Lenlun 1200W Solar Street Lights Outdoor Waterproof

Lenlun 1200W Solar Street Lights Outdoor Waterproof, 120000LM 6500K LED Solar Parking Lot Lights, Motion Sensor, Dusk to Dawn, Remote Control & Bracket for Garden,Yard, Path, Parking Lot [Energy Class A+++]
From the brand

Solar Pathway Lights
Weight: | 5 kg |
Dimensions: | 35 x 8 x 76 cm; 5 kg |
Brand: | Lenlun |
Model: | Ben-01 |
Part: | YH1801 |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Manufacture: | Lenlun |
Dimensions: | 35 x 8 x 76 cm; 5 kg |
Quantity: | 1 |
If you live outside of city limits or in a rural area you know that getting a street light installed is a pretty costly endeavor. This solar powered light was an easy fix for my problem. No installation or monthly fee to use it and i don’t have to pay for electricity on it. It does struggle to stay on all night if you have long stretches of rainy/cloudy weather but overall the performance and price are great.
Leichte Montage habe die an der Hauswand befestigt und auf Dmmerung bzw Wenn es Hell wird eingestellt und es funktioniert nach einer Woche einwandfrei beleuchtet einen Teil der Strasse und den Hof.
Was verbessert werden kann sind die Schrauben mit den Metalldbeln die mssten sich besser spritzen das der Halt besser ist. Bewegungssensor nicht getestet da ich ihn noch nicht brauche
Da es auf meinem Parkplatz sehr dunkel ist und ich gerne meine zwei Sportwagen nachts beleuchten mchte, kam die Lenlun Solarleuchten fr einen Produkttest wie gerufen. Im Folgenden werde ich meine Eindrcke zu dieser solarbetriebenen Straenlaterne schildern.
Verpackung & Versand:
Der Versand dauerte dieses Mal, untypisch fr Amazon, fnf Tage (Prime-Kunde). Geliefert wurde die Solarleuchte gut geschtzt in einem groen Karton. Allerdings sollte man das Produkt im Freien auspacken, da das Styropor extrem krmelt.
Lieferumfang & erster Eindruck:
Im Lieferumfang enthalten sind: die Solarleuchte, eine Abstandsstange, eine Fernbedienung, drei Schraubensets inkl. Muttern, eine Bedienungsanleitung (schlecht bersetzt und irrefhrend) und die Schelle zur Fahnenmastbefestigung. Leider liegt dem Karton keine Montageanleitung bei, wodurch man die Informationen durch Testen herausfinden muss.
Die Lenlun Solarleuchte an sich macht einen wertigen Eindruck und ist von den Abmessungen riesig. Auch die anderen Teile sehen gut verarbeitet aus, allerdings wirkten die Befestigungsbleche auf mich sehr dnn und die Fernbedienung sehr billig.
Man kann die Solarleuchte an der Wand oder an einer Stange montieren. Ich habe mich fr eine Stangenmontage an meinem Terrassengelnder entschieden. Zuerst muss man die Stange mit der Stangenmontageplatte durch vier Schrauben an der Stange befestigen. Beim Festziehen der Schrauben hat sich die Montageplatte verbogen, da die Materialstrke zu dnn ist. Danach habe ich die Solarleuchte auf die Stange geschoben und ebenfalls mit vier Schrauben festgezogen. Hier hat sich das Montageblech ebenfalls verbogen — hlt aber fest.
Leuchtmodi & Betrieb:
Die Solarleuchte hat verschiedene Modi, welche man durch die Fernbedienung auswhlen kann. Dazu zhlen ein Bewegungsmelder, ein Timer und ein Automatikmodus. Ich habe mich fr Letzteren entschieden und wartete gespannt auf das Einsetzen der Dmmerung. Als es abends dunkel wurde, schaltete sich das Licht automatisch ein. Ich war von der Helligkeit fasziniert. Der sechs Meter unter der Leuchte befindliche Parkplatz war, wie im Bild zu sehen, taghell beleuchtet. Am nchsten Morgen leuchtete die Solarleuchte immer noch in voller Helligkeit und schaltete sich bei Sonnenaufgang automatisch aus. Dank dem Solarbetrieb mit riesigem Solarpanel und leitungsstarkem Akku muss man kein Stromkabel legen. Negativ zu beurteilen ist einzig das Wackeln der Leuchte bei schon geringen Windben, was den dnnwandigen Blechen der Montageplatte geschuldet ist.
Die Straenlaterne luft nun seit fnf Tagen tadellos und die Nachbarn sind ebenfalls begeistert.
Den Preis von circa 180 (Mai 2023) finde ich nicht berteuert, da sich die Lenlun Solarleuchte bei dieser Leuchtstrke und den aktuell hohen Stromkosten nach kurzer Zeit amortisiert.
Wer einen groen Bereich im Freien taghell beleuchten mchte, kein Stromkabel ziehen will, Stromkosten sparen mchte und viele Einstellmodi bentigt, dem kann ich die Lenlun Solarleuchte empfehlen.
Die Solarleuchte von Lenlun ist speziell fr den Auenbereich gedacht und kann entweder an einen Mast oder eine Fassade montiert werden. Dazu liegt der Lampe auch Montagematerial fr beide Anbaumglichkeiten bei, welches einen vernnftigen Eindruck hinterlsst. Daneben erhlt man auch noch einen Mast-Arm, welcher die Lampe hlt und eine Fernbedienung zur Steuerung aus der Ferne. Die Bedienungsanleitung ist einfach gehalten, erklrt aber das wesentliche zur Montage und Steuerung. Beim Montageort sollte man darauf achten, dass die Lampe auch mit genug Sonnenlicht versorgt wird, damit der integrierte 3,2-V-30000-mAh-LiFePO-Akku ausreichend geladen werden kann. Die Materialqualitt der Lampe selbst macht einen hochwertigen Eindruck. Das Gehuse besteht zwar aus Kunststoff, wirkt aber robust und ist aufgrund der IP65 Zertifizierung gegen jegliche Wettereinflsse geschtzt. Auf der Oberseite ist das Solarpanel integriert, welches fast die gesamte Flche einnimmt. An der Unterseite befindet sich der Bewegungsmelder, der in einem Winkel von 120 Grad im Falle einer Bewegung auslst und die Helligkeit der LEDs erhht. Im Normalfall, wenn also keine Bewegung erkannt wird, leuchtet die Laterne nur mit stark verminderter Leistung, was allerdings vllig ausreichend zum Ausleuchten ist. Mit der beilegenden Fernbedienung kann man den Lichtmodus separat einstellen, zudem kann man die allgemeine Helligkeit in 4 Stufen regulieren. Hier muss man etwas probieren, bis man die fr sich passenden Einstellungen gefunden hat. Insgesamt scheint der Akku leistungsfhig genug zu sein, um die Laterne die Nacht ber laufen zu lassen, tagsber wird der Akku dann ber das Panel geladen. Momentan werden die Nchte auch wieder krzer und es ist recht sonnig, wie sich die Lampe daher im Winter schlgt, muss sich noch zeigen. Generell sollte man das Solarpanel von Zeit zu Zeit reinigen, um die Leistungsqualitt nicht einzuschrnken.
This is a very bright light for any dark area around your home or business. It naturally needs access to direct sunlight to work efficiently. It’s not too difficult to install but would be more easily accomplished with two people.
I am really impressed with this solar light. There have really been a lot of improvements with both solar technology as well as the LED upgrades.
This light is much bigger than I thought it was. I’m using it on a 30 acre horse ranch where we can’t bring electricity out to all the pastures. These solar lights are so extremely helpful especially right now in the wintertime when it gets dark at 4pm. Now that we’ve got several of these lights out there; we can ride the horses a little later and let the kids have their lessons go longer. The quality of these lights is surprisingly good. They are very solid with the solor panels covering the whole back. They get extremely bright and cover a large area.
These lights are definitely worth their weight. Awesome ,solid and strong. I am very happy.
We live in a county that discourages people from being out after dark by not putting out street lights. Ok, whatever, but in the morning, it is really hard for the school bus to find our house. Or to walk down the driveway to the street. We thought this street light on a tree on your property at a midway point would help us see better to get to the street and the bus to see our house. Now that you know the why we got it..
Here are the details about the light…
First, it is huge. It isn’t like some of those other outdoor solar lights that are as big as your hand or even maybe as big as your forearm. I put my foot next to it for comparison. I wear a size 9 women’s which is about a 7 men’s. This light is BIG! Yes, sometimes size matters.
This is solid. While not heavy as in lifting a weight this big, it was heavier than what I thought it was going to be. The metal tubing is solidly built and other than the open recessed edges on the side with the solar panel we were not concerned with how it was built. We put black gorilla tape on the open edges so no water would collect and breed mosquitos.
We knew we were putting this on a tree so we did not use the included hardware. We talked to a tree specialist who advised the size and correct bolts to use so we would not hurt the tree. IT took a bit of hunting around until we found the correct supplies but once we got those, we, and by we I mean I held the ladder and Mr. Muscles hubs did all the hard work, got the light installed. Even installed on a tree, with some coverage it charges well and stays lit up and shines bright.
Even though the light was outside in the sun for just a few hours, not the full charge time, the day of installation, the next day we had great lighting walking to the road for the bus.
While dark out, it stays lit up, but just at a low level. If it detects movement it lights up full brightness. For instance, a friend came over to drop something off. We stood outside chatting, and the light stayed on and illuminated everything. I was thinking that it was on full power. Then when my visitor turned to get in their car, the light blinked on full bright and wow! I was like never mind. Now I know.
You do have a remote to adjust things how you want. We are completely content with the standard set up.
Oh, will it stand up to the wind? Right after we put it up. Windy day. 20 mile an hour winds and gusts over 30 mph. I know that it isn’t storms but still we will get more gusty days than super stormy days. I could see the light bounce and some sway but it was less than your standard street light. It is holding steady and shining brightly.
It has been just a little effort but it was actually a good return. It helped lower home owners’ insurance and upped property values. You can also check for a “green” discount on your home owner’s insurance since it is solar. Not all have them though. Worth checking.
For us this has been IMMENSELY beneficial for us. If you want a solar light, just know this one is really big. It is really bright. Probably best not to put it right by a window you will see the light.
This is an excellent garden light. Once fully charged this lights up once it starts getting dark.
We use this in a large yard where we keep our large equipment. This is excellent. Gives off a good light.
It has been out in all weathers and still works fine.
Worked a lot better than I thought it would! A great way to cut down on the electricity bill, and surprisingly easy to set up. Its scope of lighting is pretty large too so ideal for a patio, garden, or porch.
It’s not that heavy with a solid build and the casing feels hard-wearing enough to withstand heavy rain or snow. We’ve had a couple of rainy days and it handled those easily.
The motion sensor works well and almost instantly detects when someone is nearby. I like that it doesn’t switch off completely when there is no movement. It stays on at a lower brightness, so the area is still fairly illuminated.
Battery life is very good. So far I’ve managed to get about 10 hours on a single charge (and not even on the lowest brightness or with constant sun exposure) which is excellent.
Good value for the price, and should last a very long while. Would be happy to recommend.
Currently 159.99
Really well made
High quality feel
400W super bright (too bright?)
All the fixings and bracket included
Remote works well
Motion detection works perfect
Large capacity 18000MAh battery
Only 6 hours to charge in good light
Winter working?
purchased this for a dark spot at the back of my garden.
I have a very long and deep garden, at the far end you can’t see a thing so I really need is something that would light up that area.
When I saw this and it said it was a motion detector I thought it would be perfect.
When it arrived I underestimated just how big it is which isn’t a problem because it would without a doubt do the job in hand.
However I could not get the motion detection to work. Even following the instructions and installing it the light would either be on or off. And this will be done via the button on the top end of it.
It also mentions a remote control. Personally I did not receive a remote control with this light.
Which is a shame as it would be helpful as the light itself is installed quite high.
I have left it as it is is and it is exceptionally bright, and I find it turns itself on when it starts to get dark and within around 7 I was later it will turn itself off.
This is a huge solar light, it’s designed for street lighting it’s that big.
It’s perfect for my friends yard where he stores farming equipment and constantly has power cuts where rats chew through the cables.
This light took minutes to erect onto the side of his barn using the poll supplied and fitting bracket, it’s easy to manipulate up and down and side to side to maximise your lighting perimeter.
The light has motion sensors but can also be operated via a remote control for easy use.
I’m so impressed with the quality and performance of this light it’s ridiculously bright and works perfectly.
Highly recommend.
I have been looking for a decent outdoor solar lights for my dark drive. The one I used before was dim and sometimes even did not light up at all.
The lights came in a huge box. I did not expect it so big and heavy. It was a straightforward installation. The package comes with everything you need for pole mounted or wall mounted. Since it is very heavy, it does need at least two people working on it. The lights are super bright thanks to its 1000 LED beads. It covers a large area due to its large solar panel & lights panel and 45 degrees wide-angle lighting. The whole drive does not have a single dark spot. I love the fact that it automatically turns on at dusk and turns off on the day. It provides 30% brightness when no movement and bright up to 100% brightness when movement detected so my drive keeps being brightened up through the night. The remote control is a bonus. I can choose different lighting modes, light brightness and timing sets.
Finally, I can stop looking for a decent solar light for my drive. Hopefully, it will last for years.
I can’t believe how bright this light is! I set it up down on my rear garden, expecting to give my dogs a little bit of security at dark when I let them out…had no idea it is much brighter than I expected.
Charging during the day, automatically lights on in the dark.
No wire need, just put it under the sunlight to absorb solar energy, save big amount on your electricity bill.
great for my needs.
I didn’t expect he size but this is the same size lamp as a street light also comes with a pole to attach the light very bright and easy to setup dimms when no one is around excellent value and excellent quality 5stars
Lenlun Solar Lights Outdoor Garden, 500W 1000 LED Solar Security Street Lights
This is a proper streetlight, considering that the light itself measures 60×34.5. I didn’t actually expect it to be this massive.
I can’t say that it is easy to install considering its size, but it is straightforward to mount as it has all bits and pieces, including a black metal arm to drill it on a wall. It can either be installed on a pole if you have one or just on a sturdy wall.
It comes with a remote control making it convenient to switch it on/off, set the timer 3h/5h/8h, and sensor mode.
It only turns on when it detects darkness. It’s on a dim stand-by mode unless it detects motion where it lights up to 100% brightness.
Reliable motion sensor 5/5. There are like 1 to 3 seconds delay, which for me is still acceptable.
Brightness 5/5 in cool white
Illuminates a decent angle
Overall, I find no reason to knock off a star, tho I can’t say yet if it is waterproof as it hasn’t rained yet for the past few days. Recommendable.
This is a very large solar light which emits a lot of light. I have put it on my back wall to light up the alley at the back of my house and deter potential intruders. It works really well and provides a safer place to walk and hopefully keeps my house a bit safer at night.
This light is quite big so it does light up a good area. The light panels are angled to give a better spread of light. A large solar panel on top with the sensor and power button on the underside.
What I really like about this light is that as it’s likely to be placed quite high (up to 25ft), it comes with a remote control so you can easily change the setting without climbing up to the unit.
With the remote you can turn it on/off, turn on sensor mode, set the on time to 2,3,5,6 or 8 hours on then automatically go to sensor motion and turn on at dusk/turn off at dawn. There is also a dimmer on the remote which is good if you don’t actually need a bright light all the time.
Good for if you’re outside on the patio in the evening with a soft light, for the side alley of your house for access or security or just a light for the bottom of the garden.