NEEWER V Mount Battery PS099E with Type C Cable, 6800mAh
NEEWER V Mount Battery PS099E with Type C Cable, 6800mAh 99Wh 14.5V Mini V Lock with OLED Display, Fast Charging 65W PD USB C, D Tap/BP/USB A/DC Output for Video Camera Monitor Camcorder Filmmaking
Ich habe einen leichten, kleinen aber leistungsstarken Akku fr meine Canon R5C gesucht und mit dem Neewer gefunden.
Der Akku speist die Kamera, den Sichtmonitor, den Fokusmotor und den HD Sender.
Die genauen Zeiten kann ich noch nicht schreiben, da es ein groer Unterschied macht ob die R5C 8k RAW oder XAVC 4k aufnimmt.
Ich denke aber, ein Stunde Laufzeit sollte locker drin sein. Sobald ich die Zeiten festgestellt habe, werde ich hier berichten.
I love this mainly because it’s a powerhouse The weight of it gives it away. Other banks can’t compare. It really feels like its much more than 6800mAh and does better than some of the 10000mAh banks I have. I use it on the usual suspects: ear buds, iPhone, iPad, head lamps, etc. Mostly USB rechargeable devices but this comes with a 12v and 8v outlet too. I’ll probably never use the v-mount.
What I especially like is the Real Time OLED Display. If you quick press the power button, it takes you to a screen that shows the device’s draw. In the one picture, you see the draw of my iPad when the screen is dark. In the other, the iPad has been woken up, and is therefore drawing more power. You can tell they put a lot into the internal circuitry, and this isn’t a simple charger.
Since I go camping a lot, and I’m making the switch from battery operated devices to usb rechargeable, I can never have enough power banks. I gotta say this is the best one I have as it should be. Its twice the cost of a “good” one but it also has twice the juice.
Saw that these PSO99E Batteries were on sale, so I ordered two. They came the next day as promised! Ten hours later they were working on set…didn’t even test ’em beforehand…fortunately, they worked great!
I really like the compact size and the versatility of these batteries. They seem well built and they look good. Time will tell how well these batteries hold up. I do take care of my equipment, but my equipment does works hard.
Ceci me semble tre produit professionnel adapt au studio photo ou vido.
Il y a un port USB-C et USB-A qui permet de recharger n’importe quel appareil, on a une interface. Pour les autres port ils sont spcifique au appareils.
L’ensemble et solide et me semble de qualit la batterie est consquente donc bonne dure de charge.
Very good quality V Mount Battery from Neewer made from very good materials and is built to last.
Has six ports that can be used to connect devices so far I have only been using four of the ports USB-C, USB-A, D-Tap & DC (8V) and have been using it to charge iPad, DSLR, iPhone 14 Pro Max, Camera lights, LED lights, Remote Control Car batteries, drone batteries etc and this has managed them all, at times I have been charging two devices at the same time.
The display is a little on the small size I would have liked it a little bigger but it is bright and clear the feature I like is you can see the voltage being used on each port when something is connected this is a very nice touch and also the battery remaining both in percentage and bars Neewer has clearly thought this through it is these attention to details that make this a great product.
The V mount is lightweight and small it can just about fit in your pocket so perfect when travelling, Has a nice sleek look and feel.
Overall I am very happy with the V mount battery and I would definitely recommend it.
I am a semi pro photographer and carry cameras iPhone, iPad and laptop together with a digital camera with usb-c connectors. This power pack served them all and charges fast. Ok it does way far more than a regular power bank. Gives digital readout too. It can take a while to charge but holds the charge well.
With a powerful 6800mAh 99Wh capacity, this battery provides an impressive amount of power to keep all your gadgets running for extended periods of time. Its compact size and lightweight design make it easy to transport. It has an oled display which allows you to easily monitor the battery’s remaining power and charging status. Come,s with fast charging usbc port which allows you to quickly charge your battery. It has multiple output options including D Tap, BP, USB A, USBC and DC, so you can power a wide range of devices simultaneously, making it a highly efficient and convenient power source.
Powerful versatile battery!I was impressed by the compact yet sturdy design of this NEEWER Battery. The sleek digital display provides clear information about battery levels and voltage output, making it easy to monitor power usage during shoots and make sure you don’t run out of charge.
I tested the battery’s with a range of devices, from smartphones to laptops and even my NEEWER MS60C LED Light which it worked great with. Whether I need to charge my phone on the go or power my camera rig during a shoot, this delivers reliable power and fits easily in my bag for when I’m working on the go.
It’s 6800mAh size is enough power to fast charge the average phone six times, or to run my video light constantly for 1.5 hours, or when used sensible can last for much longer by turning off when not in use. It can charge to full capacity in around 3 hours, which is pretty swift considering how much of a workhorse this battery is.
Overall this NEEWER battery exceeded my expectations with its versatility, performance and solid build quality. Whether you’re a filmmaker, photographer, or outdoor enthusiast, this battery is bound to become a hero piece in your kit. Would highly recommend!
Another great product from Neewer, much cheaper than the Branded V lock battery but delivery the same if not better performance. Will connect to pretty much anything – v-mount, d-tap, usb, dc and the digital display makes it clear what is drawing power and easier to manage usage per item on location to save battery time.
It power my power hungry soldering iron as well as my studio light with V slot…….
Amazing piece of ki
Hallo zusammen,
freundlicherweise wurde mir diese V-Mount Akku der Marke Neewer im Rahmen des Amazon Vine-Programms kostenfrei zur Verfgung gestellt, wofr ich mich zunchst mal bei Amazon und natrlich auch beim Hersteller recht herzlich bedanken mchte.
Das ich dieses Produkt kostenfrei erhalten habe, nimmt jedoch keinerlei Einfluss auf meine Bewertung!
Ich bin nebenberuflich als Videograph ttig und demnach natrlich immer an solchen Upgrades interessiert. Ich muss gestehen, dass ich zuvor ber solch einen Akku noch gar nicht richtig nachgedacht hatte, da mir bis vor kurzem auch die dafr notwendige V-Mount Halterung gefehlt hat. Doch jetzt, nachdem ich diese endlich sinnvoll in Kombination mit diesem V-Mount Akku nutzen kann, mchte ich dieses Setup nicht mehr missen!
Dazu jetzt mehr
Zunchst mal muss man sagen, dass Neewer sich ja inzwischen im Bereich Videoequipment einen echten Namen gemacht hat. Dabei spielen sie nach meinem Empfinden schon lngst nicht mehr nur in der Mittelklasse mit, sondern Vieles kann man m.E.n. auch im professionellen Bereich bedenkenlos einsetzen. Das hngt natrlich auch immer vom eigenen Anspruch ab und wie” professionell es sein muss, aber ich fr meinen Teil, kann mit vielen Neewer Produkten sehr gut arbeiten und auch dieser Akku hat mich bis dato vollends berzeugt!
Er ist grundsolide verarbeitet, zeugt von einer sehr guten Materialqualitt und bietet dazu auch noch ein echt praktisches und hochwertiges OLED Display, auf welchem sich nicht nur der Akkustand des Akkus selbst ablesen lsst, sondern eben auch die jeweils ausgegebene Spannung pro verwendeten Anschluss sowie den Batteriestrom. Ein gutes Display ntzt aber wenig, wenn es nicht hell genug und somit auch bspw. im Sonnenlicht gut ablesbar ist. Dank OLED-Technologie ist das hier aber absolut gegeben!
Der Akku verfgt ber insgesamt fnf Anschlussmglichkeiten.
USB-C (wird auch zum Laden des Akkus verwendet)
DC 8 Volt Gleichstrom
DC 12 Volt Gleichstrom
und sogar ein D-Tap Anschluss ist hier vorhanden.
Alle Anschlsse knnen bei Nichtverwendung mit einer Silikonkappe staubgeschtzt verschlossen werden.
Mit einer Ladeleistung von 6800mAh ist er zwar kein Biest, aber dank intelligenten Batteriemanagementsystem (BMS) trotzdem fr eine lange Stromversorgung von diversen Endgerten geeignet!
Das BMS schtzt hier auch vor berstrom, berspannung, bertemperatur und Unterentladung. Sollte eines davon eintreten, wird entsprechend gewarnt. Auerdem ist die Akkuhlle PC V0 feuerfest.
Zustzlich sind auch noch smtliche Zertifikate am Start, wie auch das fr uns so wichtige CE-Zertifikat.
In der Praxis hat mich dieser Akku bis dato echt begeistert! Dank meiner V-Mount Halterung, kann ich den Akku sehr flexibel in mein Kamerasetup integrieren.
In den meisten Fllen hatte ich bis jetzt immer den D-Tap Anschluss via Adapter fr meinen Ninja V Fieldmonitor/-Recorder, den USB-C fr meine Systemkamera und den DC 8 Volt fr meinen Zoom H4n Pro Audiorecorder verwendet. Dieser schluckt zwar eigentlich nur 5 Volt, aber die hier beim Akku angegeben 8 Volt sind die Maximalspannung. Der Akku erkennt automatisch welche Spannung bentigt wird und gibt dann auch nur diese raus. Stichwort: BMS!
Also das Teil macht schon echt Spa! Ich besitze zwar ausreichend Akkus fr meine Gerte, aber dank diesem V-Mount Akku bin ich so viel flexibler in meinem Setup geworden und kann nun drei Gerte gleichzeitig mit Strom versorgen. Insbesondere fr meine Systemkamera ist das ein echtes Plus, da hier bei lngeren Aufnahmesessions schon mal fter der Akku getauscht werden muss. Und wenn man dann ein Setup hat, bei welchem man nicht so leicht an die ffnung zum Akkutausch herankommt, dann ist solch ein Akku umso praktischer!
Na klar, irgendwann ist auch der V-Mount Akku mal leer, aber bis jetzt habe ich ihn tatschlich noch nicht leer bekommen whrend einer mehrstndigen Aufnahmesession.
Sehr geil ist hier auch, dass der Akku fr seine Gre echt schnell wieder geladen ist. Bei 65 Watt Schnellladung ist er in guten 3 Stunden wieder voll!
Theoretisch kann man diesen Akku auch einfach nur als eine Art Powerbank verwenden. Parallelladungen via USB-A und USB-C sind mglich. Jedoch gbe es hier natrlich auch wesentlich kostengnstigere Powerbank-Alternativen, die am Ende sogar mehr mAh bieten. Also ihn nur dafr zu kaufen, macht meiner Meinung nach wenig Sinn. Dafr ist er dann insgesamt auch etwas zu klobig und zu schwer. Deswegen wrde ich ihn in erster Linie fr den Einsatz in der Videographie oder natrlich auch Fotographie sehen. Eben berall dort, wo man auch die unterschiedlichen Anschlussmglichkeiten bentigt und gezielt einsetzen kann.
Wie eingangs bereits erwhnt, bin ich mehr als zufrieden mit dem PS099E, wie er in der Modellbezeichnung exakt genannt wird.
Grundstzlich bietet er tatschlich alles, was man sich von solch einem starken Akku fr insbesondere” die Videographie wnschen kann. Dank V-Mount lsst er sich optimal ins Setup integrieren und dank der verschiedenen Anschlussmglichkeiten auch vielseitig verwenden. Das auch im Sonnenlicht gut ablesbare OLED-Display, gibt im Einsatz immer Aufschluss ber die verbleibende Akkukapazitt und die ausgegebenen Spannungswerte.
Material- und Verarbeitungsqualitt sind 1A und das gesamte Ding macht auf mich einfach einen sehr, sehr guten Eindruck. Ich hatte damit bis jetzt viel Freude und kann ihn demnach auch besten Gewissens weiterempfehlen.
Dennoch sind die dafr aktuell aufgerufenen knapp 200,00 natrlich ein stolzer Preis und jeder muss fr sich selbst entscheiden, ob es das einem Wert ist. Meiner Meinung nach ist das Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis aber definitiv in Ordnung und sofern man diesen Akku auch seinen Fhigkeiten entsprechend verwendet, kann sich ein Kauf lohnen.
Ich mchte diesen V-Mount Akku auf jeden Fall nicht mehr missen und deswegen gibt’s von mir auch die vollen 5 Sterne!
Ich bedanke mich frs Lesen
This 99Wh V mount battery (Model no. PS099E) arrives well packed and sealed in a nice looking, Neewer branded, cardboard box. For anyone used to Neewer’s traditional plain brown packaging, this good looking, more High Street style packaging makes for a nice surprise, and means the product much more suitable should you be wishing to give it as a gift.
Inside the box is the battery itself, a USB Type-C to Type-C cable, an instruction manual and other documentation.
The battery itself feels well constructed and reasonably robust. It measures 7.2cm wide by 5.7cm deep, and is 10.2cm tall. It weighs in at 604g.
On the front is a small OLED display panel, and a physical power button (with tactile click). On the right side is a D-TAP (Input/Output) socket; on the top is both a 8V and 12V output socket, and on the left side is a USB Type-A (Output) and USB Type-C (Input/Output) socket. On the base is a BP Charging Port (input/Output), and on the rear is the metal V Mount attachment bracket.
All the sockets (except the BP charging port) have a rubber cover to keep the dust out when not in use. The 8V DC port takes a DC 5.5mm/2.1mm jack and the 12V socket takes a 5.5mm/2.5mm jack..
The small OLED display is clear and the text is nice and crisp. However the font size is quite small which might be an issue for some. The display has two modes, which can be switched between by pressing the power button. The home screen displays the battery level as both an icon an percentage, as well as the voltage of the battery, and the voltage input/output of the 8V,12V, USB-A and USB-C sockets. The second screen displays both the voltage and amperage for the battery, 8V, 12V USB-A, and USB-C ports. When in use the display will also show warning codes should the battery experience Overpower, Overcurrent, Excessive Temperature or Charging Overvoltage issues.
In use the battery worked really well and was easy to use. I had no issues with plugging various equipment into it, nor with charging it. Using a 65W PD GaN charger, it fully charged in just over 3 hours. Run time obviously depends on what you are powering, but no matter what I used it for, the run time was in line with other batteries I own with the same capacity.
The ability to output PD3 (up to 20V/3.25A) and QC3 (up to 12v/2a) through the USB-C port is a game changer, as it allows you to quick charge devices on location, or to directly power certain devices that would never have been possible before. As is the ability to fast charge it via the USB-C port. Not only does this save you so much time, but as USB-C chargers are so ubiquitous, you are never likely to be somewhere where you can’t charge your battery. That, combined with the other ports makes the battery extremely versatile, and means you can even make use of it away from photography. Such as when you are travelling and require a high capacity powerbank to power or charge your equipment.
In conclusion, this is a well made, very versatile V Mount battery. If all you are after is a straight V-mount battery to just power a light, a field monitor, etc. then you can save a few pounds by buying a plain V Mount battery of the same capacity battery. However, if you want something that is much more versatile and multi-purpose, then the extra features this battery has (the safety features, the ability to fast charge it and to then use the battery to fast charge (or power) other devices, the multiple types of ports, the input/output display, etc.) are well worth the extra.
~ Ethics Statement: Amazon provided me with this product and asked that I give my honest and impartial opinion about it. That’s what I’ve set out to do in this review, so I hope you found it helpful. ~
2024-05-20 edit to my original review:
Neewer reached out to me, regarding the problem with the DTAP port. They informed me that they improved the battery to fix the issue. They replaced the battery, and the new version has zero problems with the DTAP port, cables stay in solidly (and so it is now an almost perfect product, for my needs). I am astounded by the excellence of their customer service, and for that I’ve taken my review up to the full 5 stars.
original review:
-big problem: the DTAP port is strangely loose: if I plug a DTAP cable in, it just pops out again with a very slight movement of the cable. I’ll need to tape the DTAP cable down if I want to use that port. Hugely disappointing, especially as every other feature of the battery seems so well thought out. For that reason, I’ve reduced my rating from 4* to only 3*.
-if using USB-C and USB-A ports simultaneously, will only output 5V to each (can’t do fast charging simultaneously), which is disappointing
-slightly heavier than my other v-mount batteries (not by a lot though, so this is a very minor CON).
-small LCD on front helpful: screen 1 indicates battery charge level, and what voltage is being used by each port (both input and output), screen 2 indicates power usage of each port (V and A)
-can charge from its USB-C, BP, and DTAP ports (battery is rated to take 65W from USB-C, and 134.4W from DTAP and BP)
-my tests showed it charges via USB-C at 62.5W (19.6V at 3.2A) using a 100W power supply and 240W capable USB-C cable
-very solid build (thick plastic exterior, dust/moisture protection for most ports)
-attractive design
-port positions well thought out
-lots of safety features (plus it’s of a low enough capacity to fly with most airlines, but best to check in advance)
-the battery will turn on and supply power as soon as you plug in a draw (you don’t have to turn it on with the power button)
-both USB-A and USB-ports use several different protocols, so they can negotiate high speed power transfers with many different devices (especially mobile phones)
-8V port useful to power DSLRs and mirrorless cameras via a dummy-battery
-I use my v-mount batteries to power cameras, motion control equipment, HDMI monitors and (occasionally) to recharge my phone in the field. Most of the ports are ideal for this, but I can’t use the DTAP port (without taping a cable in place), which is a shame.
-there is a strange disparity on screen 2 between the V and A being used by the battery itself, and the same values going out from e.g. the USB-C port. During one test, when I was testing by charging a PC laptop with this battery, the USB-C port reports using 20.1V at 0.75A, but the top value on this screen reported 15.1V at 1.05A. Shouldn’t they be identical?
1* substandard, mostly cons
2** barely acceptable, cons outweigh the pros
3*** meets the basic requirements, cons balance the pros
4**** good product, pros outweigh the cons
5***** exceptional, all (or almost all) pros
Esta bateria es una maravilla. Nada que envidiar a otras baterias muy similares de la competencia que cuestan ms del doble. Pille la promocin del descuento de 50 por unidad y adquir 2 por unos 130 cada una. A este precio es una opcin imbatible. La combinacin perfecta entre portabilidad y diseo. Adems, en apenas 3 horas con un usb de carga rpida tienes tus baterias cargadas.
I bought this last Black Friday when it went on sale. I see now it’s even cheaper, which is crazy when you consider the build quality and the features it has. It has been a work horse for me and I could afford two of these at the same price of the leading competitor.
Wow! This big, multi-functional, versatile, large-capacity V Mount battery performs incredibly well for practically every single one of my devices, and has dual-charging abilities! It works for a wide range of output requirements, from phones, smart watches, iPads/Tablets (via USB-A), to smaller USB-C devices and larger USB-C devices like laptops, to countless different media devices like cameras, lighting, etc.
The versatility of this is unmatched, and the performance is just as excellent! It does take a while to fully charge itself, but not as long as I was expecting considering how much power it holds. Once it is fully charged it can last a very long time, depending of course on what it’s charging, it lasted several charges on my phone, laptop, iPad, and camera so far.
I”m not very privy to the specs that are displayed on the screen as of yet, but I am learning; the display is useful to see the remaining power on the battery and to see the output being given to the ports in use.
Overall excellent, multifunctional battery that puts the typical “battery/power bank” to shame. It is quite heavy and not optimal if its only being used for smaller devices, but great to bring along camping, or other trips that you will be without a reliable power source.
The neewer V mount battery has been pretty solid.
After a month of testing I can confirm overall, it gets the job done.
-I power my ninja V with my Canon R5, it’s plenty of power for my set up. I typically shoot shorter form content so the battery life is solid.
-It charges very fast, if you get multiples you’d easily swap em out and keep rolling.
-Any general type of connection you’d need would be covered.
-The small form factor is awesome, when I’m not running shoots I keep it on me to charge my phone, laptop, and headphones. It’s come in clutch for sure.
-The price isn’t bad compared to the competitors.
-The V mount ISN’T universally compatible (who would’ve thought?) . I find that it’ll pop off my small rig cage, and isn’t 100% secure. Not a huge deal for shooters on sticks, however any handheld movement I’d definitely worry.
-The D-tap is really flimsy, my connections always pops out fairly easily. Maybe it’s just my unit? I threw on a strap to secure it when I can’t afford to lose power, easy fix but pretty tragic considering it’s a main function from these batteries. I really hope Neewer can fix it!!
– The rubber flaps that protects the connections have come off multiple times. Again, not a big deal, but it would be nice if they were more secure.
I totally understand that you get what you pay for, but If Neewer fixes the issues on these I’d totally buy a few more. I’m gonna try and reach out to Neewer and see what they say.
I can’t say that I’ll keep it considering there’s a ton of options for vmount batteries that have been more reliable.
Neewer offered a refund and reached out to make things right. I was able to get the vmount to lock properly with no wiggle. They also took note of suggestions to make the ports more secure. 10/10 customer service.