PXN V99 Gaming Steering Wheel, Driving Force Feedback

PXN V99 Gaming Steering Wheel, Driving Force Feedback Steering Wheel with Pedals and Shifter – 3.2NM, 270°&900°, 11.8 inch, 4 Paddle Shifters, Tools APP – Racing Steering Wheel for PC, Xbox and PS4

PXN V99 Gaming Steering Wheel
Force Feedback Steering Wheel with Pedals and Shifter
The steering wheel employs advanced force feedback technology, utilizing dual built-in motors and algorithms to accurately replicate the authentic variations in force experienced by in-game vehicles.
Compatible devices: PC, Laptop, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S.
Precision Crafted Racing-grade Steering Wheel
Immerse Yourself with 300mm Size, Industrial-Grade Alloy Frame, Comfortable TPR Rubber Coating, 500,000-Click ABS Button, and Effortless 270° to 900° Steering Mode Toggle.
Effortless Shifting, Enhanced Control
levate Racing Experience with Formula-style Paddles! L1 and R1 paddles enable seamless and responsive gear shifts. The linear L2 and R2 paddles can be used as either clutch paddles or function paddles
Detachable Design for Flexibility and Convenience
Easily switch between configurations, store it conveniently, or take it on the go. The detachable feature adds a new level of versatility to your gaming setup, ensuring a personalized experience.
3NM Dual Motor Force Feedback Steering Wheel
Experience immersive sensations of acceleration, cornering, and tire slippage, allowing you to vividly perceive force feedback information related to vehicle movement and environmental interaction.
High-Precision Linear Hall Sensor 3-Pedals
Enjoy a lifelike driving experience with responsive acceleration, braking, and shifting. The Hall sensor design ensures durability and sensitivity to every foot movement.
Adjustable Pedal Angle
By changing the screws positions to correspond with the holes, you can reconfigure the panel’sangle, further enhancinghe pedal experience.
6+1 Shifter with P-brake and High&Low Gear
Switch Buttons Let You Lock in The Right Gear at The Right Time (Press Down and PushSixth Gear to Reverse)
Spiral Clamp Design for Gear Shifter
Securely fasten the gear lever to the table and steering wheel stand with the spiral clamp design
On a ici un volant de course retour de force avec des pdales et mme un levier de vitesse.
Celui-ci fonctionne sur PC, Xbox et PS4.
Nous l’avons test sur notre PS4 avec un jeu de course de voiture.
L’installation est simple et rapide.
Une fois branch il vous faudra tlcharger le logiciel afin de le configurer selon vos prfrences.
Il a t reconnu instantanment.
Il est pais et robuste.
L’ensemble est de bonne qualit et les sensations vraiment top.
Das Gaming Lenkrad bietet ein hervorragendes Fahrerlebnis mit seinem kraftvollen Force-Feedback und dem einstellbaren Drehwinkel von 270 bis 900. Die Kombination aus Lenkrad, Pedalen und Schalthebel macht es zu einem umfassenden Paket fr Sim-Racing-Enthusiasten. Die vier Paddle Shifters bieten eine realistische und immersive Steuerung. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die Kompatibilitt mit PC, Xbox und PS4, die es vielseitig einsetzbar macht. Die Tools App ermglicht eine individuelle Anpassung der Einstellungen, um das Fahrerlebnis weiter zu optimieren.
Einziges Verbesserungspotenzial sehe ich bei den Schraubklemmen, die etwas flexibler gestaltet sein knnten, um das Lenkrad noch einfacher an verschiedenen Oberflchen zu befestigen.
Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit dem Gaming Lenkrad. Es funktioniert hervorragend und bietet ein beeindruckendes Rennerlebnis. Trotz kleinerer Verbesserungsmglichkeiten bei den Schraubklemmen berwiegen die positiven Eigenschaften deutlich. Absolut empfehlenswert fr alle Sim-Racing-Fans!
his is a really good starter kit for those who just want to have fun with sim / racing games. It’s great that you get everything you need, but it’s probably not something that’s going to make you competitive if you’re serious about sim racing.
First thing I want to say is that it’s a large, heavy kit and it arrived in a huge box. This actually made it quite difficult for me to deal with in my small space, and it’s worth being aware that this isn’t a small package!
The wheel itself is great with a nice weight, good size and grippy material. There’s 14 buttons that feel pretty good, and I really enjoy the feel of the paddle shifters.
Pedals are fine but not amazing with not much adjustability. You do get 3 pedals though, which is a plus.
The gear shift again is just okay. Made from plastic, it looks pretty good but feels a bit loose in use.
Overall, you do get quite a lot for your money, but this is very much an entry level kit for casual racers or someone just getting into sim racing. If you want all the kit to get you going but don’t want to spend a lot, then it’s a great option. If you’re looking for something competitive or realistic, it’s probably not for you.
Ich habe das Lenkrad bisher in iRacing und ACC getestet. In beiden Spielen funktioniert es ohne Probleme.
Das Force Feedback an sich ist wirklich gut und bertrifft mein altes Lenkrad was sogar ein bisschen teurer war als das V99. Das Force Feedback lsst sich ganz einfach ber die App steuern.
Den Shifter habe ich nicht getestet, da ich keine Autos fahre wozu man einen Shifter braucht. Aber auch dieser macht einen Hochwertigen Eindruck.
Ich kann das Set vor allem fr Einsteiger empfehlen die nicht so viel Geld ausgeben wolle
It’s one of the best wheels I have used good force feedback and the shifter is nice pedals have good force the only downside is sometimes games don’t already have the controls set up but it’s really easy to do
This steering wheel is one of the best iv had on par with most of the well known brands like Logitech if not better in my eyes definitely would recommend