Window Bird Feeder, Bird House for Outside with 4 Rod

Window Bird Feeder, Bird House for Outside with 4 Rod, Acrylic Window Bird Feeder with Strong Suction Cups and Drain Holes
Window Bird Feeder, Bird House for Outside with 4 Rod, Acrylic Window Bird Feeder with Strong Suction Cups and Drain Holes
After writing last review, think id lost all hope, but now the birds have found the feeders, loads of little blue tits. And made my day when a robin sat there not a care in the world…more coming each day, this has really cheered me up
I’ve given this to my grandparents as after an operation my granddad isn’t able to get in his garden as much as he used to and he’s missing it. He loved feeding the birds and watching them in the garden so I thought this might help cheer him up a bit. It’s a lot bigger than I actually thought it was going to be which is good as it attracts more wildlife. It is effectively just a plastic box which might not appeal to everybody and does look a little bit on the tacky side initially, but it does the job and the birds come to it, so you quickly get over that. My husband set it up for them and said it was really easy. My granddad has really enjoyed watching the birds come to it and it’s cheered him up. My grandparents wanted to reimburse me for it as they assumed it was expensive and was shocked when I said it retails at just over 10- they have told me this is a bargain!
The suction cups work very well, as you can see from the squirrel testing it out.
A great way of seeing birds (or squirrels) up close. Kids would love i
I don’t understand why anyone has had a problem with the black protection thing at the front it was dead easy to remove. Same with the 4 perch pieces I just put them in very hot water for about a minute & they fitted easily, when cold they will grip very well. The suction caps don’t impede the view either. All in all I think it is a very good bird feeder. Don’t be put off by negative reviews.
It is very easy to put together this transparent plastic bird feeder. It looks great and allows me to watch birds up close from the comfort of my sofa.
The feeder has a clear top and sides, so most of the time the seeds inside stay dry and therefore last a little longer than when on the bird feeder. I also like that birds can get some shelter from rain and wind when eating.
I think this is a lovely gadget that can improve my enjoyment of the little visitors to my garden. I would recommend it as a lovely little gift. My mother-in-law liked mine so much that she asked for a product link and bought one herself.
This is a great feeding station. Much wider than any of the other brands that we’ve purchased before and allows you to add a variety of food as it has the sections. The only downside is that because the suction pads are so large, the view from the back of the feeder is quite obstructed which defeats the purpose of these feeders a little. The birds love it so we’ve left it as it is and just have to adjust our viewing angle every time they arrive.
This seems to be a pretty sturdy bird feeder, and the suction cups attach it firmly to the window. How it holds up after a season of British winter, however, remains to be seen.
To be safe, my husband (who has this installed on his home office window) has it positioned low down, so that it’s about an inch above the window ledge. And as we have a large wisteria there, too, should the feeder suddenly become detached, it won’t fall far.
I like that there is a ‘roof’ to help protect the food from the elements, and the central water bath is a good idea. Another good idea is that the food and water section is a separate element that’s easily removed for cleaning and refilling.
I don’t really understand the perches, though. They don’t clip onto the front of the feeder because of the black edge covering, which doesn’t seem to be removable. Also, birds are more than capable of perching on (and indeed, in!) the feeder itself, so the inclusion of perches is uneccessary.
Overall, I feel that this is a good value feeder, and assuming longevity, it should provide a lot of happiness for both feathered and human friends!
By the way, for anyone considering buying this, do be aware that it may take a couple of weeks for your local avian population to get used to using it. Quite rightly, birds are naturally wary of we hulking great creatures, so it’ll take them a while to understand that this feeder is safe to use. They will of course, inevitably take flight if they see movement on the other side of the window though. Patience is key!
UPDATE: I said at the beginning of my review that I wondered how it would fare during the depths of winter, and now I can tell you. Not very well. The suction cups fail miserably in the frost, and every day, my husband has needed to retrieve the feeder from the wisteria, and re-attach it to his office window.
Because he has quite a few birds using it now, he doesn’t want to abandon it, especially not in this weather, so he’s cobbled together a stand for the feeder to sit on. Of course, this completely negates the purpose of the drainage holes but so far, the contents haven’t become wet anyway.
And speaking of the contents – we’ve come to the conclusion that the inner tray is only useful if the food is changed at the same time as the water. Because the water section is attached to the two food areas, it’s impossible to just discard the water, without losing the food!
It would be far better to have three separate sections that can be emptied and filled without disturbing the others. And frost-proof suction cups would be great, too. Unfortunately, because these fundamental faults, I’ve knocked off a star from my original rating.
I’ve always liked the idea of attracting the birds but with three cats, the reality was I’d be putting the birds at risk by enticing them into my garden. This feeder gives me the ability to feed the birds outside my upstairs window so I can watch them while I work but they are also safely well out of the reach of my cats.
It’s easy to assemble, sticks well and is a good size for the birds to be able to access the food well. It’s lovely watching them.
This bird feeder arrived well packed in a cardboard box. As far as I could see there were no instructions included. Maybe the manufacturer think it is self explanatory how to put it together.
It comes with three suction cups that slide into slots at the rear of the feeder, a tray drops inside the body of the feeder and there are four bars for the birds to perch on. I found these a bit fiddly to put on but managed three in the end.
I took a photo of it on our lawn and then for a first use I attached it to our garden shed to see how it looked and took some more photos. It was easy enough to attach to the glass, just wetting the suction pads and pushing them onto the glass was straightforward.
I have filled it with bird seed and have now retreated to see how long it takes our birds to find it. There are numerous feeders in the garden so we already have a steady stream of birds coming in to feed each day.
finally a place where I can feed the birds without the secret squirrels stealing all their food.
The suction cups seem strong enough, but as we haven’t had any birds on there yet I can’t comment on their effectiveness when multiple birds are feeding. Many of these type of feeders suffer from the fact that the suction cups don’t last and they then fall off the window.
Am hoping that the 3 large cups with this feeder manage to stay the course.
Nice size, and a nice easy setup, it does come with 4 rods for the birds to stand on when feeding but they don’t seem to fit the actual box. They fit the piece where the seeds go, but then you can’t put that inside the feeder as it goes in at an angle.
So we went without the rods, but there is a random black rubber sleeve in the box, which we assumed is if you wanted to not use the rods? well it works so that’s good enough.
Nice quality plastic, looks good on the window, can’t wait for the birds to start feeding.
Would recommend, especially for those in flats or without gardens.