KEDIERS PC Case – Pre-Install 6 ARGB Fans, ATX Tower

KEDIERS PC Case – Pre-Install 6 ARGB Fans, ATX Tower Tempered Glass Gaming PC Open Frame G5

KEDIERS PC Case – Pre-Install 6 ARGB Fans, ATX Tower Tempered Glass Gaming PC Open Frame G5
Il case si presenta in un imballaggio robusto all’interno , le istruzioni sono chiare sono incluse 6 ventole rgb lo sportell laterale di accesso in vetro si rimove facilmente per installare le varie schede , dalla parte opposta il vano per alimentatore e cablaggi abbastanza capiente
Bonjour je voulais savoir, si quelqu’un a les ventilo qui font aussi bcp de bruit ? de plus je voulais savoir a quoi server le bouton led .. j’appuie dessu mais rien ne se passe, je dois faire quelque chose ?
Les ventilateurs tournent bien sans beaucoup de bruit. La lumire des ventilateurs est jolie avec beaucoup de modles et de rythmes, on peut relier d’autres ventilateurs pour tre synchro. J’ai galr trouver comment faire marcher la lumire. En fin j’ai d connecter le contrleur des lumires en cble SATA directement depuis le bloc d’alimentation (ce n’tait pas bien mentionn sur la notice).
Je recommande fortement.
Per 100 euro, ha dato un colpo basso alla concorrenza. Per un Mid Tower ATX a 100 euro, conviene davvero tanto. I materiali non sono iper resistenti, soprattutto i cardini. Dopo aver sfilato il pannello centrale una 10ina di volte per upgrades o mod, si sente che fa un po’ fatica a rientrare al suo posto.
I filtri antipolvere fanno un discreto lavoro, le ventole funzionano benone, per essere comprese nel prezzo un quid in pi ovviamente. Plasticose ma decenti.
Due piccoli contro:
-Mancano protezioni di gomma per gli ingressi dei cavi. Flettendoli e piegandoli sugli ingressi potrebbero rovinarsi o tagliarsi (credo rimedier qualcosa DIY per attutire)
-Non entrano radiatori da 360 mm. L’unico posto in cui stato possibile inserirlo in alto, dopo averlo forzato per 15 minuti e aver incrinato il perno che mantiene il vetro frontale. Purtroppo sono avvertenze che vanno inserite, cos com’ stato fatto con le ventole.
Tutto sommato, per 100 euro un grande affare. Ci ho a che fare da marzo e non mi ha dato problemi, l’ho riverniciato e ha tenuto, tranne per qualche scrap qui e l.
Consigliato? Assolutamente si, ma non per una build high end.
Fr den Preis sehr gut Gehuse luft sieht sehr schon aus und funktioniert alles aber es fehlten ein paar schrauben am lfter und ein paar schreiben war der schrauben kopf kaputt gedreht ansonsten echt gu
What a case, looks very impressive. More then enough room for your graphics card, and fans. It comes with 6 ARGB fans, and when connected to your motherboard, very nice. You can also use the reset button to to control your fans, if your board don’t support ARGB 5v. Overall very impressed.
I have tired to contact someone but doesn’t matter now as LEDs come on now and the tower looks great with good air flow , I must say it’s well made well worth it.
Paint had some paint bubbles on the top of the cace and some scuffs along the top back my camera don’t show them very well but not to noticeable unless your close otherwise a good decent case I took a gamble after reading some of the reviews mine wasn’t as bad as some of the others people have got but it’s a cheap case so cant expect to much
Great looking case. All fans set to exhaust but easy to change (just flip and leave connected to control unit in rear). Set up is AMD 7800X3D and Radion 7800xt in white. DDR5 7400mhz RAM and 1 TB gen 5 m.2.
Ich wollte meinem bruder eine freude machen wir dachten zuerst oh je ein billig china case aber als wir alles zusammen gebaut haben waren wir total umgehauen ich bin 13 jahre alt und habe noch nie etwas so gut hin bekommen alle die sagen das die argb lfter nicht gehen haben anscheinend keine ahnung was sie machen muss halt alles richtig angeschlossen werde
si vous voulez utiliser le rglage du RGB via au botier il faudra enlever la prise RGB de votre carte mre.
Par contre les ventilos fournis sont un peu bruyants donc je me tte les remplacer pour des plus silencieux
Petite info dans mon cas les ventilos fourni j’ai d les sparer et ne pas les brancher tous en srie sur une seule prise (systme fan ) car j’avais des fluctuations de tension donc je l’ai laiss spar en 3 par 3 et l plus de souci de fluctuatio
Excellent air flow has a space for vertical GPU mount and the pre installed vans are great quality only thing id say is they are not wired correctly and they are all set to exhaust
If I was you I’d re wire the whole argb system because it’s a mess lol other than that minor inconvenience it’s an excellent case
Terrible directions!! I had to use a dremel attachment to grind about half an inch to fit the cooler.
Package came damaged and I had to get a replacement which shipped great.
Super awesome case!! Would be a little cooler if the directions were not so terrible.