Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition (Xbox Series X)

Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition (Xbox Series X)

Cyberpunk 2077: Ultimate Edition (Xbox Series X)


3 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve seen online a lot of people having issues when installing this game. When installing I would highly recommend that you DO NOT say no to yo updating because if you do the installation will fail and become unresponsive and still responding. Updating the game in my opinion improves the installation of the game.

    Cyberpunk was a half-baked that was released 18 months too early in my opinion. The game shouldn’t have been released until 2022 but they had to keep to that deadline regardless of the game being half bakef when it was released in December 2020 and what a disaster of a launch the game was. It was unplayable and awful across all three major platforms. But the devs didn’t give up on the game and I’ve been a gamer for 2 decades and I’ve never seen a game go from a negative to a positive as Cyberpunk 2077 has gone. The devs pulled off a miracle and the game and I remember the launch was an unplayable group of gamers who were going to bring a class-action lawsuit against CDPR. What the game looks like now compared to the launch is completely different and I am stunned and amazed at the job the devs have done with this game bearing in mind the dev team on this game that is still dedicated to future development has been announced lately have done a fantastic job of rescuing a game that was doomed from the very start because of Corporate Management. My recommendation to those who are not particularly good at this type of game. Don’t play the game on East you are missing out on so much play on Normal or Hard the rewards are so much better and more rewarding.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Die Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
    besticht durch ihre tiefgrndigen Geschichten und vielseitige Spielmechanik. Die Haupt- und Nebenmissionen sind reich an Details und bieten echte Entscheidungsfreiheit, die das Spielerlebnis prgen. Die Spielmechanik ist intuitiv und lsst den Spieler tief in die Welt von Night City eintauchen. Mit allen Updates und DLCs bietet diese Edition ein rundum verbessertes und fesselndes Erlebnis.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Not played it since iv got this one cos I just finished it a few weeks ago. I will soon. Its definitely the best game in years can’t wait for the sequel.