Pecute Cat Litter Mat 60x42cm, Square Large Hole Cat litter

Pecute Cat Litter Mat 60x42cm, Square Large Hole Cat litter Trapper Waterproof NonSlip Dual Layer Tray Mat Easy to Clean, Great for Kinds of Boxes and Litter(Brown)
From the brand

Weight: | 260 g |
Size: | 60×42cm |
Dimensions: | 60 x 42 x 1 cm; 260 Grams |
Colour: | Brown |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Dimensions: | 60 x 42 x 1 cm; 260 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
Size: | 60×42cm |
Je ne met pas 5 toiles parce que mon chat joue avec, les trous du ” filet” tant assez larges il arrive introduire ses griffes et l’utilise comme grattoir ! ( alors que j’ai tout ce qui faut )
Par contre ce tapis reste efficace pour retenir la litire. Donc si votre chat n’est pas trop joueur a devrait fonctionner.
Once I worked out exactly where to place the mat, it’s working very well. Catches all the small stuff when cat hops out of his tray.
Easy to pick up and empty back into the litter tray.
Bought this mat to catch the litter from our cats paws when leaving the litter tray. Can really say it works well! We have another brand of a similar mat but this is much better at capturing the litter. Of course some still seems to get around the house but overall this mat captures the majority and would recommend.
It does the job of catching a lot of the litter – certainly not all, but that’s cats for you.
It’s a bit fiddly emptying the caught litter because the back is soft fabric – which causes some to scatter on the floor. Kind of defeats its purpose of containing it in the first place!
Da quando lo usa il mio mici, davvero i granelli di lettera terra sono diminuiti di oltre l’80%… non devo pi aspirare il pavimento come una pazza 2 volte al giorno!
Qualitt ist gut. Leider muss man das Teil erst ein paar Tage auslften, weil es bestialisch stinkt. Der Verkufer hat sich auf meine Bewertung hin gemeldet und wir haben eine Teil-Erstattung bekommen. Die Matte ist gut, aber wie vorher schon geschrieben, hat sie bestialisch gestunken. Nach dem Auslften ist alles in Ordnung. Der Verkufer Support ist vorbildlich, deswegen auch 5 Sterne. Die Matte bekommt 3 Sterne, aufgrund des Gestanks
Il prodotto sembra buono… lo sto usando da poco e quindi per ora metto 4 stelle. La trama abbastanza ampia per catturare i sassolini della sabbietta. Pulizia semplice. Il tappetino formato in realt da due sezioni cucite insieme ed arriva piegato in due: inizialmente in prossimit della piega il tappetino resta sollevato, ma dopo un po’ di tempo la piega svanisce e resta ben steso a terra.
First off, I think these are ideal for what I wanted them for – cat hung the cornhbased cat litter my cats fling everywhere when they come out of their litter trays. The grids are wide enough they can catch big grains.
My only issue is that they have a fold designed into them halfway across, so if you’re not careful when you pick them up then it can eject litter onto the floor when you go to lift them if you’re careful it’s not much of a problem though.
Works really well at catching the cat litter then you can just tip in back in. We have a maine coon and the litter sticks to his fluffy paws so this helps as he steps out. He does still manage to kick quite a bit a long way so it would be handy if the mat was a bit bigger.
Ich bin mit dieser Matte sehr zufrieden. Das Tier muss natrlich gengend Mglichkeit haben, um die Pfoten abtreten zu knnen… Auch ich hatte das Problem, dass mein Kater einmal auf die Matte gepinkelt hatte. Zunchst dachte ich auch, dass ich den Uringeruch nicht mehr heraus bekomme. Doch jetzt, nachdem ich die Matte eine Woche lange nach drauen an die frische Luft ausgelftet habe, ist wieder alles in Ordnung. Ich kann diese Matte wirklich empfehlen.