Inspection Camera for Iphone&Android,7.9 mm Borescope

Inspection Camera for Iphone&Android,7.9 mm Borescope Inspection Snake Camera IP67 Waterproof, 16.5FT Semi-Rigid Cord with 8 LED Lights,Tube Sink Pipe Drain Camera for IOS Android Users

Dimensions: | 12.6 x 12.1 x 3.9 centimetres |
Brand: | ILIHOME |
Part: | A8 |
Dimensions: | 12.6 x 12.1 x 3.9 centimetres |
Reference: | A8 |
Este endoscopio est bastante bien ya que tiene una longitud de 5 metros y el cable es semi rgido pero bastante flexible para entrar bien en recovecos y lugares difciles.
A mi me parece estupendo para tener en casa por ejemplo para ver donde hay un atasco en una caera, poder coger algo metlico que se nos ha cado en el desgue del lavabo o la baera, para ver o localizar cosas que se nos hayan cado detrs de muebles que son difciles de mover.
En un extremo tiene la cmara a la que se le pueden acoplar un gancho para coger cosas, un imn para lo mismo y un pequeo espejo, todo esto viene incluido.
En el otro extremo viene el conector para acoplarlo al mvil u otra pantalla y poder ver todo en directo y fotos o videos.
Todo se hace con una app que se descarga fcil, rpidamente y que funciona muy bien.
La calidad de imagen es bastante buena.
Not the best camera resolution but this have been so handy to see in little nooks and crannies. Especially useful to get in bilge of my boat. Great length and easy to operate.
L’endoscope est constitu d’un flexible de 5 m avec deux connections possibles un smartphone Android ou iOS. L’application utiliser est UseePlus. Il suffit alors de brancher l’endoscope au smartphone. La luminosit des 8 LED est rglable avec la molette sur le flexible. On peut enregistrer ce que l’on voit. Ne prenant pas de place, il est pratique emporter.
Questo prodotto ha superato le mie aspettative.
Si tratta di una minuscola telecamera montata sulla punta di un tubo relativamente flessibile lungo 5m; il tutto impermeabile.
La telecamera trasmette le immagini lungo il tubicino attraverso fibre ottiche e comunica con lo smartphone tramite spinotto lightning o USB-C.
Bisogna innanzitutto scaricare la app adatta al proprio smartphone (c’ il QR code relativo nel foglietto di istruzioni (minimale). Poi si attacca il tubicino allo smartphone e la telecamera funziona.
Con questo strumento si pu vedere nei posti pi nascosti, pi bui e pi scomodi, dove mai potreste accedere altrimenti. I led sulla punta del tubicino illuminano molto bene e la telecamera restituisce immagini molto chiare.
Certo ci vuole un po’ di tempo per prendere la mano. Non facile capire come orientata la telecamera e muovere il tubicino per orientarla come si vuole. Il tubicino abbastanza rigido, quindi controlla meglio il posizionamento della videocamera, ma allo stesso tempo richiede attenzione nel muoverlo.
la prima videocamera di questo tipo che provo, quindi non ho termini di paragone, ma devo dire che dopo averci preso un po’ la mano, mi trovo molto bene e la consiglierei senza remore.
Nach der Installation der Software aus dem App-Store (hier auf einem iPhone) kann die Kamera durch Anschluss an das Smartphone und Start der Software sofort in Betrieb genommen werden. Einstellungen sind nicht ntig. Die Kontrolle ber die Beleuchtung mit dem Drehrad des Dimmers (etwa 15 cm vom Smartphone-Stecker entfernt) ist einfach, praktisch und stufenlos mglich.
Die genaue Fhrung der Kamerakopfes ist — prinzipbedingt — nicht einfach und wird um so schwieriger, je weiter der Kopf von der Einfhrffnung entfernt ist. Die genaue Lage im Raum (Rohe, Spalt, …) zu bestimmen ist umso schwieriger, je grer der Raum ist, je mehr Spielraum vorhanden ist. Wie beschrieben ist die Fhrung in einem 90 Rohrbogen u. a. wegen des kurzen Kamerakopfes kein Problem gewesen, auch wenn dazu das Kabel (mit dem Smartphone) vielleicht mitgedreht werden muss.
Ich habe mit der Kamera zum Beispiel geprft, ob ein Fallrohr frei oder mit Laub oder Sand gefllt ist. Das ging problemlos auch am Bogen des Fallrohres, der etwa 3 m unterhalb des Einlaufs liegt. Es war auch mglich, die Kamera ber die gesamte Lnge des Kabels einzufhren. Das Fallrohr war also frei von Verunreinigungen 🙂 Da es ein Rohr mit 100 mm Durchmesser war, war nicht immer zu erkennen, in welchem Zustand die Verbindungen der Rohrleitung waren. Die feste Brennweite des Objektivs und der groe Raum fhrten oft zu unscharfen Bildern und da man in der Regel nicht wei, ob das Bild oben, unten, links oder rechts im Rohr/Raum liegt, weil es keine Orientierungspunkte gibt, ist es bei so groen Rumen schwer, sich einen guten Eindruck zu verschaffen. Je enger der Raum (Rohr, Spalt) wird, desto besser ist das Bild. Die Beleuchtung durch die LED war in jedem Fall ausreichend.
Nach dem Gebrauch lsst sich das Kabel mit dem wasserfesten Kopf problemlos reinigen.
Vom Kamerabild knnen mit der App entweder Videos oder Standbilder aufgezeichnet und in das Foto-Verzeichnis des iPhones kopiert oder mit anderen Apps geteilt werden.
Sptestens beim nchsten verstopften Rohr in Kche oder Bad (50 mm Durchmesser) werde ich die Kamera wieder einsetzen und mir den Zustand vor und nach der mechanischen Reinigung ansehen. Da bin ich zuversichtlich, ein gutes Bild zu bekommen.
Der einzige Mangel der Kamera ist die fixe Brennweite der Kamera bzw. der kleine Bereich, in dem sie gut fokussiert. Aber fr knapp 30 ist das vllig OK. Viel viele Anwendungszwecke ist das ein angemessenes Preis-/Leistungsverhltnis.
Aunque la caja vena con un golpe raro como se aprecia en el vdeo que adjunto, dentro estaba todo bien.
La cmara solo funciona en mvil. He intentado conectarla al ordenador tambin como he hecho con otras a travs de un adaptador USB a USB tipo C pero no lo reconoce ni he encontrado controladores as que solo sirve para mvil y su APP. Pero es lo que describen en el producto.
La APP es muy sencilla y sin publicidad machacona. Y mientras usas la cmara con la APP se ve bien ntido y sin cortes.
En cambio, cuando grabas un vdeo desde la APP, la calidad es buena pero parece que faltan fotogramas y sale entre cortado. Es mejor grabar la pantalla del mvil haciendo captura para no perder esos fotogramas.
El cable es rgido maleable como el de un flexo por lo que se puede moldear para meterlo entre tabiques aguantando el peso de la propia cmara en horizontal hasta el metro y medio.
Los conectores para colocar en la punta son fciles de colocar, a rosca pero algo endebles. Aun as, se el que ms uso, el gancho, funciona perfecto para pasar cables. Y aguanta tirones.
Sorprendido por el precio tan bajo y lo til que puede ser para instaladores! Y aun mejor, resiste al agua por caeras he instalaciones de fontaneria sin estropearse!
io ho una casa di campagna e spesso trovo nuovi buchi in giardino, ho preso questa telecamera nella speranza di riuscire a capire se i buchi sono abitati o meno ma temevo per la risoluzione dell’immagine, invece mi sono dovuto ricredere. La risoluzione della telecamera buona e attraverso il telefono si pu anche scegliere di cambiare le impostazioni del colore quindi, perfetto. Nella confezione ci sono anche diversi optional come lo specchietto che ti consente di guardare la telecamera da un’altra angolazione oppure una testa magnetica per poter agganciare oggetti metallici oppure la testa con il gancio per poter afferrare qualcosa. insomma l’ho comprata per quasi per gioco ma alla fine mi sono reso conto che un oggetto che si presta a numerosi impieghi.
Having delved into the realms of home improvement and DIY projects, the ease of connecting a camera to my phone was refreshing. It simply worked straight out of the box. Navigating through pipes and hard-to-reach areas was less of a hassle due to the flexible cable. The clarity in dimly lit environments was commendable, thanks to the LED lights. It’s not without its quirks, though. Maneuvering in extremely tight spaces required some patience and practice. For those looking into detailed inspections without the fuss of bulky setups, this tool does bring something to the table.
The Inspection Camera is a decent-quality tool that stands out due to its compatibility with both Android and iOS devices. The 7.9 mm Borescope Inspection Snake Camera, with its IP67 waterproof rating, proves to be exceptionally versatile for a variety of tasks, including examining hard-to-reach areas in sinks, pipes, and drains. Its 16.5FT semi-rigid cord coupled with 8 LED lights ensures that you have enough length and light to investigate even the most challenging spaces. I have been using it with my iPhone 12 to check the bathroom sinks and drains and it has worked well. If you are looking for an inexpensive camera for home use this is ideal.
I have reviewed this item twice and I suspect that my original 5 star review may have been declined as it may have contravened the guidance for completing reviews.
The unit is suitable to attach to either of the iPhone interfaces or via an Android Handset employing a USB C connection. The LED lit camera produces good images and well up to the standard required from a fibre optic camera costing less than 30.00. Personally I feel that this will be a useful addition to my toolbox, although I am not sure of when I will use it, however I do feel that I could use it looking into cavities in classic cars to identify corrosion or for similar functions where visual access to enclosed cavities could be desirable. The dedicated app is basic however it does work well, is quite quick and I have produced reasonable video footage with it.
I’ve owned and been using borescopes in my job for years, my last having a supplied hand-held screen. This one from Ilihome has the benefit of not needing separate battery packs to power it or a whole case to carry it from site to site; simply plugging into your ‘phone makes it far more convenient all round.
The head is small enough to tease into many openings you may want to inspect behind, and the image quality is pretty decent if not the best I’ve ever seen, but it’s perfectly fine for most of what I ever used a professional unit for – looking into ceiling voids, behind walls and under floors for wiring, pipes, cracked/leaking/collapsed drains, and sources of damp and infestation. Equally, I’ve seen mechanics use these to inspect difficult to see/reach areas of engine bays. For many home, casual and DIY uses a lower-cost compact borescope like this can sometimes be worth its weight in gold, and this one from Ilihome seems pretty fair to me.
Well I wanted to try this as I was curious as to what’s going on behind our sink! I was convinced we had a leak, but husband accused me of ‘panicking’. So this seemed the ideal solution to settle the argument once and for all. At 29.99 I would say that’s the upper end of the price range that anyone would want to pay just to settle an argument, but if it works then that’s okay. It’s pretty simple to set up – just download the app, plug the cable into your phone and you’re off. Over sixteen feet of cable makes anywhere in most domestic situations easily accessible. I even poked it through a hole in the loft hatch door to see what, if any, critters had taken up residence – none. The image is super clear and bright and you can take still photos or videos to observe at your leisure. As for the back of my sink – well, there was no leak and husband was right (but don’t tell him). Seriously, I think this is proving to be a very useful (and fun) piece of kit.
The camera is easy to setup, install the app as per the instructions and then connect to your phone’s USB socket. It works immediately and gives the option of either photo or video.
The video quality is ok but not the best, it’ll do but maybe not if you’re trying to inspect for really fine damage/scoring of alway an engine bore.
The camera has a light which is adjustable in brightness using a thumb wheel and the app has digital zoom which isn’t great.
Overall it’s pretty good for the price.
This is an endoscope tool compatible with smart phones. Download the app and then simply connect the scope to your device with the USB-C or lightening connectors and away you go, easy as that.
The scope is likely designed for inspecting pipes, looking into cracks and crevices etc which it does indeed do quite well. I have attached a photo looking down the bathroom plughole (no blockages there!) and also a photo of a watch face to show how clear the picture is (this is when the camera is held around 1-2cm away from the watch). I, however, will be taking this with me in my geocaching bag as this will be ideal in helping find sneakily hidden geocaches in and under things. The inbuilt light is great for looking into dark and tight places and the scope comes with three very useful attachments again all great for a geocacher. There is a mirror, magnet and hook tool included all of which connect to the end of the scope.
A great little inspection tool that is really easy to use via the app on your smartphone.
Ho gi avuto a che fare con Boroscopi nei laboratori della mia Universit, deputati essenzialmente all’ispezione e alla pulizia di ampolle graduate nei macchinari di distillazione. Si differenziano dagli endoscopi medici perch non hanno meccanismi di controllo manuale e non consentono di variare l’angolazione della telecamera. Il prodotto della ILIHOME appartiene alla categoria delle sonde amatoriali ed costituito da un tubo semirigido che si limita a seguire il percorso del canale in cui si trova senza possibilit di effettuare micro posizionamenti. Questa caratteristica lo rende versatile ed economico, ma al tempo stesso ne limita il funzionamento poich l’inquadratura non sempre quella desiderata e non raro trovarsi ad osservare la parete del tubo anzich l’oggetto da ispezionare.
Ci nonostante, la sonda ILIHOME HD si presenta con un buon sistema di fibre ottiche grazie alle quali possibile trasmettere immagini in alta risoluzione. Il cuore dello strumento costituito da un obiettivo cilindrico da 3,5 cm di lunghezza in grado di penetrare all’interno di cavit con meno di un centimetro di diametro. Le lenti sono supportate da 8 LED ad alta efficienza la cui intensit luminosa pu essere regolata da una rotellina presente all’estremit del tubo.
Come da presentazione, la sonda compatibile con tutti i dispositivi Android e iOS che supportano l’interfaccia OTG, ovvero la funzionalit che consente di elaborare il segnale streaming della porta USB e dell’ingresso Lightning. Tutto ci che dobbiamo fare scaricare l’applicazione dedicata utilizzando il QR Code presente sul foglietto illustrativo, dopodich ci verr chiesto di collegare il connettore al cellulare. L’interfaccia del programma molto semplice ed intuitiva e non richiede alcuna configurazione. Il menu ci permette di visualizzare in tempo reale le immagini provenienti dalla telecamera, ma anche di scattare fotografie e registrare filmati in formato compresso. Per comodit ho utilizzato un Tablet con uno schermo pi grande, appurando che la qualit delle immagini in linea con quella di prodotti di fascia superiore.
I campi di applicazione della sonda sono davvero molteplici, a partire dall’ispezione di tubature casalinghe e al controllo di parti meccaniche nelle autofficine. Inoltre, grazie alla certificazione IP67, la sonda pu resistere alla polvere ed essere immersa in acque chiare fino ad una profondit massima di un metro. Per facilitare il recupero di oggetti all’interno di cavit, la confezione contiene anche tre utensili da agganciare alla telecamera durante l’immersione. Va comunque ribadito che necessario fare un po’ di pratica prima di ottenere risultati soddisfacenti a causa della struttura semirigida dell’endoscopio che pu incontrare difficolt in prossimit di tubature ad angolo retto.
Alla prova dei fatti, il Boroscopio della ILIHOME svolge egregiamente il suo lavoro d’ispezione, incuneandosi laddove la mano dell’uomo non in grado di arrivare. Non richiede preparazione professionale, pu essere pulito e riutilizzato numerose volte, ma soprattutto costa veramente poco rispetto alla media dei prodotti in circolazione. Da consigliare.
– Obiettivo ad alta risoluzione
– 8 LED ad alta efficienza
– Luminosit regolabile
– Lunghezza 5 metri
– Compatibile con Android e iOS
– Software facile ed intuitivo
– Prezzo competitivo
– Struttura semirigida non adatta per angoli retti
This is great. Works fantastically with my phone and is so handy doing a lot of work where i can’t see behind things. Easy to install and so simple to use. The instructions that come with it are pretty useless mind.
This is the type of inspection camera that is best suited for occasional home use where you don’t need a dedicated unit with suited in screen.
This uses your phone and an app as the screen the app has a limit range of functionality but work OK.
The camera has a ring of led lights around the lens with adjustable brightness via an in line rotary switch.
The focus point is set at approximately 35mm and it also comes with a couple of attachments for pickup and seeing back on itself.
Nice long bendable wire
Pictures/ video are perfect
Has light on it too
Easy to set up You will need to download an app but took minutes to set up
Ideal for lots of places where hard to see
Really good for money Picture quality is great
Has two different usb plug ins so should fit lots of phones
Great for price and very handy to have around the home
Highly recommended
5 Stars
This endoscope camera comes coiled with instructions and accessories. At one end is a pair of connectors, one lightning and one USB-C. That does mean that whichever you use, the other is going to be hanging loose. On the cord is a dial that adjusts the brightness of the endoscope light but all the other controls are on an app. Build quality seems decent, the cable is long and fairly rigid so is pushable through tight spaces.
I downloaded and installed the app, it showed me images from the camera as soon as I plugged it into my phone. The quality is very good, with colour and black and white options. Magnification can be 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 but there are no settings beyond that, though the app can also compare images.
Overall i am very happy with this endoscope camera. It’s very simple but works well, assuming you can get the camera to where you want it as the focus doesn’t work if items are too close to the camera. I haven’t used it in wet pipes yet but for inspecting under my floorboards it has been ideal.
This is a very good endoscope which works well with my Samsung Galaxy S22 phone.
The camera head has a built in ring of LEDS which is fairly bright and there’s a small box near the camera end that has a dial to vary the LED brightness. It’s supplied with three clip on heads — A hook and a magnet for retrieving items and a small 45 degree mirror for looking sideways.
The instruction manual has a QR code which leads to the Google Store to download the app. Once installed I tried the endocope and the image quality was pretty good. I tried capturing still images and the result was better than I expected. I also tried recording videos and the results had smoth motion and sharp images.
At 29.99 (February 2024) it’s good value.
The only minor points are that the printing in the instruction leaflet is a bit small and needs a magnifying glass to read. As the endoscope is going to find a home in my tool box I would have liked it to have included a hard case to protect it fom damage./
Supplied packaged in a cardboard box, coming with reasonably clear instructions (though fairly small writing) with the details for the UseePlus app required to run it. The app is available for both IOS and Android, with the camera coming with both a Lightening connector and a USB C connector.
It includes a hook, magnet and mirror attachments. The attachments secure on solidly so not too much chance of losing them in use — there is a groove in the camera head to stop them sliding off. So all sensibly thought out.
Used it on a spare iPhone 6s Plus running iOS 15.8, which already had the software on it, connects straight away, no issues at all, and a more reliable connection than a previous similar device had tried.
The hard wire holds its shape well, also having a short length of flexible wire between the light dimmer control and the connection plugs stops putting too much strain on the connection port.
In use it provides a decent close up picture, assisted by the LEDs, which has variable brightness, you need to have the camera head close to what you are looking at, which is what it is designed for, the instructions advise 2-10cm. The pictures of the box label were taken at 1 x zoom and 2 x zoom. (The app gives three options, 1x, 1.5x & 2x zoom)
Used it to investigate a slow running bathroom sink, revealed a fairly gungy mess then was able to inspect the cleaned results after!
For DIY use this gives a good option, using the screen & processing power you already have, rather than the kits with dedicated screens, so great to add to my tool collection.
I have wanted one of these inspection cameras for ages, and years ago they would have cost a fortune, and nowadays so affordable with the use of apps on our phone too. They can be used for so many DIY jobs, under decking, under sheds, awkward corners, under sinks, and mainly for inspection of drains. It is a plug and play design, no need for WIFI or ‘blue tooth’, and promises high resolution images for inspection live on your phone, again using the app.
Thanks to the 16.5 ft semi rigid cable and ultra short lens, there is plenty of scope here, and best of all the HD camera is waterproof, meeting IP67 standards, plus 8 LED ‘beads’ with adjustable brightness, and no batteries needed as you can make a direct connection to your IOS or Android device.
The makers say “It eliminates power concerns and is more durable than traditional WIFI borescopes and screen borescopes with built-in lithium batteries”.
This is an excellent piece of kit, and so useful. I was totally impressed, truly. All I had to do, to get up and running, was download the required but free app, plug the camera in to my USB-C socket on my phone, and there it was.
I have used more examples, of perhaps were someone has lost a valuable ring in a drain, or inspecting tiny text.
There are 3 ‘add ons’ to the camera too, they simply CLIP ON or CLIP OFF. (They stay on tight, so that you do not lose the add on in a long pipe or drain).
The app also allows VIDEOS to be recorded for further use, as well as of course photos.
I have included 14 images to show the device out the packing and in use in my different example environments.
Thank you for an absolutely superb product, I really am taken aback by this excellent technology and great price too.