Insta360 Ace Pro Creator Kit – Waterproof Action Camera

Insta360 Ace Pro Creator Kit - Waterproof Action Camera Co-engineered with Leica

Insta360 Ace Pro Creator Kit – Waterproof Action Camera Co-engineered with Leica, Flagship 1/1.3″ Sensor and AI Noise Reduction for Unbeatable Image Quality, 4K120fps, 2.4″ Flip Screen & AI Features

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Dimensions: 30.2 x 18.6 x 13.3 centimetres
Brand: Insta360
Batteries Included: 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included)
Dimensions: 30.2 x 18.6 x 13.3 centimetres

17 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    It is a great camera. Great photos and videos quality even in low light conditions. I just need to learn more about how to use the camera. If only this camera could have more zooming capabilities.

  2. Anonymous says:


    El uso de la cmara es bastante intuitiva, las imgenes y videos que toma son excelentes, se sincroniza perfecto con el telfono para poder situarlas y compartirlas, para la aplicacin de la PC recomiendo revisar las especificaciones, pero desde el telfono se pueden hacer muchas cosas

  3. RogelioINPF says:


    Je suis un crateur de contenu sur l’univers des parcs d’attractions et j’avais besoin d’une camra d’action pour l’enregistrement des mes VLOG. La camra gre parfaitement la luminosit, sa stabilisation est extraordinaire (certains manges bougent beaucoup elle arrive stabiliser sans souci !!!) Elle est simple d’utilisation, lgre et pratique ! Je suis extrmement satisfait et pour son prix elle concurrence nettement les autres marques !! Je recommande sans problme

  4. AllieYATES34 says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersL’Insta360 Ace Pro un supporto avanzato progettato per migliorare l’esperienza di ripresa con le fotocamere Insta360. Questo accessorio promette di offrire stabilit, versatilit e facilit d’uso, ma vediamo nel dettaglio come si comporta nelle diverse situazioni.
    Design e Costruzione
    Il design del Insta360 Ace Pro moderno e funzionale. Realizzato con materiali di alta qualit, il supporto robusto e resistente, capace di sopportare le condizioni pi estreme. La struttura in lega di alluminio assicura leggerezza senza compromettere la solidit, mentre la finitura curata nei minimi dettagli, conferendo un aspetto professionale.
    Stabilit e Sicurezza
    Uno dei principali punti di forza del Insta360 Ace Pro la stabilit che offre. Il sistema di montaggio progettato per mantenere saldamente la fotocamera, riducendo al minimo le vibrazioni e i movimenti indesiderati. Questo particolarmente utile durante riprese dinamiche o in ambienti difficili, dove la stabilit fondamentale per ottenere immagini chiare e nitide.
    Facilit di Utilizzo
    L’Insta360 Ace Pro estremamente intuitivo da utilizzare. Il sistema di sgancio rapido consente di montare e smontare la fotocamera in pochi secondi, senza bisogno di attrezzi aggiuntivi. Questo facilita enormemente il cambio di configurazioni durante le riprese, risparmiando tempo e migliorando l’efficienza operativa.
    Il supporto altamente versatile e compatibile con una vasta gamma di accessori Insta360. Pu essere utilizzato in molteplici situazioni, dalla fotografia sportiva alle riprese professionali, offrendo sempre una performance eccellente. La possibilit di adattarlo a diversi setup rende l’Ace Pro un accessorio indispensabile per i videomaker.
    L’Insta360 Ace Pro introduce anche alcune funzionalit innovative, come il sistema di bilanciamento regolabile che permette di ottenere una stabilit ottimale in qualsiasi condizione. Questa caratteristica particolarmente apprezzata dai professionisti che necessitano di una precisione estrema nelle loro riprese.
    Il prezzo del Insta360 Ace Pro giustificato dalla qualit e dalle funzionalit offerte. Sebbene possa sembrare un investimento significativo, la durabilit e le prestazioni elevate rendono questo supporto un acquisto valido per chiunque sia serio riguardo alla propria attrezzatura di ripresa.
    In conclusione, l’Insta360 Ace Pro un supporto eccezionale che combina robustezza, facilit d’uso e versatilit. ideale per chi cerca un accessorio affidabile e professionale per le proprie fotocamere Insta360. La stabilit offerta, insieme alle funzionalit innovative, ne fanno un compagno perfetto per ogni tipo di ripresa, dai progetti amatoriali a quelli pi professionali. Se hai bisogno di migliorare la qualit delle tue riprese e cerchi un supporto su cui poter contare, l’Insta360 Ace Pro sicuramente un’opzione da considerare.

  5. DeboradeCastell says:

     United Kingdom

    Very pleased with purchase it’s the best action camera I’ve ever owned very sturdy and compact easy to use and video quality is second to none. I use it attached to my motorcycle helmet wish I’d bought one soone

    5.0 out of 5 stars Insta 360 ace pro

  6. Prakhar Khanna says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersAqu estoy, frente a mi ltima adquisicin: la Insta360 Ace Pro. Despus de pasar por tres cmaras de accin de la misma marca de la competencia, puedo afirmar con total seguridad que esta es la mejor que he tenido. Desde el momento en que la saqu de la caja, ya me sorprend.

    La calidad percibida no tiene nada que envidiarle a las cmaras de la competencia, sino al contrario. Materiales de calidad, agradable al tacto y con un diseo muy atractivo.

    El sensor de 1/1,3″ se muestra como corazn de esta maravilla tecnolgica. La calidad de la captura muestra detalles con una precisin que deja boquiabierto, ofreciendo imgenes superiores incluso en condiciones de poca luz. Esto es algo muy importante para m, pues acostumbro a grabar a todas horas del da, y por la tarde, cuando cae el sol, o incluso cuando se me hace tarde durante una grabacin, mantener la calidad de la grabacin me da mucha tranquilidad. Y vaya si lo consigue! Adems, est co-diseada con Leica, y este detalle le da un toque de excelencia ptica, se nota.

    Pero la verdadera joya de la corona es su capacidad para grabar en 4K a 120 fotogramas por segundo. Es simplemente alucinante! Mis videos de accin nunca han sido tan ntidos y fluidos como con la Ace Pro. Me encanta usar la cmara lenta para mis vdeos de motos en montaa, sobre todo en los saltos, igual que en el esqu. Pero ahora que he empezado con vdeos de coches Wow! Menudos detalles voy a captar con esto! Y cuando hablamos de escenas nocturnas, el chip de IA de 5 nm y el sensor grande hacen magia, capturando detalles que antes solo poda soar.

    La pantalla tctil abatible de 2,4″ es otro punto a favor. Qu digo, es para flipar! Ya no solo es el hecho de navegar por los mens y previsualizar mis fotos y videos, de forma tan fcil y cmoda. Es el hecho de poder grabar en formato vlog, vindome en pantalla con una calidad brutal. Me da mucha seguridad a la hora de hablar en cmara.
    Tambin tiene el montaje magntico, que simplifica el cambio de accesorios. No soy consciente an del hecho de no tener que estar desenroscando el tornillo fijador cada vez que quiero cambiar de accesorio. Y creme, cambio mucho de accesorio
    Adems, el Control por Gestos hacen que capturar el momento perfecto sea coser y cantar. Me veo en muchas situaciones en las que estoy solo (casi siempre) grabando, y me ayuda mucho poder activar la grabacin a distancia, sin ningn objeto en la mano, y sin tener que gritarle a la cmara menuda vergenza delante de la gente

    El Clarity Zoom ya es otro nivel. Estable, ntido y con un detalle de locos.

    El Asistente de Momentos Destacados de IA es una verdadera ayuda, sobre todo cuando quiero sacar un vdeo rpido cuando no tengo tiempo. Automticamente, saca los mejores momentos en mis videos y me ayuda a ahorrar espacio en la tarjeta SD.

    Eso por no hablar de la estabilizacin FlowState. Qu locura! El 90% de mis vdeos son en movimiento muy extremo (moto de montaa, esqu, coches a altas velocidades, etc.) y eso garantiza que mis imgenes sean ultra-fluidas, incluso en las condiciones ms extremas.

    Adems, tiene una resistencia al agua hasta 10 metros, que me va genial para cuando voy a hacer surf, paddle surf, salto de acantilados o snorkel (ya ves, aqu hacemos de todo ;D).
    Otro problema que tengo siempre es que me quedo sin batera y con la carga rpida, esta cmara est lista para cualquier aventura que se le presente.

    En resumen, la Insta360 Ace Pro ha superado con creces todas mis expectativas. Si buscas la mejor calidad de imagen, caractersticas avanzadas y durabilidad en una cmara de accin, no busques ms! Esta es la definitiva.

    ¡La mejor cámara de acción que he probado hasta ahora!

  7. dede21a says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 25 From Our UsersHello everyone! I am a Florida Springs Underwater Photographer, and I currently rely on the Insta360 Ace Pro for capturing my underwater B-roll videos and behind-the-scenes moments during my photography sessions. I mainly shoot models underwater, so this versatile camera seamlessly pairs up with my DSLR rig, becoming an essential tool in elevating my storytelling experience.

    Exploring Florida’s springs with the Ace Pro, its 4K resolution stands out in vividly capturing mesmerizing underwater details. It transforms tranquil spring scenes into visual masterpieces, showcasing underwater events with precision.

    Mounted on my rig, the Ace Pro offers unparalleled convenience for capturing behind-the-scenes moments. The FlowState stabilization ensures stable cinematic footage, contributing to professional behind-the-scenes videos. Oh and the magnetic mount is simply genius!! I love it!

    The exceptional low-light performance is crucial for underwater video recording. In the absence of direct sunlight, the Ace Pro beautifully illuminates scenes, capturing clear and artistically lit moments.

    The camera’s powerful capabilities and larger sensor (compared to, you know the other brand lol) eliminate the need for extensive editing, allowing a focus on authentic behind-the-scenes moments. Its intuitive touchscreen interface and compact design make it an ideal companion, providing effortless maneuverability through the underwater landscape and during photography setups.

    I cannot stress enough how much I love this camera. If you need excellent video quality, the best stabilization, impeccable low-light capture, and less time working on post, the Ace Pro is the way to go!

    PS: I went to the springs last week and I was using it by itself just for fun, I will attach a quick unedited clip from my Insta360 to this review.

  8. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersNach langem Recherchieren habe ich mich im November 2024 dazu entschieden mir die Insta360 Ace Pro zu kaufen. Die Kamera wurde direkt auf einer drei Wochen langen Sdafrika Rundreise ausgiebig unter verschiedenen Bedienungen bzw. in verschiedenen Situation genutzt/getestet. Und ich muss sagen ich wurden kein bisschen enttuscht.

    Die Kamera macht einen uerst wertigen Eindruck. Und dieser hat sich bisher auch immer besttig. Die Kamera hat bisher alle Situation problemlos gemeistert. Ich habe die Kamera ohne Schutzhlle verwendet und war mit ihr bei 35-40 C auf Safari, bei 10-15 C im Atlantik schwimmen oder aber auch 0 C in Deutschland wandern. Zu keiner Zeit gab es Probleme mit der Kamera. Von anderen Kameras habe ich gehrt, dass diese schnell mal berhitzen. Bei der Insta360 Ace Pro kam es selbst auf Safari mit
    35-40 C nicht dazu, dass die Kamera berhitzt. Und sie war zeitweie innen an der Windschutzscheibe montiert.

    Anfangs war ich auch skeptisch ob das Klappdisplay (gerade bei einer Action Cam) nicht zu instabil sein knnte. Aber das ist keineswegs der Fall. Im Gegenteil. Das klappbare Display sitzt immer richtig fest und macht nicht den Anschein, dass der Klappmechanismus jemals kaputt gehen knnte.

    Fangen wir direkt mal mit dem klappbaren Display an. Andere Kameras bieten zwar ein Display auf der Vorderseite der Kamera an, die Insta360 bietet jedoch mit dem klappbaren Display eine viel bessere Option. So lsst sich die Kamera beispielsweise bei einer Montage am Fahrradlenker auch von oben (Draufsicht) bedienen. Oder aber auch Selfie Aufnahmen lassen sich wunderbar machen.

    Was die Video/Fotoaufnahme Funktion angeht ldt die Insta360 keine Wnsche offen:

    – Video mit bis zu 8 K und HDR (verschiedene Weitwinkelstufen)
    – PureVideo (fr schlechte Lichtverhltnisse)
    – FreeFrame Video (Seitenverhltnisse lassen sich im Nachhinein anpassen)
    – Timelapse (statische Zeitraffervideos)
    – Timeshift (Hyperlapse Aufnahme – Zeitraffer mit Bewegung)
    – Zeitlupe
    – Loop (kontinuierliche Aufnahme und Speicherung des letzten Segment)
    – Starlapse (Aufnahme mehrerer Fotos und Speicherung mit Starlapse Effekt)
    – Foto
    – HDR-Foto
    – Intervall (fortlaufende Aufnahme von Fotos in einem bestimmten Zeitintervall)
    – Fotoserie

    Auerdem gibt es verschiedene Voreinstellungen die die Aufnahmen unter bestimmten Verhltnissen verbessern sollen. Wie z.B. beim schwimmen.

    Die Kamera hat aber noch viel mehr zu bieten. Steuerung per Geste und Stimme, KI Highlight Assistent, Koppelung von Bluetooth Kopfhrer, Zeitgesteuerte Aufnahme, Geruschunterdrckung, optionale Bluetooth Fernbedienung um nur mal ein paar der vielen Funktionen zu nennen.

    Wie anfangs schon erwhnt wurde ich von dem Kauf der Insta360 kein bisschen enttuscht. Sie ist zwar etwas teurere als manch andere Action Cam aber der Preis ist es definitiv Wert. Wer eine fertige, zuverlssige und funktionsreiche Action Cam mchte ist bei der Installation 360 Ace Pro sehr gut aufgehoben.

    Perfekte Action Cam

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersI can’t say enough about how awesome this camera is! I am a longtime user of GoPro and other action cameras and I’ve honestly never seen footage as good as this. Most likely down to the Leica technology.
    The stabilisation is insanely good, never seen anything like it before.
    The 8k video is crisp and well balanced with great colours, and it doesn’t suffer from the over-sharpening you get from a lot of action cameras.
    The features are fantastic, I was especially impressed with the face recognition. Used with the flip up screen it makes an ideal vlogging camera.
    The included accessories are built to a really high standard and work perfectly (see video)
    Overall I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the Ace Pro to anybody looking for an action camera that can do everything and with outstanding picture quality.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing 8k Action Camera!!! Watch out GoPro!

  10. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 47 From Our UsersAre you looking for a camera with a small form factor with amazing low light performance that still has great stabilization in low light? THIS IS IT!

    I am writing this review coming from using a GoPro Hero 12, even though this is GoPro’s latest and greatest, I was unimpressed with the overall performance in everything besides perfect bright daylight. Using the Hero 12 in my garage with 3 overhead LED ceiling lights, the Hero 12 still struggles to show good low light footage, let alone have even remotely usable stabilization. VERY disappointed.

    After watching the review on the Unbox Therapy Youtube channel, I was sold. The Ace Pro CRUSHES the Hero 12 in low light, Night and Day difference, In area’s the GoPro shows practically all black, the Ace Pro can clearly see everything despite there being almost no light. This was the biggest selling point for me because GoPro’s absolute need for decent lighting to have remotely usable stabilization. (check out the crazy difference in my video example)

    I chock this up to the obvious larger 1/1.3″ sensor and 5nm AI Chip that does de-noising of each frame in real time before saving to your SD card. It’s pretty insane what this small form factor camera is able to do in low light, even compared to my Sony ZV-1 compact camera, it till has better low light performance! THIS is the reason for me taking a chance on this camera, and it was well worth it. Although there are some other great features I really like on the camera.

    Another really cool feature on this camera is the flip up touch screen. The Hero 12 has the front facing screen but it is very tiny in comparison, being able to see a much bigger preview of what your going to shoot is super useful, and anyone who thinks the hinge on the screen is a weak point, its rock-solid and will stop and hold firm in any angle you leave it in, I compare it to apply laptop quality hinges.

    Finally, the last thing that’s very noticeable about the camera is the software user interface performance and control. Whatever chip they have running the UI is incredibly fast, flicking through different shooting modes, or even powering the camera on / off is almost instant. Compared to the GoPro it’s still noticeably faster and in my opinion, the menu organization is better. If you compare it to a GoPro before the Hero 12 it is WAY faster in just about every way, if your upgrading from a older GoPro, this is like getting the latest and greatest iPhone, super snappy and responsive. If you use the insta360 app on your phone (which is still am learning and discovering new things) it has lots of AI goodies built in when it comes to editing, and highlighting footage you made, it will even attempt to auto edit clips together which is pretty sweet! I need to test this more long term, but for smaller project stuff it seems to be a neat idea.

    – Amazing low light performance, better than any other action camera (close second DJI Action 2)
    – 8K resolution option (allows for lossless zoom in)
    – BIG flip-up screen for framing yourself or using the camera in low angles, or even as a tilted stand.
    – Fast charging via USB-C with proper wattage charging brick.
    – Reliable hand /voice gestures for starting/stopping recording, taking photos, and powering off.
    – 360 App is very reliable and firmware updates are very fast and don’t require a SD card.

    – Battery life only displayed by icon with no number % (could be fixed with software update)
    – Using external mic requires adapter (it’s fairly cheap at least, not a deal breaker by any means)

    The last thing I will say, as a loyal GoPro user for the last 10 years, GoPro has really fallen behind lately, never thought I would jump ship to insta360 as I am not a 360 camera user, but the Ace Pro convinced me, and it’s their first attempt at a action camera form. Imagine when they are on their 12th generation action camera like GoPro.

    Best Action Camera on the Market, Lowlight Game Changer!

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI can’t fault this delightful, very easy to carry around action cam. It takes excellent pictures and even better videos. The stability is really good very good purchase very happy. Connecting it to the app is like switching a light on, the firmware updates are also very good and there are more to follow. I’m looking very forward to getting more physical with i

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    As far as cameras go i can’t really fault it, as it has some incredible features compared to some other active cameras on the market, however there are some things getting used to like :
    * audio delay after the recording starts (Up to 3sec)
    * having a need to rinse the camera after going under water
    * worse low light performance compared to action 4
    * lens non removable (covered by the insurance for 1 year)

    With all of this out of the question would still recommend the camera

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI am skeptical sometimes of glowing reviews for new products, especially cameras, however the Ace Pro seemed to garner almost universal praise.
    I bough the camera and was not disappointed, although noticeably larger than the Go Pro, this is still very usable in almost all action scenarios.
    The 4k 30 and 4k 60 video is excellent quality and balances exposure well, with detail in both clouds and shadows. Stabilization is great, even when testing it in silly ways, it kept the scene smooth.
    I go up and down hills all the time, usually the horizon goes all over the place, but I tried out the horizon lock feature – again this worked really well.
    I bought the quick release mount separately – this makes a huge difference if you prefer to keep the mounting mechanisms slim and looks neater on the Mantis pod stick
    Don’t expect it to match a mirrorless camera – it wont, but when used for its intended purpose – an action cam – its the best ye

  14. Elliott3593 says:

     United Kingdom

    When i first got this camera i could set the shutter speed on PURE video mode for night time filming which was great for using on a bike or walking at night. The Auto mode was terrible. I set the shutter at 200 for the bike but now this feature has been took away. There is a option for better stabilisation at night but when i select this its deselected every time i switch off and on the camera again which is more than annoying. Please sort this out and bring back the option where i can select shutter speed in pure video mode. Since the updates the night video looks terrible.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI have had the camera now for 6 weeks and wanted to wait until at least a month after purchasing before I wrote a review so that I got a proper feel for it and not carried away by a shiny new purchase.
    To be honest, the last thing I really needed was another camera but I had seen various YouTube reviews from people I trusted and already have a few cameras from Insta360 that I love using so it piqued my interest. The thing I was mainly interested in was the camera’s low-light capability. I have struggled with capturing clear grain-free footage using my other cameras (Canon, Fuji) and hoped the Ace Pro would solve this problem. And oh boy, did it!
    There are far cleverer people than I who can tell you the technical capabilities, sensor spec and intelligent noise reduction technology, I just know that it works. After years of experimenting with ISO, frame rates and shutter speeds, I just set the camera to Pure Video, press the button and I get the perfect low light footage! The only decision I need to make is whether to toggle the low-light stabilization on or off.
    I recently had an opportunity to try it out at night in London, one of the shots I have included with this review (albeit reduced in size/bitrate for upload). I am extremely pleased with the resulting footage but it also highlighted another very big plus for me. The Ace Pro is so compact that I can be very inconspicuous while I am shooting. I have a small flexible tripod (similar to a Gorilla Pod) attached to the magnetic mount which is very easy to detach when walking between locations so my equipment can go in my jacket pocket and is not on display. Plus when shooting you can be very discrete. I often place my camera for a timelapse and need it to be as hidden as possible to avoid attention. The small form factor of the Ace pro lets me do that. Talking about the magnetic mount, I should mention that the magnet is only used to help locate the mount in position on the base of the camera, it is physically locked in place using mechanical latches.
    The flipscreen was something I liked from their GO 3 camera and am very happy that it is used on the Ace Pro. I don’t use it for vlogging but being able to flip it at an angle for when I am doing a low shot is fantastic. You will need to buy a carrying case straight away to protect the lens and rear screen during transportation but hey are fairly cheap. I bought one from Amazon, as well as a separate lens cover. Coming soon (again from Amazon) is a filter adaptor so I can use my 49mm ND/CPL/Black Pro-Mist filters as well as my macro lenses to experiment with.
    This is such a universally useful little camera that I find myself always putting it in my jacket pocket or kitbag to take with me everywhere. Highly recommended!

  16. Robin says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersIve had GoPros 9, 10, 11 and 12 and all have worked excellently but I always missed a flip out screen so I could see what I’m shooting when the camera is down low to video our dogs or high to catch action in another way.

    The Insta 360 ace pro does all that and then some. The 4k video is excellent, the slo-mo in 4k 120 is a dream and ive been so impressed with the star trails setting. Unlike the GoPro it only has one setting as far as i can see for timelapse but this works in just the way I like.

    The click on magnetic style adaptor to attach it to things is so much more useable than having to screw and unscrew all the time.

    Ive only had the Ace for a couple or 3 months but so far it does everything and more that i want from a GoPro

  17. AvisRutledge says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 10 From Our UsersI bought this camera and signed up online with my new camera and I was asked for an activation code I could not find. I then contacted Insta360 very frustrated expecting no response and they could not be more supportive. Transoired I did not need to activate it anyway via laptop. Support levels that GoPro should learn a few lessons from!

    5.0 out of 5 stars Insta360 Support - From Disillusioned to Inspired