No Drift Stick Guli Kit KK3 Max Bluetooth Controller

No Drift Stick Guli Kit KK3 Max Bluetooth Controller, Kingkong 3 Max Wireless Controller for Switch/Switch OLED, Hall Effect Joystick & Triggers, Maglev/Rotor/HD Vibration, Hyperlink Adapter (Gray)

Yep, it’s good. Lots of connection options, hall-effect sticks, extra buttons and thumbstick covers included, it’s a good deal. Unfortunately I found the rear paddle attachments would very easily get stuck or even fall out of their mounting in use and need to be put back in.
Prodotto, a mio avviso, di ottima qualit.
Lo utilizzo con un PC windows destinato esclusivamente ai giochi e sono rimasto estremamente soddisfatto (e un po’ sorpreso a dire la verit) della facilit con il quale sono riuscito a configurarlo con la connessione wireless proprietaria. Ho inserito la chiavetta in una porta USB A libera, attivata la modalit di ricerca e ha inziato a funzionare da subito, non mostrando alcuna incertezza anche dopo il riavvio.
Quanto alle fuzioni, ce ne sono in abbondanza (molte non le utilizzer mail), tra le quali segnalo la possibilit di utilizzare i grilletti come se fossero switch. Il feedback restituito molto buono: il peso adeguato e i pulsanti lasciano sempre un ottimo feedback.
Unica incertezza che ha avuto stata la procedura di aggiornamento firmware, forse non documentata in maniera accurata al 100% sul sito. La procedura funziona correttamente con due accorgimenti:
– il primo utilizzare il cavo USB fornito in dotazione;
– il secondo estrarre dal file zip il firmware in una cartella qualsiasi del PC e poi da qui trasferirla nell’unit USB appena montata (ossia il pad)
Segnalo come carenze soltanto un paio di dettagli:
– il manuale un po’ sbrigativo: m non c’ scritto qual la funzionalit del tasto Home (credo che serva solo in modalit Nintendo Switch.
-le serigrafie della modalit (iOS, Android, Nintendo, Windors e wireless proprietario sono davvero poco leggibili, almeno nel modello che ho ricevuto io.
in passato avevo xbox e playstation, entrambi inutilizzabili dopo poco tempo per via della qualit costruttiva e dello stick drift riscontrato.
qui invece ci siamo, abbiamo tasti meccanici che impediscono la degradazione nel tempo, varie modalit di pairing tra cui switch, pc (tramite pennetta hyper link, cavo e wireless), infine android e ios.
e la ciliegina sulla torta: 1000hz di polling rate se connesso tramite cavo o hyper link.
Inoltre: 0% di errore sugli stick nel test della circolarit, impossibilit della nascita di stick drift, possibilit di customizzazione delle levette per gli shooter, di macro personalizzate e tanto altro.
peccato non abbia un software personalizzato ad hoc per la configurazione tramite grafiche intuitive (che personalmente non avrei utilizzato poich meno ho sul computer meglio ).
consgilio a tutti di effettuare la calibrazione degli stick e di aggiornare il prodotto non appena arriva per avere il massimo della performance garantita.
apprezzo inoltre il rivenditore specifico del prodotto “runsnail” che dopo aver riscontrato un piccolo problema mi ha dato assistenza tempestiva e con il massimo della gentilezza.
inoltre se acquistate da loro riceverete gratuitamente un paio di cover per gli stick che danno molto grip. personalmente gli utilizzo sempre poich molto comodi e per via della natura degli stick in s del kk3 (che hanno un fossettina per i pollici non molto alta).
Now if you press the macro button once, it will perform the steps you recorded for ONCE.
To repeatedly perform that action, double tap on the macro button.
This saves me a lot of time when playing some games.
It is good for PC, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android. It is very versatile.
dopo averne preso uno che costava poco ma che poi non funzionava mi sono informato meglio e ho visto che questa marca fa dei prodotti veramente validi, per cui il prezzo pi alto ampiamente giustificato e comunque anche cercare il risparmio alla fine si buttano solo via i soldi anzich risparmiarli
l’unica pecca che bisogna impugnarlo correttamente altrimenti ci si pizzica le dita sotto le leve R2 e L2
ma come qualit costruttiva, compatibilit e comparto tecnico e software siamo ai massimi livelli
Questo controller rappresenta il perfetto connubio tra qualit e facilit di utilizzo. Trigger sensibili ma allo stesso tempo controllabili, analogici davvero precisi, sostanzialmente privi di drifting. La deadzone trascurabile. Esteticamente molto bello, batteria ricaricabile integrata, eccellente ergonomia. Ha un comodissimo switch posteriore che seleziona le modalit di utilizzo (Switch, direct e xinput ed android). A questo prezzo non esiste controller migliore. Consigliato in toto. 8bitdo non delude mai!
Completely worth the money – looks cooler than a pro controller, is cheaper, the d pad is lovely, the triggers on the top are so responsive – it was a ridiculous step up from playing with the joy cons or with a very cheap controller!!
I took ages to decide to buy it, best purchase of the year! Also easy to set up for pc and Mac, software is straightforward
Usually I’m a Xbox One Controller person, but this is fantastic, like a mix of a PlayStation Controller and a SNES pad from the 90’s, which is I guess that’s the idea anyway.
It feels solid, with great buttons and it’s super comfortable to use. Really easy to set-up, just sync it to your PC or Switch. And you can change the buttons and the deadzones with 8bitdo’s free downloadable software. When connected to a PC, Windows see’s it as an Xbox 360 controller, which means any PC game with native controller support will work straight away. No need to configure anything.
Highly recommended!
I love this controller. I am currently using it with a retropie setup and it pretty much provides brilliant controls for all the games i like to play. There is little to no input lag that I have noticed during game play. The only complaint I have is that the instructions to actually get this setup do not provide enough information. To get this working with my retropie system this took 2 HOURS because the bluetooth functionality was not working correctly. Once you are past the setup it works perfectly and i definitely recommend this if you are looking for a alternate controller.
Solid (and cheaper) alternative to a traditional switch controller and works fine on PC in a pinch. Fits better in smaller-than-average hands and feels super light as well. The customisation options are also brilliant.
Edit: I’m still keeping this at 4 stars but it’s worth highlighting that the controller unfortunately doesn’t seem to remember the device it was last paired to. I usually keep this connected to my Nintendo switch but quite often I’ll have to re-pair it which is quite annoying. However, this works wired when the switch is docked so its not the end of the world.
J’adore absolument ces manettes. Trs confortables, excellente prise en main, solides, marchent trs bien mme sous Linux (que ce soit en filaire ou en bluetooth), avec RaspberryPi et Android.
Je recommande totalement !
Je l’ai utilis 1h ou 2, je retrouve les sensations de la croix directionnelle avec les jeux rtro, et avec les jeux 3D, les joysticks sont d’une douceur et d’une prcision trs appreciable. Tous les boutons ont un feeling gnial : cette manette est parfaite pour plusieurs gnrations de consoles et de jeux.
Fantastic controller! I’m currently using it to play Animal Crossing because the amount of monotonous button mashing you have to do is INSANE, so the turbo function really pulled me in initially.
I love how customisable the controller is, if you have a computer you can download software mentioned in the box in which you can completely customise the button layout, as well as the vibration intensity and analogue stick reach.
It paired to my switch very easily and the instructions included were very straight forward and easy to understand.
The controller itself feels like a nice solid piece of hardware. I’m impressed by the vibration quality (as people with Nintendo Switches / Pro Controllers know how HD the HD rumble really is), and whilst I’m not sure if it’s QUITE as crisp as an official Nintendo controller, for a third party product you really can’t get much better for a way more sensible price.
When I’m playing in docked mode I’m absolutely having this as my ‘go to’ controller, and as someone who usually plays a lot of PS4, the controller is surprisingly ergonomic and comfortable to use!
No defects on the controller itself and no lag either. If you want a pro controller but don’t want to pay the extremely hefty sum of money an official Nintendo branded pro controller is worth, I seriously recommend getting this one.
Perfect Nintendo Switch and Android joy-pad. Can’t fault it. And also get the mobile adaptor. Honestly best pad you could ask for. Smooth Joy-pad controls, buttons are perfect. Superb response times. Not one thing bad to say about this pad. Just buy it.
I find the respect from this controller to be genuine. Versatility, build quality and really only very few compromises. The turbo shaft is smooth and feels so strong in my kid leather gloves. The supplied cable is sublime but it doesn’t come with a plug. The controller just fits in my shortest hand making it almost too easy to transport. I’d like a shoulder strap so that I can carry it out walking without having to grip it, but I do still sure do like the bluetooth compatibility it so just take it the way it comes. It came packaged in a brown cardboard box. Inside was another box with a picture of the controller, and inside that, I later realised, was the controller itself. Instructions are also in there. Once you spot them you can’t miss them. So easy to unpack and get straight to the turn on stage. It really doesn’t take long. Unboxing is a breeze. It works with all of my electrical devices and I feel great. All in, it’s fast, light and a bit of a surprise (no spoilers)! I paid less than anyone and did not expect much, however I was totally gobsmacked at the value of money. Great dollar value! My main problem is the game is really hard. It’s soooo frustrating. I keep getting killed! I would give the controller more stars if the game was easier to play, but it’s just not. Batteries not included.