Afterglobe Mice Repellent Spray – Peppermint Oil Mouse

Afterglobe Mice Repellent Spray – Peppermint Oil Mouse and Rat Deterrent – Get Rid of Mice & Rodents Fast Non-Toxic and Safe Around Dogs Not Poison Rodent Repelle
Sort your pest problem quickly and safely.

Clean the area
Follow these simple steps for best results.
Clean any rodent droppings first and remove any rubbish from the area. Rubbish will attract more rodents.
Shake bottle
Shake the bottle vigorously for 1 minute to ensure liquid is well mixed
Spray the area
Spray twice per 10cm of area covered.
Areas to spray include anywhere you find droppings, in hiding places such as cupboards, behind furniture and white goods.
You also want to spray around potential areas where mice and rats are entering. These can include open windows, cracks in walls, doorways and pipes.
Repeat for 3 days
Repeat this for the next 3 days.
Do not cover up any potential escape routes for the mice and rats as they will attempt to vacate over the next few days.
It is normal to notice more rodent activity over the next few days – this is them moving out!
We recommend you keep spraying the area twice a month to keep the minty scent around.
After you are sure all rodents have left, you can now block up any potential entry points. For a more effective barrier, block using a cloth sprayed with this formula.
Brand: | Afterglobe |
Origin: | United Kingdom |
Ordered this item following a few occasional sightings of mice in our small warehouse following some internal works on cable running through cavity walls.
We had blocked all visible areas of possible entry points we could find, but still had some signs of critters about.
After some time we eventually found the issue was due to some open areas around a particular cable point.
As this was an empty internal office room and unused we lay a few trap and sprayed this product around the room and around the entry point.
Being next to a small industrial estate field im not sure if the mixed moved on from free will or if the spray actually lived up to its name, but we did not see any real evidence of further entry.
The spray itself is very strong smelling, so use sparingly! And I did have a little trouble with spraying it as the bottle doesn’t like to be held anything other than completely upright, which made it hard to get into and under all the shelves and reach the places I needed to, but I got there with some perseverance and coated all his little trails, leaving some of the cotton balls in the more frequently used ones.
My fear is that he will just dig new holes when I fill his old ones in, he has done this before, so I will perhaps wait until the weather is better and add a coating of spray on the outside base of the greenhouse itself to give some extra deterrence to monsieur rat. But so far, fingers crossed, this is keeping him from looking for food inside at least.
What a good product,it does what it says on the label.strong lemon scent,I sprayed around where the mice frequented, even left the paper bag the spray bottle came in. The scent lingered for weeks. Mice disappeared. Also I was told mice don’t like the smell of peppermint. They had caused damage to chairs, TV wire, digging in plantpots. vacuum wire,wallpaper stripped, under sink ate their way through washing powder,they were strong determined to cause most damage
TL/DR – It appears to work, smells very nice (to humans). No sign of rodent activity in the last week
I have had a rodent of some description living in my shed for some time now. It’s always evaded any traps I have placed and the only signs of it being there are when it chews through bags or leaves little rodent droppings on the floor. Naturally you don’t want to be anywhere near rats droppings or urine if you can help it due to the diseases that their waste can carry.
While I have used traps in the past, I really don’t like the idea of killing any rodents. After all, they don’t know that they are not welcome and they are just trying to stay alive – just like the rest of us. So when I saw that this repellent spray was available and that it smells of peppermint (who doesn’t love the smell of peppermint?) I thought I’d give it a try.
It arrived in a sealed bag and on opening the bag I was greeted with the glorious smell of peppermint. The smell was so strong it actually made my mouth water. In the bag you also will find some cotton wool balls and the idea is that you spray the cotton wool balls and leave those in your problem areas. The cotton wool balls hold the scent far longer than just spraying the ground. So I left several of the sprayed balls on the ground in the shed near to where the rat/mouse had last been and I placed a bag of rubbish there (like what the rat or mouse likes to chew into) to see if it would chew. A week has gone by and there are no fresh droppings, the rubbish bag is unchewed and it looks as if the repellent has worked. Hopefully that is the last I’ll see of the little thing, but if it does come back, I have plenty more spray left to try and repel it away again.
Cant comment on mice yet but it seems to be repelling spiders which love to visit this time of year. Love the scent. Spray window seals and any openings or gaps
This mice repellent spray is exactly what I needed. I have bird feeders in the garden and have seen some little mice coming through the wall to eat the seeds. I have no problem with that but my worry is that they will get into the house so I need to deter them.
This spray seems as if it really does do the trick. Sprayed all around the area where they come through and some other likely places and also soaked some cotton wool balls and placed them in strategic locations in the garden. No sign of any mice at all since. So very pleased and will continue to use.
I ordered this repellent spray, formulated of castor oil, peppermint & citronella essential oil to keep mice and rats away from my car as I know they are attracted by wire insulation. I think is the best solution for using around cars, camper vehicles and to be taken on holidays.
Since I work and travel in an areas where these specimens can be seen now and then, I am afraid they will make their way into my car as its warmer and safer for them, so in order to prevent this I wanted this spray and I really hope it will do the job.
To use it is simple, not harmful for me not even for my car, but it’s always best to do a patch test not to discolour something you wouldn’t want to. It only has to be sprayed on the affected areas for 3 days and top up twice a month. The smell of it is pleasant for humans but irritating for animals, even spiders. When spring comes I will definitely be using it around my home too.
Clear instructions, no mortal damage and safe product. I recommend it, 13.99 with 7% off is value for money.
This product smells lovely – it combines a few botanicals into a blend which, allegedly, is hated by rats and mice. The spray bottle works well and the set includes a handful of cotton wool balls, with the instruction to soak these in the spray and leave where you need the repellent effect. I have refreshed these several times over a couple of weeks, using up about half the bottle. Without setting up cameras I can’t be sure whether the rodents have been back, but there isn’t any fresh evidence of them in the greenhouse so maybe it does work. It’s certainly harmless to use and being botanicals, won’t harm any other wildlife, which is a plus.
I had found the entry point the mouse were getting in through, but seeing this product I thought I’d experiment before closing the hole, although, when determined they will always find another way in so testing if this worked would give me something to come back to in the future.
I sprayed solely around the area of the entrance hole for several evenings in a row and since then had no visible signs of a mousy return, and I still didn’t see signs of visitation after ceasing to spray for 3 nights, so I’m hopeful it has worked as a deterrent ~ but, it’s never easy to deter mice long term, and if this spray does so, and the mice move on I will be back to sing its praises even more.
I’ve also realised spiders don’t seem to like this, so it could become a staple in my cleaning cupboard.
The smell is a pleasant mintiness which makes using it an agreeable option.
Inside the pouch, you get the small spray bottle & 7 cotton wool balls.
This is not the first time I’ve used peppermint oil in the house.
During lockdown, for the first time in my life we got mice & it has been a problem ever since as we’ve never quite got to the bottom of how they got in.
Every winter they are back, then I spend months getting rid of them, get late winter, spring & summer mouse free, finally think we are free but once autumn turns chilly they’re back.
I’ve tried many different versions of this stuff & it’s all pretty similar.
Essentially it’s diluted peppermint oil & it does seem to work as long as you don’t mind your house smelling like you’ve been eating Mentos.
I have also noticed a distinct lack of spiders & other creepy crawlies, which may be down to some of these containing other ingredients like Citronella (which this one does).
As long as I remember to regularly spray this around I don’t see mice, hear mice or find a trace a mouse has been around so they don’t seem to like it much.
I spray it on cotton wool balls & chuck them behind things like my tumbledryer or behind the fridge freezer.
I occasionally deep clean a room & wipe it along the bottom of the skirting boards (I find if I put it on the floor it gets washed off when I clean it, so it stays longer on the skirting board as I wipe it less often than I clean the floor).
I do also go around regularly searching for any trace of holes that a mouse might be able to get through & blocking them up, so maybe I have finally found their original route.
I’m playing safe though & I’ll keep dosing my house with a peppermint spray pretty much forever.
I’d rather do that than live with the damage they do when they infest a house.
I don’t think this would work completely by itself, you do need to actively be trying to stop them coming in or catching any who do, but it works well enough as part of my mouse free house routine.
Have not seen a rat or mouse since, even though I saw one, was a quick little bugger. I could smell peppermint and Citronella in this product from a mile away, when I opened this up. Spraying on cotton balls, is a good idea but having multiple balls in the house is a bit eh tacky you know. You can use more if you have spare at home though.
I sprayed the cotton balls, and smell lingers for a while. Rats and mice have a more sensitive nose than us, so this should to keep them away from the area, as I know these critters hate peppermint. It doesn’t harm them, just makes Jerry pack up his bags and leave. 250ml isn’t a lot for 14 quid, spraying the balls once a week keeps the scent strong.
Added Citronella in this has it’s own benefits too, and helps to repel flying insects to boot.