HSU Aluminum Twin Dual Mount for GoPro, Double Mount Camera

HSU Aluminum Twin Dual Mount for GoPro, Double Mount Camera Adapter, Cold Shoe Extension Hole for Action Camera

Cold Shoe Mount and 1/4″ Thread Hole
- The two holes in the cold shoe bracket don’t have the threaded.
- The three holes in the middle of the bracket have the 1/4″ threaded.
HSU High Quality Camera Mount for GoPro Action Cameras
![]() Dual Twin Adapter | ![]() Vertical Mount | ![]() Cold Shoe Adapter | ![]() Tripod Adapter | ![]() Magnetic Mount | ![]() Handlebar Mount | ![]() Extension Arm | |
Customer Reviews | 3.5 out of 5 stars 2 | 3.4 out of 5 stars 30 | 4.6 out of 5 stars 52 | 4.7 out of 5 stars 938 | 4.7 out of 5 stars 9 | 4.4 out of 5 stars 1,808 | 4.5 out of 5 stars 504 |
Price | £13.99 | £11.99 | £9.99 | £9.99 | £18.99 | £15.99 | £12.99 |
Key Function | Dual Adapter Mount | Vertical Mount | Cold Shoe Interface | Tripod Mount | Magnetic Mount | Handlebar Mount | Extension Arm |
Come with Thumbscrew | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Material | Aluminum Alloy | Aluminum Alloy | Aluminum Alloy | Aluminum Alloy | Aluminum Alloy | Aluminum Alloy | Aluminum Alloy |
Anti-rust | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
for All GoPro Action Cameras | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Handlebar Mount for GoPro and Insta 360 Cameras
- Made of aluminum alloy.
- Work on the tube between 8 mm to 35 mm.
- Suitable for GoPro and Insta 360 action cameras.
Mini Carrying Case for GoPro Hero Series Cameras
- Surface waterproof material.
- Double zipper design.
- Keeps your camera lens safe from any potential outside dangers.
Suction Cup Mount for GoPro and Insta 360 Cameras
- Suitable for GoPro and Insta 360 action cameras.
- Double ball structure, and 360° angle adjustment.
- Wide use on car windscreen, window, car dashboard, car bonnet, smooth surface, and boat window.
Aluminum Alloy Thumbscrews for GoPro Accessories
- Made of aluminum alloy.
- Suitable for all GoPro aluminum alloy accessories.
Extension Arm Kit for GoPro Action Cameras
- Made of aluminum alloy.
- Come with 3 different length extension arms(30cm/16.5cm/8.5cm).
- 1/4 and 3/8 screw holes can be attached to more accessories.
Helmet Mount Kit for GoPro Action Cameras
- Suitable for all GoPro Action Cameras.
- Fits most helmets for bikes, bicycles, mountain bikes, motorbikes, snowboarding.
Questo supporto consente di installare accanto due cam senza cover o con la cover sottile in silicone.
Quando si hanno problemi di spazio e si devono collocare a fianco due dispositivi, con questo supporto in ottimo alluminio, si risolve in un batter d’occhio il problema.
Dalla foto si pu anche evincere la differenza con il supporto “fratello” per l’installazione delle cam con la custodia subacquea o il media mod.
Un accessorio/moltiplicatore che serve nella dotazione individuale. Ad un prezzo vantaggioso.
Un petit bras de bonne fabrication, bien pratique et robuste en aluminium.
Il vous permettra de mettre 2 camras cote cote.
Mais il dispose aussi de trois filetages ” qui vous permettrons de fixer n’importe quel accessoire comme une rotule, un micro, une torche, etc …
Amiti, laure
Questo accessorio non solo destinato alle action cam, ma ha anche varie altre applicazioni dato la possibilita di utilizzare le viti da 1/4 e attacco hot shoe. Nella confezione di vendita minimale, sono inclusi un supporto con due adattatori hot shoe/attacco GoPro, viti, o-ring e una brugola per l’installazione.
Il supporto a forma di T completamente realizzato in lega di alluminio. Ai suoi due lati sono presenti attacchi hot shoe (con al centro una vite la possibilit di avvitare connettori GoPro) e uno centrale nel lato opposto . Inoltre, ci sono ulteriori fori filettati da 1/4 per collegare altri accessori.
Io ho utilizzato questo supporto per installare due action cam (con un p di difficoltata ma riuscendoci ) con i loro case a un mini treppiedi allungabile, cercando e trovando la posizione ottimale. Ritengo che questo accessorio sia utile non solo per questo utilizzo specifico, ma anche per montare contemporaneamente vari altri accessori con action cam.
Difetti avrei preferito una maggiore distanza tra i due adattatori e ho notato che i connettori in alluminio possono non bloccarsi correttamente se il connettore da collegare usurato o leggermente meno spesso (questo problema non si presentato con connettori nuovi).
Mi e piaciuto per questi primi utilizzi e lo valuto positivamente, resta da vedere come si comporter nel tempo in caso aggiorner la recensione.
J’avais achet l’an pass le mme type de support double ce niveau de prix, mais il tait en plastique et m’inspirait moyennement confiance une fois charg avec lampe et camra.
Ici c’est du costaud et je peux bien visser ma GoPro avec une petite lampe led latrale indispensable pour les vidos urbex.
Produit modulable parfait pour moi.
Diese Halterung von HSU ist von sehr, sehr guter Material- und Verarbeitungsqualitt.
Wenn man zwei GoPros montiert, sitzen die recht eng zusammen. Das sehe ich aber im Gegensatz zu anderen Reviewern berhaupt nicht als Kritik-, sondern als Pluspunkt. Fr “weiter auseinander” gibt es andere Halterungen, und das sieht man ja auch vor dem Kauf.
Was ich wirklich super finde: Die GoPro-Halterungen selbst kann man auch abschrauben, sie sind mit einer blichen 1/4 Zoll Schraube befestigt.
Insgesamt hat man dann auf dem Steg 5 1/4 Zoll “Anschlsse”, was den Trger sehr vielseitig einsetzbar macht.
Ich bin ehrlich begeistert und habe nichts zu kritisieren (OK, Flgelschrauben anstatt Sechskantschlssel und Schraube wre vielleicht nett gewesen, aber so etwas hat man eh daheim).
Qu buen elemento para mi equipo de grabacin. Me permite jugar con varias combinaciones y adems ofrece una buena estabilidad.
Las roscas de los adaptadores son compatibles con mis otros elementos y no me generaron ningn inconveniente.
Est hecho de metal de muy buena calidad, lo cual es excelente porque proporciona una estabilidad muy slida.
This HSU Aluminium Twin Dual Mount comes in a basic small – I do mean small – cardboard box with assorted screws and washers plus an Allen key. This mount is to accommodate a GoPro or possibly one of the many clones of this camera that are available. The point of this bracket is to either mount a light or microphone with a camera as outlined above, but to be honest it is so small, it’s pushing it a bit in that respect – see the included photos, more so against a ruler for scale. The plus side is it is well manufactured, has assorted 1/4inch threaded holes for adding attachments in whatever configuration’s but as to what they might be is anybody’s guess as it is so SMALL. If it was another inch (or more preferably) longer it might have some merit but as it is, it’s a struggle to gauge why this was designed in its present form as its very limited – or am I missing the plot somehow? Nicely machined and well finished but so, so small.