eXtremeRate DIY Replacement Shell Buttons for Nintendo

eXtremeRate DIY Replacement Shell Buttons for Nintendo Switch, Back Plate for Switch Console, Housing with Full Set Buttons for Joycon Handheld Controller – Glow in Dark – Totem of Kingdom White
From the brand

eXtremeRate is a gaming accessory development company, focused on quality and innovation. As one of the global leaders in video game accessories, eXtremeRate leads the way in the video gaming entertainment industry with customized, innovative items, and unique one-stop gaming modding solutions since 2010.
Let me start this off by saying about a year ago I bought an atomic purple shell for my V1 switch. It was okay not overwhelmingly well built and fit and finish in some areas left a little bit to desire but this totem Kingdom shell is extremely polished and as close to OEM fit and finishes I could ever imagine. Ordered the matching shell for the dock and same there perfect in every way highly recommend extreme rate
The joycons and the back cover are incredible, my only concern its the stand, its feels loose no matter how good you transfer or replace the foot part. Looks like the molding that hold the metal part is too big and doesn’t fit tight enough, but overall recommend for refresh your switch look.
Leider sind drin in der box kleine schrauben rumgeflogen,obwohl die tte mit den schrauben zu wahr.Dennoch waren alle vollzhlig.Sonst der schraubendreher nicht magnetisch ist auch was doof so muss man ganze ding festhalten dauerhaft.Sonst bin ich zufrieden.
I just completed the customisation of my switch but a couple things have stood out
The screws stripped really easily especially if you haven’t ever undone them
You have to fully open up the switch controllers so be sure to have plastic tweezers etc to handle them
Some video tutorials make you detach the motor and battery but you don’t need to do this as long as you are careful when handling the motherboard – I tried to follow this and ended up breaking the battery wire and had to find a replacement battery so BE CAREFUL
Also some buttons were really stif after finally closing so don’t tighten the screws too much as I will probably have to reopen them to fix this
Quite complex installation if it is your first time – the shell is really sturdy but the screws and screwdrivers that came with it were no
I bought this because my original switch shell was in a bad state, it was missing screws and everything.
I love this design and it wasn’t too hard to replace everything (as long as you don’t accidentally strip I screw which I did, leaving my only option to pry apart the back of a joy-con)
The backplate for the switch is the easiest, with the joycons being a little more involved.
I didn’t use the joy-cons buttons as I didn’t like the multicolour ones , I feel like the cherry blossom set would benefit more from getting bundled with white buttons!
Overall this set is great and I would highly recommend getting one if you are comfortable fitting it yourself !
Really good product, have no complaints. As long as you take your time almost anyone can do this. Only thing I’d say don’t use the video tutorial they made search YouTube for someone else as they’re tutorial could cause issues with the delicate cables inside the joy-cons.
The switch back plate was very easy and simple to install, while the joycons were a fair bit more fiddly. Happy with the end result though – it looks and feels great, as well as feeling quite sturdy.
My only critism is that it would be nice for the image on the joycons to line up more perfectly with the switch.
Okay, first off: The design on the shell is gorgeous. It was exactly what it was promised to be.
Now for the installation: the shell for the console itself was easy to install. No issues there. However, the joycon shell replacements were pretty difficult to install. It requires a steady set of hands, which I do not have. I got there in the end, though with some persistence.
Overall, the shells are sturdy, slightly damage resistance but over all they are beautiful.
Would recommend, but be warned. You need a steady hand and the patience of a saint.
I have little to no experience when it comes to things like this but I have never been too afraid to open things up and give things a try.
First of all, I replaced the drifting joy stick, then I swapped out the plastic clips for metal ones before starting on re-shelling the joy cons themselves. It look a little bit of examining and playing about to figure out how it comes apart and goes back together, but it was not overly complex.
The came the big job, the console itself. The new case came with a back shell but no front so I opted for white front shell to contrast the rear shell and component some of the white features of the new shell. I initially took apart the entire console, but for bit, mapping out the screws as I went along. I ensured I was meticulous and slow. After doing that I realised that I could have just separated the digitiser screen from the front shell to expose the screws and not dismantled it all.
I made I few little mistakes putting it back together, nothing too worrying, so ending up closing and re-opening the console a few times but after some persistence and care I got there.
The trickiest part was removing the digitiser, it’s pretty well stuck down and I also didn’t use heat to soften it up but I was gentle and careful.
I think the end results speak for itself. It looks amazing and has added a whole new life to a 4 year old console. The warranty is long gone so there was no risk of losing that anyway. The replacement parts are all high quality, even down to the tiniest of screws.
I have now ordered some Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut to top up the thermal paste on the heat sink (as it was starting to look a little dried up) just to be sure and keep the console as cool as possible, so one more open up and job done in time for Xmas.
Would highly recommend these products! If I can do it, you can too.
To start off with I would like to say that I am a novice when it comes to this sort of thing. I literally bought my switch and the next day, took it apart to customise with minimal knowledge of what I was doing.
It is time consuming and you need patience (took me around 2 hours total for all my modifications)!
The instructions are all in the photos on the advert and I’m really pleased with the results.
The kit comes with absolutely everything you need to completely modify the switch and joycons.
Very pleased at how they came out and really good the part with the rest of my modifications.
It was quite fun assembling it (watched a YouTube video made by IGN which was easy to follow) and overall pretty nice. The tool provided wasn’t that bad as long you screw/unscrew the screws generally so it doesn’t blunt the tool. I didn’t really use the screws given but instead the ones originally on the Switch so I’m not sure how they fit? The only downside I’d say is the line from the Joycons and the actual console doesn’t fit? But other than that everything else is fine.