Ultra HD 10×42 Binoculars for Adults – FMC Coating and Bak4

Ultra HD 10×42 Binoculars for Adults – FMC Coating and Bak4 Prism bring Unparalleled clarity – with Smartphone Adapter, Tripod – Ideal for Bird Watching, Outdoor Adventure – Bright, Comfortable Grip





Take Beautiful Scenery
With mobile phone mount, mobile phone adapter perfect use, easy to take beautiful scenery
Lightweight and Portable Binoculars
Lightweight and portable binoculars, held with one hand
Binoculars for Bird Watching ETC
It is widely used in bird watching, hunting, star gazing and concert watching
Dimensions: | 29.2 x 25.2 x 9.2 centimetres |
Brand: | Adorrgon |
Part: | Adorrgon002 |
Dimensions: | 29.2 x 25.2 x 9.2 centimetres |
Reference: | Adorrgon002 |
Vorweg: ich bin Brillentrger und habe schlechte Augen. Das Fernglas selber macht was es soll. Nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Eine Umhngetasche ist auch dabei, leider passt das Zubehr nicht mit rein. War gespannt auf den Handyadapter. Aus meineg Sicht nur Spielerei. Fr schnell mal ein Foto machen nicht geeignet. Funktioniert aber wenn man viel Zeit hat alles ein- und auszurichten.
Alles in Allem bin ich zufriede
Jumelles tout se qu’il y a de plus classique, vision claire et prise en main rapide
Fourni avec les caches pour ne pas abmer les lentilles lors des transports
Pratique dans le sac de pche ou randonne pour observer la faune et les paysages
L’osservazione con il binocolo una di quelle attivit che pu svilupparsi come passione oppure pu essere un evento collaterale di altre attivit. Quindi prima di entrare nel merito del prodotto bene capire qual’ il profilo utente a noi pi consono.
Francamente prima di testare questo prodotto ignoravo il mondo complesso e affascinante che orbita dietro all’oggetto binocolo. Ho scoperto con stupore che esistono diversi prodotti a secondo del tipo di osservazione che si intende fare, il device oggetto di questa recensione a marchio Adorrgon ad esempio nasce per il bird watching (osservazione uccelli in prevalenza), cos come ho scoperto che esiste una quantit di prodotti che per caratteristiche e prezzo possono disorientare un neofita come me.
Detto ci oggetto di questa recensione senza ombra di dubbio un prodotto entry lewel, come direbbero gli appassionati, basti pensare che gli utenti esperti per parlare di prodotto accettabile considerano la spesa minima introno ai 150 e la forchetta pu superare i 2000 per prodotti “simili” a quello che sto recensendo, che costa molto ma molto meno…
Mettiamo all’opera il nostro binocolo.
Aperta la scatola in cartone, ci si scontra con una dotazione di tutto rilievo, infatti a corredo del binocolo troviamo, la sua custodia per proteggerlo e trasportarlo con comodit che nasce gi dotata di fibbia per il trasporto, una cinghia per appenderlo al collo mediante gli occhielli laterali, un panno per la pulizia delle ottiche, il manuale d’uso anche in italiano e la garanzia , inoltre un piccolo treppiede per agevolare il posizionamento per le osservazioni pi lunghe che poi si rivela indispensabile se si vuole usare il supporto per attaccarci lo smartphone per riprendere o fare foto. Quindi che dire il primo impatto a dir poco entusiasmante e ci apre le porte del mondo delle osservazioni.
Andando ad analizzare il binocolo subito si fanno notare le coperture posteriori in plastica morbida delle ottiche che possono essere rimosse, mentre la parte anteriore presenta 2 tappi in gomma che restano comunque attaccati al corpo del device. Per quanto concerne le caratteristiche tecniche il prodotto vanta un rapporto 12×42 che tradotto significa 12 ingrandimento per 42 diametro obiettivi 42 millimetri.
Da segnalare inoltre la presenza del paraluce che permettono una ulteriore regolazione e permettono di adattare al meglio la visualizzazione. Il corpo unico e presenta la classica rotellina centrale per le regolazioni. Per quanto concerne il peso contenuto, il produttore dichiara 0,05 Kg il che lo rende comodo da trasportare.
Su strada colpisce per maneggevolezza e soprattutto spiazza chi come me non ha mai usato un prodotto simile poich permette di osservare in modo diverso la natura e il mondo che ci circonda.
Segnalo che il treppiede a corredo non comodissimo e il set in dotazione per lo smartphone non semplice da utilizzare, non che sia difficile tuttavia le regolazioni necessitano di tempo e spesso immortalare un istante non immediato.
In conclusione credo che per chi si avvicina a questa disciplina o per chi ha voglia di divertirsi e scoprire il mondo che ci circonda abbassando le distanze questo prodotto molto interessante. Il rapporto qualit prezzo considerando anche tutti gli accessori in dotazione vincente.
In conclusione posso solo consigliarne l’acquisto.
Une paire de jumelle bien polyvalente.
La paire de jumelle est trs bien. Avec un plus !
Vous avez la possibilit d’utiliser un smartphone grce l’adaptateur.
Facile mettre en place et compatible avec la plupart des smartphones.
Il est possible de mettre l’ensemble en fixe avec le trpied.
L’ensemble est fourni avec une sacoche et une dragonne pour les jumelles.
Un trs bon ensemble.
Amiti, laure
Jumelle acheter pour observer les animaux elle sont des trs bonnes factures les plastiques sont de trs bonnes qualit quand au visuel la nettet est vraiment trs bonne je suis extrmement satisfaite je recommande les yeux ferms excellente quali
Il binocolo di ottima qualit, materiali buoni, poco meno il treppiedi ma comunque robusto e fa il suo lavoro.
Ottimo zoom ed ottima qualit dell’immagine.
Ti viene dato anche un supporto per fissare il cellulare al binocolo per avere uno zoom meno sgranato, peccato per funzioni piuttosto male.
La borsetta comoda e molto pratica, stesso la tracolla.
Apprezzata inoltre la presenza della pezzetta per la pulizia e la copertura ad ogni occhiello, in particolare quelli anteriori che sono fissati cos da non poterli perdere.
50 euro sembrano tantini, magari si aspetta uno sconti e si pu prendere ma me la sento di dire che sono corretti per il prodotto ricevuto.
Lo consiglio
Lo ms:
* Se ven muy ntidos y con buena distancia, aunque no son los ms caros, ni por asomo, tienen buena calidad.
Lo menos:
* Son un poco pesados, al rato de tenerlos en alto incomoda un poco en los brazos.
El aumento que tienen estos prismticos es de lo que ms resalta, son 12X y se ven muy ntidos. En la caja viene un trpode muy estable y seguro, fcil de poner y adaptar a cualquier mvil. La base se ajusta con una pequea rosca al tamao del mvil y el prismtico lo sostiene firmemente. El enfoque manual es muy sencillo, tiene una rosca al medio que ayuda al ajuste de la imagen de forma sencilla y prctica. Las imgenes captadas al otro lado del lente son muy ntidas, incluso a contraluz, son llenas de color y con un aumento estupendo. Estticamente es precioso y cmodo al agarrar, solo un poco pesado, se siente robusto y resistente. Es muy completo porque hasta trae su funda, la correa para la funda, el trpode, el soporte del mvil y los cobertores de cristal del prismtico.
Evaluacin general (5)
Calidad de los materiales
Relacin calidad-precio
Calidad de los materiales:
Es un prismtico que, aunque no es de los ms costosos, se siente de excelente calidad. El plstico que lo recubre se siente fuerte y los cristales no tienen distorsiones, el resto de los componentes de la caja hacen el producto completo y muy llamativo para su precio al momento de la compra (49,99).
Viene en una caja compacta, llamativa serigrafiada en colores y dentro de la caja, los prismticos en su funda, el soporte de mvil, el trpode, la correa para la funda y el manual de instrucciones muy completo y en varios idiomas.
* La nitidez y brillo en los colores se puede captar de forma estupenda.
* El aumento es ideal. Gracias a los 12X que posee.
* Los cristales funcionan sin distorsin alguna.
* Se sienten compactos y resistentes.
* Se puede ajustar fcilmente el enfoque de imagen en la rueda grande central que se ubica entre los dos ojos.
* La distancia Inter pupilar es sencilla de ajustar tambin. Solo un pequeo movimiento manual con algo de presin y listo.
* Se pueden ajustar las dioptras de forma sencilla.
* Es algo pesado, pero nada que cause una incomodad relevante.
* La postura en el trpode y ajuste del mvil es sencillo y bastante estable.
* En general son unos prismticos estupendos con una buena relacin entre calidad y precio.
Relacin Calidad-precio.
La relacin entre calidad y precio es adecuada. El precio al momento de la resea 49,99.
Espero que mi comentario os haya sido til!
No est mal este binocular que me enva la marca ADORRGON, a travs del programa Vine, para prueba y valoracin sincera. Soy aficionado al tema desde hace muchos aos, y mi opinin es absolutamente desinteresada.
Los he comparado con prismticos de marcas punteras, de una barbaridad de diferencia de precio, y sinceramente, aunque la diferencia existe, no salen mal parados.
Para empezar, yo jurara que NO son de 12 aumentos. Aunque viene grabado en el mismo producto, como podis observar 12×42.
La informacin es confusa, por no decir errnea, como ustedes mismos pueden comprobar. Se anuncia unos prismticos de 10×42, y sin embargo, en las imgenes ofrecidas por el fabricante, aparecen de 12X42. Ese detalle, ya de entrada, resta credibilidad a la marca y al producto.
Cuando los he comparado con unos que tengo, de 10X, la imagen es del mismo tamao. Adems si fuesen 12X seran de mayor tamao, y algo mas pesados. Yo lo he agradecido, porque para mi, 12 aumentos casi no le dara uso. Para mi, los ideales son incluso de 8X32, para observacin de aves a media distancia. Y 10X42 aunque no cambia mucho el peso y tamao, vibra mucho mas la imagen, y se necesita mucho mas pulso, o estar como mnimo apoyado en algn sitio. De 12 aumentos, para mi, es prcticamente inviable sin apoyo o incluso trpode. Por eso no creo que sean 12X, por suerte para mi. Pero esto no quita, que sea una informacin errnea. Lo entendera, relativamente, en la pgina del vendedor. Pero nunca impreso en el producto.
Sin embargo, en cuanto a calidad de imagen, no est nada mal. Tiene poca aberracin, y un buen contraste en condiciones de contraluz. Adems el enfoque es fcil. El regulador de diferencia de dioptrias, debera ser mas difcil de mover, pero no es ningn problema.
La calidad del plstico de cobertura, negro texturizado, que lo recubre por completo, no es muy premium, pero bueno…hace su trabajo y tampoco es muy plasticoso.
En cuanto a tamao y peso, est bastante bien. Es cmodo y ligero.
Como he dicho antes, hay diferencia obviamente, con los modelos mas premium, que usan lentes de una calidad excepcional y recubrimientos muy avanzados, son completamente hermticos y van rellenos de gas. Pero en mi opinin, no es una diferencia abismal, como si lo es su precio.
El resto de utensilios que trae, la verdad es que me interesan poco.
Aunque tengo un modelo avanzado de mvil, no voy a darle mucho uso. Aun as tanto el trpode como el adaptador, es todo de una calidad justita.
En definitiva, (nunca lo hubiese credo dado su precio), es un modelo bastante equilibrado para iniciarse en observacin de aves por ejemplo, con un mnimo de calidad de visin. Para despus, si el tema en cuestin te apasiona, saltar a un modelo superior. Hace solo unos aos, haba que gastar el doble o el triple para alcanzar un modelo de prismticos de iniciacin. Pero las lentes de bajo coste han ido mejorando mucho y ahora es sorprenderte la calidad que han alcanzado, con tan poco coste.
These binoculars have brought the birdwatching experience to a new level. The clarity and brightness are astonishing, making every feather pop as if the birds were right in front of me. The smartphone adapter is a fantastic addition, allowing me to capture and share the beauty I see. The tripod ensures steady viewing, a must for extended birdwatching sessions. They’re comfortable to hold and easy to adjust, making them suitable for both novices and seasoned birdwatchers. It’s like having a front-row seat to nature’s show.
As someone who loves both nature and photography, I can confidently say that the Ultra HD 10×42 Binoculars have exceeded my expectations. With decent optics and a sturdy build, they offer clarity and durability that enhance every outdoor adventure. The FMC coating and Bak4 Prism ensure unparalleled clarity, bringing distant scenes to life with vivid detail.
What’s more, the included smartphone adapter and tripod have revolutionized how I capture and share my outdoor experiences. From bird watching to scenic landscapes, these binoculars have become an indispensable companion.
Though priced at 89.98, the 40% voucher makes them an excellent value investment. Whether as a gift for a fellow nature enthusiast or as a treat for yourself, these binoculars offer a bright, comfortable grip and exceptional performance that make every moment in nature truly memorable.
The binoculars feel pretty decent, good quality and weighty in your hand. The movement is smooth and solid. The magnification and clarity was also pretty decent, but not the absolute best, though I guess that’s reflected in the price. I was certainly happy with it, but could see there’s room for improvement. I wasn’t able to get the focus razor sharp to my liking, but at my age my own eyes are also partially to blame. I did also notice some purple fringing which I believe it due to the coating on the lenses.
In either case, a casual hobbyists (which is what I am) would certainly be happy with this.
The supplied stand, etc, that it comes with is very well packaged within the box (I couldn’t fit it back once I’d opened it out) and very durable. It comes with a range of fittings that you can use to mount your phone against one of the lenses to take a photo through the binoculars (only one side, obviously).
Overall, I think it’s quite well priced and of decent enough quality. Happy to recommend.
Considering these factors, elder recommend to consult with a professional, such as a car electrician or someone from a workshop, before purchasing this conversion kit.
Recently got some tickets to the football game, the cheap tickets I managed to get was very high above the fie, so I thought having the pair of binoculars for the game is going to be a great idea. I was a bit surprised with a strong smell of resin coming from the package when I opened it, so I had to give him a rest in the fresh air, in the shed and the garden for the smell to dissipate a little bit. I really enjoyed them while watching the football game the image was very clear and I could make them to focus very quick. It really helped me as otherwise I would have to watching the game from there on screen TV a top of the field.
I also took them with me for hiking, where they proved to be quite useful as well, while trying to admire the distant beautiful landscape and wildlife. Also used the breathtaking photos things to the smartphone adapter included in a package.
Overall, these are very well built good quality binoculars. I would happily recommend them!
Very nice build quality of the main unit. Some of the accessories could be better – some feel cheaper than the quality of the rest, but they work ok. The binoculars themselves is where the majority of your money has gone (and rightly so). They feel nicely sturdy in the hand, are a good weight and are finished really well. They are comfortable to hold and easy to operate.
Like all decent binoculars, using them takes a little practice. If you’re new to using a pair, then I’d strongly recommend giving yourself some time to get used to how to align them, focus them and generally use them ahead of trying to use them ‘properly’ as there definitely is a ‘knack’ to them. Taking the time to learn and practice that when you aren’t missing things you want to look at will encourage you and enhance your enjoyment later on.
I’d say that this as a set would make a great introduction to a fascinating world of binocular ownership and offers a reasonable set at a decent price, which is all you can ask for, really.
This is a well-made Binoculars with many useful accessories, making it a perfect one for regular use. Thanks to accessories, I can use these Binoculars with my phone, on a tripod or simply in my hands. The binoculars are well protected when not in use, with good-fit covers on both sides and a storage pouch bag. It is easy to mount various accessories; I found the phone mount most helpful.
As I can see the Thames from our terrace with some parks nearby, I got these Binoculars to explore nature’s play along with the vibes the city offers. The Binoculars give great clarity with an easy-to-use focus wheel, conveniently located in the middle with easy reach even when binoculars are on my eyes. It was easy to set it up for the first time; thanks for the clear instructions.
The material quality of the Binoculars is good; it feels sturdy, anti-slip and premium when in use. However, the material for the accessories feels plasticy and fragile. The tripod’s stability needs improvement too. Overall, it is a good Binocular for regular users, but some improvements are required to be seen as a professional one.
These binoculars have enhanced my bird-watching experiences. The clarity and brightness of the images are impressive, even in low light. The high magnification brings distant birds into clear view. The smartphone adapter is a fantastic addition, allowing me to capture and share my observations. The included tripod ensures steady viewing, and the ergonomic design makes extended use comfortable.
These binoculars do add up to a great offering. They deliver on buikd quality and pricing. Fine quality and clear magnification. Adaptability to include both a small tripod and a phone fixing adapter. The standard things like a cleaning cloth; carrying case and strap for the binoculars are all well made and add to the overall quality. You can certainly use these for many outdoor activities and they are perfect for bird watching.
I wasn’t sure what to expect with these but have been pleasantly surprised. I tried them out the window quickly when they first arrived and tried to focus on the car across the road about 50 feet away and when I finally found the focus they were great and I could see the scratches on the alloys that I probably couldn’t even have seen if I was standing next to the car!
We sit up quite high above a small river where our house is and have fields and wooded areas as views over the other side of the river. We get a lot of deer and foxes and sometimes horses grazing over there so it’s nice to be able to see them clearly while we sit in the conservatory and they’re so far away they don’t know we’re watching them. These are easier for me to hold for longer periods than my husband’s heavy ones so now we’ve both got a pair of our own and don’t have to share.
I didn’t know what to expect from these, I’ve seen a lot of binoculars priced at the lower end of the market which haven’t been much good – but I was pleasantly surprised when I got these out of the box. They feel really solid and my immediate first impression was that they are of decent quality, and comparable to something which costs a lot more money. The focus wheel moves smoothly and they arrived perfectly collimated. I just had to adjust the focus a little for the one side which allows for independent adjustment and they were ready to use. The magnification is pretty strong and the field of view is very nice as well. Images are sharp, and brightness is good thanks to the coated optics. I did notice a tiny amount of chromatic aberration in the form of a slight purple fringe around something I was looking at (a neighbour’s TV aerial against the sky) but I don’t expect optical perfection from a very reasonably priced set and it caused me no issues at all. I’m certainly no binoculars expert so there’s not a lot more I can say about them that’s very technical, but overall I was impressed with the build quality, how they feel in the hand, the weight, and the sharpness of images viewed through the optics. The case which they come with is ok, but I’m not sure I’ll ever get round to trying the included parts for attaching a mobile phone to the binoculars. I’m sure it works fine anyway. I’m pleased that I got these and will be using them a lot.
Perfect for birdwatching and other outdoor activities, these binoculars offer unparalleled clarity and sharpness. With a maximum magnification of 10x, you can observe even the smallest details from a distance. In addition to their superior performance, these binoculars come in smooth black and include a smartphone adapter for capturing and sharing your observations. Whether you’re an avid birder or just love to explore the outdoors, these binoculars are the perfect addition to your outfit.
These binoculars have been a constant companion on my bird watching excursions. The clarity and brightness they offer are impressive, making distant birds appear vivid and detailed. The smartphone adapter is a clever addition, allowing me to capture and share what I see easily. The tripod is a significant plus for stability during prolonged use. However, they are a bit heavier than I expected, which can be tiring during long hikes. Nonetheless, for stationary bird watching, they’re quite effective.
This is not a bad pair of binoculars. Image clarity is pretty good and the focus wheel is smooth and steady in use.
The binoculars come with a soft case along with a strap. I found that the lens covers were pretty loose and would fall off quite easily so I stopped using them. The diopter for the right-hand lens works well and compensates for my slightly odd vision.
There is a small tripod and mobile phone attachment included. The tripod is plastic and lightweight and I am not entirely convinced of how useful it is. The mobile phone holder is adjustable for size and most phones should fit. However, it may not be that useful. Some phones will not sit straight on the lens because of their design and where their camera lens is placed. Mine had to sit at an angle. This means any photos I took were skewed diagonally and had to be cropped and edited later.
The other slight issue is that even with the lightest touch on the phone screen to take a photo makes the whole thing wobble. So is it practical? I am not sure.
Overall the quality is good for the price.
his binoculars set comes with a couple of useful accessories to allow hands free operation or to connect your mobile phone camera lens to one of the eyepieces to capture images. they feel a little flimsy but seem to work well enough.
the binoculars themself are comfortable in the hand and for a beginner like me were easy to focus and seemed to hold their adjustments well. they’re intuitive to use and give a surprisingly good image of the subject.
it’s a shame to supplied carry pouch is not sized for the accessories as well but if you are going to use them you will typically use them in situ i think so a larger bag shouldn’t be much of an issue and the small pouch allows them to be carried out and about without too much bulk.
overall i am very pleased with them and look forward to dabbling more in a bit of bird watching this year.
These are great for bird watching and also pretty good in lower light like dawn or dusk due to the 42mm lens, optics are perfectly good enough for my viewing as a supplement to my camera for my wildlife photography, they feel rugged too and like they will withstand the elements so I’m happy with them.
Comfortable to hold and sleek look, great binoculars for the price, I mostly use for watching wildlife surprisingly easy to use and no collimation problems, provide a clear daytime viewing, I can find my feathered friends much easier now!
I am quite impressed with these mid priced binoculars. They come with clear and comprehensive instructions. They are easy to adjust and the ‘soft’ grip makes them easy to hold. The image quality is very good, bright and crisp and I have not noticed any chromatic aberration or peripheral distortion. Magnification is perfect for everyday use. They have a good weight without being too heavy. They come with an impressive lifetime warranty. The comfortable neck strap is very handy. The soft carry case has a shoulder strap and optional belt loop making them easy to carry. I’m not sure how much use I will get out of the tripod and smartphone mount, however they are easy to assemble and may come in handy one day. Overall, a great set of binoculars for wildlife spotting on country walks without spending a fortune.
Brilliant set of binoculars. Very sturdy and you can get a good grip on them thanks to how well made they are. The clarity is very good, and they are easy to focus and adjust for comfort. Very pleased.
Obligatory disclaimer: I am not an optics expert, I am a pure hobbyist who wanted a decent pair of binoculars to occasionally birdwatch and maybe take to the theatre to see better if I’m sat miles away from the stage. For that, these do work.
They’re easy to get in focus, with the diopter ring staying put as it should once set, unlike on other binoculars I’ve used where the slightest nudge would move it. There are a few annoyances on the binoculars themselves, granted – the eyecups not staying extended as well as slight blurring and chromatic aberrations at the very edges of the image.
The carry case suits well enough, but can only fit the binoculars themselves and, at a push, the tripod adapter and phone adapter – not the tripod itself. Which is just as well, since the tripod is the weakest link of this whole set. It’s quite wobbly and occupies a relatively large footprint when deployed, while requiring a perfectly even surface since the legs are entirely not adjustable. It’s also plastic and feels relatively flimsy. Adding the smartphone camera adapter (a clever bit of kit in itself, if a bit fiddly to align just right) only adds to the wobbliness.
On the upside, it uses a standard screw attachment, so you can just get a better tripod – whether that is a flexible pocket tripod such as a Gorillapod if you’re after portability, or a full-sized camera tripod if you’re after perfect steadiness (or both).