Waveshare ESP32-S3 Development Board, 32-Bit LX7 Dual-Core

Waveshare ESP32-S3 Development Board, 32-Bit LX7 Dual-Core Processor, Integrates GC9A01 Display Driver Chip, With 1.28inch IPS Round LCD, 240×240 Resolution, Supports WiFi

Weight: | 10 g |
Dimensions: | 5 x 3 x 2 cm; 10 Grams |
Brand: | Waveshare |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Waveshare |
Dimensions: | 5 x 3 x 2 cm; 10 Grams |
Reference: | ESP32-S3-LCD-1.28 |
The one thing to note is that this is NOT the touch screen model, and therefore is more for a smart display project, and not for something more interactive without some form of external input (after getting this I immediately ordered the touch screen version to play with https://a.co/d/3DPWkbd ).
Anyhow, this development board has a reasonably powerful processor for such a tiny package, and should be able to handle most compute/display tasks needed to make full use of the display. It had a full set of headers to attach “things” depending on your use case. Be aware the the header pitch is LESS that 2mm, while not surprising for this package it does require the use of the correct connectors to use the breakout. The LCD display is crisp and vibrant, and is easy to read in almost every lighting condition. If you are looking for something like this that does not need touch sensitivity you shouid be very happy with this for your project. Highly Recommended
First, Let’s get this out of the way. This is NOT the touchscreen version. They don’t specify either way in the listing (and they really should). Other than that, it’s your (now fairly common) 1.28″ round LCD w/ an ESP32-S3. Unlike some, it does have breakout for I/O on the back. The pitch of the connectors is pretty small, if I had to guess 2mm at best. The screen supports LVGL. It supports powering via the USBC or via a battery using the appropriate connector (and charging is supported. It’s what I expected otherwise. You can find all the info searching for “ESP32-S3-LCD-1.28” on your favorite search engine (make sure you don’t pick the link for the touch version).
Ces modules ESP32 / cran IPS ronds sont de plus en plus nombreux, ils servent la base de dev kit pour des montres.
Sur la qualit du module rien redire, c’est propre et l’cran et de bonne qualit.
C’est un ESP32 que l’on retrouve dessus donc ce n’est pas trs compliqu programmer.
Par contre on ne va pas se mentir, mme si l’ESP32 de la patate il est des annes lumires en terme de performance et d’efficacit nergtique des composants des grandes montres connectes comme une Apple Watch
Aprs avoir rflchi quoi faire de ce genre de module je me suis finalement dit qu’un module rond et tactile faisait en fait tout simplement … un trs bon bouton / afficheur pour n’importe quel projet (par exemple pour rgler le volume audio de quelque chose, de thermostat, …etc).
Petite carte esp32 plutt performante avec module wifi 802.11n et BT 5.0. Il y galement un gyroscope et un LCD IPS de 1.28″ intgr (pas de tactile ! On peut galement connecter une batterie lithium, il y a un bms intgr.
Le pilotage de l’cran n’est pas simple pour un dbutant pour moi, mais cela n’enlve rien au qualit de la carte, je suis juste pas trs bon 🙂
Nanmoins j’ai des ides de projet futur pour ce petit module qui est plutt sympa 🙂
PS : Il y a un programme dj dessus affichant les possibilits de ce module lorsque qu’on l’on le branche pour la 1er fois.
Bon produit !
La piattaforma con display touch, giroscopi ed accelerometri, permette di creare progetti per periferiche autocostruite varie, dando molte possibilit di realizzazione.
Ho valutato come 4 stelle non per la qualit costruttiva, quanto per l’assenza di istruzioni allegate o collegamenti a siti esplicativi, anche nella descrizione dell’oggetto.
La ricerca comunque molto facile andando su un motore di ricerca e cercando “esp32-s3-lcd-1.28”.
Bell’oggetto per chi si diverte a realizzare dispositivi elettronici autocostruiti.
Wow. Das kann schon was. Die aufgespielten Demos geben einen guten Vorgeschmack, was mit der grafischen Entwicklungsumgebung LVGL so mglich ist.
Das macht wirklich was her. Wo man die hier entwickelten Funktionen dann spter einsetzen kann, ist mir bisher aber noch nicht klargeworden.
Welches Modul, welche Platine dann das “eigentliche” Basismodul fr den Echteinsatz wre, habe ich allerdings noch nicht gefunden. Hinweise nehme ich gerne entgegen.