Poly Blackwire 5220 Wired Headset – Flexible Noise-Canceling

Poly Blackwire 5220 Wired Headset – Flexible Noise-Canceling Boom Mic – Ergonomic Design – Connect to PC/Mac, Mobile via USB-C, USB-A, or 3.5 mm – Works w/Teams, Zoom

Poly Blackwire 5220 Wired Headset – Flexible Noise-Canceling Boom Mic – Ergonomic Design – Connect to PC/Mac, Mobile via USB-C, USB-A, or 3.5 mm – Works w/Teams, Zoom
I work from home in a call center so my primary goals were something that works with my soft phone (Cisco Jabber) and doesn’t hurt after wearing for an 8+ hour shift. This fit the bill. The sound quality is good (no complaints from anyone I’ve spoken with) and the option to mute directly on the headset is great. The only thing I don’t love is that the mute on the headset also ties to mute on MS Teams. If you mute on Teams, it physically mutes the mic on the headset. This has only come up once (I was on a phone call and did a teams call to screen share but I couldn’t mute just teams) so not a huge deal.
Second impression for Wfh Zoom meetings was clear and crisp and again, superb.
Third impression was WOW, these padded ears that lay flat on the ear are so nice Vs. The other headsets and the flex strap under the bar is way better than those standard headsets. No more migraines. Yay
Lastly the Fourth impression and seal the deal that these are worth every penny was the insane noise cancelling. I was in a zoom group with one other coworker practicing our roles of CD together when suddenly my 1yr old dog whose locked in my bedroom with me, begins barking uncontrollably because my son arrived home from school and she senses him. I panicked and tried to shush her as I couldn’t reach the door to open at the time. I apologized to my coworker and he’s said “Oh, what” I asked “Didn’t you hear my dog going crazy barking?” He replied “No” I about fell out of my chair in shock. Not kidding!! I explained to him what just took place as I laughed and said “Wow these are some dam good headsets”
I work in a call center and soon to work from home I wanted a new headset I had ordered a different pair they didn’t work so I got these at a recommendation from a coworker. The sound quality on these are amazing n crisp n clear! They are incredibly comfortable I got the 2024 version. So mine comes with a phone connection and USB! The chord length is very long! The little remote is very easy to use! The performance on these is far above average! And they are incredibly stable n durable.
I bought these only because I had to buy what was on the companies list (approved list). They were the most comfortable headset on the list, but if I didn’t have to choose this brand, I wouldn’t. Not the best.
Uso questo modello da molti anni (ancora marchiata plantronics) preferendo una cuffia cablata per lavoro, senza potenziali problemi bluetooth che su altre cuffie sento fin troppo spento.
Io la uso per lavoro da almeno 3/4 anni e ho bisogno di comodit e affidabilit e questa cuffia fa esattamente questo.
L ho avuta in “eredit” da un collega andato via e sono rimasto talmente colpito dalla leggerezza e comodit di padiglioni e archetto che a distanza di anni, nonostante la mia azienda sia andata su altre marche, me la sono ricomprata spendendo di tasca mia.
La leggerezza e comodit impagabile quando fai molte ore di riunioni online.
Assolutamente consigliata !
Come scritto da altri, confermo che l’esemplare da me acquistato presenta problemi di audio in quella che la parte di scheda audio integrata, dove ci sono i pulsanti. Al primo avvio, clipping dei bassi a volume basso, provato su diversi telefoni e a seconda dei casi, senza un apparente motivo, si ottiene un audio palesemente distorto e incomprensibile, oppure completamente distorto nei bassi, il volume oscilla automaticamente su e gi, in chiamata Teams sul telefono a volte l’audio diventa semi incomprensibile, torna normale alla chiusura riavvio della chiamata. Sembrano proprio problemi di software.
Collegate al computer ed installando il sw Poly Lens si possono disabilitare le funzioni di protezione udito, e limitazione volume, speravo che tutto migliorasse ma non stato cos. Il firmware era aggiornato, e quindi inutile ricerca di aggiornamenti.
La parte dei due diffusori se collegata tramite il jack da 3,5mm funziona correttamente, audio cristallino, non presentano molti bassi, ma sono cuffie ottimizzate per il parlato.
Ho deciso di chiedere assistenza afd HP-Poly, dopo le varie prove effettuate l’operatore mi consiglia di rendere il prodotto. L’ho reso e ho richiesto la sostituzione, vedremo se anche la prossima ha lo stesso difetto, nel caso reso con rimborso.
Attesa di 2 settimane per avere il prodotto perch non disponibile, ma comunque rispettando i tempi previsti annunciati.
Per il comfort sono ottime, leggere, isolano leggermente dai rumori. Il microfono mi dicono che ottimo, la mia voce la sentono cristallina e chiara senza rumori ambientali di fondo. Forse a lungo andare (ma non ho avuto modo di testarle cos a lungo) i cuscinetti potrebbero far scaldare i padiglioni auricolari e forse anche farli sudare, nonostante questo sono morbide e comode.
I had to replace an old set of headphones when my new puppy decided to chew the cord. I researched all sorts and found this particular model. I read other reviews and decided to purchase this item. I am so happy! It is simply plug and play and the ear pieces fit snuggly but are very comfortable, even after wearing a long time. I also like having the controls down on the wire so I can access them easily. My favorite part may be they come with a zippered case, so I can protect them when not in use!
Very good product. But very expensive for what you are getting. There is nothing different about it from headsets that are less than half the price, aside from the fact that it can be usb, usbc, or 3.5mm plug. I only bought this one because my company is extremely strict on what is allowed to be plugged in to our devices, and this company was one of the few on the safe list.
I have had the worst luck with headphones. Just ask Amazon how many I’ve returned. These work. Comfortable, good sound, adjustable mic. Ability to work on my usb PC or Mac connection. Wish wireless worked for my set up. But I am limited to wired. These are the best I’ve found.