OutdoorMaster Owl Ski Goggles OTG, Snow Snowboard Goggles

OutdoorMaster Owl Ski Goggles OTG, Snow Snowboard Goggles for Men Women Youth, Anti-Fog, 100% UV Protectio
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OutdoorMaster Owl Ski Goggles OTG, Snow Snowboard Goggles for Men Women Youth, Anti-Fog, 100% UV Protectio
If you are looking for clear Goggles, these are a better option. But if you are looking for Goggles that don’t show your eyes at all, make sure to check the percentage because I didn’t. Otherwise, I’d give it a 4 because it is good quality and has an adjustable strap.
Elles sont comme toutes les autres lunettes de ski. Je porte des lunettes pour la vue est belle sont un peu juste, je pens qu’elle t plus large? Pour le prix ca va.
We live in the country on a farm. These goggles were perfect to wear while feeding cattle or pushing snow this past winter. Kept the face and eyes warm when worn with a hat and mask.
Ottima maschera da sci. Taglia unica, va bene per tutti. I colori a disposizione sono molto belli. Personalmente ho scelto il colore blu e devo dire che mi piace molto. Inizialmente ero poco convinto della lente, ma appena arrivato sulle piste mi sono dovuto ricredere. Facile da stringere/allargare (a differenza di altre marche) grazie al semplice sistema della cinghia elastica Inoltre, tiene molto bene il vento e non permette l’entrata nella maschera di piccoli spifferi di vento che potrebbero dare fastidio agli occhi. L’ho usata tutta la stagione e sono molto soddisfatto.
My husband LOVED the black ones. They fit perfectly and are very comfortable. They offered protection from snow being blown on the slopes too. They look really cool and should be able to wear them for several seasons. They came with a nice bag to protect the lenses as well. Highly recommend!
Tramite il programma di Amazon “Vine” mi stato possibile testare questa maschera.
Il prodotto di ottima qualit, la maschera elastica e la guarnizione in gommapiuma isola perfettamente gli occhi da vento e schizzi di neve.
Questa machera arriva in un sacchetto di tessuto abbastanza resistente per portarla in giro, inoltre la maschera presenta dei buchi traspiranti per evitare che il vetro si appanni.
My first trip out skiing and these were brilliant…not sure how they compare to really expensive ones but they stay clear, no real fogging and fitted nicely. Perfect for what I needed and paid.
Arrivano in un bel sacchetto in tessuto ottimo per portarla in giro. Tecnicamente sono molto buone il campo visivo ampio e le lenti non sono troppo scure sebbene proteggano dai raggi uv. Ho provato anche altre maschere della stessa fascia di prezzo e devo dire che questa la pi comoda che abbia mai trovato sotto i 30 euro. Ottima anche per chi indossa gli occhiali da vista non fa alcuna pressione su viso o orecchie perch lo spazio all’interno ampio.
: Comodissime
: Buona lente
: Nulla da segnalare
My previous ski goggles had a darker tint that made it hard to ski in the late afternoon and evening. Since I work during the day, I enjoy skiing at my local slope during the 4:30pm-close time slot and wanted something with a lighter tint. These were perfect, and protected my face and eyes from the wind and cold while also allowing me to see well. Looking forward to a lot more evening skiing!
This is quite a nice pair of goggles for the price and work as intended. I’ve used them once for skiing so far and found them to be comfortable with good visibility. The fog free and UV protection features are very good and the ability to wear glasses under them a definite plus. They fit well with my helmet and whilst they won’t win awards for looks or quality when compared to more expensive brands they work well and you can’t go wrong for the price. Recommended.
Die TOutdoorMaster Owl Skibrille konnte ich im Rahmen des Amazon Vine Programms als Produkttest bestellen. Meine Bewertung ist davon unbeeinflusst und ich gebe meine ehrliche Meinung und Erfahrung mit dem Produkt wieder.
Ich bin zwar kein groer Skifahrer, bin aber gerne im Winter mit den Kindern im Schnee unterwegs, gehe mit Ihnen Schlitten oder Bob fahren. Dabei kann es unangenehm sein, wenn man keine Skibrille trgt und einem der Schnee in die Augen oder auf die Sehbrille geschleudert wird. Eigentlich wollte ich die Brille in den Weihnachtsferien in der Praxis testen, aber nachdem bei uns weit und breit kein Schnee vorhanden ist, habe ich sie einem Trockentest im Garten unterzogen. Die Brille sieht wirklich stylisch und cool aus, sitzt gut, nichts drckt, wirklich angenehm. Und ein Blick in Richtung Sonne erstaunt, da die Brille wirklich gut abblendet. Auch sonst wirkt die Beschichtung gut, die Farben sind immer noch angenehm erkennbar.
Die Brille kann leicht eingestellt werden und sitzt dann auch fest am Kopf, ohne unangenehm zu drcken. Zudem kann ich meine Sehbrille auch unter der Skibrille tragen, das ist fr mich ein Benefit. Beigelegt ist ein Stoffsack, in dem die Brille verstaut werden kann und die dann vor Kratzern am Glas schtzt. Im Vergleich zum Sportgeschft finde ich diese Brille bei einem Preis von rund 30,- deutlich wertiger, als manch anderes Billigprodukt. Von mir gibt es eine Empfehlung zu dieser Skibrille.
I’ve been an avid skier for years, and finding goggles that fit over my glasses without compromising on visibility has always been a challenge. These goggles changed that. They fit snugly over my glasses, offering clear, unobstructed views of the slopes. Despite some challenging weather conditions, the anti-fog feature worked wonders, keeping my vision clear throughout my runs. The UV protection is a bonus, especially on those bright, sunny days. I’ve paired them with different helmets, and the fit was always secure, adding to my confidence on the slopes. Durability seems promising, though I’ve only had them forashorttime.
Ski goggles provide anti-fog and UV protection for snow sports. The design is suitable for various users. While they may not have the most advanced lens technology, they offer practical features for a clear and enjoyable skiing experience.
Das Design ist schlicht, aber wirkt dennoch modern mit einem sehr dnnen Rahmen um das Glas. Die Skibrille bietet ein grozgiges Sichtfeld und schrnkt den Blink in keiner Weise ein. Sehr positiv aufgefallen ist, dass sie berhaupt nicht beschlgt und dennoch kein unangenehmer Luftzug an die Augen kommt (was mit bei Brillen anderer teurer Marken leider schon passiert).
Am meisten berrascht war ich vom verwendeten Glas der Brille: bei stark bewlktem Wetter wurden die Farben leicht gelblich, wodurch ein guter Kontrast entstand und alle Unebenheiten im Schnee wunderbar erkennen zu waren. Somit war auch bei eher schlechten Pistenverhltnissen das Fahren mit dem Snowboard problemlos mglich, da man wirklich alles erkannt hat.
Spannender war dann die Erfahrung am zweiten Skitag, denn da gab es 100% Sonnenschein. Die Brille hatte dann eher die Funktion einer Sonnenbrille und hat alles leicht abgedunkelt, aber die Farben kaum verndert. Beim Abnehmen gab es in beiden Situationen keine Probleme fr die Augen, sich schnell wieder anzupassen, was ebenfalls sehr angenehm ist.
Das Band ist sehr angenehm und lsst sich weit genug verstellen, sodass man die Brille mit und ohne Helm verwenden kann.
Bei diesem Preis-Leistungsverhltnis kann man daher eigentlich nur eine klare Kaufempfehlung aussprechen!
So far, I am happy to own it. The built quality is good. It is lightweight and comfortable wearing it. The headband is adjustable and easy to fit. Cool looking design with anti-fog coating (but coating may vanish after couple of months use).
Arrived well-packaged. The price is slightly expensive in my opinion.
The OTG design allowed me to wear my glasses comfortably underneath, ensuring uninterrupted vision on the slopes. What impressed me most was the anti-fog technology — even in challenging weather, the clear vision remained intact. UV protection and durability are top-notch, with a TPU frame that guarantees long-lasting use. The extra-long elastic strap ensured these goggles seamlessly fit my helmet, providing a secure and worry-free skiing experience. If you’re in the market for reliable ski goggles that won’t disappoint, these are worth considering.
For the longest, the most uncomfortable aspect of running in the winter for me was having frozen fingers; however, thick winter mittens solved that quite well. Lately, what’s been bothering me is running while it’s snowing and having the ice blown into my eyes. It absolutely burns and I find myself running with squinted eyes which isn’t all that safe when you consider it disrupts my field of vision.
Now enters the Outdoor Master Ski Goggles. I’ve taken these for a spin in three different downpours (snow) and it has been excellent in each one. The goggles do not fog at all and snow barely sticks to them. On one run, I did have to wipe them with my gloved hands a few times, but that was because I had bunches of snow fall on me from trees, power lines and building tops. The temperatures on these runs ranged from -5 to 2 degrees C. Not once did any fogging develop on the goggle. The elastic strap can be easily adjusted to fit your head and is very comfortable to wear. I didn’t experience any discomfort during any of my runs. I am very happy with these goggles and can recommend them as a good buy especially at their current price, ie at the time of this review.
Ho preso questa maschera da sci per mio figlio di 12 anni che oramai possiede la circonferenza cranica all’incirca delle dimensioni di un adulto, infatti gli calza perfettamente e va bene pure a me. Dai colori unisex, completamente nera con una scritta bianca sull’elastico, questa maschera mi piaciuta per la flessibilit e la morbidezza del panno a contatto con la pelle, in quanto anche di fronte a cadute rovinose si piega senza causare troppo male o senza rischiare di tagliare il viso. La doppia lente ne garantisce la resistenza all’appannamento, anche grazie alle aperture, sia superiori che inferiori, per l’areazione, tutte protette da gomma espansa. La maschera frontalmente risulta quasi occupata dalla lente resistente a raggi uv, ideale quindi nelle giornate di sole o per me, che ho occhi particolarmente sensibili, in qualsiasi situazione sulla neve, a meno che non ci sia nebbia fitta. Questa lente permette di poter vedere in modo nitido, mantenendo inalterate le proporzioni e consentendo una visione non semplicemente frontale ma anche laterale. La cinghia regolabile elastica molto alta e confortevole, si allarga e si stringe facilmente ed perfetta sia per essere indossata sulla testa, con un copricapo, o anche con la maggior parte dei caschi in commercio. La gomma molto spessa permette di riparare dal freddo e, volendo, di indossare anche occhiali da vista. La parte a contatto con la pelle rivestita di un morbido tessuto simil pile. Per noi che non siamo sciatori provetti e non trascorriamo mesi sulle piste a temperature estreme questi occhiali risultano un ottimo compromesso qualit prezzo.
Arrivano avvolti da una carta per proteggerli dai graffi, inseriti in una custodia in microfibra utile anche per la pulizia e per proteggerli da graffi accidentali, inseriti poi in un sacchetto di plastica. Forse sarebbero pi al sicuro in una scatola di cartone, ma sono giunti comunque intatti.
My granddaughter is going on a school skiing trip and can’t wait and she is so excited to be wearing these when she goes. she actually wears them around the house ‘ to try them out’
They are very well made and obviously comfortable to wear.
They break down glare considerably and are still clear to see through
These are an excellent design , very comfortable fit with wide head straps so they sit and fit comfortably on your head, they are lightweight and nicely cushioned with soft materials that rest against your face and don’t rub.
It’s great that you can wear these over your glasses, they are not rigid either they are bendable and durable so they won’t break or shatter easily, the build quality and design is superb for the price.
The owl ski goggles look very smart with a mirror like finish and 100% uv protection with anti flare , vision is clear through these , not dark which is safe if travelling at speed amongst obstacles then you want clear vision plus the uv protection that these provide.
They come nicely packed in a carry pouch , a soft carry pouch to keep them in when not using.
Excellent visibility and sun protection, as well as robust and bendable frame makes these a durable product and value for money.
OutdoorMaster Owl – Occhiali da sci
Prezzo al momento della recensione: 29.99
Maschera da sci di ottima fattura, ben aerata con prese d’aria superiori e inferiori per evitare l’appannamento.
La lente montata una S3 con VLT 10% (almeno cos scritto nell’inserzione, dal momento che nel foglietto di istruzioni questo dato non riportato da nessuna parte), quindi da utilizzare in giornate soleggiate: l’effetto abbagliamento ed il riverbero sulla neve decisamente diminuito, rendendo i dettagli molto pi marcati e contrastati senza distorcere i colori.
Le cinghie elastiche di regolazione sono comode e facilmente operabili anche con la maschera montata, e sono ovviamente compatibili con la maggior parte dei caschi da sci.
L’ampiezza della maschera notevole, pu tranquillamente essere montata mentre si indossano gli occhiali da vista (purch non abbiano una montature troppo grande); l’unica scomodit con le stanghette degli occhiali stessi, dal momento che la spugna laterale non conformata e va a premere sulle stesse risultando a lungo andare fastidiosa… si pu ovviare al problema facendo due piccole incisioni laterali nella spugna, in modo che le stanghette degli occhiali abbiano la loro sede.
Comoda la custodia in micro fibra per il trasporto, che pu essere anche utilizzata per pulire ed asciugare la lente.
Prodotto di qualit, assolutamente consigliato… OutdoorMaster sempre una garanzia!
My first impression of these goggles was very good. They fit well and most importantly, they fit well over my glasses.
They have an excellent field of vision and the goggles are vented and antifog, but I haven’t had the chance to test this feature as yet.
What I can say is that they are excellent value for money.
The strap is comfortable, nice and wide and adjustable as is the padding around the face.
They fit seamlessly with my helmet and are lightweight and very comfy.
I would have no problem recommending these goggles and would reorder.
They offer great quality at a very affordable price.
I hope you find my review helpful.
Very very nice ski goggles considering the price! Super clear lenses, great visibility with a nice amount of tint for the sun. Very comfortable to wear and fit well. The anti fog coating on the lens works super well and is a big bonus. Feel like they are good quality and will last a long time. Great value for money!
I don’t think you could comfortably wear glasses under these for a long time unless your frames are small but the feature is there.
Eins vorneweg – Den fnften Punkt kann ich erst vergeben, wenn die Brille sich auch im Einsatz bewhrt hat…
Ansonsten hier die Bewertung, die ich vorab geben kann.
Artikel : OutdoorMaster Owl Skibrille OTG 29,99 Euro
Auspacken und Verpackung :
Die Brille kommt in einer schlichten Verpackung daher. Sie ist in Seidenpapier eingeschlagen und im Brillenbeutel aus Textil verpackt. Als Schutz vor Verschmutzung dient lediglich ein dnner Plastikbeutel.
Daher finde ich, dass schon mal so wenig unntiges Verpackungsmaterial wie mglich benutzt wurde.
Auf der Innenseite der Scheibe ist eine Schutzfolie, die zum Abziehen gekennzeichnet ist.
Material :
Die Brille macht einen wertigen Eindruck. Das Gehuse ist aus einem matt schwarzen Kunststoff, das Sichtfeld und die Einfassung sind flexibel. Die Schaumstoffe zum Abdichten sind sauber eingeklebt. Es gibt keinen unangenehmen Geruch. Das Befestigungsband macht einen robusten Eindruck und lsst sich problemlos verstellen. Der textile Beutel scheind aus einer Art Microfaser zu sein, mann und frau knnen damit die Sichtscheibe gut subern.
Eigenschaften :
Das Sichtfeld ist schn gro. Die Brille passt sowohl mir, mit einem durchschnittlich groen Kopf, als auch meiner Frau, mit einem eher kleinem Kopf. Die Tnung ist angenehm (Silberne Scheibe) tendenziell eher etwas dunkler. Sie lsst sich angenehm tragen, wobei mir der Ausschnitt um die Nase etwas zu eng ist. Hier werden mir durch den Schumstoff die Nasenflgel gedrckt. Bei meiner Frau ist das jedoch nicht so, daher hat Sie jetzt eine neue Skibrille und ich muss weitersuchen…;-)
Das “OverTheGlasses” Design hat bei meiner Frau trotz kleinem Kopf und schmaler Brille nicht geklappt.
Preis-Leistung :
Fr diesen Preis ein rundum gutes Produkt
Nach lngerem Gebrauch :
…kann noch etwas dauern…
With our January Skiing trip nearly upon us, when these popped up on vine I thought they would be a lovely grab to give to my partner for when we go. These are finished to a lovely standard and it’s great to see the manufacturer has many different colours, styles and lens available. They have the adjustable stretch band which will fit over all helmets when in use and then the cool lens makes for great sun protection when in use and also when people look at you. Nice to see they are fully approved and have proper certification for the UV protection. Well packaged on arrival and I would say the price is reasonable. A nice storage box would have been nice to be provided with them, but apart from that I’m really pleased 🙂
OTG ski goggle are a great option for skiers who wear glasses. They provide a comfortable fit, clear vision, and fog-free performance, making them a must-have for any skier’s gear bag.
Very nice goggles – well made and a nice shape, but different of course to the larger goggles with replaceable lenses. The blue colour is good for poor light conditions and will be well used by my wife who prefers a slightly smaller shape for her smaller helmet. Overall a nice set of goggles but not quite the feel of more expensive units, and not quite OTG for my glasses.
These ski goggles are really good quality and surprisingly good for the price.
These fit very comfortably and have enough space for glasses underneath. They have good ventilation that keeps the snow out and avoids fogging. They have a good bit of adjustment so you can easily get a good fit.
These look amazing and have great UV protection even in bright sun on the snow they work a treat.
Good quality and value. Recommended. Thank you for reading my review. I hope you found it useful
I love the sleek look of these goggles. They look cool and are comfy on my face. Plenty of room on the inside to wear my prescription glasses under. The lenses are very clear and protect against the glare from the smow. Would be great if the lenses were polarised but for the price, one can’t complain!
These goggles are great, not only are they a perfect fit for my Black Canyon helmet but they have good visibility and look really look the business too. I’d never considered wearing my specs to ski (usually wear contacts) but with these I have the option. I am wearing large specs (terrible eyesight) in the picture (though you cannot tell) and they were comfortable and did not fog. Good quality standard wide strap with plenty of easy adjustment so easy to wear directly or over helmet. Really comfortable to wear with no gapping. I’ve yet to wear them on the slopes but they have good ventilation (with fine mesh covering) both top and bottom so I’m not expecting them to fog
Impressed with the product ,seems to be well made,bendable, offer great visibility and easy to adjust.
I find it comfortable testing it,can easily wear my vision glasses too and very reliable.
Good material used to create those,good value of money too
This ski mask is fantastic. It is of good quality, well-built, sturdy, durable and reliable.
It fits well, is adjustable, fog-free and provides UV protection that is safe and comfortable to use. I wear glasses and this mask is fine to use whilst wearing them. The clarity is good too. The included pouch is great to carry it when travelling.
It is fairly priced and comes with lifetime warranty for added peace of mind.
These Ski Goggles OTG are a winter sports essential. Designed for Men, Women, and Youth, they offer a clear vision on the slopes. The over-the-glasses compatibility ensures comfort for eyeglass wearers. Say goodbye to fogging issues with the anti-fog technology, providing a crystal-clear view even in challenging conditions. Elevate your snowboarding experience with these reliable and stylish goggles.
First impressions are quite good they come in their own storage bag which is really nice
Really like the way they are just you have two adjustable clips at the back of the band so you can use both hands on the back strap and just the goggles to fit brilliant very easy
Really like the look and the fit is a nice and snug fit I even wear them with my glasses brilliant overall very pleased
The second product tested was a pair of ski goggles. During a weekend on the slopes, they proved to be a trusty barrier against the glare and the elements. Slipping them over my glasses was easy, and they stayed put down every run. Visibility remained clear, crucial for those moments when navigating through a sudden snow flurry.
A good pair of standard ski goggles. The Over The Glasses style is really handy and they easily fit over my glasses.
They are comfortable and conform to my face so should keep the snow out.
Being flexible, they should hopefully take a bash or two without any damage.
Nice and comfortable wide elasticated head band. The quality is ample good enough for the amateur or experienced too. They fit well on the face and are comfortable to wear.
These seem to be comfortable enough with good visibility. Nothing anywhere indicates what VLT they are (I know I ordered 10% but there is literally nothing anywhere on them to indicate what they are). The foam padding doesn’t look the most durable to me, it works fine but time will tell how long it lasts before it disintegrates.
The OutdoorMaster Owl Ski Goggles have completely transformed my skiing and snowboarding experiences, making them more enjoyable and safe than ever before. As a winter sports enthusiast, I can’t overstate how impressed I am with these goggles.
What sets these goggles apart is their thoughtful design and performance. The Over-The-Glasses (OTG) feature is a game-changer for those of us who wear prescription glasses. These goggles easily accommodate my glasses, eliminating the need for contact lenses or choosing between clear vision and eye protection.
The anti-fog technology is top-notch, ensuring that my vision remains crystal clear even during intense snowfall and rapid temperature changes. This feature has greatly improved my confidence on the slopes.
The 100% UV protection provides peace of mind, knowing that my eyes are shielded from harmful UV rays, which is crucial at high altitudes.
The fit is comfortable, and the adjustable strap ensures a secure and snug fit. The goggles stay in place even during the most challenging runs.
The OutdoorMaster Owl Ski Goggles are a must-have for anyone who loves winter sports. Their OTG compatibility, anti-fog capabilities, and UV protection make them a top choice for ensuring safety and enjoyment on the slopes. I highly recommend these goggles for their quality and the difference they’ve made in my skiing and snowboarding adventures. They’ve quickly become an indispensable part of my winter gear, and I couldn’t be happier with their performance.