2 Pack LED Video Light Kit with 63'' Tripod Stand

2 Pack LED Video Light Kit with 63'' Tripod Stand, Obeamiu 20W Photography Video Lighting 2500-8500K Studio Light for Content Creation Recording, Game Live Streaming, YouTube Vlogging, Zoom Calls

Dimensions: | 42.7 x 28.9 x 13.4 centimetres |
Brand: | Obeamiu |
Model: | P200A |
Part: | P200A |
Dimensions: | 42.7 x 28.9 x 13.4 centimetres |
Two panels with power supply and stands for this price is hard to beat. This is not semi-pro gear you want to carry around, for a fixed installation at home or in a studio this is fantastic value.
I have to be honest, I bought this for dual purpose. Firstly I work on cars and it’s a great set of lights to have when standing underneath the car and having good lighting. I like that the lights are adjustable in height, angle and intensity so they are not blinding when I look down. But I also got them because I was thinking about going in to making videos for YouTube and good lighting is paramount. They feel well made and do a good job in the way that they are supposed to. Are they for the absolute top dog high end photographer/videographer? Probably not. But they also work with a different budget and have different needs, so they would never buy such a starter set in the first place. I believe that the price is fair for what you get and if they last a few years they will be well worth the investment.
-quite good budget lighting setup
-decent power (adjustable in noticeable steps)
-can adjust colour temperature (three different settings: white, warm, mix of warm and white)
-98% CRI: I can’t measure this, but if accurate, this is a great value that rivals professional equipment
-stands and heads quite flimsy (lightweight aluminium, and plastic knobs), I use them on better quality stands.
-would be a lot more useful if the colour temperature were more adjustable (just 3 levels is quite limiting, when you need to match ambient)
-run on AC power only, would have been nice to run them from an internal battery, or a USB power source (like a big USb battery)
-not the most robust construction to the lights themselves, best to not abuse them
1* substandard, mostly cons
2** barely acceptable, cons outweigh the pros
3*** meets the basic requirements, cons balance the pros
4**** good product, pros outweigh the cons
5***** exceptional, all (or almost all) pros
Vety light, simple but powerful lights. Material used feels a bit thin… I don’t want to say cheep… But light does do the job ams that’s what’s matter at the end of the day. How i could be be a little bit cheaper.
Il prodotto destinato a un’ampia gamma di utenti. particolarmente utile per coloro che lavorano in ambienti chiusi e necessitano di controllare la temperatura del colore e l’intensit della luce.
un prodotto non professionale, un kit base, facile da usare e, considerando il prezzo, particolarmente interessante per gli utenti occasionali che desiderano migliorare la qualit dei loro video o foto.
Il kit comprende due pannelli di luci LED, due treppiedi regolabili in altezza fino a 160 cm, con una potenza di 20W e una temperatura di colore regolabile da 2500 a 8500 K.
Non include una batteria.
Ogni pannello deve essere alimentato utilizzando gli adattatori da rete con spina europea inclusi nella confezione.
Inoltre, il kit comprende una borsa, meglio definirla una sacca, per il trasporto.
Su ogni cavo integrato nel pannello presente il telecomando che attraverso i 4 pulsanti consente di regolare il colore e la luminosit delle luci. Purtroppo i pannelli non possono essere alimentati tramite collegamento ad una porta USB.
**La qualit della luce prodotta**
Il CRI indicato sul retro del pannello > 95, non >98 come indicato in descrizione. Il CRI, o Indice di resa cromatica, una misura che indica quanto accuratamente una fonte di luce in grado di rivelare i colori reali di un oggetto rispetto alla luce naturale. Il valore CRI varia da 0 a 100, con 100 che rappresenta la migliore resa possibile dei colori. Pi alto il valore CRI, pi accurata la rappresentazione dei colori.
Il pannello luminoso di questo set di luci video a LED ha un design rettangolare di 19×27 cm.
fatto di plastica, con i LED disposti alternativamente (LED a luce calda e LED a luce fredda) dietro un pannello diffusore rimovibile.
## 3 caratteristiche che mi hanno soddisfatto
1. **Qualit dell’illuminazione regolabile**: Queste luci offrono un’ampia gamma di temperatura del colore da 2500 a 8500 K, permettendo di adattare l’illuminazione in base alle esigenze specifiche del progetto. Questa flessibilit particolarmente importante quando si tratta di fotografia e video, dove la luce giusta pu fare la differenza.
2. **Treppiedi regolabile**: Il treppiede incluso nel set pu essere regolato fino a 160 cm, permettendo di posizionare le luci in modo ottimale per ogni situazione. Questo aumenta notevolmente la versatilit del set, rendendolo adatto a una vasta gamma di applicazioni.
3. **Facilit d’uso**: Il set semplice da montare e da usare, con un telecomando in linea per regolare facilmente l’alimentazione e la luminosit delle luci. Questo lo rende accessibile anche per coloro che non hanno molta esperienza con l’illuminazione per fotografia o video.
## 3 caratteristiche non non mi hanno convinto
1. **Impostazioni di temperatura del colore limitate**: Anche se le luci offrono tre diverse impostazioni di temperatura del colore, la mancanza di una regolazione continua della temperatura del colore pu limitare la flessibilit in certe situazioni, specialmente quando si cerca di abbinare la luce ambientale.
2. **Non include una batteria**: Il fatto che le luci non vengano fornite con una batteria inclusa potrebbe essere un inconveniente per coloro che desiderano utilizzare il set in situazioni in cui l’accesso a una presa di corrente potrebbe non essere disponibile.
3. **Qualit della borsa per il trasporto**: La borsa per il trasporto inclusa nel set potrebbe non offrire una protezione sufficiente per le luci durante il trasporto. Inoltre, la mancanza di scomparti attrezzati potrebbe rendere difficile organizzare e proteggere adeguatamente le diverse parti del set.
A prima vista non sembra ma questo set lascia positivamente sorpresi. Si tratta di due luci a led con tanto di stativi il tutto racchiuso in uno scatolo piccolo e che a prima vista lascia perplessi. Ma bastano 5 minuti per montare il tutto e una volta accesi… wow
La potenza notevole, non pesano praticamente niente, non scaldano e sono regolabili sia in intensit che in calore della luce.
In generale vero che sono piccoli, ma se volete impiegarli come punti luce sono ottimi. Per piccoli set, ritrattistica o per video e podcast sono fenomenali.
Se volete usarli in contesti professionali possono dare una grande mano specie se usati come luci secondarie magari con qualche gelatina colorata sopra per creare un p di atmosfera, ma fidatevi che seppur piccoli considerando la maneggiabilit possono davvero fare la differenza rispetto ad attrezzature pi professionali e spesso anche pi pesanti e ingombranti.
Ve le consiglio vivamente.
Really wall made lamps, with various lighting and intensity options make it perfect for photography, videography, or just to light up the room. Warm toned lights are good for office space where you may not have access to natural ligh
One option that a person can start off with is the Obeamiu 2-Pack LED Video Light Kit. They are quite bright, but the color temperature feature is a very useful one.
The63-inchtripodstandispractical,butnoticeablylesssecure than I would want. While the general build quality is reasonably good, lights perform well for photography and video shooting. Although it may not be up to par with the top-grade substitutes, this set is a bargain at that price. For beginners in the world of YouTube and vlogging.
For those on a budget or for yhose just starting out and building a kit thisnis thebperfect set indeed.
Comes well boxed and protected, very safe and quick to set up and came withnsimple instructions.
Not huge but big enough for smaller projects and certainly did its job well.
Casts a good even light and is easy to adjust etc.
Was a very simple set to use for a novice and I’m happy with it as is oir younger daughte
I am very impressed by how much the sharpness and quality of photography has improved since incorporating this lighting kit into my set up.
In the kit, you will receive individually boxed:
– 2 Super bright LED Lamps powered by 16 x 22 individual LEDs
– 2 Light weight and sturdy folding tripod that extends over 5′
– 2 Power adaptors, carrying bag and instruction manual
My impressions:
1) The LED lamps provide an incredible amount of brightness, it’s like bringing in the daylight so I get great results even at night.
2) There are 3 colour settings: Pure White, Warm Natural and a mix of Pure White and Natural Warm. I use Pure White most of the time, and I can attest that it is the “purest” of white I have ever seen.
3) The relatively light tripods (made of aluminum) are easy to handle, they have good extensions and easily pivoted to suit the angle you want to aim at.
4) Getting started is very straight forward as hooking up the light kit involves simply, setting up the tripods, screwing on the lamps and just attaching the cable to the power adaptor.
5) Each lamp has a diffuser pre-installed and comes with it’s own controller that is well labelled and easy to use.
6) During operation, the lamps stay cool throughout (longest is about 3 hours so far) thanks to the well ventilated design.
Photography is a just hobby to me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t try to get close to professional level. With the help of this lighting kit, the images and videos are look great and the quality is much more consistent and repeatable. I think it is an essential tool for anyone who is into indoor photography.
Good quality, as described. I like the fold out part of the stand so you can stand them close to objects and the legs can fit in small spaces. This is also SMOOTH and EASY to open out!
The height is exceptionally useful to me as I want a floor standing light I can use in different scenarios, but for the most time as a rig around my cutting table – I can’t use clamp on lights as I need to drape fabric over the edges, and at 63″ they stand tall enough to give me some hight above the table.
I super liked the nice big light panels, I hadn’t realised how small my older ones were, no wonder I couldn’t get the light right! These were just what I needed. Controls couldn’t be easier to use!
Excellent quality all round! These far surpass my old ones, they spread out easier, the nobs are a bit bigger and there’s a light/camera mount at the end. My old ones never had the screw tip so could only be used for one thing without a mount – not a problem here!
Definitely recommend, 5/5.
This is the second lighting set I ordered from Obeamiu, again, I would say it’s a value pack, great quality and versatility.
It comes with 2 great lights, each with 63” extendable tripod. The stand itself is lightweight and foldable, fairly robust and easy to carry around. Again, not the highest standard, but very good for its price.
The light panel is square (19x27cm), medium, and the colour range is amazing form 2500K to 8500K, much finer than normal lights (4000-6000k), the brightness can be adjusted 10-100% with inline controller. The light is improved compared with the 3 pack version, 1700Lux(0.5M), and with a CRI of 98+, it produces true-to-life colours, special LED SMD design and equipped with 352 pcs advanced Led beads.
This is perfect for a home studio as the kit can create multiple scenarios with ease. Note they are USB powered and wall adapters are included.
It would be great to have built-in batteries. Anyway, overall a value pack to recommend.
The set comprises of two tripods, two LED light lights, cables for both and a handy storage bag.
The tripods are very lightweight and compact, and easy to unfold. There are various points to tighten when you have it opened at the height you want. The light unit fits on to a small screw at the top – simply turn the dial underneath to screw it into the unit, keeping it totally secure at the top of the tripod.
The cable is in two pieces, with the control unit half way down, so you don’t need to be right where the plug is to change settings of turn it on and off. I also liked that there is a blue light visible on the controller when the light is plugged in but turned off, meaning you can easily see the switch and how to turn it on even in a dark room.
Another welcome touch was the inclusion of reusable Velcro cable tidies – a small thing but means it’s really easy to keep everything neat and secure when not in use.
The light options of both warmth and brightness were very flexible, giving exactly the look you might want each time.
The whole kit is really light and portable, easy to assemble in a few minutes and very versatile.
A great product for anyone making videos or taking photos where professional lighting is needed.
This item was supplied to me free of charge through Amazon’s Vine programme, however this in no way influences my review, which is intended to be both impartial and informative for potential purchasers.
My wife and I make instructional dance videos for a small club that we help run, and on the darker winter days it can sometimes be a little dark making the videos harder to watch. I therefore thought we would give these lights a try to see if they would help.
A tiny bit of assembly is required when you remove the lights from the box. The head is affixed to the tripod via a thumbwheel operated screw, and the legs of the tripod can then be folded down and the central column extended to the correct height. Once the light is plugged in via the supplied lead you can then turn them on and you’re in business.
At the highest setting the lights are very bright, in fact quite dazzling to look at. Via the control on the power cable you can reduce the brightness, plus you can toggle through three settings from a bright white light, mixed white and yellow light, and warmer yellow light, depending on what you need the lighting for.
When using the lights our videos were much clearer and it means that we’re not limited to recording during the day or when the sun is shining.
After use the lights can be dismantled, the tripods folded down to a compact size and then stored away in the bag supplied. Although they’re not cheap, for two lights that can be easily positioned and which take up next to no room when dismantled they do a very good job.
Las luces vienen con un trpode ajustable de 160 cm que permite colocarlas en cualquier posicin deseada. El trpode tiene una calidad aceptable muy sencillo. Son estable ya que las luces no son pesadas pero las patas no son engomadas y se resbala un poco.
Las luces tienen un diseo compacto y ligero, lo que las hace fciles de transportar y almacenar. Tambin son muy fciles de usar, con controles sencillos para ajustar el brillo y la temperatura de color.
En trminos de rendimiento, las luces ofrecen una iluminacin uniforme y de alta calidad. El brillo es ajustable de 0 a 100%, lo que permite adaptar la iluminacin a las necesidades especficas de cada aplicacin. La temperatura de color tambin es ajustable, lo que permite crear una variedad de efectos de iluminacin.
Trae una bolsa para transportarla muy sencilla no est acolchada ni tiene separadores separadores.
En general, el paquete de 2 luces LED de vdeo de Obeamiu es una opcin excelente para cualquier persona que busque una iluminacin de calidad a un precio asequible. Las luces son fciles de usar y ofrecen un rendimiento excelente.
* Precio asequible
* Versatilidad
* Fcil de usar
* Rendimiento excelente
* No tiene caractersticas avanzadas, como un temporizador o un control remoto
* Los tripodes le faltan patas engomadas.
* La bolsa es muy mejorable.
2 Pack LED Video Light Kit
A pack of two LED video lights, perfect for photography, streaming and more. Each light comes with its own adjustable in size, sturdy little tripod stand, this can go from around 23.5″, up to 63″.
The lights can be angled easily, which is useful. There are different colour temperatures to make use of, the white being quite bright at its highest and the ambient light, being perfect for more neutral settings.
These are good quality, durable and versatile in their use. I would recommend them. Decent lights.
The 20W LED lights offer an exceptional range of colour temperatures from 2500K to 8500K, providing versatile lighting options for various shooting environments. Whether I need warm, ambient lighting or bright, cool tones, these lights deliver, enhancing the quality of my videos and live streams. They provide soft, diffused lighting that reduces harsh shadows and creates a professional-looking setup, perfect for YouTube vlogging, game streaming, Zoom calls, and other content creation needs. The included 63” tripod stands are sturdy and adjustable, allowing for effortless height customisation. These lights have significantly improved the quality of my content across various platforms.
One thing I didn’t care for with the lights is the AC plug. It is so large that it covers three outlets on my power strips. This is limiting for me. I prefer the plugs that don’t take up so much space.
The light stands are on the thin side. If you extend them to their fullest potential, they become slightly wobbly. I would recommend sandbagging them especially if you are putting the light at an angle which makes the stand even more easily knocked over. I also found the stands to slightly slip under the light weight load after working with them for some time.
1. The lights come with light stands and carrying bag.
2. You have choices of warm, cool and neutral lighting.
3. The light has various intensities.
4. Once you set the light color and brightness, if you turn off the light, the settings remain the same when you return.
5. The lights come with diffusion.
1. The A/C Plug is too large. If you use a power switch, it covers about 3 outlets.
2. The cords are long enough to use if the light stand is fully extended, but not much further. If not near an outlet, you will need an extension strip.
3. The stands are light weight. They are capable of holding the lights they came with, but would not be suitable for heavier lights or if you wanted to add additional modifiers or accessories to the stand. Additionally, if fully extended and the light is tilted, you will need to sandbag or use something to keep the lights from toppling.
4. The bag is more like a tote bag and everything will get scratched if just tossed in. I would consider wrapping each item to protect everything.
I gave the light set 4 stars. I knocked off a star for the cheaply made light stands and the problems I foresee with working with them. I also didn’t care for the AC plug and would prefer a single prong plug. Additionally, the storage bag is not what I would I care for to store lights. It is more like a tote bag providing limited protection for the contents.
Whether you need lighting for home video, social media streaming or enhancing items to sell via online auctions. This 2 pack of lights and stands will cover virtually any use.
It comes with two extendable stands that can be adjusted to shine in any possible direction. The lamps themselves have adjustable brightness levels and modes for different temperatures and hues.
The control switches are integrated onto each cable to do the adjustments. Each light also has it’s own mains plug and the leads to each are long enough to space them apart.
There is also a carry bag to keep it all in for storage or transporting for the photograher on the go.
Whether it’s enough for a professional photographer I don’t know, but for home or amateur use it’s a great piece of kit.
These are great
Nicely packaged in cardboard are
2 x Oblong LED light lamp heads
2 x Diffusers
2 x Power Packs with plug
2 x Adjustable tripods
A carry bag
Instruction manual
Firstly it’s good that these lights have proper power packs because I have had other LED lamps (grow lights) that have USB plugs and these haven’t been so robust and reliable. The power packs connect to the cable on the lamp heads with integrated controller/switch and fit firmly.
The lights themself are plastic and weigh very little but still look well made. They have 2 types of LED and this gives options of a bright white look, a warm light or a more balanced light when using both together. The modes can be switched with a simple click. Also the brightness can be adjusted by clicking up and down. At full power they are really bright and left us blinking after trying to shoot some photos of them for this review.
As well as the lights being lightweight so are the tripods. They are super lightweight but still quite rigid. I’m sure some people would prefer heavyweight but these are absolutely fine for indoor use robust enough and easy to move and adjust. Their lightness also means putting all this into the bag and carrying them around would be easy. The tripods extend from very small to just over 5 ft tall. They head can be adjusted so you can up or down light something.
In case it is not obvious the lights work independently of each other. This means you can use one or both in different places, different brightness and different temperatures.
These will be good for Vlogging, tik tok, for teams or zoom calls and for some photography. I imagine you could also make your own colour filters for where the diffuser fits and maybe do some other creative stuff as well. As the heads have a screw fit you could probably swap out for other mini tripods or big sturdy ones if you so desired.
All together very good. Unfortunately I still have a face for radio
I ordered these as fall backs to a set I already own and honestly didn’t expect them to be able to compare.
Just goes to show!
These have a nice range of adjustment and on maximum power are blindingly bright with an equally impressive range of colour temperature, both of which are easily adjusted with the switch on the cord.
The provided stands are, in my opinion, just ok, they are not particularly strong though, as the light panels weigh next to nothing , they don’t need to be, but do have a habit of leaning slightly requiring adjustment as you go along.
Whilst they don’t come with a ball head they do afford a small amount of adjustment to the angle of the panel fore and aft to all down or uplighting, the mount itself is a standard 3/4 screw mount so you could also use a variety of other (lightweight) kit on these without having too fork out for adaptors
As they come with a power adaptor and three pin plug as opposed to USB power supply they are probably best suited to indoor use, sure it is possible to use them outside with the right power supply but we are talking a lot more money and for that kind of shoot budget they probably don’t cut the mustard, plus I doubt the stands would be particularly stable in any kind of wind, even with sandbags.
Studio use however is another kettle of fish, these are perfectly adequate for someone new to lighting or even intermediate, light is cast evenly and they are a breeze to adjust and move around your space.
Not professional level but definitely recommended for home or small studio use.
These are brighter than expected and allow me to use 1/60th at f5.6 on full power so great for my home videos, both colour temp and brightness is adjustable and there is built-in diffusion that works very well too, they do come with stands, nothing to write home about but more than up to the job of holding the lights, all in all, a good little kit and good value for money also.
The 2 Pack LED Video Light Kit with 63” Tripod Stand, Obeamiu 20W Photography Video Lighting 2500-8500K Studio Light for Content Creation Recording, Game Live Streaming, YouTube Vlogging lighting kit arrives nicely packaged.
Inside the box you get.
2 x square LED light panels.
2 x lighting stands.
2 x power adapters.
1 x storage bag.
1 x user manual.
This is a great cheap budget lighting kit, the stands are all constructed of aluminium and they feel sturdy once set up! I’m not a fan of the mechanism of where they fold out but they certainly do their job once they are in place.
I’m also not really a fan of the light panels because you can see the individual LEDs through the diffuser I think that the fuse I could have been much better designed and more opaque so you couldn’t actually see the LEDs.
But these diffusers do remove and I used more diffusers on these lights I used the diffusers that come in the back of TVs you have many layers of the diffuser sheeting and I cut some to the exact size and stuck them on the front so now you can’t see all the LEDs which is a lot better, and it now has a cleaner look.
But with that being said these light panels are good for what they are and they certainly do the job of lighting up quite a big area.
You Have an inline controller where you can turn the brightness up and turn it on and off and change the color temperatures.
Take note that these need to be plugged in at the wall at all times they do not run off and internal battery like many other competitors on the market, that’s mainly the downfall to these as you always need a power outlet rather than being fully portable.
But for the price these are great especially for two.
Key Light Panneau Led.
Key light avec panneau led de 32cm de diagonal,
Panneau led d’une puissance de 20W et 1700 Lux.
Rglable en couleur de 2500K, 5600K et 8500K et en luminosit de 10% 100%.
Panneau pivotable de 360 sur les cot et 180 d’avant en arrire.
Trpied en quatre sections jusqu’ 160cm de haut et fait 40cm une fois repli.
Un peut cher.
Conclusion: Je recommande car mme si le produit est un peut cher il fait trs bien ce pour quoi il est fait, elle sont puissantes et efficace, moi j’en suis ravi.
Ditch the dim lighting and bring your videos and photos to life with the Obeamiu 2-Pack LED Video Light Kit. This kit packs a punch, offering two square lights, adjustable tripods, and versatile control, making it a must-have for any content creator, be it a budding Youtuber or a seasoned photographer.
Color Your World: Forget one-size-fits-all lighting. The Obeamiu lights let you switch between warm, cool, and neutral tones (2500K-8500K) to match your mood and scene. Plus, you can dim the brightness from 10% to 100%, giving you ultimate control over the atmosphere. Say goodbye to flat, lifeless visuals and hello to vibrant, true-to-life colors with a CRI of 98+.
Stand Tall, Shine Bright: Don’t let wobbly stands ruin your shot. The included 63-inch aluminum alloy tripods extend from 13.4 inches, giving you plenty of flexibility for setting up the perfect lighting angle. And with a weighted base and 360 rotating ball heads, you can be sure your lights will stay put wherever inspiration strikes.
Soft & Beautiful: Harsh shadows are a thing of the past. The built-in soft light boxes diffuse the light evenly, creating a natural and flattering glow that’s perfect for portraits, product shots, or any scene where you want to avoid harsh lines.
More Than Just YouTube: This kit isn’t just for online fame. Use it for Zoom calls, family gatherings, live streams, or even setting up a photo booth at a party. The possibilities are endless!
Bonus Points:
Long 118-inch power cords for extra reach.
Storage bag for keeping everything organized.
DC power adapter for consistent, reliable power.
Overall: 4.5 out of 5 Creative Spotlight Stars
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, the Obeamiu 2-Pack LED Video Light Kit is a fantastic choice. It’s versatile, user-friendly, and packs a punch for its price. So ditch the dull lighting and step into the spotlight — your creativity deserves it!
Excellent quality light kit.
Very good quality and very well packaged.
This has a wide range of light settings from very low to very bright.
You get everything in this kit that you need to set this up.
The tripod stand is very sufficient and the attachments are really helpful.
This would be a great accessory to go with any photography kit.
The one thing I would have liked to have seen is the option to run these off of a USB supply.
Great product very impressive kit.
If I am honest the light units themselves are very plasticy and feel cheaply made. That said they are very light and perform perfectly well casting a very even light. The same can be said of the tripod stands. Very light weight but again they unfold easily and everything works as expected. The net result is that the lights and the tow stands are very light and easily transportable. The stands have a good degree of height and angle adjustment on them and were stable when fully extended out. Two UK mains power adaptors are included to power the lights and after about 30 minutes on max brightness the back of the light were lukewarm to the touch. The controls on the lights are straight forward and you can switch the colour temperature and brightness very easily.
I like that this kit means business, you get exactly what you need, nothing more nothing less.
you have a simple tote bag for storage which is capable of holding both lights assembled (with the tripod folded) so you can put them away when needed. it doesnt offer much in the way of protection though.
the tripod are sturdy and feel well made, the fixtures tighten well and the whole thing feels like a product in its own right rather than a cheap thrown in accessory. the ball head to which the lights attaches also has a built in thumbscrew that you can turn independently of the head itself so you can just screw it into the head, i have light sets 4x this price that don’t let you do that and you have to spin the light around to get it to thread on. shows a little care has gone into this product.
the two light panels are nice and simple affairs, powered by their own plug adaptor each they are controlled by inline connectors on the wire as it exits the light which have power, brightness up and down and a mode selector (3 modes, warm, cool or warm & cool).
the brightness is good but the provided diffusers are clear and as such you can see the individual leds on the panel still. for the best results you would probably want to add a more opaque diffuser to smooth out the light a little more.
likewise the 3 modes mean that you can change the color temp and adjust it with the brightness setting but it is imprecise so if you need a specific color temp you are likely going to have to increase your budget and look elsewhere. if however these are your sole lights and you dont need to match them to anything else they are more than adequate especially at the price point they sell for.
overall it’s a capable budget minded entry level kit that does its job with no unnecessary bells and whistles and personally I prefer lights to be mains powered as it’s one less thing to have to keep charged or to run out of power just when you urgently need it.
overall a decent kit. good value for money and a nice starting point for a budget lighting setup.