Cable Matters PC Case PWM Fan Hub (PC Fan Hub) 1-to-5 Way PC

Cable Matters PC Case PWM Fan Hub (PC Fan Hub) 1-to-5 Way PC Fan Connector Adapter With 40cm Fan Cable
From the brand

Weight: | 10 g |
Dimensions: | 11.8 x 10.9 x 2 cm; 10 g |
Model: | 104077 |
Part: | 104077 |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Cable Matters |
Dimensions: | 11.8 x 10.9 x 2 cm; 10 g |
Der Cable Matters PC Gehuse PWM Lfter Hub ist eine durchdachte Lsung fr alle, die die Lftersteuerung in ihrem PC-Gehuse effizient und flexibel gestalten mchten. Mit seiner 1-zu-5-Wege-Anschlussfunktion und dem 40 cm langen Kabel bietet dieser Lfter Hub eine praktische Mglichkeit, mehrere Lfter ber einen einzigen PWM-Anschluss zu steuern.
Design und Verarbeitung
Der Cable Matters Lfter Hub ist solide verarbeitet und bietet eine kompakte Bauweise, die sich gut in verschiedene PC-Gehuse integrieren lsst. Die Verbindungskabel sind robust und gut isoliert, was fr eine sichere und stabile Verbindung sorgt. Das Design ist schlicht, aber funktional, und ermglicht eine einfache Installation ohne viel Aufwand.
Funktionalitt und Leistung
Dieser Lfter Hub ermglicht es, bis zu fnf Lfter ber einen einzigen PWM-Anschluss zu steuern. Dies ist besonders ntzlich fr Nutzer, die eine grere Anzahl von Gehuselftern in ihrem System haben und diese effizient verwalten mchten. Der Hub sorgt dafr, dass alle angeschlossenen Lfter synchron gesteuert werden, was zu einer gleichmigen Khlleistung und einer besseren Luftzirkulation im PC-Gehuse fhrt. Die PWM-Steuerung ermglicht es, die Lftergeschwindigkeit automatisch anzupassen, je nach den aktuellen Temperaturen im Gehuse, was die Geruschentwicklung optimiert und die Effizienz erhht.
Kabel und Installation
Das 40 cm lange Lfterkabel bietet ausreichend Flexibilitt bei der Verlegung im Gehuse. Dies erleichtert die Installation und Positionierung des Hubs an verschiedenen Stellen im Gehuse, ohne dass man sich Sorgen machen muss, dass die Kabel zu kurz sind. Die Installation des Hubs ist unkompliziert und erfordert lediglich das Anschlieen der Lfter an die vorgesehenen Ports sowie die Verbindung des Hubs mit dem PWM-Anschluss des Mainboards.
Der Cable Matters Lfter Hub ist mit den meisten gngigen PC-Gehusen und Mainboards kompatibel, die ber einen PWM-Anschluss verfgen. Dies macht ihn zu einer vielseitigen Lsung fr verschiedene PC-Bauten und -Konfigurationen. Auch die meisten 3-Pin- und 4-Pin-Lfter sind mit diesem Hub kompatibel, was zustzliche Flexibilitt bietet.
Angesichts der gebotenen Funktionalitt und der soliden Verarbeitungsqualitt bietet der Cable Matters PWM Lfter Hub ein sehr gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis. Die Mglichkeit, mehrere Lfter effizient ber einen einzigen Anschluss zu steuern, ist besonders wertvoll fr Nutzer mit komplexen Khlsystemen und macht diesen Hub zu einer lohnenswerten Investition.
Der Cable Matters PC Gehuse PWM Lfter Hub ist eine ausgezeichnete Wahl fr alle, die eine effektive und unkomplizierte Lsung zur Steuerung mehrerer Lfter in ihrem PC-Gehuse suchen. Mit seiner Fhigkeit, bis zu fnf Lfter ber einen einzigen PWM-Anschluss zu verwalten, der flexiblen Kabellnge und der einfachen Installation erfllt dieser Hub alle Anforderungen an eine moderne Lftersteuerung. Er bietet eine gute Leistung, hohe Kompatibilitt und ein hervorragendes Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis.
Ich verwende den Hub fr eine temperaturabhngige PWM Steuerung. Am Stecker habe ich ein 12V Netzteil fr die Spannungsversorgung von vier Lftern angeschlossen. Den Anschluss des Hub mit der Beschriftung “CPU” benutze ich um von einem Raspberry Pi ein 0-3,3V PWM Signal an die Lfter zu bringen. Auerdem verbinde ich ber diesen Anschluss auch die Masse des 12V Netzteils mit der Masse des 5V Netzteiles des Pi, um ein gemeinsames Nullpotential zu haben. Ohne wrde die PWM-Ansteuerung nicht funktionieren.
Vorher hatte ich die gleiche Schaltung mit Y-Kabeln aufgebaut, was unntig Kabelsalat verursacht hat. Diese Lsung gefllt mir wesentlich besser.
Die Verarbeitungsqualitt des Hub ist super, insgesamt bin ich mit den Produkt sehr zufrieden, wrde es wieder bestellen und kann es empfehlen.
Der Verteiler erfllt voll und ganz seinen Zweck. Ich habe den Adapter verwendet um meine Gehuselfter alle steuerbar am Mainboard anzuschlieen. Leider hatte mein Board nicht gengend Anschlsse. Deswegen musste ich alle Lfter direkt mit 12V anschlieen. Da liefen sie natrlich auf voller Drehzahl. Von daher wollte ich gerne eine Mglichkeit meine Lfter alle steuerbar anzuschlieen. Dafr eignet sich dieser Verteiler Perfekt. Der Preis ist auch gut. Wichtig ist nur vorher herauszufinden wie viel Leistung die Lfter haben bzw. wie viel die Maximale Leistung von eurem Mainboard Anschluss ist. Sonst lauft ihr Gefahr euer Mainboard zu berlasten.
Hinten ist auch ein Klebestreifen angebracht, damit nicht alles im Gehuse rumbaumeln muss.
Used it as I was figuring out coolling solution in a PC.
I though it was nice it came with a second replacement sticker pad if you wanna stick it somewhere more than once. It looks like Genuine 3M double sided tape, with a few mm of foam, which may help stick on irregularities I suppose.
I’m not sure how much power you really want to pull from that one socket in your motherboard, 5 fans may pull more power than it can supply, check your port specs. I only use to split 2 as of now.
Will not hesitate to use again.
It’s hard to argue with the value here, considering it’s under 6 – the functionality is pretty basic, with all the case fans sharing a single pwm control signal, but that works fine for me – no fancy housing, just no-nonsense, small discreet board that’s easy to tuck away. It splits one input power input feed across all of the fans so the overall distribution is limited between them, but with this many fans anyway I’ve had zero issues with the lower top-end.
This dedicated fan-hub is very easily added, installed to any system. Installation may be done via the main primary CPU fan port, or if available the CPU Opt fan port. Using this hub, enables you add a total of five fans to your system with a word of caution. Pending on how strong the fans are you may overload your system board’s fan port utilized. All power for the fans is derived from the central processing unit fan port(s) along with fan control speeds. This is not a variable fan speed setup, all fans will run at the same speed required by the CPU ports used for cooling your processor when requested. There is an additional included insulator that’s double sided tacky for use during install if needed while the main hub already has one pre-installed. Peel and stick where the hub will be centralized within your system case. During my testing and install it was felt the pre-installed insulator was not enough, aligned and added the secondary insulator to create a larger case gap when adhered directly to the case. The intent is to prevent any shorts while in use. Overall it’s simple, well made, easy to use, and cost efficient for a quick cooling solution.
I ordered this to add some extra cooling fans to my sons computer because the motherboard had a limited set of fan headers.
The hub is very easy to use and comes with a double sided sticky tape already applied for easy mounting, the connectors are ideal for adding up to an extra 4 pwm fans to the system which worked perfectly for the my sons pc.
Price wise this is listed at 5.99 with a 60p voucher code, it is very reasonable in my eyes and seems to be the going rate for the same items available on Amazon.
Overall I am happy with the hub as it has done exactly what it is designed for.
This is a great bit of kit for adding extra fans to your machine.
It’s very easy to fit and use. Just plug into the case fan connector and then up to 5 fans on the other end. When attached the fans all run at the same speed and your bios will only show the 1 fan. But it works a treat. I used this to add fans at the bottom and front of my case and it was the easiest setup i could find. The only tricky part is routing the fan cables so it still looks presentable.
Good quality and value. Highly recommended. Thank you for reading my review. I hope you found it useful
ant un peu obsd par la gestion des cbles dans ma tour pour optimiser le flux d’air, cette petite extension m’a permis de rationaliser le cblage de mes ventilos en renvoyant proprement leur connexion direct sur leur position au lieu de tirer plusieurs cbles vers la carte mre. Pour l’avoir branch sur une prise ddie aux ventilos externes je ne bnficie pas de la rgulation base sur le CPU mais perso je trouve que c’est un avantage, ma carte graphique tant souvent plus sollicite que mon processeur qui de base chauffe peu.
L’aspect est trs basique mais les composants sont de bonne qualit, et perso a me va trs bien vu que l’esthtique que je cherche est pure au maximum, pas de led, que du noir, et dans ce cadre a colle parfaitement.
This is a simple fan splitter, not for the RGB aspect of your PC case fan, but only for the speed control. It is PWM enabled, meaning it doesn’t have just a positive and negative to turn on off, not just a speed wire as well, but an additional wire four pin for keeping fans running at extremely low speeds without turning off.
This is important if you have PWM fans and you have enabled this feature in the motherboard, so that your fans never turn off because fans have a minimum voltage required to spin them up at all, because of their size, and this can often drop to zero speed if the voltage is around 30%. I learnt this the hard way, but actually I only use PWM on some of my case fans, because some of them I want them off to keep dust at a minimum.
It’s made quite well, with the pins all arranged pointing up, so the back can be stuck down with glue,. I also like the fact that they are provided attached cable with a decent amount of length. It’s just a case of plug and play, and by doing this, you don’t need a bulky fan controller, which is ideal if you just needed to use the same controls for multiple fans at the front, perhaps you want the same speed for all three on the front of the case.
Cable Matters PC Case PWM Fan Hub (PC Fan Hub) 1-to-5 Way With 40cm Fan Cable – Review
This fan hub has a simple job and it does this very well. It comes with a spare piece of double-sided tape which is nice too. This is a great solution for anyone looking for a fan hub that isn’t bulky and large. This one will fit nicely in small cases.
When using the hub you need to make sure you have a fan connected to the ‘CPU’ named 4 pin. If you don’t then this will not work as this is the one which all the other ports share the fan speed from. Please note that if you are using powerful fans then it may not be advised to use all 5 ports on this hub as it is not externally powered. Most motherboard 4-pin headers support up to 1amp. This is enough for 2 or 3 high-performance fans maximum. If you try and run more from a single header you run the risk of frying your 4-pin header on your motherboard so please keep this in mind.
Overall, for 6.99, at the time of review, this is a great compact 4-pin PWM fan hub. Cable Matters is becoming quite a well-known brand in the peripherals space and this product does not disappoint. I’d recommend this to anyone looking for a compact quality fan hub.
I’ve had this device for a non-PC project, I have a small PWM controller in my van that controls a 80mm fan to cool a pair of small, power amplifiers. I want to add more fans to provide a better flow of air, but the controller only has a single 4-pin output.
This gadget will allow me to add another 1 to 4 additional fans and have a synchronized air speed. I’ll have the master fan in the ‘CPU’ port and the additional ones in the rest. Only the ‘CPU’ fan port has a RPM feedback and will determine what speed the other 4 will operate at.
I will probably only add 1 or 2 additional fans as I don’t want to overload the actual fan controller.
I give this little gadget a 5 star rating as for the price it is very useful and can find itself invaluable for more exotic PC builds or helping provide cooling for a motherboard with a broken fan port.
As always from Cable Matters, this seems like a great quality computer component.
5 port, 4 pin pwm fan breakout hub. cable is flat braided and comes with two sticky pads to attach inside your pc case.
Always consult with a competent person when installing computer components to avoid frying things!
Works exactly as you’d expect, I used this to connect all 4 fans on my 240mm AIO to the single CPU fan header on my motherboard, the included tape on the back let me stick this down out of the way.
With this connected the fan curve for that header will control all the fans connected to it as you’d expect, although as this splitter doesn’t provide any additional power, I believe the maximum speed the fans connected will be lower as the power provided by the header will be split across all the fans. Not an issue for me as I run the fans at a low RPM anyway and they rarely ramp up with a big cooler, but something to bear in mind if you need a lot of cooling.
great little board for adding more fans to your PC or an outer-PC project using many fans. can be stuck down in your PC with the included backing tape. I appreciate that the headers are labelled clearly.
My motherboard only has one fan header so it’s nice to be able to add additional fans for cooling. The hub also comes with a sticky pad so you can place it anywhere on the case, which is handy. I’ve got mine hidden behind the mobo tray so that you can’t see it, but there are wires from the fans so I’ve routed them behind the tray (as much as possible). I have an AM4 3900x which can be difficult to cool so this is great!
The splitters works well, allowing to connect 5 fans.
I like that the cable is quite long, which gives some flexibility in choosing the best place for the unit, and helps keeping cable spaghetti at bay.
The connectors are reasonably solid and the price, at 6, is not bad.
Review of Cable Matters PC Case PWM Fan Hub (PC Fan Hub) 1-to-5 Way.
An adapter to fit inside a PC Desktop cabinet to increase fan connections from one to five, should one be running a high specification gaming machine the heat created by various ultra fast chipsets can be extensive causing the CPU to slow or close down, something no gamer wants when engrossed in the need for speed.
The Fan hub can be connected to a motherboard single fan connector by the four pin cable socket, the sixteen inch cable allowing the hub with adhesive backing to be placed in reach of up to five other case fans or four and the CPU fan if required, the connectors on the hub having a retaining clip on each of the added fan connector plugs.
Should this hub cable socket be connected to the CPU fan connection on the motherboard all five plugs on this hub will be controlled by the motherboard speed controller adjusting all fan speeds to that required to cool the the main CPU, the first hub socket marked for use of the original CPU fan connection, using this method can reduce power requirement at times of low PC usage.
This a simple but well made product from Cable Matters a known brand, well packaged and provided with a spare double sided adhesive mounting for future use, the Hub works as expected and looks durable.
Cable Matters PC Case PWM Fan Hub (PC Fan Hub) 1-to-5 Way PC Fan Connector Adapter With 40cm Fan Cable
A neat and compact 5-way extension for connecting multiple fans or other devices with the same plugs to a single connection. The hub comes ready fitted with one backing sticker (just peel off the backing tape) and also a spare sticker should you need it.
If you have a mini case, the odds are you might like me only have one or two fan headers, problem is these days, with the addition of rgb, board add ons are shrinking. Especially in the mini pc setups. less usb headers, less fan headers, while great in theory, can lead to issues later one. I got the fan header extension as I simply didnt have enough on my board to run more than two fans. My case houses at least 5. While some are rgb, I simply did not have enough slots on my mini pc board.
In the packet its pretty simply the fan header extension with five headers, one marked for the cpu. the board can be attached somewhere nearby inside the case with some much provided 3m tape on the bottom, so you can keep it out of the way.
Pros: Adds more fan headers to the case, especially useful for mini pc builds, 3m tape included.
Cons: None I could find.
Ideal for builds that don’t quite have enough fan headers or maybe you just want to make things a little tidier by hiding it out of site so your motherboard doesn’t have so many wires going to it.
Either way this fan hub is great, and having used products from Cable Matters before I know it is good quality.
This is one of these things that can be bought at a range of prices. This one from Cable Matters is a little more expensive than a generic one from China, but does that matter? Well for me it does. When you are relying on fans to cool a computer, you want to be sure that they will continue to operate. So I’m reassured by spending a little extra on these small components.
I’ve had other such components from Cable Matters before and always found them reliable. This no exception. Although I’ve only had it a short time, the extra attention to detail reassures me. There’s a pre-fitted sticky pad for mounting and a spare just in case.
The cabling is nicely sheathed in a discreet black cover, so one can conceal it with ease.
In a nutshell:
Things I liked:
+ Quality. It’s nice to see a company doing things cheaply, not by under-engineering their product, but by just keeping it simple and doing everything that’s important well.
+ Functionality. It works exactly as you’d expect it to. All connected fans are able to make use of the PWM connector, but will all spin at the same speed. So for example, if you have this connected to your CPU fan header, it would just mean that all the other connected fans would also spin at the same speed as your CPU fan.
+ Price. A fiver for this simple fan header is exactly what you would want to pay for this.
Things I didn’t like:
– Nothing.
Do I recommend it?
Absolutely. Exactly what you want from a fan hub like this. Very reasonably priced, but functionally exactly what you want it to do and no more.
Reliable, known brand for cables and adapters etc and at a really reasonable price.
These days a lot of good fans do have passthrough connectors so you can daisychain. But if you do find yourself without that option this is a great way to manage groups of fans.
Helps to keep clutter to a minimum in my small ITX build by having one fan header on mb in use and this hub stashed away hidden.
Or in large case builds its a great way to manage diferent groups of fans, for example one hub for large radiator, another for front intake group.
But if you use RGB fans you will still have to figure out how to plug in the RGB connecto
The build quality on the fan hub is very good. Designed to go inside a PC case it may not be the most elegant looking thing but the quality of manufacture shows. I plan to use this to add a cooling wall to eth side of my PC to bring air into the case. the circuit board has a sticky pad to allow you to fix it down and keep it out of the way.
From “Cable Matters” this is great gadget to add extra fans to a PC. Ideal for system builders or DIY modders who know their way around a PC.
Motherboards often only have a few PWM headers and usually these are located in awkward positions. This hub gives you the ability to connect multiple fans to a single header and then with its lead you can site the hub easily in a better position within the case.
The advanatge of using PWM 4 pin header fans is these can be monitored and auto or manually controlled through the BIOS settings so the speed of the fans (and therefore system heat and fan noise) vary with load.
Being able to add up to 5 fans through the one connection is a great idea.
Just a basic 4pin connector some cable bit of heat shrink, you can get these cheeper from china directly its like less then 1USD in generic parts take input split it to 5 pads simple.
Your fan header has to provide enough amprage to power 5 fans bare in mind, but these are ideal for water cooling just to put 1 each per radiator on its own header or power all your fans off a dedicated controler rather then PC motherboard headers that are always automatically overridden these days.
Pretty simple, this splits one fan header on a computer’s motherboard into five. This is great for smaller motherboards or boards that are just for some reason lacking fan headers.
I have a few small form factor builds and needed one of these to set up a few radiators with fans, and it’s worked like a charm.
Seems to be capable of powering five fans off the single header, and gives me PWM control as expected. Overall a great little tool to have if you ever build computers, and I’ll guarantee it’ll come in useful.
Cable Matters make these excellent ready made PWM fan connectors which are perfect to plug into any motherboard with limited quantity of PWM fan headers onboard. Run it to the back of your motherboard panel and plug in your fans, this way fan cables go directly behind the motherboard panel it is bang-tidy and keeps those flappy cables out of sight. It comes with double sided sticky pads including a spare to secure it to the back panel.
20+ years ago it would have been common place to pay some clever spark to make up a baybus fan controller with switches to manage all your 4-pin molex fans which were brands like Sunon or Y.S. Tech. the likes of use to sell Coolercases by Globalwin with 120mm fan cutouts that looked more like a portable grill in your mum and dads caravan. These were real powerful noisey blowers and suckers that you would be able to switch individually between 7v/12v or turn on or off. There was no risk of overloading and burning out cables unless you doubled up your fans on the same cable and you probably had a powerful Enermax ATX PSU, if you know you know! Of course if you were one of the lucky ones and your parents took you on holiday for a couple of weeks and on your return home, turned on your hungry hover-case and discovered long legged spiders had setup shop in those two weeks would literally be blown to smithereens and launch themselves on to the back wall with such speed and force -well you get the picture!
The difference between 3-pin and 4-pin fans is one uses voltage and the other uses PWM. Generally the two are not always compatible, it really depends on the adapter or controller. And if you do use 3-pin fans it will not be able to report any data back to the BIOS.
You should be aware that a PWM connector does not allow control of each individual fan. It is in effect a fan speed duplicator, all fans will run at the same speed if not slower than their default speed.
Overall, I do like these connectors but rarely do I need that many fans and often use Y splitter cables per header. My advice to you if you are paying attention. Always read the manuals or documentation provided and watch video tutorials by the pro’s so you are prepared to go balls deep into the wonderful world of 5-way PWM fan connectors.
Good Luck!
I have a motherboard from 2017 that only has two fan headers on it and I needed more for my case which has 5 fans in it currently. I was running fans off of molex and they were just going full blast which isnt great for noise so something like this nice because it lets the fans run at various speeds like they would normally if they all had fan connectors on the mb. Works like a treat so far, but we will see if it holds up in the long term or not. So far so good so im happy.