IPS Ready Upgraded eXtremeRate Classic FC Style Custom

IPS Ready Upgraded eXtremeRate Classic FC Style Custom Replacement Housing Shell for Gameboy Advance SP GBA SP – Compatible with Both IPS & Standard LCD – Console & Screen NOT Included
From the brand

It doesn’t come with instructions. Take your time disassembling the old shell so you know how to put it back together. It took me a little while but now that it’s all done the Gameboy looks incredible. Better than new. It comes with a full set of black and red buttons, I couldn’t decide so I ended up doing black on left and red on right. It looks a lot cooler than going with just one color.
I also did an LCD screen upgrade while I was in there so the before and after here is not just from the shell.
I’ve used this company in the past for rebuilding Xbox One controllers. They make good stuff.
On est loin des coques cheap ! Le touch est extraordinaire, c’est un peu comme de la peau de pche, gomme. Trs trs bonne qualit. Je ne regrette pas mon achat. C’est livr avec 4 kits de bouton complet chacun avec une couleur diffrente ( rouge bleue noir blanc)
Ho aperto la confezione ho accarezzato la plastica e boooom !
C’ super top mega fotonica !
leggermente morbidosa satinata non so come spiegarlo ma mi piace tantissimo al tatto !
I disegni molto precisi una figata !
Adesso non l’ho ancora montata ma ho preso un’altro prodotto sempre da loro come azzienda ed andato tutto bene mi immagino che pure per questa il montaggio sia facile, ci sono pi pezzi ma non siamo calabresi e abbiamo i pollici opponibili
This GBA sp shell replacement is ABSOLUTELY amazing for the price. It’s high quality, feels amazing. As well as has a nice matte finish and feel. It was easy to put together as it comes with everything you need, it even comes with a replacement sticker for the model number underneath. Really high quality shell, would definitely buy another for a second project!
The silky matte feel is so nice. Since it’s painted I am a tad worried about it scratching easy, but so far it’s a huge improvement over the stock shell. It looks so cool and it’s a very vibrant red. All my friends are now asking me to reshell theirs
J’ai achet cette coque pour restaurer une GBA SP AGS-101 original.
La coque est vraiment de trs bonne qualit voir meilleur que l’original.
Parfaitement emball et bien protg.
Tout est complet pour restaurer une GBA SP.
Attention pas de vitre de rechange fournis.
A racheter si je devais refaire une nouvelle gba sp.
Bought the Pokdex version and it was a fun little project! Plastics are solid and they provided me 4-5 baggies with assorted colours to have full customization to the buttons! Would definitely recommend if you’re wanting to revive your childhood gameboy! P.s: if you’re new to projects like thistake your time! Especially with the ribbon for the screen the screen is very expensive to replace if you rush this process.
Wie der Titel schon sagt sind einige Schrauben nicht die besten. Schwer rein zu drehen, schnell berdrehbar und manchmal nicht mglich sie wieder rauszuschrauben. Insgesamt ist das Kit aber toll da auch alles bentigte dabei ist.
Buon prodotto ma le viti che ci sono incluse sono di una qualit pessima tanto che si spanano ai primi avvistamenti, ho utilizzato le vecchie del mio Gameboy per andare sul sicuro.
Per il resto abbastanza buono, solido e con una vasta scelta per quanto riguarda i tasti (nel mio kit c’erano inclusi i tasti neri, viola e lilla)