LEGO Animal Crossing Isabelle’s House Visit, Creative

LEGO Animal Crossing Isabelle’s House Visit, Creative Building Toy for 6 Plus Year Old Kids, Girls & Boys, Includes 2 Minifigures from the Video Game Series Including Fauna, Birthday Gift Idea 77049
Collect the NEW LEGO Animal Crossing range!

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![]() 77050 Nook’s Cranny House | ![]() 77049 Isabelle’s House | ![]() 77047 Bunnie’s Outdoor | ![]() 77048 Kapp’n’s Island | ![]() 77046 Julian’s Birthday | |
Price | £64.99 | £34.99 | £17.99 | £24.99 | £12.99 |
Age | 7+ | 6+ | 6+ | 6+ | 6+ |
Pieces | 535 | 389 | 164 | 233 | 170 |
Minifigures | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
Character | Nook & Cranny | Isabelle & Fauna | Bunnie | Marshal & Kapp’n | Julian |
Launch year | 2024 | 2024 | 2024 | 2024 | 2024 |
Dimensions: | 7.6 x 28.2 x 26.2 cm; 1 Grams |
Model: | 77049 |
Material: | Plastic |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Pack Quantity: | 1 pièce(s) |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 6 years and up |
Assembly: | Yes |
Dimensions: | 7.6 x 28.2 x 26.2 cm; 1 Grams |
Material: | Plastic |
Quantity: | 1 pièce(s) |
Fr alle Animal Crossing Liebhaber ein absolutes Must Have. Wir lieben die Sets alle. Egal ob Kind oder Eltern. Sie sind so phantasievoll gestaltet. Ein Must Have fr jeden Lego Liebhabe
Dieses Set der Lego Animal Crossing Reihe ist farbenfroh und hat viele tolle Details, die Liebhabern des New Horizons Spiels bekannt vorkommen und Freude bereiten werden.
Es gibt in den Animal Crossing Sets keine Sticker, was absolut positiv hervorzuheben ist. Das Highlight sind fr mich aber die tollen Minifiguren. Die Qualitt der Bausteine ist einwandfrei (sowohl Farbe, als auch Klemmkraft).
Kurzer Bauspa, aber langer Spielspa. Freue mich schon auf mehr Sets aus der Reihe.
LEGO Animal Crossing 77049 – Besuch bei Melinda
In der Zusammenarbeit mit Nintendo ist LEGO seit Jahren erfolgreich und hat bereits das “Super Mario”-Franchise mit vielen Bausets im LEGO-Bereich umgesetzt. Nun ist eine weitere erfolgreiche Serie von Nintendo an der Reihe – Animal Crossing. Was seit Jahren Millionen Spieler weltweit begeistert, darf jetzt auch in der Form von Klemmbausteinen in die Kinderzimmer einziehen.
Das Set “Besuch bei Melinda” gehrt dabei zu den mittelgroen Sets uns bietet uns das Haus von Melinda, die mit Tom Nook zusammen im Rathaus arbeitet und damit zu den Hauptfiguren des Spiels gehrt. Das Haus selbst ist liebevoll gestaltet und bietet mit wechselbaren Fensterrahmen auch ein Gestaltungselement aus dem Spiel, das in das Bauset bertragen wurde. Das ist ein schnes, kleines Detail. Von hinten ist das Haus offen und kann somit bespielt werden. Ein kleiner Herd, eine Sple, ein Bett, eine Uhr und weitere Details verleihen dem Innenleben einen gewissen Charme und sind ansprechend gestaltet.
Der Auenbereich bietet eine fr das Videospiel typische Werkbank mit Details wie einer bedruckten Fliese mit einer Bastelanleitung, einen Apfelbaum inkl. dem darber schwebenden Luftballon (mit enthaltenem Geschenk) und eine kleine Ecke im Garten mit Gemse sowie einem gemtlichen Tisch fr den Kaffee unter Freunden. Weitere Details wie ein Briefkasten oder eine bedruckte Fliese mit einem Spalt (im Spiel grbt man an diesen Stellen und findet Schtze) runden das Set ab. Die modulare Bauweise der einzelnen Elemente lsst der Kreativitt freien Lauf, da jeder selbst entscheiden kann, an welcher Stelle um das Haus herum die Elemente angeordnet werden (hnlich wie in der Super Mario-Reihe). Das Dach lsst sich zur besseren Bespielbarkeit ebenfalls noch etwas nach oben klappen.
Im Set enthalten sind zwei Minifiguren. Es handelt sich um Melinda selbst, die sehr s geworden ist und ihre typische Blume im Haar trgt, sowie das Rehmdchen Fatima. Beide sind sofort fr Fans des Spiels erkennbar und erinnern an die Fabuland-Serie aus den 80ern. Gerade Melinda als Hauptcharakter des Spiels wird fr Fans ein Kaufgrund sein.
Der Aufbau erfolgt recht unkompliziert und ist innerhalb von 1 – 2 Stunden erledigt, je nach Geschick. Eine Anleitung mit einfach erklrten Schritten liegt bei, LEGO bietet aber auch eine digitale Anleitung ber die entsprechend App an, in der sich das Bauwerk dann auch drehen und von allen Seiten begutachten lsst.
Fr die UVP von 39,99 ist das Set preislich gesehen in Ordnung, da es sich nun mal um ein Lizenzprodukt handelt. Gnstig ist es nicht, aber es ist eben LEGO. Dafr stimmt die Qualitt – alle Farben waren einheitlich, wir hatten keine fehlenden oder defekten Stein.
Mit einem entsprechenden Rabatt darf daher gerade fr Fans des Videospiels erst recht zugegriffen werden. Wir sind begeistert und werden wie Welt von Animal Crossing nach und nach noch erweitern.
I hadn’t realised that I was buying from overseas at the time , should have checked properly.
Package was late and then post office tried to deliver when I wasn’t home .
However product is great .
Fin da bambino sono un grande fan dei Lego, ho avuto la fortuna di avere dei genitori che me li comprassero e che mi ci facessero giocare, piacere che purtroppo non tutti i bambini hanno la possibilit di sperimentare ma che dovrebbero farlo almeno una volta in vita loro. Adesso che ho l’opportunit di provare in anteprima i loro nuovi set, mi sento fortunato esattamente come tanti anni fa e ogni costruzione mi riporta col pensiero a quei momenti piacevoli e spensierati della mia infanzia, a cui sono profondamente legato.
Quello che vi racconto oggi il nuovo set Lego 77049 della linea Lego Animal Crossing “Benvenuta, Fuffi!” ispirato al famoso videogioco, set che mi piace definire meritevole e ben ideato, originale, variegato e adatto a grandi e piccini.
La qualit costruttiva assoluta, come ogni altro set Lego, i mattoncini si incastrano benissimo e senza difficolt, le guide schematiche sono immediate e facili da seguire, i colori sono sgargianti, la plastica dei componenti curata e le raffigurazioni sono sempre fedeli e dettagliate.
Il set, contenuto nella classica confezione di cartone, include tutti e 389 i pezzi necessari per l’assemblaggio della casa di Cervina con basi modulari, che permettono di cambiarne l’aspetto a piacimento, e delle due minifigure di Fuffi e Cervina, oltre a tanti altri accessori caratteristici come il banco da lavoro, il pallone volante con i regali e i realistici interni dell’abitazione.
Nel complesso il set facile da montare, bello alla vista, molto dettagliato e consente ai bambini di avvicinarsi al gioco di ruolo attraverso la costruzione di una scena riconoscibile di Animal Crossing, dove poter vestire i panni di Fuffi e Cervina per imbucare una lettera, innaffiare il giardino o decorare la casa.
Ovviamente gli unici limiti restano l’immaginazione e la creativit, con l’aggiunta di altri pezzi in vostro possesso sarete in grado di personalizzare o addirittura stravolgere il risultato finale, o, al contrario, usare i pezzi presenti in questo set per la creazione di sempre nuove costruzioni.
Non faccio riferimento al prezzo di vendita perch perfettamente in linea con le tipiche costruzioni Lego, tendenzialmente le si pu reputare costose ma quando comprate un Lego non state comprando solamente dei mattoncini di plastica, state acquistando un’esperienza, una pura espressione di creativit e soprattutto una motivazione in pi per passare del tempo prezioso con le persone a voi care.
Ne consiglio l’acquisto!
Spero di esservi stato utile, alla prossima!
Difficile de mettre une mauvais note aux lego que j’achte car nous ne sommes jamais dues
Facilite de Montage5/5
Ide cadeau 5/5
STYLE 5/5 Magnifique
Rapport qualit /Prix / Produit Correct
Je recommande +++++
My daughter loves LEGO so this Animal Crossing Isabelle’s House was great for her birthday she is 8 and had no problem putting it together would say for 6 Plus Year Old Kids, Girls & Boys
This is an official LEGO product and I can tell from the quality of it that that’s the case.
The parts all fit together well and stay together unless purposely pulled apart.
This is a lovely design with lots of lovely coloured bricks really bringing it all to life. My daughter is really enjoying putting it all together.
La mia esperienza: il set arriva a casa all’interno di una scatola gi da s adorabile e bellissima da vedere, rendendolo una perfetta idea regalo volendo. La mia passione sia per LEGO che per la serie di videogiochi Animal Crossing mi ha spinto ad aggiungere questo set alla mia collezione e devo dire che sono rimasto completamente affascinato dalla sua incredibile qualit e attenzione ai dettagli, come da standard per questa nota marca di mattoncini. Sia che siate appassionati della serie o semplici appassionati di giochi creativi, questo set vi offrir un’immersione completa nell’universo di Animal Crossing, la ricreazione dei personaggi e degli elementi iconici davvero stupefacente. Segnalo anche che il set contiene ben 2 minifigure (Fauna e Isabelle) che come gli esperti sapranno sono quelle che aggiungono maggior valore collezionistico in questo genere di prodotti. La versatilit del set consente la creazione di diverse composizioni in modo che sia personalizzabile a proprio piacimento. La qualit dei pezzi LEGO eccezionale, con mattoncini che si incastrano perfettamente per garantire un’esperienza di costruzione fluida e appagante. Le istruzioni sono chiare e facili da seguire, adatte anche ai pi piccoli. Insomma, un set eccezionale che per me da promuovere a pieni voti.
Riassumendo in breve:
PRO: la collaborazione tra LEGO e Animal Crossing si traduce in un set di altissima qualit e valore per il futuro (se siete collezionisti); mattoncini di eccellente fattura come ci si pu aspettare dalla LEGO; istruzioni chiare e intuitive
CONTRO: niente.
GIUDIZIO FINALE: un set LEGO che unisce qualit, valore collezionistico e il fascino unico dell’universo di Animal Crossing. Non posso che raccomandarlo vivamente a tutti gli appassionati, grandi e piccini.
This animal crossing themed lego set kept my little niece entertained for hours. She’s 8 years old and loves animal crossing, she thoroughly enjoyed putting the set together which was very easy for her (with our supervision) and then played with it with a big smile on her face. The instructions are very easy to follow, you can even look up videos of it by scanning a QR code.
The pieces are lovely, they’re very bright and colourful. It’s a really nice lego set and would make such a nice gift too.
Il set LEGO Animal Crossing Benvenuta, Fuffi! si presenta come un giocattolo colorato e vivace che cattura subito l’attenzione. La confezione robusta e ben curata, con immagini che mostrano il modello finito e i personaggi inclusi. Pu essere costruito in due modi diversi: una casa a tema Fuffi o una casa a tema Tom Nook. Include le minifigure di Fuffi, Tom Nook e Isabelle, personaggi iconici del videogioco Animal Crossing. E dotato di diversi accessori e mobili, come una cassetta della posta, un albero di mele, un letto e una cucina, per arredare la casa e creare storie divertenti. Le istruzioni sono chiare e facili da seguire, anche per i bambini pi piccoli. Mio nipote di 7 anni si divertito molto a costruire questo set e a giocare con le minifigure. Le istruzioni sono facili da seguire e il modello finito robusto e ben realizzato. La possibilit di costruire due modelli diversi offre una doppia dose di divertimento e stimola la creativit.
Absolutely loved building this I’m a big animal crossing fan and so is my daughter. The detail in this build is amazing, the instructions are simple to follow and we had no issues during the building.
Suitable for children age 6 and over, this set is made up of 389 pieces. It comes with an instructional guide and was pretty easy to put together. You also have the option of using the Lego Builder App which are digital instructions.
This is a super cute set that has been well designed with lots of pieces to play with once built.
Great quality item and no doubt something that your child will want to keep indefinitely.
This set is for age 6 and over and I think that is reasonable as the accessories are quite small. It’s really well designed and is bright and colourful – guaranteed to make you smile. Even if you don’t know about Animal Crossing there is plenty of fun to be had. You get to build Fauna’s house and you get both Fauna and Isabelle minifigures to play with. The build is great fun and easy using the interacive Lego app. There is a lot of playability once built. Fans of the game will love it, but I also think it is great for others too. It’s a nice playset that encourages imaginative play in a nice and friendly way.
The LEGO Animal Crossing Isabelle’s House Visit set has been a lot of fun set with a couple of Animal Crossing Minifigs (Isabelle and Fauna) to get you started.
As with any modern Lego set, the pieces are supplied already sorted into labelled bags and with excellent instructions that take you through construction step by step. You can also download and use the Lego builder app if you want your instructions a bit more interactive.
As expected, the set is well themed, with the Animal Crossing aesthetic an ideal match for a LEGO set. You can play with this as a standalone playset or add it to a larger animal crossing build.
For Animal Crossing and LEGO fans, this set with the iconic Isabelle is a must.
As an avid fan of both LEGO and Animal Crossing, I was beyond excited to get my hands on the LEGO Animal Crossing set, Isabelle’s House (77049). And let me tell you, it did not disappoint!
The attention to detail in this set is impeccable. From Isabelle’s iconic green outfit to the intricate design of her cozy little house, every aspect screams authenticity to the beloved game. The trees even feature a nice little surprise inside them.
First this is a really cute set no denying that. The characters are more rounded than normal Lego and is a good idea for the target users. Instructions are typical Lego quality being very easy to follow this allows for younger ones to build it without adult intervention and is great for child development!
Build quality is the usual superb Lego quality with crisp consistent pieces and solid colours.
Yes it’s more expensive than others but you get what you pay for and Lego is still the bes
This LEGO set includes 2 Animal Crossing mini figures and recognizable features from the game – the workbench and the flying present-carrying balloon. It’s well-made, suspenseful, and interesting for the whole family. The Lego set is awesome!! It’s so incredibly detailed.
This set is a delightful combination of creativity and relaxation The packaging was colourful and inviting, setting the stage for the imaginative journey ahead. The set came with a variety of pieces, each thoughtfully designed to fit seamlessly together. What truly stood out was the ease of assembly. The instructions were clear and concise, making it accessible for builders of all skill levels. Even if you’re a LEGO novice, you’ll find the process straightforward and enjoyable.
The theme was one of the most enchanting aspects of this LEGO set and as an avid Animal Crossing player it gave me a unique building experience that left me thoroughly impressed.
As you would expect from Lego, this is a very good quality set. It comes in a sturdy box which, however, I found slightly difficult to open. It does have two “press” tabs but the box was glued along the length so it was hard to keep things neat. A detailed booklet is enclosed which takes you through the construction process from start to finish. You can also access a digital version of the building instructions. Because there are a number of different models, a child can use their imagination to make up their own story and move the models about as they prefer. A great Lego set.
Wow, Lego! What a fab set this is. My daughter’s been a bit of a fan of Animal Crossing for some years now and still plays it, it’s such a lovely and absorbing game… and now there’s Lego sets available!
Love this set. For about the forty quid mark you get the two characters, the house to build, a bunch of other stuff and all in the Animal Crossing style!
If you know someone who loves the game then this Lego set I reckon is a must.
I think this has to be one of the cutest Lego sets I’ve got.
Firstly, I have played Animal Crossing, but not extensively. However, I spotted these sets in a local toy shop the day before this appeared on Vine and was pleased to see it pop up in my choices.
On opening the set, I was initially disappointed… some of the newer sets we’ve bought have switched to paper packaging on the inside but these were back to the plastic bags.
However, the disappointment was very short lived once I got the 1st bag opened and started building it with my 5 year old son (well, as I passed him the pieces for him to build it).
It really is a fantastic set. Lots of cool pieces that we haven’t had in other builds and it really builds on the customisability of the Animal Crossing game. Yes, there’s only so much freedom here (a choice between 2 different types of windows, where you put the different elements that you build, such as the bed, the oven etc and the overall layout of the scene), but it gives a real sense of fun which my son (and I) absolutely loved.
The whole build just oozes cuteness, from the little book, the bed, the afternoon tea table… it’s all just adorable. Quality wise… it’s Lego… no issues with any missing pieces, plenty of spare pieces of the smaller items.
Definitely a must have for any Animal Crossing fans out there, but I think any general Lego fans (like us) will really enjoy this set for the novelty that a little bit of freedom can bring.
Salve a tutti ragazzi dal vostro amichevole recensione di quartiere!!
Crossing LEGO e devo dire che un vero gioiello per gli appassionati del gioco! Ecco cosa mi ha colpito:
Dettagli accurati: La casa incredibilmente dettagliata, proprio come quella nel videogioco. I colori, le finestre, e persino il tetto a forma di foglia sono fedeli all’originale.
Mini Figure adorabili: La mini figure della cagnolina e della volpe sono assolutamente adorabili! Sono ben fatte e si integrano perfettamente con l’ambientazione.
Personalizzazione: La casa completamente personalizzabile. Puoi spostare i mobili, cambiare le decorazioni e creare la tua versione unica. come avere il tuo villaggio di Animal Crossing in miniatura!
Istruzioni chiare: Le istruzioni sono facili da seguire, anche per i principianti. Ho apprezzato il processo di costruzione, che stato divertente e rilassante.
In sintesi, la Casa di Animal Crossing LEGO un must per i fan del gioco. un set che ti permette di immergerti nel mondo di Animal Crossing e di creare le tue storie. Consiglio vivamente di aggiungerlo alla tua collezione!
Grazie per aver letto la mia recensione spero che vi sia utile !!
As a fan of both LEGO and Animal Crossing, I couldn’t resist getting my hands on the LEGO Animal Crossing Isabelle’s House Visit set, and it exceeded all my expectations!
This creative building toy is designed for kids aged 6 and above, but let’s be honest — it’s perfect for fans of all ages! The set brings to life the charming world of Animal Crossing with incredible attention to detail. From Isabelle’s iconic house to the adorable characters, every aspect of the beloved video game series is captured beautifully in LEGO form.
One of the highlights of this set is the inclusion of two mini figures — Isabelle and Fauna — straight from the Animal Crossing universe. It’s a delight to see these beloved characters come to life in LEGO form, and they add so much personality to the set.
Building Isabelle’s house was an absolute joy. The instructions were clear and easy to follow, making the building process both fun and rewarding. I appreciated the attention to detail in every aspect of the house, from the colourful exterior to the cozy interior furnishings.
Once assembled, Isabelle’s house makes for a fantastic display piece. It’s sure to spark joy and nostalgia for any Animal Crossing fan who sees it. Plus, it’s compatible with other LEGO sets, so you can mix and match to create your own custom Animal Crossing world!
Overall, the LEGO Animal Crossing Isabelle’s House Visit set is a must-have for any fan of the beloved video game series. It’s a wonderful combination of creativity, nostalgia, and building fun that’s sure to bring hours of enjoyment to kids and adults alike. Whether you’re building alone or with friends, this set is bound to put a smile on your face.