LEGO Friends Heartlake City Music Talent Show Set, Musical

LEGO Friends Heartlake City Music Talent Show Set, Musical Toys for 7+ Year Old Girls, Boys & Kids, with Guitar and Keyboard Instruments, 4 Characters Inc. Andrea, Role-Play Building Toy Gift 42616

A different story every time
Who will win today’s contest?
Kids can help the LEGO Friends characters prepare backstage before joining head judge Andrea to pick a winner.
Ley-La’s big reveal
Creating dramatic moments is fun as kids place Ley-La on the rotating platform, ready for her big entrance.
Meet the musicians
The keyboard player and drummer figures have special gear functions that turn to make them move as they perform on their own stages.
Judge’s table
Just like real-world talent contests, this LEGO building set for kids features a judge’s table, giving judge Andrea the best spot to watch from.
Relax with friends
Everyone is so supportive – the contestants love to relax together backstage, where there’s a coffee machine, snacks and a mirror.
Put on a show!
Add the toy lasers and lights to create a fun atmosphere before hosting the talent show.

A fun gift idea for kids
A thrilling set for little performers
This LEGO kids’ toy gives kids a rewarding building project. It comes with 4 LEGO Friends characters, creating a fun gift idea for children who love musical talent shows.
Karaoke Music Party
Play out a karaoke party with this set featuring 2 mini-dolls, a pet gecko figure, a revolving stage and lots of accessories.
Pop Star Music Tour Bus
Give your young pop star a treat with this buildable bus, which includes a backstage area, accessories and 4 LEGO Friends characters.
Dimensions: | 6.1 x 45.6 x 28.2 cm; 836 g |
Model: | 42616 |
Material: | Plastic |
Colour: | Multicolor |
Pack Quantity: | 669 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Age: | 7 years and up |
Assembly: | Yes |
Dimensions: | 6.1 x 45.6 x 28.2 cm; 836 g |
Material: | Plastic |
Quantity: | 669 |
Im Rahmen des Amazon-Vine-Programms hatte ich Gelegenheit, die LEGO Friends Talentshow der Marke LEGO Friends zu testen. Ich bemhe mich stets, eine objektive Rezension zu verfassen und meine ehrliche Meinung zu dem Produkt abzugeben in der Hoffnung, fr Kunden eine Hilfestellung zu sein. Ich freue mich, wenn ich Ihnen weiterhelfen konnte.
Attraktiv und sicher verpackt kam das Bauset unbeschadet bei uns an. Dabei ist alles vollstndig und mit ausfhrlicher Bauanleitung, wie man es von Lego gewohnt ist.
Die Verarbeitung des Sets ist wie gewohnt sehr gut. Die Bausteine lassen sich hervorragend zusammenstecken und mithilfe der Anleitung gelingt der Aufbau recht zgig – ein wenig Zeit und Geduld sollte man dennoch mitbringen, da die Bhne doch ein wenig umfangreich ist – vor allem wenn man wie wir das Ganze zusammen mit unserem 6 Jhrigen baut.
Wir hatten beim Aufbau keine Probleme und unser Sohn war sehr begeistert von den vielen kleinen Gimmicks wie der E-Gitarre und dem Schlagzeug, die hier mit dabei sind. Steht die Bhne mal, hat man eine Menge Mglichkeiten, das Set zu bespielen – da unser Kleiner sowieso ein Fan und auch Spieler von Schlagzeugen ist, war er hier von Anfang an voll mit dabei.
Die kleinen knpfe zum Bewegen der Figuren sind ein ses Extra, die Farbgebung der Steine ist poppig und sehr zur Thematik passend und insgesamt bekommt man hier recht viel fr sein Geld, was man bei Lego ehrlicherweise nicht immer gewohnt ist. Doch hier passt alles, qualitativ und inhaltstechnisch. 5 Sterne von unserer Seite.
Inicialmente, destinado para mis sobrinos, un nio y una nia, este set de Lego termin involucrando a toda la familia en su montaje. Es un Lego entretenido de construir, pero debido a la cantidad de piezas y detalles, todos acabamos un poco participando y aportando nuestro granito de arena.
Sin embargo, el tiempo invertido definitivamente vali la pena.
El set recrea un escenario de espectculo musical con cuatro protagonistas principales:
Andrea, la jurado.
Ley-la, la cantante.
Nabil, el batera.
Alexander, el teclsta.
Cada uno de ellos viene con sus propios accesorios acordes a su funcin: micrfono, guitarra, teclado, batera, silla, mostrador… y la mayora de ellos tienen movimientos especficos. De hecho, todo el escenario tiene movimiento, incluidos los focos y las luces, lo que ofrece muchas opciones para el juego y la diversin.
Adems, los detalles del backstage, como el camerino con su tocador y lavabo, la cafetera, el croissant, el mvil, y otros complementos, aaden an ms emocin y divertimento para los nios . Y una vez montado, solo tienen que dejar volar su imaginacin y cantar, aplaudir…
El montaje no es complicado y las instrucciones estn muy bien explicadas.
Los bloques del escenario vienen en bolsas separadas, lo que facilita seguir todos los pasos sin cometer errores.
Las piezas estn bien diseadas y no son demasiado pequeas ni difciles de ensamblar.
Aunque lleva un tiempo montarlo todo, es un tiempo de calidad que se pasa con los pequeos, muy entretenido.
Y sinceramente, vale la pena.
Sympathique structure de concert de chez LEGO, qui une fois monte prend pas mal de place
Plait tout aussi bien aux garons qu’aux filles. Montage facile avec une notice qui est trs toujours au top de la part de LEGO.
Parfait pour occuper un dimanche avec la famille !
El set LEGO Friends Espectculo de Talentos Musicales de Heartlake City es una juguete genial para cualquier familia que disfruta de la msica y la creatividad. Este juguete no solo ofrece la diversin propia de la construccin con LEGOs, sino que tambin abre un mundo de interpretacin de roles musicales y de espectculos, lo cual es perfecto para nios y nias a partir de 7-8 aos.
Desde la perspectiva de un padre que valora el juego creativo y constructivo sobre el tiempo frente a pantallas, este set es muy interesante. Incluye 4 personajes de LEGO Friends, cada uno con su propio instrumento y personalidad, lo que invita a los nios a inventar sus propias historias y actuaciones.
Una de las caractersticas ms destacadas es la funcin giratoria que permite que los nios hagan “actuar” a los msicos, creando una experiencia de espectculo de talentos dinmica y entretenida. Esta interactividad fomenta la imaginacin y permite a los nios experimentar con la narrativa y el flujo de una actuacin musical real.
El set tambin viene cargado de accesorios, desde instrumentos musicales como una guitarra hasta elementos de escenario y personales, como zapatos y pelucas. Estos detalles no solo enriquecen la experiencia de juego, sino que tambin invitan a los nios a explorar la expresin personal y el diseo.
Como padre, aprecio particularmente cmo este set promueve el desarrollo socioemocional al animar a los nios a colaborar, compartir historias y trabajar juntos para “producir” su espectculo. La inclusin de un personaje adulto como jurado ofrece tambin la oportunidad de discutir temas como el esfuerzo, la prctica y la recepcin crtica de una manera accesible y amena.
En resumen, el LEGO Friends Espectculo de Talentos Musicales de Heartlake City no solo es un regalo ideal por su potencial para horas de juego imaginativo, sino que tambin sirve como una herramienta valiosa para el desarrollo de habilidades importantes. En nuestra casa, este set ha sido fuente de muchas horas de juego constructivo y divertido, y es por eso que lo recomiendo totalmente a otras familias que buscan fomentar la creatividad, la msica y el juego cooperativo en sus hijos.
Lovely set of legos. It’s exactly like the pictures, it arrived in time. The only bad thing is I think it’s too expensive for the amount of pieces and how long it takes to put them together, but other than that I think it’s really nice. My daughter loved it and me as well as it’s a tiny rock band that looks cute as decoration for her bedroom. I recommend this set of legos if you have money to spare, otherwise I would go for a cheaper option.
This Lego set looks fun and it has lots of play value. It’s generally easy to build but younger children will need help as some parts are fiddly. The finished set looks impressive and the figures and instruments give children lots to play with. This will be a lovely gift for a wannabe pop star.
Como padre, considero crucial limitar el tiempo que los nios dedican a los videojuegos y la televisin para evitar posibles consecuencias negativas en su desarrollo. En su lugar, prefiero fomentar actividades que estimulen la creatividad, imaginacin y habilidades sociales, como el juego de construccin LEGO Friends. Este tipo de juego promueve la resolucin de problemas, el pensamiento crtico, la planificacin y la toma de decisiones. Adems, el juego de roles en LEGO Friends ayuda a desarrollar habilidades sociales, como la comunicacin, la cooperacin y el trabajo en equipo, fundamentales para establecer relaciones saludables y tener xito en la sociedad. Por ltimo, los juegos de construccin tambin mejoran la motricidad fina y la coordinacin mano-ojo, habilidades necesarias para realizar tareas cotidianas.
Bereits im letzten Jahr hat Lego mit der Neuausrichtung der “Friends”-Themenwelt begonnen, um von dem vorherigen Mdchenimage wegzukommen. Die neuen “Friends” sehen sich nun eher als Freunde und Familienorientierte Sets, wodurch alle Geschlechter angesprochen werden sollen. Bisher ist dies auch recht gut gelungen, indem an die altbekannten Figuren durch neue, bunt gemischte, nicht nur geschlechterspezifisch, sondern auch was Aussehen und Nationen betrifft, ersetzt.
Das vorliegende Set 42616 LEGO Friends Talentshow in Heartlake City Set erweitert die familienfreundliche Welt um eine Live-Musik-Show samt Bhne und Zubehr. Kernpunkt ist hierbei der neue Musikstar Ley-La mit ihren rosa Haaren, die in ihrer Gesamtgestaltung durchaus hnlichkeit mit Musiksternchen Lady Gaga hat. Natrlich sind smtliche hnlichkeiten reiner Zufall und nicht beabsichtigt.
Das 669 Teile umfassende Set bietet eine Hauptbhne mit drehbarer Bhnentr, zwei Nebenbhnen fr die Musikerkollegen Alexander und Nabil, sowie eine Art “Jury”-Sessel fr Andrea. Logischerweise darf auch eine Kamera fr die Livebertragung nicht fehlen. Im Hintergrund der Bhne gibt es einen Lounge-Bereich, sowie Sanitranlagen.
Das Set selbst ist bunt und passend fr eine Musikshow gestaltet. Die Klemmkraft der Steine berzeugt. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen passen auch die Farben soweit gut zusammen. Nur einmal werden Steine, mit dem neuen neongelben Look, mit sandfarbenen Steinen gemischt. Zum Glck sieht man das im zusammengebauten Zustand nicht mehr. Besonders positiv fallen die neuen Neonfarben (Gelb, Rosa und Transparentgrn) auf, da diese im UV-Licht ihr wahres Potenzial entfalten.
Insgesamt ist LEGO Friends Talentshow in Heartlake City Set ein wunderschnes Set, was nur durch den hohen Teilepreis negativ auffllt. Bei einem regulren Preis von 65 Euro sind das immerhin nur ganz knapp weniger als 10 Cent pro Teil. Dass es selbst innerhalb der Friends-Themenwelt auch anders geht, zeigen Sets wie “Andreas moderne Villa” (42639) mit weniger als 9 Cent je Teil und “Botanischer Garten” (41757) mit deutlich weniger als 8 Cent je Teil. Dennoch erhlt man ein Set mit viel Bau- und Spielspa, bei dem man jedoch auf die Preisentwicklung achten und eventuell bei Rabattaktionen zuschlagen sollte.
INFO: Ich habe dieses Produkt im Rahmen des Vine-Testprogrammes gratis zur Verfgung gestellt bekommen, was meine Bewertung jedoch nicht beeinflusst. Ich bewerte die Produkte immer so, als htte ich sie auch kuflich erworben.
Review for LEGO Friends Heartlake City Music Talent Show Set, Musical Toys for 7+ Year Old Girls, Boys & Kids, with Guitar and Keyboard Instruments, 4 Characters Inc. Andrea, Role-Play Building Toy Gift 42616
A nice musically themed lego set in a new friends range from Lego, this taps into the talent show theme. Included are four varied and colourful pop star characters as well as a musical performance stage setting. The detail and the use of colourful design is exquisite and up to the high standards of all Lego sets, with lovely instruments. The building is a nice challenge and once completed offers hours of creative play. Overall a high quality beautifully detailed music themed Lego set.
Mio figlio di 12 anni un grande fan dei LEGO e adora la musica; quindi, quando ho visto il set “Il Talent Show di Heartlake City” ho pensato che sarebbe stato perfetto per lui.
Cosa mi piace:
* Il set ricco di dettagli e accessori, tra cui un palco girevole, strumenti musicali, camerini e una giuria.
* Le minifigure sono ben curate e rappresentano diversi generi musicali.
* Il set facile da costruire e le istruzioni sono chiare e facili da seguire.
* un ottimo modo per incoraggiare la creativit e l’immaginazione.
* Pu essere giocato da solo o con gli amici.
Cosa non mi piace:
* Il prezzo un po’ alto per 669 pezzi.
In generale, sono molto soddisfatto di questo set LEGO. un regalo fantastico per i bambini che amano la musica e, ovviamente, i Lego.
Mio figlio si divertito molto a costruirlo e a giocare con esso. Ha gi inventato un sacco di storie diverse con le minifigure e gli accessori.
Consiglio questo set a tutti i bambini e bambine dai 7 anni in su.
Ecco alcuni altri dettagli che potrebbero essere utili:
* Il set contiene 669 pezzi.
* Le dimensioni del palcoscenico sono di 6,1 x 45,6 x 28,2 cm.
* Il set include 4 minifigure: Andrea, Leyla, Nabil e Alexander.
* Il set compatibile con altri set LEGO Friends.
Valutazione: 5 stelle su 5
Se state cercando un regalo divertente e creativo per il vostro bambino, “Il Talent Show di Heartlake City” un’ottima scelta.
Neatly packaged and presented with a high giftable quality craftsmanship materials used. Definitely a reasonably straight forward build and nicely sized which has exceeded our expectations and offers brilliant creativity and fun role plays for convenience.
Absolutely no issues with this one whatsoever as it creates a decent vibing scenario and an encouraging experience.
Very happy to recommend for value for money and definitely a worthwhile great set.
Fin da bambino sono un grande fan dei Lego, ho avuto la fortuna di avere dei genitori che me li comprassero e che mi ci facessero giocare, piacere che purtroppo non tutti i bambini hanno la possibilit di sperimentare ma che dovrebbero farlo almeno una volta in vita loro. Adesso che ho l’opportunit di provare in anteprima i loro nuovi set, mi sento fortunato esattamente come tanti anni fa e ogni costruzione mi riporta col pensiero a quei momenti piacevoli e spensierati della mia infanzia, a cui sono profondamente legato.
Quello che vi racconto oggi il nuovo set Lego 42616 della linea Lego Friends “Il Talent Show di Heartlake City”, set che mi piace definire meritevole e ben ideato, originale, variegato e adatto a grandi e piccini.
La qualit costruttiva assoluta, come ogni altro set Lego, i mattoncini si incastrano benissimo e senza difficolt, le guide schematiche sono immediate e facili da seguire, i colori sono sgargianti, la plastica dei componenti curata e le raffigurazioni sono sempre fedeli e dettagliate.
Il set, contenuto nella classica confezione di cartone, include tutti i pezzi necessari per l’assemblaggio di un palco in miniatura, di tutte le sue decorazioni, della postazione del giudice e di 4 personaggi lego friends Ley-La, Andrea, Alexander e Nabil. La struttura principale prevede la zona del palco e delle luci nella parte frontale, mentre sul retro troviamo i camerini degli artisti e il backstage. Ci sono, poi, un sistema di ingranaggi che fanno girare i personaggi sul palco e un quantitativo spropositato di accessori per la musica, come un microfono, una tastiera, una batteria, una chitarra, scarpe, parrucche, smartphone, una macchina del caff, uno specchio e tanto altro ancora, insomma impossibile annoiarsi.
Nel complesso il set di facile costruzione, bello alla vista e molto dettagliato, consente ai bambini di condurre un vero e proprio talent show con giudice e artisti, e di incoraggiarne la fantasia attraverso attivit a tema musicale.
Ovviamente gli unici limiti restano l’immaginazione e la creativit, con l’aggiunta di altri pezzi in vostro possesso sarete in grado di personalizzare o addirittura stravolgere il risultato finale, o, al contrario, usare i pezzi presenti in questo set per la creazione di sempre nuove costruzioni.
Non faccio riferimento al prezzo di vendita perch perfettamente in linea con le tipiche costruzioni Lego, tendenzialmente le si pu reputare costose ma quando comprate un Lego non state comprando solamente dei mattoncini di plastica, state acquistando un’esperienza, una pura espressione di creativit e soprattutto una motivazione in pi per passare del tempo prezioso con le persone a voi care.
Ne consiglio l’acquisto!
Spero di esservi stato utile, alla prossima!
This Lego set is great fun. It comes with loads of small pieces all numbered, to construct the set. It doesn’t take that long when you get going with the kids!
When constructed, it has the full stage and backstage set ups with fantastic attention to detail.
Loads of the components can be moved which provides the kids with hours of fun and interaction.
It also comes with 4 friends figures that each have their own style and personality. Which helps to make the whole set the perfect set to improve kids creativity and imagination, while also promoting cognitive development and education.
Cant recommend this set enough, it has provided hours of fun and learning!
Il set LEGO Friends Il Talent Show di Heartlake City rappresenta un’incantevole aggiunta alla vasta gamma di prodotti LEGO, dimostrando che il marchio non solo per bambini, ma anche per i pi grandi appassionati di costruzioni e di creativit. Questo set, progettato per bambine e bambini dai 7 anni in su, offre una combinazione di qualit LEGO impeccabile e di un design che cattura l’attenzione di tutte le et. Con le sue 4 mini bamboline, tra cui la fantastica Ley-La, e il palco girevole, stimola la fantasia e la creativit dei giocatori di tutte le et. Gli strumenti e gli accessori inclusi aggiungono un tocco di realismo e di divertimento alle esibizioni, permettendo ai costruttori di immergersi completamente nel mondo del talent show. In conclusione, questo set LEGO Friends offre un’esperienza di gioco coinvolgente e soddisfacente, che non solo intrattiene i bambini, ma anche gli adulti, offrendo ore di divertimento e di creativit con la qualit e la bellezza tipiche delle costruzioni LEGO.
This is a fun set with plenty of playing potential. The build quality is to the usual Lego standard but this has a more modern and girly spin for those who like imaginative play alongside the build. Numbered bags makes assembly straightforward and the manual is clear to follow. It is just a little pricey as Lego always is!
This Friends Heartlake City Music Talent Show set is very colourful and like all lego sets, very good quality, typical LEGO well made. Cute details with the different characters.
Instructions are as clear and concise as ever, easy to follow. Once I set my daughter off and she got the understanding of what to do. She needed very little help. And came in numbered bags so putting together is a lot easier for children.
We took our time over it just to make the experience last longer, not difficult to do but It was challenging enough to make my daughter feel capable.
Great set, a lot fun with assembling and playing, No missing parts. No issues. The end result is actually very impressive. this one now sits proudly in my girls bedroom to add to the other sets for hours of play!
This is a beautiful Lego and is great for music lovers.
Every detail is included and is very realistic.
It is not difficult to assemble but requires a long time process which is super fun and entertainment for kids and adults too.
The instructions are clear and they are easy to follow. It. is a beautiful Lego I love it and I recommend it.
It provides hours of fun and entertainment for my children and has sparked their creativity in new and exciting ways. The inclusion of guitar and keyboard instruments adds to the authenticity of the talent show theme, allowing kids to pretend they’re performing on stage alongside the four characters, including Andrea. My children love creating their own music and putting on performances with these fun accessories. The role-play building aspect of the set is fantastic, providing hours of entertainment as kids construct and customise the stage and backdrop for their talent show.
We had a fantastic afternoon creating this – my niece is always singing and dancing, watching talent shows on TV etc so it was fantastic to have such a relevant themed LEGO to build with her. It’s great quality, loads of detail, BUT lots of little pieces! We found little plastic pots useful to keep small pieces in while working on it. LEGO was always a favourite for me as a child and I love the fact it’s still a hit with young people (and adults!) today. It’s a great way to use imagination, interact with others and also practice dexterity – all while thoroughly enjoying yourself. LEGO has successfully moved with the times and not lost any of it’s magic!
As an avid lego fan and owner of many many sets I jumped at the chance to get this when I noticed it in my amazon list.
Like all official lego sets the build quality of this set is just as good.
Start toi finish it tool me around an hour to complete but I can imagine it will take the younger ones a while longer. When my niece came round and saw it completed she had so much fun playing with it.
This is true entertainment and fun for your teenage girls. It doesn’t take too long to build, especially if you’re used to building Lego toys.
A great item to add to your collection of Lego Friends.
It comes with the full stage setup with both the main stage as well as the back stage. So many details have been included in this to match what there would be in the real environment, including a toilet. Strangely they included a plant in there also, maybe they have a plant in the bathrooms in back stage, I’ve never been in one.
They also have a coffee machine, a small wash basin, couch, TV, all of this in back stage.
On the main stage, there have included spot lights, the full stage setup with keyboards, instruments, drum-kit, large speakers and floor lights.
It’s educational too where they have included a diverse range of characters which is quite impressive.
So many components that move around allowing a good level of interactive engagement to get your young one to start enjoying the kit they have built.
Very impressed with the way this has been created and designed, very thoughtful.
My daughter is 15 and has always loved Lego Friends so when I saw this I had to order it for her. This set is really interesting as it is a talent show set and is in slightly darker colours than the usual Lego Friends and this made it even more appealing to my 15-year-old who is probably getting a bit too grown up now for the very girlie sets, she really liked this one right away.
It comes in a box with different bags of the pieces in. These are numbered so you can clearly work your way through the set in an easier way than if all the pieces were together. The instruction manual is very clear and easy to follow with vibrant full-colour pictures showing you what to do at each step.
It took my daughter almost two hours to make but I think it would take the majority of people about half of this time – my daughter always takes a lot longer as she plays with them part way through.
Very good quality and a fun set to be able to play with too where you can use the different figures in this set to perform!
I’ve never been disappointed in any Lego set I’ve ever owned and this one is no exception. This set is intended for children over 7 years old.
It has excellent attention to detail with vibrant colours and detailed accessories. The whole set is very well designed and also includes some mini dolls.
Assembly was straight forward but challenging enough for the intended age range. As with all Lego sets, it comes with a detailed instructions manual.
Lego sets have come a long way since I was a child. I’m very impressed with this one particularly its moving parts which makes for a far more interactive toy once fully assembled.
Very happy to recommend
The LEGO Friends Heartlake City Music Talent Show Set is a delightful addition to the LEGO Friends lineup, offering young musicians and aspiring performers the perfect stage to showcase their talents. As a parent of a LEGO enthusiast, I was thoroughly impressed by the creativity and playability of this set, which provides hours of entertainment and imaginative play for children aged 7 and above.
Let’s start with the build itself. The Music Talent Show Set features a vibrant and detailed stage setup, complete with a guitar, keyboard, and microphone stand. The attention to detail is commendable, with colorful elements and authentic musical instruments that capture the excitement and energy of a real talent show. Assembling the stage was a breeze, thanks to clear instructions and well-designed building techniques that ensured a smooth and enjoyable construction process.
What truly sets this set apart is its emphasis on creativity and role-playing. The Music Talent Show Set includes four LEGO Friends characters — including Andrea, the talented musician — each with their own unique personality and style. This allows children to immerse themselves in exciting music-themed adventures, whether they’re performing in a talent show, jamming with friends, or putting on a concert for their adoring fans. The set’s role-play features encourage imagination and storytelling, fostering endless opportunities for creative expression and collaborative play.
In addition to its playability, the LEGO Friends Music Talent Show Set also serves as an educational tool. Building and manipulating LEGO bricks promote cognitive development, fine motor skills, and spatial awareness in children, making it a valuable learning experience disguised as play. Moreover, the set encourages teamwork and cooperation, as children can work together to create their own musical performances and share in the joy of creativity.
Overall, the LEGO Friends Heartlake City Music Talent Show Set is a stellar addition to the LEGO Friends collection, providing young musicians and performers with the perfect platform to unleash their creativity and imagination. With its impressive build quality, engaging play features, and endless opportunities for storytelling, this set is sure to captivate children of all ages. Highly recommended for LEGO enthusiasts, music lovers, and anyone seeking a fun and interactive play experience that celebrates the magic of music.
LEGO Friends Heartlake City Music Talent Show Set
Decent sized Lego Friends music concert themed set.
Things to consider
– comes with 669 predominantly small pieces, luckily they are in numbered bags which helps with the construction
– age range 7+, so younger children may need help
– comprehensive instructions for the pictured model, but enough bricks to provide some flexibility for confident self builders
– comes with 4 Friends figures & plenty of play value
– lots of bespoke pieces, so you might want to get some zip-lock bags, containers to keep the pieces safe and avoid mixing with a larger general Lego collection.
There is no need to introduce the brand anymore because it is well known and I think it doesn’t matter what set from Lego I give to my nephew he would be on top of the moon.
This one in particular it is a bit different compared to what he had before and the good part is that it took him not so long time to assemble it and it is very interesting.
All the parts fit as they should and the end piece looks very nice when I have to admit that even I as an adult I find it fascinating.
I have asked my nephew to take all the parts aside and then build it one more time and try as much as possible not to look at the instruction manual for him to develop the skills of putting things together and he did quite well.
Without any doubt this is an amazing product and my nephew is enjoying it.
It’s a really nice set! Not to hard but enough of a challenge for my 6 year old with help from her Lego mad younger brother. With a bit of help from me they managed this well but it did take most of our Sunday!
Once built it a a nice set and offers a lot of imaginative play! It’s good fun and can move bits about to out them how you want them.
Overall, a great quality set (it is Lego after all) great for little uns, and will keep them busy for some time!
I am an avid LEGO fan and particularly LEGO friends is the series I collect. This set was such a joy to build. I am an adult and it took me around 45 mins in total to complete the set however I am very quick at building sets. I think for a younger child this could take a while as it does have a lot of different small details but it is a beautiful build and was really enjoyable. I loved watching this build develop as I built each section, it was one of the most aesthetically pleasing sets to build, the colours, the detail, the minifigures- were all just perfect! I love the diversity of the minifigures in the LEGO freinds collection and it is no different in this set, there is a range of ethnicities, and disabilities represented. These minifigures were specific to the set and their outfits were just stunning and so fitting for the rockstar/ talent show vibe that this set gives.
It is such a beautiful set even from afar but when you get closer and see the smaller details it is even more amazing. For the quality of the set and the length of time it took to build, I think it’s well worth its price tag. There is also some small mechanics in the form of cogs which you can spin to move the characters on the stage which is just brilliant and makes it much more interactive and fun to play with. It goes beautifully with the rest of my collection of LEGO friends and it is going to be one of my most cherished sets that I have.
Lego heartlake talent show
As always with Lego you get ultimate premium quality, clear instructions and never missing any parts, in fact you usually get spares!
The building set features 4 snazzy characters, a guitar, a drumset, a keyboard, a microphone, a judging panel plus loads of cool accessories like a filming camera.
The stage set up is amazing and has movable features so the musicians can move about to recreate dancing or drumming actions. There’s a backstage door and dressing room facilities!
Absolutely brilliant role play set and a brilliant price too!
Best for ages 6+ and building time is around 2.5-3hrs.
I got this lego set for my 6 year old daughter. This is aimed at 7 plus age.
This is a big lego set to make a music talent show stage.
You get 4 characters in the set. Guitar/keyboard/drum instruments.
This is a fantastic kit but takes alot of building! My daughter found it quite hard but she is a little younger then the intended age.
Great for role play and imagination.
This perfectly captures the imagination especially if your child loves music, singing and dancing.
It has a stage and different spots for different talent showcasing.
I love the drums section!
It comes with 4 little contestants.
This would make a fantastic birthday, Eid or Christmas gift
It is a little pricey but then again lego always is.
It is a completely independent playset that can be put with other sets from same range to build your own city how you like.
Highly recommend excellent.
LEGO Friends Heartlake City Music Talent Show Set, Musical Toys.
This Is Lego, the original and the best!… so what’s not to like!? Ok, well for starters you need to tear open the box which we dont like. I’ve been collecting Lego for 40+ years, first my own, then my children’s, and hopefully my grandchildren’s, but how are you to store the Lego in the original box when you need to destroy it to get into it!? Its really annoying and something Lego has no plans to rectify anytime soon!!
Anyway, other than that everything is as you would expect from the Lego Friends Collection, the pieces are really high quality with no imperfection’s or bent/twisted bits, the instructions are so incredibly easy to understand even a child could build it! And of course, being Lego it is timeless! I’m almost 50 years old and I still love to help build the kids Legos, who doesn’t!?
At the moment the price is 59.99 which is the RRP so can’t complain there, so if your an avid Lego Friend’s collector just go ahead and buy it!.
The LEGO Friends Heartlake City Music Talent Show set is a harmonious blend of musical inspiration and creative building, making it a must-have for aspiring young musicians. Here’s why this LEGO set deserves a five-star rating:
**Musical Extravaganza: **
Step onto the stage with this music-themed LEGO set that includes a guitar and keyboard. The Musical Talent Show set allows young builders to immerse themselves in the world of music, fostering a love for melody and rhythm in an entertaining and interactive way.
**Role-Play Building Brilliance: **
The inclusion of four characters, including Andrea, opens the door to endless role-play scenarios. Young builders can take on the roles of their favorite characters, creating narratives and storylines that bring the Heartlake City Music Talent Show to life.
**Inspiration for Aspiring Musicians: **
This LEGO Friends set serves as an inspiration for young musicians by introducing them to musical instruments in a playful and imaginative setting. The guitar and keyboard provide a hands-on experience that can ignite a passion for music and creativity.
**Ideal Gift for Creative Kids: **
The Heartlake City Music Talent Show set makes for an ideal gift for children aged 7 and above. Its combination of musical elements, role-play opportunities, and creative building ensures that it appeals to a wide range of interests, making it a thoughtful and enjoyable present.
**Quality LEGO Construction: **
LEGO’s commitment to quality and durability is evident in every piece. The bricks are designed to withstand the excitement of play, ensuring that the Heartlake City Music Talent Show set remains a cherished item in the LEGO collection.
**Encouraging Team Play: **
The set encourages collaborative play as friends can come together to create their own musical performances. Whether it’s a duet, a full band, or a solo act, the Heartlake City Music Talent Show promotes teamwork and cooperation.
In conclusion, the LEGO Friends Heartlake City Music Talent Show set deserves a resounding five-star rating for its musical extravaganza, role-play building brilliance, inspiration for aspiring musicians, status as an ideal gift for creative kids, quality LEGO construction, and encouragement of team play. Elevate musical creativity and embark on a symphony of fun with a set that strikes all the right chords!