AnkerWork M650 Wireless Lavalier Microphone, Pro Noise

AnkerWork M650 Wireless Lavalier Microphone, Pro Noise Cancellation, 656 ft (200 m) Transmission, 15H Battery, Swap Magnetic Colorful Covers, 2-Channel Quality Pickup, Wireless Microphone for Vlogs
From the brand

Das ganze Set erscheint sehr durchdacht. Der Behlter ist gleichzeitig Ladestation, alles hat darin seinen Platz. Die Gerte (Empfnger und Mikros) schalten sich im Behlter automatisch aus (hnlich wie bei drahtlosen Ohrhrern) und werden geladen. Es ist auch noch eine robuste Tasche dabei fr den Behlter und etwas Zubehr (Kabel und Windschutz). Diese sollte aber besser nicht so hell sein, sie sieht schnell schmutzig aus.
Mit der eingebauten Kamera-App meines Xiaomi POCO X3 klappen die Mikrofone nicht, wohl aber mit der App OpenCamera (von Mark Harman, im PlayStore und bei F-Droid erhltlich). Auch funktionieren sie mit der App fr Hover X1 (die schwebende Kamera), aber dazu muss die App whrend der Aufnahme im Vordergrund laufen. Der Ton vom Mikrofon wird vom Smartphone aufgezeichnet, das Videobild von Hover X1. Beim Download wird alles zusammengefgt und synchronisiert, das Gerusch der Propeller von Hover X1 entfernt.
Sehr gutes Mikro. Sehr gute Soundqualitt. Sowohl fr live Meetings via Google Meet als auch fr das Einsprechen von YouTube Videos super. Habe aogar mein Standmikro weg gegebn, weil ea nichtmehr notwendig ist.
Die Handhabung ist super einfach. Habe es mit Laptop und Tablet verbunden und das funktioniert sehr einfach.
Habe die interne Aufzeichnung nicht ausprobiert, kann dazu also nichts sagen.
Very neat package – comes with a charging box and all the accessories you might need. I was able to compare the M650 to the DJI wireless mics and preferred the sound quality of the Ankerwork mic. The Pro Noise cancellation mode is quite aggressive and introduces a lot of noise so it will hardly get you studio podcasting sound but it could be useful for noisy environments.
Hallo, ich habe nun schon ein paar Aufnahmen mit den AnkerWork gemacht und ich bin positiv berrascht von der Qualitt.
man muss nur die Mikrofone in die Nhe der Tonquelle bringen.
Das Nachladen funktioniert super, wenn mann auf die Sauberkeit der Kontakte achtet!
Die Geruschunterdrckung habe ich noch nicht getestet.
Insgesamt sehr Empfehlenswert!
Bought these as a cheaper alternative for the Rode mics, incredible value for what I got. Sound quality is perfect and the screen is really easy to use along with all the functions it has.
Only issue is for a while the sound was only coming out of the left channel on my camera. Not sure what this was until I realise the cable was broken and I had to replace it with a spare Rode 3.5mm cable I had. Apart from that it is well worth buying.
1. Verpackung und Verarbeitung
Zunchst muss ich sagen: Chapeau. Das ist zwar noch nicht ganz auf Apple Niveau, aber viel fehlt nicht mehr, denn das Unboxing ist auch bei Anker ein Erlebnis. Alles ist gut und sicher verpackt. Das Herzstck bildet das (Lade)Case mit den beiden Sendern und dem Empfnger.
Verarbeitung ist super, hier gibt’s nix zu meckern.
2. Funktion
Den Sound bertragen tun viele Gerte, aber es kommt im Alltag dann eben doch viel auf die “Softskills” des Gerts an, also das Handling, Zubehr, Bedienkonzept, etc. Und hier hat Anker einige Highlights:
– Magnethalterungen an Sendern (das erspart einem an normalen T-Shirts Falten durch den Clip)
– Touch-Bedienung (und damit einfacherer Zugriff auf Funktionen wie Aufnahme im Sender, Noise Cancellation, …)
– Display auch bei Selfie ablesbar (da Display an Stirnseite und nicht oben angebracht ist)
– Lightning-Anschluss integriert (allerdings nur Mono)
– Case zum Laden und fr Dateizugriff in Sendern
– Deadcats im Lieferumfang
– getrennte Konfiguration der Kanallautstrke
3. Sound & Reichweite
Die Soundqualitt ist sehr gut, vielleicht etwas basslastig. Hier lsst sich aber mit nem EQ in post noch einiges herumschrauben. Das Rauschen liegt auf einem marktbligen dem Niveau.
Die Reichweite hat mich positiv berrascht, hier hat man auch in Innenrumen noch recht weit Empfang. Auen kommt man wohl (hab ich nur in youtube-Videos gesehen) auf die angegebenen 200 m.
Die Mic-in’s vertragen sich mit allen von mir getesteten Lav’s, auch solchen, die z.B. beim Sony oder DJI Probleme durch Interferenzen haben (wie das Rode Lavalier Go).
4. Knnte besser sein
Natrlich ist nicht alles gut und manches knnte besser sein
– an- und ausschalten durch Case funktioniert sporadisch nicht
– Analog-Output-Level etwas niedrig fr Kopfhrer (auch in der Einstellung “high”)
– gain wirkt ausschlielich digital, kein Einfluss auf zu laute Eingangssignale
– Lightning Anschluss nur mono (ber das Camera-Kit und ein USB-Kabel geht’s allerdings auch in Stereo)
5. Ankerwork M650 vs. Rode Wireless Go II
Die beiden Funkstrecken arbeiten sehr hnlich und auch die abgenommenen Stimmen klingen sehr hnlich. Das Rode klingt aus meiner Sicht eine Nuance offener und brillanter, in Sachen Rauschen geben sich die Konkurrenten nichts. Das Anker berzeugt allerdings in der B-Note:
– Ladecase (Hardcase)
– magnetische Halterungen fr die Sender
– Aufnahme im Sender ber Empfnger steuerbar
– individuelle gain Einstellung
– Level im Selfie-Modus einsehbar
– deutlich bessere Reichweite
6. Fazit
Eine solide Funkstrecke mit guter Soundqualitt zum guten Preis (v.a. wenn reduziert ). Aus meiner Sicht sind hier einige Dinge weiter gedacht als beim Rode.
Un appareil premier, facile mettre en place. Dans mon cas il a t utilis en association avec un Canon EOS R. Le son est clair et l’utilitaire logiciel fourni avec est facile d’utilisation
Je recommande si votre budget suit, car cela reste un trs beau jouet pour une utilisation personnelle.
Perso, J’ai dcid de me faire plaisir pour ma passion photo vido
I’ve had probably 10 people come and check out our setup from other teams and these Microphones are definitely a reason people stop and ask what we’re doing.
1. Sound Quality
2. Ease of Use
3. Quality of Construction
4. Charging case
5. Both iPhone and iPad adapters
6. Visual Display
1. Noise Cancelling on High gets pretty choppy in a noisy environment, Low works fine.
2. I’ve been told they’re expensive by those considering purchasing wireless microphones, but I feel like they’re priced pretty good considering what you get.
– super easy to set up and use. the receiver controls everything, the screen is bright and the touch screen flawless.
– magnetic clip is genius and powerful
– the round design of the transmitters is much better than the squared competitors (not a big fun of the big brand on display but nothing some gaffer tape cannot fix)
– audio quality is neat. if you are like me (a “content creator”) it’s all you need for a decent amount of money
– the transmitters are actually heavy. if your subject has a thin piece of clothing you are in trouble, they will dangle
– the charging case is waaay bigger than the competitors. personally is not that ideal but not a deal breaker
– the on/off mute button on the side is too easy to accidentally click (and then mute yourself) I know you can use the app to deactivate that function but I do prefer not to install additional apps
also: customer service has been great! We actually ordered an additional set that unfortunately is not working. the guys did everything they could but when tech doesn’t function, there’s not much you can do, so we will have to return it.
Im Nachhinein ist unklar, ob das Mikro berhaupt defekt war. Seit dem Firmware Update hatte ich keine Probleme mit dem Teil. Aber da hatten wir schon die Retoure eingeleitet. Ich mchte mit dieser Rezension vor allem ein groes Lob an den Ankerwork Kundenservice senden. Man ist hier gut aufgehoben (brigens sowohl auf Deutsch als auch auf Englisch). Und wenn was ist, wird der Ersatz rasch und direkt vom deutschen Lager gesendet.
Its a great piece of kit. Unfortunately, it lacked any of the covers as shown in the picture, which would be handy to tell them apart. The listing does say that it comes with 2 replaceable covers, but I assume they are referring to the matching black ones that ship with it rather than the multicolor ones on the photo. I reached out to Anker and they offered to send me a full set of covers.
Besides that, the audio is great quality. Pretty good at filtering out background noise and the handy charging case is much easier to work with than the Shure wireless mics I have been using.
Sadly, life threw a curveball, and the lightning jack broke off the receiver after an unfortunate mishap. However, AnkerWork’s customer service saved the day, shipping me a replacement part in under three days. Their commitment to a ‘low-level Youtuber’ like me was genuinely heartwarming.
Performance-wise, the M650 stands as a star player in my home studio setup, outshining my lights, cameras, gimbals, and lenses. It’s incredibly easy to set up, and I use it for everything from OBS and GoToWebinar live streaming to video calls with clients. The sound quality and noise removal features surpassed all my previous microphones, including the Blue Yeti.
For those venturing into the world of content creation or seasoned pros looking for an upgrade, I can’t recommend the AnkerWork M650 enough. It’s not just a product; it’s an investment that pays off from the moment you start using it!
These devices are very attractive and well built. Also a welcome tonic away from boring black plastic mics. Connectivity to my Android phones was a simple plug in and record. Sound quality appears to be excellent and is a viable alternative to DJi Mic product. Case is heavily built with as rubber foot pad under it for anti-slip on table top surfaces. Sound quality is a joy with a slight deeper voice tone sound stage which I like as I do not like squeaky high pitched tones. Early days of use but so far so good! No element of this product feels cheap and it is evident that the designers worked so hard on this product. Well done.
I can’t pretend to be an expert and that i tried lots of other mikes, however, this is why I like it so much. Comes with every adapter needed, Android, IOS and camera. So easy to use that even a newbie like me can use it with no issue in secondes. The video i posted is at the gym and they were blasting the music. So not bad at all
(Old review)
I really liked these mics. They seemed to work well. Audio quality is decent…but that doesn’t mean anything if they don’t save your audio files. I had a video shoot yesterday for a project where the client was paying $2k. I had the receiver plugged into my camera so it would record the audio directly to the sd card. I was also very careful to hit record on the receiver for every take so I would have some backup audio files saved on the microphone. I had maybe 15-20 takes each about 8min. On a few of the takes I did not have the audio gain on the camera adjusted correctly, but I thought, “no worries, I’ll just use the audio that the microphone had saved to its internal storage since I had also recorded it to internal. Well now it’s the next day and I go to pull off those audio files and there are only 3 there. Only the last 3 files that I had recorded. All the other files are gone. Since my mic failed me it cost me this $2k job. Do not rely on them. Spend the extra money and get the DJI or Rode mics just for the reliability. Who knows what else would fail if I were to continue using them.
The sound quality is excellent. No hiss, noise or hum. The magnet actually held it securely through the material on my jacket.
I don’t know how to stop it from draining while sitting in the case. I tried shutting the units off when I stow them, but they come back on by themselves.
I could not mount it on my Nikon ZFc camera hot shoe. It would have required so much force I’m sure I would have broken the plastic clip off the receiver.
I needed to mount it so it faced forward since as a creator, I’m in front of the camera, not behind it.
I couldn’t find an answer to this problem, but I was able to make a workaround by purchasing this – NEEWER 8 PCs Hot Shoe Mount Adapter Kit.
The hot shoe adaptor allows an easy slip on solution – forward or back and room for 2 other things to be attached. The kit also includes adaptors that screw into a standard tripod mount like those on the sides or tops of a camera cage.
The only thing I wish it had was the ability to automatically start recording the minute I turn it on or take it out of the case. The DJI and Rode mics have these feature, but it’s missing on this device. If you want to turn on recording, you need to have the receiver with you so you can turn it on. Sometimes I just like only carrying around the Mic and using it as a standalone recorder, but it won’t be possible on this device.
I’m hoping they add this feature in a future firmware update.
One more thing to note, each of the Microphones have 4GB onboard memory which can record up to 7 hours. I wish they added more memory to this thing. Like maybe 16GB so I can record for 24 hours? Memory is so cheap these days. Is it really that expensive to add a bit more?
EDIT: Changed my rating to a 3.
So I’m changing my rating to a 3 because the device was in my bag not being used. Next thing I know, when I opened it back up, the case battery was dead, one of the transmitters had a low battery and same with the receiver. The other transmitter had full battery though which was odd. It leads me to believe that possibly the contact came loose at some point.
Also, I noticed a slight design fault with the adapters. You can’t remove the coldshoe clip on the receiver. When I have the USB-C attachment attached, it is unable to fit into the Osmo Action 3 because it doesn’t have enough clearance space. If only you were able to flip the adapter around, it could possibly fix this issue, but it only fits one way.
I think I’m gonna return it, which sucks because I really like the design of the actual mics.
EDIT: Changed rating to 4
Mainly because customer service reached out to me and they have been very helpful.
Another thing I noticed is when recording on iPhone, you can only record in Mono. No option to record in stereo or with a safety channel. I’m not sure if this can be fixed with firmware or not, but it’s something I wanted to mention.
Die Einrichtung ist Plug-and-Play. Sowohl ber USB-C als auch mit USB-A Adapter klappt das unter Win10 auf Anhieb – die Mikrofone bzw. der Empfnger werden sofort von Teams erkannt. Wir nutzen die Mics fr zwei Sprecher gleichzeitig. Ohne Echo und mit dem Klang eines (mindestens) guten Headsets. Die Ausgabe des Tons der Teams-Teilnehmer erfolgt ber einen Bluetooth Lautsprecher als Monitor fr die Vortragenden – ohne Rckkopplung. Aufpassen muss man, dass man mit den Hnden nicht zwischen Mikro und Mund herumfuchtelt – das dmpft den Klang und strt. Das ist aber systembedingt und nicht diesem Produkt anzulasten.
Fr den Kauf waren bei mir ausschlaggebend 1.) keine Verkabelung am Redner machen zu mssen 2.) die Integration in Teams und 3.) die Mglichkeit, mindestens 20m vom Empfnger frei agieren zu knnen. All das klappt mit einer super Tonqualitt. Ein durchdachtes Produkt.
Hinweis: Am iPad Pro (2022) funktioniert es als externes Mikro. Zur Nutzung in Teams konnte ich es bisher nicht bewege
Sound Quality: I think the sound quality was fine. With the internal mic, it’s not the best out there, but also not the worst. In comparison to the DJI and Rode I would say it’s on par, maybe a bit more tinny but the sound quality isn’t too noticeable unless you do a side-by-side comparison. The noise canceling ‘works’ but is a little gimmicky. I think it’s best for emergency situations or on the go iPhone vlogging if you really need to hear the subject. 90% of the time I use a Purple Panda lav mic to hide the big mic on the shirt, and going that route, all three sound the same, and generally background noise isn’t an issue either.
Build Quality: The build quality feels cheaper than that of the more bulky DJI, but it wasn’t to the point that I was worried about it breaking. The magnet on the clips of the transmitters is strong enough to where I would feel confident about putting it on somebody’s shirt or even something thicker like a suit, and know that it would stay on the subject. The charging case works well to protect everything, I’m confident that thing could take a beating if the opportunity came up. It’s Anker so nothing I would say feels ‘cheap.’
User Interface: Okay, this is where this device shines. It comes with a charging case that has both a USB-C and Lightning connector so you can always record to something with a full battery no matter where you are. So that right there is a big advantage over the Rode. The touchscreen interface is also much nicer than that of the DJI. Again, I shoot on a mirrorless so for me it’s as simple as plug and play. The best user interface you can get.
So overall, decent sound quality (best used with a lavalier), good build quality, especially on the case, and the best user interface you can get makes this a better choice than the Rode for sure, and the DJI for the price.
1, it’s wireless, it definitely looks a lot more professional when do a session with your guest and talk in length, when you jack each head to yours and your guest’s shirt, it’s definitely better than waving my iPhone around.
2, Anker’s design looks a lot nicer than the similar product out there like a black mole on your chest
3, of course the record effect is very clear and effective.
4, I like the open box setup, meaning, when you open the box, everything is already set. Mics and receiver are automatically connected. No special setup needed. So you don’t have to keep your guest wait
5, for interface, it can adapt to both iPhone, usb-c and audio jacket. Very flexible.
This is a good gift.
Thank you my lovely wife!