brille kommt mit einer sehr praktischen Tasche fr den sicheren und druckgeschtzten Transport z.B. im Rucksack.
Die Glser werden von sehr starken Magneten gehalten, so dass eine zustzliche mechanische Sicherung nicht notwendig ist. Somit ist das Wechseln der Glser auch mit Handschuhen durch einfaches Rausdrcken bzw. einschnappen lassen zu bewerkstelligen.
Der Schaumstoff liegt angenehm weich und druckfrei auf der Haut und ist hinreichend flexibel, so dass die Brille auch stabil bei Nichtbenutzung auf dem Helm festhlt.
Optisch gefllt mit die Brille und sieht nach deutlich mehr aus, als der Preis.
Die Lftung ist beidseitig grozgig bemessen, so dass ich auch bei Niederschlag mit einer klaren Sicht rechne.
Im Nachhinein habe ich mich ber die bestellte Kombination der Glser etwas gergert, da ich nicht gesehen habe, dass die Farben unterschiedlichen VLT Werte haben.
Das bestellte Glas im Bereich VLT 87% hellblau sowie das beiliegende gelbe Glas haben annhernd die selbe Lichtdurchlssigkeit — somit hat man zwei Glser frs selbe Wetter (Beides eher fr schlechte Sicht)
Da wre es schlauer gewesen, ein Glas mit dunklerer Tnung fr direkte Sonneneinstrahlung und das gelbe Glas fr Schneetreiben zu haben.
Der Fehler in der Bestellung geht jedoch auf meine Kappe – wer lesen kann ist im Vorteil.
Ich gebe der Brille made in China in Summe 5 Sterne fr die Verarbeitungsqualitt und sauber Glser ohne groe Verzerrungen fr einen berschaubaren Preis.
Sono rimasta davvero stupita all’arrivo di queste lenti da sci che trovo davvero di una qualit
Rifinite nei minimi particolari, super comode da indossare , leggere e morbide con ampia visuale che permettono inoltre di poter indossare gli occhiali sotto la maschera.
Il brand ha davvero ed pensato a tutto fornendo in dotazione una custodia rigida imbottita che li protegge da eventuali urti o graffi nel caso in cui dovremmo trasportarle in borsa o valigia, senza preoccupazioni!
La particolarit di queste lenti il fatto di essere magnetiche e intercambiabili.
In dotazione avremmo una lente specchiata scura (io ho scelto la versione argento) adatta alle giornate di sole , che protegge perfettamente dai raggi solari oltre che al freddo e le folate di vento.
La seconda lente pi chiara e trasparente (gialla)adatta alle giornate cupe o le ore pi buie.
A tale pro avremmo 2 prodotti in uno , facilmente intercambiabili grazie al magnete di alta qualit che li mantiene compatti e stabili .
Inoltre il prodotto presenta un meccanismo anti appannamento che non influisce in nessun modo sulla visuale che resta nitida e chiara sotto ogni punto di vista .
La fascia molto elestica ma allo stesso tempo estremamente morbida e comoda e non crea nessun tipo di fastidio neanche se indossata per molto tempo!
In conclusione non ho nessuna nota negativa da attribuire a questi occhiali da sci che trovo davvero di ottima qualit e che regalano un esperienza visiva davvero perfetta sotto ogni punto di vista!