Alone in the Dark – Xbox Series X

Alone in the Dark - Xbox Series X

Alone in the Dark – Xbox Series X

Alone in the DarkAlone in the DarkAlone in the Dark

2 Responses

  1. AngelitMacdermo says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s refreshing to see studios trying out new formulas.

    I really liked the story and the presentation of it. The graphics remind me of a 15 years old game sometimes.

    All in all, I highly recommend it. The pacing is just slow enough. The combat is not the main focus. I have tons of games for that.
    What’s important is that it’s charming.
    Lots of cultural elements and background story. The atmosphere is great. The puzzl s are easy enough to solve.

    The developers wanted to take you down a rabbit hole and did it successfully.
    If you are looking for a good creepy game to play on a rainy day to give your faith back in the Alone in the dark franchise than this is the game for you.

  2. AhmedBraud says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI think the mixed reviews are very harsh. It’s of course going to draw resident evil comparisons, however the level design, combat and puzzle solving and mystery aspects make this a fun and refreshing new take on the Alone in the Dark franchise. It’s not as polished and smooth as other titles, but it’s a new IP and it’s enjoyable. Give it a go!! 4/5