WOLFANG SEEKER ONE Action Camera, 4K 60FPS Dual Screen

WOLFANG SEEKER ONE Action Camera, 4K 60FPS Dual Screen Colour Display, Waterproof Underwater Camera, Ultra Wide 150° FOV, 6X Slow Motion Helmet Camera with GO APE Tech Image Stabilisatio

Diverse Shooting Mode Brings More Fun
Vivid Sport
Vivid Sport is more colorful
6x Slow Motion
6x slow motion for more fun
Time lapse
Time Lapse Let yourself experience the passing of time
Optimized for a better user experience
One-click instantaneous
Capture every incredible moment with One-Click Snap Shoot
Quick-Switch Mode
Quick-Switch Mode brings a very efficient experience
Flexible Custom Mode Setting
Quick-Switch Mode brings a very efficient experience
Direct your own story
Direct your own story
Tell your story in your own unique way. The Go APE App allows you to choose between different creative modes to suit the occasion.
Impressive Editing Software
Impressive Editing Software
The editing software has a AI auto-clip function that allows you to quickly crop and share a segment of your footage.
One-Click Story Template and Instant Sharing
One-Click Story Template and Instant Sharing
Easily edit and instantly share your videos with your loved ones via your favorite social media platform.
High-quality materials give you the ultimate experience!

Dimensions: | 25.6 x 15.7 x 11.3 centimetres |
Brand: | WOLFANG |
Model: | SEEKER ONE |
Part: | 630130643459 |
Colour: | seeker one |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) |
Dimensions: | 25.6 x 15.7 x 11.3 centimetres |
In short:
+ 4K60p
+ High frame rate up to 180fps
+ GoPro Hero 5 batteries/compatible batteries can be used to power it
+ decent IS
+ HDR mode
+ comes with good selection of accessories in the box
+ slow motion quick access icon
– poor battery life compared to modern GoPro/DJI
– no IS in 4K/60p and slow motion modes
– limited control over parameters in manual exposure mode
– no Dashcam mode
Overall for it’s price it’s a good Action Camera. Obviously cannot compete with GoPro/DJI but if you cannot/don’t want to spend hundreds of pounds this one may be worth considering.
Ich habe die WOLFANG SEEKER ONE Action Cam beim Fahrradfahren im Freien getestet und bin absolut begeistert. Diese Kamera hat all meine Erwartungen bertroffen und verdient eine erstklassige Bewertung.
Zunchst einmal liefert die SEEKER ONE echte 4K-Aufnahmen bei 60FPS dank des leistungsstarken Ambarella-Chips. Die Videoqualitt ist einfach beeindruckend, jedes Detail wird klar und scharf eingefangen. Der 4K HDR-Modus ist ein weiteres Highlight, der dynamische bergang zwischen hellen und dunklen Bereichen sorgt fr naturgetreue Aufnahmen bei jeder Lichtbedingung.
Besonders begeistert bin ich von der Go APE Stabilization”-Technologie. Selbst bei holprigen Fahrten ber unebene Wege bleiben die Aufnahmen ruhig und verwacklungsfrei. Das Dual-Screen-Farbdisplay erleichtert die Handhabung enorm, der Frontbildschirm ist perfekt fr Selfies und das groe IPS-Touchscreen-Display auf der Rckseite ist klar und lebendig.
Die Kamera ist nicht nur leistungsstark, sondern auch robust. Die sthetische kieselartige Textur verleiht der Kamera einen hochwertigen und griffigen Charakter. Ihre Wasserfestigkeit bis zu 16 Fu ist ideal fr alle Outdoor-Abenteuer, wobei der Unterwasser-Schutzrahmen separat erhltlich ist.
Die Go APE App ergnzt das Gesamtpaket hervorragend. Mit ihren vielseitigen Bearbeitungsfunktionen und One-Click-Story-Vorlagen kann ich meine Videos schnell und einfach bearbeiten und direkt auf meinen Social-Media-Kanlen teilen. Die Wi-Fi- und NFC-Kompatibilitt erleichtert die Verbindung und Datenbertragung zustzlich.
Insgesamt bin ich mit der WOLFANG SEEKER ONE Action Cam mehr als zufrieden. Sie bietet alles, was man sich von einer hochwertigen Action-Kamera wnscht und ist fr jedes Abenteuer bestens gerstet. Eine klare Kaufempfehlung!
Die Farbe und Art,des Gehuses fand ich sehr gut, wenn man sich dann lange mit Beschftigt und auch Ausprobiert,besonders die Zeitrafferfunktion,mit sehr guter und Scharfer Bildqualitt,da funktioniert allerdings nicht der GOAPE Bildstabilisator,der im brigen im Videomode,leider etwas weichzeichnet.
Lange Akkulaufzeit,von ber 2 Std.,deshalb sollte man eine 128 GB Micro SD einsetzen,bei 64 GB bleiben
dann nur noch 20 Minuten,Restzeit.
Was mir nicht gefllt, ist der Kustoffkfig,zur Befestigung am Lenker(Fahrrad), braucht zu lange das man die Cam, da wieder rausholt,um zum Beispiel den Akku zu wechseln.
I already have a couple of Wolfang cameras (GA200 and GA300) but just wanted something with little bit more quality for an upcoming road trip on my motorcycle. When I saw this, it looked very much like one of the big branded models (DeeJayEye). I was impressed with the specs of the camera and purchased it when it was on offer. Well, the camera is definitely a leap forward for Wolfang. I am blown away by the quality of the video, such an improvement from the previous models. The 4K video is excellent although eats up your battery and memory. I like the 2.7K setting which is a fair compromise. The menu is accessed by the touchscreen and is simple to navigate with a few useful presets ready to go. You can fine tune these and even create your own. The EIS is very good, not sure what ‘Go Ape’ is but it’s good. The camera just feels like quality with its weight and finish.
The camera is waterproof to a shallow depth which I haven’t tested underwater but is definitely waterproof to the Scottish rain! The camera comes very well packaged, in fact in a very luxurious box that has all the mounts and accessories you will ever need. It comes with two batteries but as I was going on a road trip, I bought some additional ones (Go-Pro 6/7/8 batteries fit perfectly and the set I bought came with a USB charging ‘cube’ which was very useful as out of the box, the included batteries could only be charge by plugging the camera in via USB C cable).
If this is the future of budget cameras then the future is bright! A fraction of the cost of the big names! Hopefully more accessories will be made for it such as a media mod to allow an external mic to be used.
The video I uploaded was a challenge for the camera with a low bright sun and changing directions but I think it coped very well. Still learning all its settings (it has a pro mode which allows you to fine tune all the settings)
All in all, a great camera from Wolfang and a big factor for me in sticking to the brand is the after sales support. There is a FB page and message forum and the support team really do go out of the way to help, they would get five stars on their own. I had problems with a battery and a microphone with one of the other cameras and it was sorted in an instant. The camera and the company is highly recommended.
Five stars for the Wolfang Seeker One action camera! This camera has beyond surprised me and would definitely be my number one recommendation for budget action cameras rather than shelling out hundreds extra for one of the ‘big boys’. The brilliant 4K video quality captures every adventure in stunning detail, sharper than I anticipated. Surprisingly, the mic quality surpasses other budget action cameras, delivering clear audio to accompany your footage, straight out of the camera. Means I don’t have to invest in an external mic 🙂
The battery life is impressive, although digital zoom may lead to slightly disappointing photos, it’s a minor drawback considering the exceptional wide-angle shots this camera produces. Action cameras aren’t renowned for zoom photos anyway, so not a big deal.
Overall, a fantastic choice for capturing holidays, adventures, or short social media clips!
He puesto 3 estrellas porque, si no, no puedo continuar. La devolv sin utilizarla porque no cumpla mis expectativas en cuanto a complementos. No hay que hacer caso a la puntuacin que he dado, pero me parece injusto ponerle una tanto como ponerle cinco ya que no tengo ni idea de cmo funciona.
Me gustara dejar claro que escrib mi resea porque entiendo que los comentarios de los clientes pueden ser de utilidad para otros. El sentido de mi resea no fue negativo, sino que, al no haber utilizado la cmara, no me pareca justo calificarla como mala, pero… tampoco poda calificarla como buena por falta de criterio. Yo esperaba que la cmara tuviera una rosca en su parte inferior y la ma no la traa, lo cual era condicin sine qua non al no traer un accesorio para fijarla al casco de manera fiable (el que trae no lo es) ya que yo la necesito para mi motocicleta y en una motocicleta la nica manera fiable de llevar una cmara es anclndola a la mentonera, donde la fuerza del viento se ve compensada por la resistencia que ejerce el propio caso y la cabeza. El otro “defecto” que puedo ponerle a la cmara (y reconozco que me dio mucha rabia) es la ausencia de tarjeta de memoria pues estimo que, por el precio de la cmara, debera incluir una.
Me habra gustado quedrmela, sinceramente, porque la cmara me encanta en trminos estticos y, en cuanto a sus aspectos tcnicos, tambin, especialmente el hecho de que grabe en 4k 60fps de forma nativa, segn se anuncia, as como el tamao de la cmara delantera, entre otros aspectos, todos ellos muy positivos a mi parecer, como lo es una nueva estabilizacin, presumiblemente ms efectiva, algo fundamental para montar una cmara en una moto.
If you’re new to this, you want image quality, but not enough budget for a brand like DJI, GoPro. Then this Seeker One is definitely your go-to camera.
Whether it’s the user interface or the image quality of the shots, he’s just right. Real 4K 60FPS shooting, the video image is very smooth. The color saturation is just right.
This action camera is much better than the budget offerings you usually get from budget manufacturers.
The build quality, screen, software and performance are all in a different league to the companies previous offerings and thats all down to the new improved chipset.
I love the smooth, pebble like texture of the body and the detailed lens cover – the build quality is excellent.
Performance wise, its a great result; stabillisation is brilliant – i believe it to be on a par with at least the Osmo Action 1.
The quality of the files that get generated are excellent – they average between 80 and 100mbps and can come in either H264 or HEVC format for more powerful editing PC’s.
I have attached a video shot with the seeker one at 4K 30fps, which is my preferred resolution and i am well pleased with the results.
The sound that is recorded is susceptible to a fair bit of wind noise but there is an algorithim on board that can reduce this a bit.
Battery life is average – you get two and more are available, but something to bear in mind – i got just under an hour on one battery, but it suits my style of filming and never bothered me.
The price – Wolfang would do well to pitch this about the 150 mark to make it more appealing – that may eventually happen.
A brilliant entry in their line up though and definitely a worthy purchase
Para primeiro contacto gostei bastante da qualidade ao tacto e da forma como vem embalado com os acessrios – caixa e embalagem com aspeto premium.
Os menus so muito mais evoludos que outras da mesma gama de preo e inclusive melhor que algumas das marcas conhecidas que custam mais do dobro.
Irei utilizar e tentarvteatr algumas resolues. Aps esses testes atualizarei a review mas para j 4,5 estrelas porque lhe falta carregador de bateria, para evitar ter de carregar as baterias na mquina.