LEGO Animal Crossing Nook’s Cranny & Rosie's House

LEGO Animal Crossing Nook’s Cranny & Rosie's House Creative Building Toy for 7 Plus Year Old Kids, Girls & Boys, Includes 2 Characters from the Video Game Series, Birthday Gift Idea 7705
Collect the NEW LEGO Animal Crossing range!

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![]() 77050 Nook’s Cranny House | ![]() 77049 Isabelle’s House | ![]() 77047 Bunnie’s Outdoor | ![]() 77048 Kapp’n’s Island | ![]() 77046 Julian’s Birthday | |
Price | £64.99 | £34.99 | £17.99 | £24.99 | £12.99 |
Age | 7+ | 6+ | 6+ | 6+ | 6+ |
Pieces | 535 | 389 | 164 | 233 | 170 |
Minifigures | 2 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
Character | Nook & Cranny | Isabelle & Fauna | Bunnie | Marshal & Kapp’n | Julian |
Launch year | 2024 | 2024 | 2024 | 2024 | 2024 |
Dimensions: | 7.05 x 38.2 x 26.2 cm; 1 Grams |
Model: | 77050 |
Material: | Plastic |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Pack Quantity: | 1 pièce(s) |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 7 years and up |
Assembly: | Yes |
Dimensions: | 7.05 x 38.2 x 26.2 cm; 1 Grams |
Material: | Plastic |
Quantity: | 1 pièce(s) |
En esta ocasin revisamos este maravilloso set Lego de Animal Crossing recibido en casa.
El set llega en una caja de cartn muy atractiva y detallada, que muestra imgenes del producto terminado y destaca sus caractersticas principales. Dentro de la caja, encontrars todas las piezas necesarias para construir la tienda MiniNook y la casa de Minina, adems de las minifiguras de Tom Nook y Minina. Tambin incluye numerosos accesorios como un proyecto de bricolaje, un tablero, un cupcake, cebo, y un rbol con una sorpresa en su interior. Adems, hay bases intercambiables que permiten personalizar y reorganizar las construcciones.
Diseo y calidad
El diseo de este set es simplemente impresionante. Los colores son vivos y muy atractivos, y las piezas estn fabricadas con plstico ABS de alta calidad, asegurando durabilidad y seguridad. Los edificios y los accesorios estn diseados con un nivel de detalle que realmente captura la esencia del mundo de Animal Crossing. Las minifiguras de Tom Nook y Minina son adorables y estn llenas de detalles especficos que las hacen muy reconocibles.
Este set no solo es visualmente atractivo, sino tambin muy funcional. Incluye dos emblemticos edificios de Animal Crossing, la tienda MiniNook y la casa de Minina, con muchos accesorios y elementos icnicos del videojuego, como bayas, herramientas y muebles. Las bases intercambiables permiten a los nios reorganizar y personalizar los elementos, fomentando la creatividad y proporcionando infinitas horas de juego.
Montar este set puede llevar alrededor de 3 a 4 horas, perfecto para una tarde de diversin. Las instrucciones son claras y detalladas, y si te confundes, puedes usar la aplicacin “LEGO Builder” para ver las instrucciones en 3D, lo cual es sper til. Adems, el set viene con una herramienta especial para quitar aquellas piezas difciles de separar. Una vez armado, los nios pueden imaginar y crear mltiples historias, intercambiando muebles y otros elementos para personalizar su experiencia de juego.
Para terminar, considero que este set es un regalo fantstico tanto para los fans de la serie de videojuegos como para aquellos que disfrutan con LEGO (como yo). Adecuado para nias y nios de 7 aos o ms, este set proporciona una experiencia de juego rica en detalles y altamente personalizable. Para mi es un 5 estrellas .
Gracias por leerme Espero que te haya sido til!
Se tarda en hacer el lego entre unas 3h y media y 4h. Muy recomendable para regalarlo, vienen piezas de mas por si quieres decorar el lego o por si se pierde alguna pieza pequea, las instrucciones son muy claras, si te confunden las instrucciones hay una aplicacin de lego llamada lego builder que ah tienes las intrucciones con las piezas en 3D, demasiado recomendable. El set viene con una pieza para quitar piezas esas piezas muy dificiles de quitar con las manos, pues con la pieza se hace facilmente. Personalmente a mi me encanta la marca y animal crossing.
Building this set brought back a flood of nostalgia and introduced a new way to engage with a beloved game. The detail and thoughtfulness in design allowed me to recreate iconic scenes, bringing a piece of the game into the real world. It provided hours of entertainment, not just in building, but in playing and displaying. The interchangeable parts offered a creative way to keep the experience fresh. This set became a conversation starter and a bridge between generations, sharing stories of game adventures with family and friends. It was more than just a building project; it was a journey into a cherished digital world.
Fin da bambino sono un grande fan dei Lego, ho avuto la fortuna di avere dei genitori che me li comprassero e che mi ci facessero giocare, piacere che purtroppo non tutti i bambini hanno la possibilit di sperimentare ma che dovrebbero farlo almeno una volta in vita loro. Adesso che ho l’opportunit di provare in anteprima i loro nuovi set, mi sento fortunato esattamente come tanti anni fa e ogni costruzione mi riporta col pensiero a quei momenti piacevoli e spensierati della mia infanzia, a cui sono profondamente legato.
Quello che vi racconto oggi il nuovo set Lego 77050 della linea Lego Animal Crossing “Bottega di Nook e casa di Grinfia” ispirato al famoso videogioco, set che mi piace definire meritevole e ben ideato, originale, variegato e adatto a grandi e piccini.
La qualit costruttiva assoluta, come ogni altro set Lego, i mattoncini si incastrano benissimo e senza difficolt, le guide schematiche sono immediate e facili da seguire, i colori sono sgargianti, la plastica dei componenti curata e le raffigurazioni sono sempre fedeli e dettagliate.
Il set, contenuto nella classica confezione di cartone, include tutti e 535 i pezzi necessari per l’assemblaggio dei 2 iconici edifici del noto videogioco, delle minifigure dei personaggi di Grinfia e Tom Nook, e di tanti accessori, come una scheda di ricette fai da te, una bacheca, un cupcake, un’esca per pesci e un albero con sorpresa all’interno.
Nel complesso il set facile da montare, bello alla vista, molto dettagliato e consente ai bambini di avvicinarsi al gioco di ruolo attraverso la costruzione di una scena riconoscibile di Animal Crossing, dove poter vestire i panni di Nook e Grinfia per fare scorta di attrezzi in bottega o merenda in casa con cupcake e the.
Ovviamente gli unici limiti restano l’immaginazione e la creativit, con l’aggiunta di altri pezzi in vostro possesso sarete in grado di personalizzare o addirittura stravolgere il risultato finale, o, al contrario, usare i pezzi presenti in questo set per la creazione di sempre nuove costruzioni.
Non faccio riferimento al prezzo di vendita perch perfettamente in linea con le tipiche costruzioni Lego, tendenzialmente le si pu reputare costose ma quando comprate un Lego non state comprando solamente dei mattoncini di plastica, state acquistando un’esperienza, una pura espressione di creativit e soprattutto una motivazione in pi per passare del tempo prezioso con le persone a voi care.
Ne consiglio l’acquisto!
Spero di esservi stato utile, alla prossima!
Als langjhriger Fan der Animal Crossing-Reihe war ich berglcklich, als ich von der Verffentlichung der LEGO Animal Crossing Sets hrte. Obwohl mein Sohn noch zu jung ist, um das Videospiel zu spielen, teilt er meine Liebe fr LEGO. Also entschied ich mich, alle Sets zu kaufen, um gemeinsam mit ihm eine kleine Stadt zu erschaffen.
Die Details sind liebevoll gestaltet und fangen den einzigartigen Charme der Spiele perfekt ein.
Nooks Laden und Sophies Haus ist ein bezauberndes Set. Die Mini-Figuren sind super gestaltet und lassen keine Zweifel an ihrer Identitt aufkommen, was die Freude am Spielen und Ausstellen erhht. Das Zubehr ist sorgfltig ausgewhlt und enthlt deutliche Referenzen zum Spiel.
Ein kleiner Kritikpunkt ist jedoch die begrenzte Tiefe der Huser. Dies bedeutet, dass die Spielmglichkeiten eingeschrnkt sind und die kreative Entfaltung in den Husern etwas zu kurz kommt. Generell htten mir dir Huser geschlossen besser gefallen.
Eine bessere Lsung wre mglicherweise gewesen, die beiden Huser separat anzubieten, so knnte man selbst entscheiden was man haben mchte. Evetntuell auch ein Haus zweimal zu kaufen um die Stadt zu vergrern wird so schweiriger.
These are a relatively new addition to the Lego line-up and it’s clear that they’re going to be a massive hit, as people have been crying out for Animal Crossing themed official sets for years at this point. It arrives in a fairly large box, bigger than I expected to be honest, though once it’s together the set compresses down into quite a small footprint. Which can then be separated, mixed and matched into other Animal Crossing & similar play sets from other themes. Of course, it’s mainly designed to match and integrate into the other Animal Crossing sets but I could easily see imaginative kids mixing this with stuff from the Ninjago, Hogwarts or Lego City sets.
I like that these sets have appeal for both the younger audience who will use it as a typical playset and also the older audience who would be more interested in collecting a unique set that easily works well as a display or collectible set. The design and colours are essentially like-for-like compared to the in-game buildings, props, and characters it’s based on, aside from a few minor details like the text on Nook’s store sign, which wouldn’t transfer well to the Lego aesthetic.
The build itself is far from challenging and would take a couple of hours at most for a young builder with some occasional adult supervision and prompting. The instructions live up to the usual Lego standard and do a wonderful job of guiding the process along. I didn’t come across any obvious pitfalls in the provided steps. If you want a more comprehensive and interactive set of instructions, the set is also compatible with the Lego builder app on android and iOS.
You do end up with a few random spare bricks, which is completely normal. Of course, with this being from Lego, the bricks are brightly & consistently coloured and are of excellent quality throughout. They’re the usual top-notch quality we’ve all come to expect from the brand, it’s what you’re paying for at the end of the day.
If you’re looking for a unique & giftable playset that has a ton of appeal for any fan, child or adult, of the Animal Crossing Franchise, then this is the one to go for. It’s hard to find anything to complain about here except for the usual expensive price point for a licensed Lego set, but that unfortunately doesn’t seem to be changing any time soon. It’s great that these Animal Crossing sets are independent of each other so you can pick and choose the characters and buildings you like the most.
An easy product to recommend as usual from Lego.
Trs bien comme ide cadeau, ce lego est bien ralis, les couleurs sont vives, il y a plusieurs personnages permettant de bien developper le jeu et l’imagination. Comme a son habitude ce Lego est d’une qualit excellente! Les briques s’embotent avec facilit et tout tient parfaitement bien ensemble. Les notices sont claires et comprhensibles par l’enfant. Les briques sont organises par plusieurs sachets ce qui permet de ne pas tout ouvrir en meme temps et d’effectuer l’assemblage au fur et a mesure sans perdre les pices.
This Lego set features Nintendo’s Animal Crossing and has Nook’s Cranny and Rosie’s house.
My daughter loves Animal Crossing, and she was delighted to be able to put this together. I found it nice that there are two houses to be built in this kit so I could join in as we built them together. The instructions are easy to follow with good pictures for younger users and they are quite large which helps with my ageing eyes. The Lego is a decent size and my daughter and I both found them easy to handle and push together. There are also quite a few accessories to build which can be used inside the buildings which gives even more life to this set as once you’ve done the houses, there are other little things that need building.
The completed set is made so it can be played with, quite a lot of Lego allows you to have the fun of building them but then there’s not a lot you can do with them once it’s built. This set has opening doors, windows, and moveable furniture and my daughter loves playing with these and making up stories as she plays along. I’ve not had a Lego set that is fully playable with afterwards and my daughter spends a lot of time playing with them. You don’t need to know about the Animal Crossing game either as I would imagine it’s a nice house set without any knowledge of the theme. My daughter does play the game so I think that adds to her interest, but I think it would be fine without knowing about the game and its characters.
A lovely Lego set which can be built by two people
Questo set LEGO meraviglioso, sia per chi affezionato ad Animal Crossing NH, sia per chi vuole semplicemente un set di casette molto colorate da esporre in una vetrinetta o una mensola.
La fedelt allo stile di Animal Crossing pazzesca, come solo LEGO sa fare. La mini-figure di Tom Nook stupenda, da collezione, ed anche molto divertente il poter sistemare la disposizione dei moili delle case a proprio piacimento, sembra di avere una Switch in mano e di giocare fisicamente al gioco!
La mia unica riserva riguarda il prezzo di 75. I LEGO sono sempre carissimi, ed in qualche modo giustificato sempre (anche in questo caso) da una qualit sorprendente dalla progettazione alle plastiche alle grafiche delle confezioni, ma 75 per un set che si costruisce in meno di un ora mi sembra leggermente troppo. Non penalizzo la valutazione perch immagino il sovrapprezzo derivi dall’acquisizione dei diritti di utilizzo del brand Nintendo.
If you know someone who is interested in animal crossing, this Lego set would make a great gift.
It is one of the easier Lego sets to build and it has very easy-to-follow instructions which makes it easy to put together for younger children. The set is quite small and has lots of nice details along with a few figures meaning you can play with it once it is built.
Overall, this is a fun little Lego set and I would definitely recommend it.
The LEGO Animal Crossing Nook’s Cranny & Rosie’s House is a cool set from Lego. That said I don’t think it’s good value. The set looks great and takes a little bit of time to build, but at 64.99 I think the price is a bit mad for what you get.
– Review for LEGO Animal Crossing Nook’s Cranny & Rosie’s House Creative Building Toy for 7 Plus Year Old Kids, Girls & Boys, Includes 2 Characters from the Video Game Series, Birthday Gift Idea 77050 || Price: 64.99 (at time of ordering) –
Lego’s latest cosy village cross-over is an absolute delight. It is very playable and this particular set is really a two for one, with both Tom Nook and Rosies colourful island abodes to build. It comes with additional pieces and options for customising certain elements like the window panes. And there are so many thoughtful little extras – from a cake in the oven to mail in the mailbox; even the tree holds a secret item!
The Animal Crossing characters and village are beautifully designed, with a wonderful array of whimsical and colourful pieces. It is an easy build with separate books and pieces for Tom Nook and Rosie, allowing two people to build independently at the same time.
This was so much fun, it really is a treat for adults and children alike. Highly recommended.
Tiene muchos detalles y piezas especiales hechas para el Animal Crossing, por lo que no hace falta pegatinas al venir ya en la propia pieza.
Se pueden cambiar las ventanas y puertas de la casa.
Me ha gustado ms de lo que esperaba.
This Lego set is amazing. I have got this for my niece on her birthday and this set is fabulous.
For any young fan of the beloved Animal Crossing video game series, the Nook’s Cranny & Rosie’s House set is an absolute must-have. This customisable building toy set brings the delightful world of Animal Crossing right into your living room. With Rosie and Tom Nook minifigures, along with two iconic Animal Crossing buildings and interchangeable base plates, the possibilities for creative play are endless. My niece loves it it perfect present. It is quite expensive but worth the price quality is amazing too.
Kids can immerse themselves in the world of Animal Crossing as they visit Nook’s Cranny to shop for tools or borrow Bells, then head over to Rosie’s house for some delightful cupcakes
Overall, Nook’s Cranny & Rosie’s House set is the perfect way to bring the charm and magic of Animal Crossing into the hands of children, inspiring hours of creative play and storytelling adventures.
The new Animal Crossing Lego sets are really nice. Despite the set not being full size, and somewhat just the facade of the buildings – they have some lovely details and the new figurines look amazing!
The instructions are easy to follow, lots of pieces.
Good fun!
I was very pleased to receive this LEGO Animal Crossing Set at the time I received it, it was priced at 64.99 and I consider this to be the correct price for Lego – it’s never going to break.
It’s Lego – it has to be good! and it is!
The quality is exceptional as you would expect and I am amazed by the detail in this product. There are other sets available in the Animal Crossing Series which will nicely compliment this set.
I highly recommend this product.
Our kid absolutely loves animal crossing so the face we managed to grab her lego AND animal crossing in one item is superb. Its easy to put together and is just amazing quality as all lego products are. I’m not sure who had more fun putting it together, me or her! Fantastic!
My son plays animal crossing regularly, so he was a massive fan of this Lego set. He hasn’t fully built it yet, but has found the instructions really easy to follow.
Would highly recommend
The Lego set is based on the Nintendo game, my daughter has never played it but likes the set as its very playable and to her they are just animal characters. This is one of a few sets in the range so can be extended to create a bigger set. I like the use of moulded animal heads and printed bricks not stickers. The set is very playable with lots of nice details, and I would say shes played with it longer than the build took and longer than some other sets she has, so will no doubt want another in the range to add to. My daughter found the build easy enough to do on her own and I would say the age range is about right but will depend on your child’s building experience.
I rarely rate Lego less than full marks as the quality and reliability is always good. The only reason for the dropped star is the price is a little high making it 12p per piece at time of reviewing. It is a new set and has unique pieces namely the moulded heads and printed bricks over stickers so its expected to be a little higher. At the right price its 5 stars.
This new set is such a cute one. I’m rationing myself building it half at a time but the half that has been built is full of detail. From the signs, to the till, to the fridge. One of the best things is that the detailed bricks are printed and there are no stickers to mess up. The animal crossing characters are adorable too! My only challenge is going to be not buying all the other sets now.