8Bitdo Classic Controller Travel Case Ultimate Controller

8Bitdo Classic Controller Travel Case Ultimate Controller with Charging Dock (Travel Case Only!)

8Bitdo Classic Controller Travel Case Ultimate Controller with Charging Dock (Travel Case Only!)


2 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Kurz und knapp: bisher bestverarbeitestes Case und hchst funktionell, das ich je in Hnden halten durfte fr den fr mich aktuell besten Controller. Fllt etwas klobig aus, wenn man aber bedenkt, dass sowohl Controller und das Dock drin gut geschtzt Platz finden.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United States

    It’s the perfect case to protect your 8bitdo Ultimate controller during travel. There is also a hole in the back to charge the controller in the case, which means you’re not forced to remove the dock from the case.

    It's the perfect case to protect your 8bitdo Ultimate controller during travel. There is also a hole in the back to charge the controller in the case, which means you're not forced to remove the dock from the case.