K&F Concept Camera Neck Strap for Photographers with Quick

K&F Concept Camera Neck Strap for Photographers with Quick Release, Adjustable Camera Shoulder Sling Strap Compatible for Nikon Canon Sony Olympus DSLR Camera
K&F Concept Camera Neck Strap Adjustable Camera Shoulder Strap DSLR Camera

UHMW-PE Materials

Weight: | 0.2 Kilograms |
Size: | Shoulder Strap |
Dimensions: | 18.4 x 7.1 x 4.9 centimetres |
Brand: | K&F Concept |
Model: | FF-SZ8Z-HJ9E |
Part: | FF-SZ8Z-HJ9E |
Colour: | Deep Blue |
Dimensions: | 18.4 x 7.1 x 4.9 centimetres |
Size: | Shoulder Strap |
Der Schultergurt wurde als Alternative zu den mit der Kamera verkauften Gurten angeschafft. Meine Sony, Alpha 6400 wird damit sicher gehalten. Der Gurt ist hochwertig, leicht verstellbar und wirklich nicht zu vergleichen mit den serienmigen Gurten, die zum Beispiel von Sony beigelegt werden.
Ob ich ihn wieder kaufen wrde?
Auf jeden Fall!
Lo primero que notas al tenerla en las manos es la calidad de los materiales. Se nota resistente y duradera, con un tacto super agradable con partes de cuero que le dan un toque elegante y con hebillas de seguridad metalicas que parecen ser muy robustas. Ajustar la longitud es muy sencillo y puedes llevarla tanto en el cuello como al hombro con comodidad y seguridad.
Un detalle que me ha gustado mucho son las hebillas de liberacin rpida, muy fciles de usar y con un bloqueo extra que evita que la cmara se suelte accidentalmente. No sabes la tranquilidad que te da saber que no vas a notar que el peso se aligera en tu cuello y un sudor frio de recorre todo el cuerpo. Adems, si va a usar un trpode tardas nada en quitar la correa y luego volverla a poner cuando has terminado.
Desde luego no es barata, y creo que deberia costar algo menos para poder conseguir las 5 estrellas, pero hay que reconocer que es muy buen producto y con muchas posibilidades. Por tanto, creo que la recomendara si en algun momento aparece una oferta y se descuenta un 20% o algo asi, por ese precio a por ella.
Sono fotoamatore da una vita e l’avr gi scritto in mille recensioni… :-)) e quindi sono felice di aver potuto ricevere questa bella tracolla della K&F Concept grazie al programma di valutazione prodotti Amazon Vine.
Ogni volta che vedo un qualcosa che riguardi la Fotografia mi brillano gli occhi, sia per un accessorio che per tutto il mondo che ruota intorno a questo stupendo hobby che pratico fin dai13/14 anni di et… e da allora, ahim, di decenni e decenni ne sono passati sotto i ponti…
Questa tracolla si presenta subito davvero bene, arriva nella sua raffinata scatoletta che induce subito al pensiero che contenga un qualcosa di prezioso, di esclusivo, e una volta estratta dalla sua scatola queste sensazioni vengono immediatamente confermate: un prodotto curato nei minimi particolari, con finiture eleganti in morbida pelle e raffinato abbinamento dei colori, il tutto supportato da una scelta dei materiali impiegati che ispira competenza e precisione da parte del fabbricante, come del resto la gran parte dei suoi prodotti in ambito fotografico, apprezzati e rinomati ormai a livello mondiale.
La larga “fettuccia” che compone la parte principale della tracolla costituita da un morbido nastro di nylon, di oltre 3 centimetri di larghezza, di squisito aspetto “setoso” e di adeguato spessore (il costruttore dichiara una portata di ben 80 libbre) ma non per questo rigida o scomoda da indossare (tolto un particolare che spiegher pi avanti), anzi tutt’altro.
La tracolla dotata di comodi terminali a innesto/disinnesto rapido in plastica rigida, simili per tipologia a quelli che si vedono comunemente anche su borse o accessori non fotografici: ci permette di agganciare/sganciare all’occorrenza la fotocamera dalla tracolla con un semplice gesto, senza dover armeggiare noiosamente con anelli di sostegno o fibbie ma in pochi secondi, e nella massima sicurezza in quanto a sganciamenti accidentali grazie alla precisione, priva di qualsiasi gioco, degli innesti tra le parti finali della tracolla e le due parti riceventi che rimangono ancorate, tramite il lacciuolo incorporato, ai sostegni della fotocamera, e anche dal fatto che i due attacchi rapidi sono dotati, opportunamente, anche di un piccolo bottoncino di blocco a pressione che, se non premuto volontariamente, assicura che eventuali movimenti involontari del corpo possano far sganciare uno dei terminali o entrambi… con conseguente rovinosa caduta della nostra preziosa fotocamera! Questi due terminali, sia quelli fissi della tracolla che quelli riceventi che rimangono agganciati alla fotocamera, sono ancorati tramite due eleganti finiture in pelle cerata, molto morbide ed eleganti, in modo di assicurare grande tenuta insieme a raffinata combinazione di colore, e anche le due fibbie metalliche su cui sono ricuciti sono di generosa fattura che infonde affidabilit all’insieme.
Sulla lunghezza della fettuccia principale ci sono poi due fibbie scorrevoli, anch’esse metalliche e di robusta fattura, che permettono, opportunamente regolate, di modificare a piacimento la lunghezza totale della tracolla in modo di adattarla alla modalit di trasporto preferita, che pu quindi essere sufficientemente lunga, alla massima estensione, per poter trasportare la fotocamera su un fianco con la tracolla che va ad appoggiarsi sulla spalla opposta, in modo di evitare scivolamenti indesiderati quando la tracolla (di per s gi molto liscia) fosse indossata sulla spalla dello stesso lato del corpo.
Da sottolineare, ancora, l’affidabilit dei lacciuoli da inserire nei supporti di attacco della fotocamera, di buona sezione e dotati di colori di avviso riguardanti il loro consumo, colori (giallo/rosso) che appaiono come avvertimento quando i lacciuoli fossero troppo usurati e quindi passibili di sostituzione.
Insomma… una tracolla che mi davvero piaciuta in tutto e per tutto, tranne… tranne… una cosa: mi ritengo un po’ maniacale in certe cose, e lo ammetto… ma quando ho provato a regolare la lunghezza della tracolla quasi al minimo… e volendo far s che (a livello puramente estetico) le due fibbie di regolazione lunghezza apparissero, a tracolla indossata, entrambe alla stessa altezza e quindi una sul lato sinistro e l’altra sul lato destro della fettuccia (quindi visivamente simmetriche)… esse, essendo posizionate giocoforza l’una molto vicina all’altra per tenere la tracolla molto corta… mi andavano ad appoggiare entrambe proprio sul collo, sulla cervicale retrostante… ed essendo di duro metallo, col peso della fotocamera agganciata ed essendo io piuttosto “ossuto”… mi davano un gran fastidio e anche un po’ di dolore e certamente non sopportabile a lungo: forse aggiungere una patta imbottita scorrevole (magari amovibile, a velcro) sulla lunghezza della tracolla da posizionare sul punto voluto come “isolamento” avrebbe risolto la cosa… ma evidentemente non ci hanno pensato: pazienza.
Dopo aver sottolineato questa (almeno per me) piccola mancanza che magari alla maggioranza degli utenti non importer pi di tanto… torno a ribadire la mia opinione globale su questa validissima tracolla: bella, bella, bella… elegante e funzionale, sicura e ottimamente concepita, robusta ma morbida (tolte le fibbie :-))…) e dotata di attacchi a sgancio rapido perfettamente affidabili: un applauso a K&F Concept che con questo prodotto conferma la fama che si conquistata, grazie alla bont dei suoi prodotti, presso moltissimi fotoamatori!
6 stelle non ci sono?
Tracolla per poter trasportare al collo la vostra mirrorless. Riesce a preservare dalle cadute sistemi pensati ed anche Reflex. Qualit della confezione molto elevata. Ganci in metallo, inserti in pellame. Sistema che funziona ma che manca di gommini di aggancio e sgancio rapido stile Peak Design. Il prodotto del tutto comparabile con quest’ultimo marchio citato, qualit al top su questa tracolla. Facile da regolare, colorazione blu elegante e bellissima. Prodotto che non solo mi ha convinto ma penso possa essere la soluzione perfetta per quasi tutti i fotografi, anche professionisti. Il suo prezzo ottimale secondo me non dovrebbe superare i quarantacinque euro, per non entrare in contrasto con il noto brand citato prima che ha una nomea (giustissima) sulla stessa cifra e prezzo.
Voy a ir por puntos para hacer la review ms amena:
Como pone el subtitulo, es una opinin como cliente Vine.
Soy fotgrafo profesional.
La presentacin es muy buena. Han mejorado mucho. No es tan elegante, siempre parece un poco “antiguo” pero el cartn, etc es de buena calidad. Le falla los colores que usan (pero vamos detalles menores)
La calidad de construccin es sorprendentemente buena.
Veris en las fotos, que prob la correa con una Fuji X100VI y dej puestos los anclajes de Peak Design para que tengis referencias.
Como menciono en el vdeo, al ser ms largo la cuerdecita que engancha, evita que se gire bruscamente la correa sobre si misma o interfiera si acercas la cmara al ojo. Espero que de Peak Design tomen nota, por que es algo que molesta y aqu de K&F lo han hecho mejor. No quiero desmerecer a Peak Design (al final han sido los propulsores de este tipo de sistema y nuevas mochilas, etc), pero hay que actualizarse.
Ajusta el tamao de la correa no es difcil, pero no es rpido.
El diseo y color me gusta.
Como cosas que no me gusta, es que ajustar la correa no es rpido, y que si se te rompe un enganche no es tan prctico sustituirlo.
A da que estoy haciendo la review el precio es de 59,99
Resumiendo es un buen producto y es til. Por ahora ser la correa que use en mi Fuji.
Espero que os haya servido de ayuda esta review!
The brand K&F CONCEPT has really stepped up lately with the quality of their products, and this camera strap series with seatbelt type material and strong quick release option in a variety of colours are no exception.
I have now ordered two, both in black and now this one in blue, and I am just blown away by how great they are. While I think the square clasps are kind of outdated compared to the circular style a certain other brand name offers, I have to think… if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. The original style clasps on these straps are built so strong with an extra locking mechanism built in. Honestly I feel much safer with this strap on my equipment to protect it from falls than I ever did using the circular kind.
To me, this is an absolute 5 star product, and I ordered the blue coloured one to match a vinyl skin I have applied to my camera, as it was the perfect match. Super happy with this product and I really applaud K&F for doing this camera strap series right.
Sometimes presentation can say a lot about a product. If a manufacturer takes the time and care to design and package a product then there is a good chance the product can match that quality. This K&F camera strap is certainly well presented but is it high quality.
The box is high quality with lots of nice little touches inside. The strap is made of a good quality webbed strap with leather and metal buckle loops. My only complaint would be the plastic quick releases. While solid enough they don’t match the quality of the rest of the materials. The strap attaches via some corded loops. What’s interesting is the cord has three colour coded layers. With each acting as warning to either replace soon or immediately. I attached to my A77II and it had no issues supporting the weight of the camera. Over the shoulder or around the neck it feels comfortable.
A nice quality strap that is well presented and would make a nice gift for a photographer.
The Camera Neck Strap by K&F Concept is a testament to their expertise in replicating high-quality products at a fraction of the cost. This strap, a clone of the Peak Design version, not only mimics the design but also matches the color beautifully. It’s an aesthetically pleasing accessory, particularly suitable for upscale photo gigs such as weddings or corporate events where a polished appearance is essential. The strap is not just about looks; it’s solid, well-made, and impeccably constructed, ensuring reliability during professional use.
I wanted a new strap belt for my DSLR camera because the current one was wearing out. I needed something stylish and easy to clip on and off. That’s when I found the K&F Concept Camera Neck Strap. It looked sturdy, durable, and stylish, so I decided to give it a try and ordered it. It arrived very well packed in K&F branded packaging, and the box looked stylish too.
The quality of the belt is amazing. It’s made of premium polymer material, which feels durable and sturdy. I like the touches of leather, and the safety fastener buckles look well made. Overall, I’m impressed with the look and feel of the strap. It’s easily adjustable, and wearing it around the neck or on the shoulder is comfortable.
The quick-release buckles are easy to use and have an extra lock feature to prevent accidental release, providing additional peace of mind. If you’re using a camera on a tripod, you can release the belt from the safety fastener buckles and easily stow it away to avoid tangling, which is very convenient during busy shoots.
In terms of price, it’s on the expensive side compared to other DSLR strap belts, which range from $5 to $80 depending on versatility, quality, brand, and usage. However, this neck strap belt is definitely made of premium quality, and the versatile buckle solves some common issues with strap use while providing equal strength and durability. I would say it’s a very good investment in your camera gear if you can get it at a discount, ideally in the $30 range. At $50, it’s worth it if style is important to you.
In my opinion, it’s a good camera strap that’s versatile and worth buying.
A great camera strap from K&F that exudes quality and style.
The build:
The strap is made with the same material your car seatbelt is crafted from. Along side aluminium adjustable strap holders and leather reenforced anchor points. Your camera isn’t going anywhere. The quick snap buckles are also made of thick ABS plastic insuring long service life.
The strap looks really stylish with complementary colours. a dark grey blue and dark tan brown. With the added visual pop of the brushed aluminum adding just the right amount of flash. It really makes a difference compared to the usual straps you get with your camera gear. There is no loud branding or colour schemes. Just a great looking accessory that feels professional.
The difference:
With most straps you receive when buying new camera gear. They tend to be on the thin side. Making their use less then ideal. This strap on the other hand is thicker and wider. This insures better weight distribution and sway reduction in use. This will elevate some of the strain off the back of your neck and redistribute it along the entire strap.
Possible improvements:
Larger neck bracing with extra padding.
Final thoughts:
This is a great accessory that will keep your gear safe and you looking stylish. 5 out of 5. Some people will say why spend so much just on a strap! Simple, if you’ve just spend over 1000$ on a DSLR or bridge camera. I think it’s a no brainer to spend a little more to keep you’re investment safe.
The K&F Concept Camera Neck Strap is an excellent accessory for photographers seeking comfort and convenience during their shooting sessions. As a photographer who values both functionality and durability, I found this strap to be a remarkable addition to my gear.
First and foremost, the quick-release feature is a game-changer. Being able to swiftly attach and detach my camera from the strap allows for seamless transitions between handheld shooting and tripod-mounted setups. This is particularly handy when switching between different shooting styles or when I need to pack up quickly.
The adjustable shoulder sling design is another highlight of this strap. Whether I’m shooting in the studio or exploring rugged outdoor terrain, I appreciate the ability to customize the length of the strap to ensure optimal comfort and weight distribution. The padded shoulder area adds an extra layer of cushioning, reducing fatigue during long shooting sessions.
Compatibility is key, and I’m pleased to report that this strap is compatible with a wide range of camera brands, including Nikon, Canon, Sony, Olympus, and DSLR cameras. Regardless of the camera I’m using, I can trust that this strap will securely hold my gear in place.
Durability is not something to overlook, and this strap certainly delivers in that regard. The high-quality materials and robust construction ensure that it can withstand the rigors of professional use, including outdoor adventures and travel photography. Whether I’m shooting in challenging weather conditions or navigating crowded urban environments, I have full confidence in the durability of this strap.
In terms of design, the K&F Concept Camera Neck Strap strikes the perfect balance between functionality and aesthetics. The sleek and minimalist design complements the look of my camera gear without drawing unnecessary attention. It’s a subtle yet essential accessory that enhances both the practicality and visual appeal of my setup.
Overall, I highly recommend the K&F Concept Camera Neck Strap to photographers of all levels. With its quick-release mechanism, adjustable design, compatibility, durability, and sleek aesthetics, it offers everything I need in a camera strap and more. It’s a small investment that makes a big difference in the overall shooting experience.
I recently bought my first digital slr camera and immediately hated the strap that it came with. The factory strap did not provide me with very much confidence. It was thin and yes, it had branding on it but that doesn’t bother me. What did bother me was the fact it felt insecure and when attaching or removing the strap, there were collars that would fall off of it. All adjustments were done at the bottom of the strap. This strap feels extremely well-made it is a bit heavier than the original strap, but in my mind, what you gain and weight I gained in confidence the strap will hold. The strap uses aluminum adjustment sliders, as well as heavy duty, locking quick clips that are reinforced with real leather straps. The string that wraps into the camera body feels extremely strong and has some kind of coating and attaches directly to the quick clip and reinforced with leather strapping. The stitching throughout. the strap feels like a very soft silky, seatbelt type of material.. Again compared to the original strap this is worth every penny.
I really like that the strap can be quickly disconnected from the camera to make storage in a smaller bag very easy. I hate wrapping the strap around the camera to put in a bag. The second bonus of having the removable strap is that when using a tripod, it is not in the way.
This camera strap is a step up in terms of presentation quality. It looks and feels well made with attention to detail quite apparent. I particularly like the wear-warning indicating system which signals worn loops, I have not seen that innovation before.
The quick-release clips are substantial and obviously designed to be as reliable as possible, I certainly feel they can be trusted. Overall very nice, and worth the money in my view.