UGREEN USB Switch 2PC 10Gbps USB 3.2 Switch 2 in 4 Out USB C

UGREEN USB Switch 2PC 10Gbps USB 3.2 Switch 2 in 4 Out USB C Switch with Desktop Controller USB Switch Aluminium, with 2USB C to C Cables for Keyboard, Mouse, Printer, USB Stick etc
From the brand

UGREEN Computer Accessories
Weight: | 310 g |
Dimensions: | 12.19 x 5.33 x 1.78 cm; 310 Grams |
Model: | 25164 |
Part: | 25164 |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Manufacture: | Ugreen Group Limited |
Dimensions: | 12.19 x 5.33 x 1.78 cm; 310 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
The pros:
The device has good build quality, aluminum frame and plastic covers (top and bottom). The size is compact and very portable, smaller than I expected, which is great.
I’m connecting 2 input sources to it: a Lenovo Legion 5 gaming laptop and a MacMini M2 via USB-C using the provided cables. Then I’m connecting my peripherals to the switch via USB-A 3.2: a Hyper-X QuadCastTM S Microphone, and 2 Logitech LightSpeed receivers for wireless Keyboard and Mouse.
The switch controller is quite nice and has a very long cable which helps me arrange all my connections hidden and having the switch button close to my keyboard.
The cons:
Due to the lack of ports on the switch, I tried connecting my existing docking station dongle to the USB-C 3.2 port of the switch. The peripherals (microphone, keyboard, mouse, ethernet, data transfer) work fine, but video signal and power delivery are missing.
Unfortunately, the USB-C 3.2 port supports neither PD (Power Delivery) nor Display Port Alt-Mode (video signal), which in my opinion, defeats the purpose of having a central switch unit (given the high price).
The way I solved the display issue is by connecting both of my computers directly to the monitor (which supports 2 inputs), my MacMini via HDMI and my laptop via USB-C to Display Port dongle (which I already have before ordering this switch). So after switching from one device to another I have to also switch the display from one source to the other, which is not ideal, but it’s better than switching cables manually.
The way I solved power delivery is by connecting a USB-A passthrough cable from the switch to my display (Lenvo Legion Y25-25) which has its own power delivery and can passthrough the connection to the switch while managing power delivery on its own.
The way I solved the ethernet connection is by connecting a USB-C ethernet dongle to the USB-C 3.2 port on the switch.
Manufacturer suggestions:
I would recommend the manufacturer to add support for Power Delivery and Display Port Alt-Mode to the already capable USB-C 3.2 port. That would increase the value significantly. Also consider adding an ethernet port on one side and even a Display Port and HDMI ports on the other side. Because nobody wants 2+ dongles.
Ich hab das Gert um zwischen Arbeitsnotebook und Heim-PC umzuschalten. Beide Gerte sind nur mit USB C nach hinten heraus verbunden, whrend vorne mehrere USB Hubs (nicht enthalten;) klemmen. Dieser Switch und ein Hub sind fest unter dem Schreibtisch versenkt fr alle Gerte, die eh permanent dran bleiben, whrend der kleine Taster und ein zweiter Hub auf dem Schreibtisch liegen, so dass ich jederzeit umschalten kann und auch ein paar ports fr usb sticks u.. immer im Zugriff habe.
Ich habe das Setup seit 2 Monaten im Betrieb und es ist super angenehm. Festplatten habe und werde ich nicht anschliessen weil das dauerhafte Umschalten weder der Elektronik noch der Platte gut tun, ausgenommen vielleicht eine Backup Platte frei nach dem Motto wenn die kaputt ist, gibts halt ne neue.
Vraiment indispensable si vous souhaitez utiliser clavier souris et d’autres priphriques sur 2 pc sans avoir devrancher les cbles, suffit juste d’un simple sur la tlcommande dport et tout va pour le mieux.
Attention bien le brancher sur une source qui alimente bien le ugreen dans mons cas j’y ai branch 3 streamdeck et a fonctionne plutt bie
Aprs avoir pass quelques semaines avec le commutateur USB C de UGREEN, qui permet deux ordinateurs de partager des priphriques USB 3.2 via ses 4 ports USB C, voici une mise jour de mon exprience utilisateur, enrichie par des tests supplmentaires.
Compatibilit tendue : Le commutateur dtecte sans faute tous mes appareils USB et USB-C, facilitant la connexion d’une varit de priphriques entre mes ordinateurs.
Transferts de fichiers rapides : Les transferts de fichiers et autres tches ncessitant une connexion USB se font sans accroc, profitant pleinement de la vitesse de 10 Gbit/s offerte par le commutateur.
Dlai de commutation avec hub USB-C : Lorsque j’utilise un hub USB-C pour connecter le clavier et la souris au commutateur, le temps de commutation augmente considrablement, parfois jusqu’ 30 secondes 1 minute. Ce dlai peut tre frustrant, surtout quand un basculement rapide entre les ordinateurs est ncessaire.
Reconnaissance des priphriques chaque changement : Bien que fiable, la dtection des appareils ncessite un certain temps aprs chaque commutation, ce qui peut lgrement ralentir le processus global.
Nouveaux Tests et Observations
Performance amliore avec connexion directe : J’ai constat que lorsque le clavier et la souris sont directement connects au commutateur UGREEN, sans passer par un hub USB-C, le transfert est extrmement rapide. Cette dcouverte souligne l’importance de la manire dont les priphriques sont connects au commutateur pour optimiser les performances.
Conseil pour les utilisateurs : Pour ceux qui rencontrent des dlais lors de l’utilisation d’un hub USB-C, je recommande de connecter les priphriques directement au commutateur pour bnficier d’une commutation quasi instantane.
Le commutateur USB C 10 Gbit/s de UGREEN demeure un outil prcieux pour le partage de priphriques USB entre deux ordinateurs. Il excelle dans les transferts de fichiers et offre une large compatibilit avec diffrents appareils. Cependant, les utilisateurs doivent tre conscients de l’impact potentiel de l’utilisation d’un hub USB-C sur les temps de commutation. La connexion directe de priphriques comme le clavier et la souris au commutateur peut considrablement amliorer les performances, offrant une exprience utilisateur plus fluide et efficace. Malgr quelques inconvnients, le commutateur UGREEN reste une option solide pour ceux qui cherchent une solution fiable pour partager des priphriques USB entre plusieurs machines.
Switch USB C de la marca UGREEN.
Dispositivo para la comparticin de dispositivos entre 2 ordenadores.
Es posible conectar hasta un mximo de 4 dispositivos, pudindolos utilizar en los 2 PC con un simple clic.
Espero que mi comentario te haya resultado til.
Gracias por tu comentario y atencin.
I haven’t tried with external storage devices. I’m too paranoid for that. Working great with audio and video controllers. When using USB-C ports with sufficient power, no extra power adapter needed.
Switch 2 Ingressi e 4 Uscite: Permette di collegare due PC a quattro dispositivi USB contemporaneamente, facilitando la gestione di pi dispositivi con un semplice switch
Compatibilit KVM: Grazie alla funzionalit KVM, possibile controllare pi computer da una singola tastiera, video e mouse, ottimizzando lo spazio di lavoro e aumentando la produttivit
Facilit di Connessione: Dotato di porte USB-C, rende semplice e veloce la connessione di dispositivi moderni, eliminando la necessit di adattatori
Stabile e Affidabile: Progettato per mantenere connessioni stabili senza interruzioni o ritardi, garantendo una performance affidabile durante l’uso intensivo
Plug and Play: Non richiede l’installazione di software o driver aggiuntivi, offrendo una soluzione plug and play per una configurazione rapida e senza problemi
Sicurezza dei Dati: Assicura una trasmissione sicura dei dati tra i dispositivi collegati, proteggendo le informazioni sensibili da eventuali intercettazioni
Design Compatto: Il suo design compatto e leggero facilita l’integrazione in qualsiasi ambiente di lavoro, massimizzando lo spazio sulla scrivania
Ampia Compatibilit: Supporta una vasta gamma di dispositivi USB-C, inclusi computer, smartphone, tablet, e dispositivi di storage, rendendolo estremamente versatile
Indicatori LED: Dotato di indicatori LED per una facile visualizzazione dello stato delle connessioni, migliorando l’usabilit del dispositivo
Inclusione di Cavi: Viene fornito con cavi USB-C inclusi nella confezione, riducendo la necessit di acquisti aggiuntivi e facilitando l’immediato utilizzo del dispositivo
I own a number of UGREEN items and they don’t disappoint. It’s a great brand for computer-related products. Always reliable and high functioning.
This USB hub is excellent, versatile and can be used as a hub or switch. It comes with 3 output USB A 3.2 ports, 1 output 3.2 USB C port, a desktop remote control, 2 USB-C to USB-C cables and 2 input USB-C 3.2 ports. The hub is great particularly for laptops like mine that only come with 1 USB 3.2 port.
The hub can also be used as a switch by connecting two different computers and share peripherals such as printers, keyboards or hard drives.
It’s really well made with a sleek design and easy to use. Highly recommended.
Share 4 USB devices between 2 PCs. UGREEN are a great brand and I’ve always been happy with their products. They’re worth the extra cost.
You get 3 USB-A ports and 1 USB-C port. All are capable of up to 10Gbps speeds. Easy to set up and it just works without any drivers.
This ‘UGREEN USB Switch 2PC 10Gbps USB 3.2 Switch 2 in 4 Out USB C Switch with Desktop Controller’ arrives well packaged with instructions, 2 USB-C to USB-C leads and a wired mini USB cable remote control to switch between input devices. The USB switch is made of an aluminium band around the edge with a sturdy plastic top and bottom which is finished to a high standard.
The particular USB switch has 2 main uses in my opinion, both of which are extremely useful and to have them in one device is excellent.
The first use is obviously as a USB port, enabling you to use one input with up to 4 peripherals, such as mouse, wifi dongle, external keyboard and printer.
The second use is to enable you to use your peripherals with a second device (such as a laptop) and only having to use one cable to use them.
This means that you can have your PC set up and if you need to use your work laptop with your own devices you connect it to the second rear USB-C input, press the remote button and it will switch your peripherals over to be used by your laptop.
In use you can see a blue led light up to indicate which input is powered. I have found no delays or ghosting in either use or input.
Currently the price is 49.99 which would be quite expensive for a stand-alone USB-hub – but with the added functionality to be able to switch input devices easily I think this is worth every penny.
My first impression was the build quality, which is very good. High-quality materials have been used. Initially, I tried using my own USB cable, which is longer than the one provided by UGREEN.
However, the connection was sporadic, almost like a faulty item. Upon further inspection, I noticed they recommend using a 0.8m cable. I then swapped it with the original cable included with the item, and it worked perfectly.
The switch between PCs is really quick and seamless. I highly recommend this product.
I use this for swapping my mouse between my work/personal laptop and my PC. I have a wireless gaming mouse that uses a USB dongle, so swapping it around regularly gets annoying and I often end up using one mouse for each device. With this, I can plug it into each device and push a button to switch between them.
In the package, you get:
– The Switch
– 2x USB-C to USB-C Cables
– A wired control remote
Which is everything you need to get started. You don’t need to use the control remote, nor do you need to plug in additional power cables to the device. This is all powered via the USB-C connection to your devices.
I can’t see any delay when using this switch compared to normal, and there have been no issues with the cursor jumping around, and switching between devices is seamless and fast.
Overall, build quality is great with an aluminium and plastic body, the colour is attractive and it does the job well. Highly recommend, though the price does feel high! You are definitely getting a quality product.
As I’ve come to expect from UGREEN devices, this is well-packaged and solidly built. It feels like another quality device from UGREEN.
Easy to set up, it’s pretty much plug and play. Once again the inclusion of the remote switch is useful if you want to hide away the device a little to create that minimalistic look.
It’s good to see a mixture of USB C and A ports (although my personal preference is USB C). I was able to use this between a Mac and Windows desktop with no issues. Would recommend if you have devices that are a little hidden away and you want to be able to move files between them with little effort.
The first thing that strikes me about this is the quality. It’s very good. Whilst that doesn’t mean it will do more than another product, it helps build confidence you are getting something reliable.
Of course, it has to work well. Especially as it isn’t cheap. With this there are 4 x10Gbps USB ports. So they are very fast. And unlike a standard USB hub, this can connect to 2 computers at the press of a button.
This has a huge range of uses. Given the speed of the ports a good use case is transferring files between 2 computers. But you could also just share a mouse and keyboard or printer etc.
You change computer at the press of a button and everything is detected straight away. It’s works really well.
I’d say if you don’t need the speed then this probably isn’t worth it. But if you do then it does the job really well and should last.
Hey everyone,
I recently upgraded my USB switch to the UGREEN USB-C model, and I wanted to share my thoughts on this solid device. Here’s my take:
Solid Build, Upgraded Feel:
I had been using a UGREEN USB switch for a few years, and this USB-C model feels like a welcome upgrade. The build quality is impressive, with a solid feel and edges that give the illusion of aluminum. The heft and sturdiness of this model stood out immediately compared to my older one.
Simplified Power Setup:
Unlike my previous model, this USB-C switch doesn’t require an additional USB input for supplemental power. A significant improvement that has made the setup even more straightforward—just two USB-C inputs, one from each computer, and you’re good to go.
Versatile Compatibility:
I appreciate that this switch accommodates various devices without any power-related issues. I’ve tested it with different peripherals, and so far, no compatibility concerns, even with devices drawing varying power levels.
Quality Cables, but a Bit Short:
The two USB-C cables included are of excellent quality, although a tad short at 0.8M. While they serve the purpose well, a bit more length could provide additional flexibility in arranging your workspace.
Remote Control Convenience:
The remote control, although not a feature I personally use frequently, is a thoughtful addition. For those looking to hide the main unit away, the remote proves handy. It’s a nice touch that adds extra convenience to an already efficient setup.
In conclusion, I’m very pleased with the UGREEN USB-C Switch. It addresses the limitations of my previous model, providing a reliable and practical solution for sharing USB devices between two computers. The efficient design, quality build, and added features make it a top choice for anyone seeking to streamline their workspace.
I hope this review helps you make an informed decision for your USB switch needs!
Ugreen is known for making good-quality products, and this USB switch is no different. It’s well-built and easy to use. It’s not like a regular USB hub; it’s a proper USB switch that lets you switch between devices.
With its 4-port USB switcher, I can easily share my keyboard, mouse, printer, and scanner between two computers. It works with both USB A and C ports. The package comes with two cables and a remote control, making it easy to set up and switch devices quickly.
Final verdict, the UGREEN USB C Switch is a reliable and practical solution for using multiple devices with two computers. It’s efficient and easy to use, making it a great choice for anyone who wants to organize their workspace and get more done.
Questo hub pu condividere tre porte usb standard e una porta usb-c tra due dispositivi diversi. Il cambio dispositivo pu essere effettuato semplicemente premendo il tasto posto sull’hub oppure tramite il comodo telecomando col cavo incluso nella confezione.
L’hub ben costruito con materiali di qualit, e si sta rivelando robusto e affidabile. Non scalda particolarmente, nemmeno quando sottoposto a carichi di lavoro gravosi e risulta stabile sulla scrivania grazie ai quattro piedini in gomma.
Consiglio, se lo acquistate, di utilizzare cavi usb un po’ migliori di quelli inclusi. Ne beneficeranno la velocit di trasferimento dei dati e il buon funzionamento di alcune periferiche (principalmente mouse e webcam). Per il resto non ho rilevato altri problemi.
Sarebbe stato bello se questo dispositivo avesse supportato anche il trasferimento di segnali video tramite usb-c, ma non possibile. Se volete utilizzare due macchine sullo stesso monitor dovete pensare ad un’altra soluzione.