Soumit Comfort Head Strap for Meta Quest 3, Elite Head Strap

Soumit Comfort Head Strap for Meta Quest 3, Elite Head Strap Compatible with Meta Quest 3 Accessories, VR Headset Flip-Adjustable Enhanced Support Extended Play Time
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Soumit Comfort Head Strap for Meta Quest 3, Elite Head Strap Compatible with Meta Quest 3 Accessories, VR Headset Flip-Adjustable Enhanced Support Extended Play Time
Ich hatte mich eigentlich verlesen, weil ich ein Kopfband mit Akku haben wollte, welcher hier natrlich nicht inkludiert ist. (Selber Schuld, wer lesen kann…)
Ich nutze es trotzdem fr meine Quest weil es mega bequem ist.
An excellent upgrade from the standard head strap included with the Quest. The original one is not easy to adjust and is fairly uncomfortable. My main issue was that I couldn’t get it to the same position each time which made each separate play session a hassle.
Since getting this, I play it more often and have more fun because I don’t have to worry about re-adjusting midway through a game or about it digging into my cheeks and giving me a headache.
It is super easy to attach to the headset and provides an easy way to adjust it to your head as well as extra comfort through the padded sections. If several people are using it, it makes it very easy to switch between players which can be a huge bonus for some.
Overall, high quality, useful and very comfortable. A must have in my opinion.
Schon seit Wochen habe ich mit dem Gedanken gespielt mir das original Elite Strap zu kaufen, allerdings waren mir ber 70 fr ein Stck Plastik immer zu teuer.
Also ein Strap fr knapp die Hlfte bestellt und was soll ich sagen…Ich bin begeistert.
Wer seine Quest 3 viel in Gebrauch hat der kennt das Problem der Gewichtsverteilung auf dem Kopf. Die Brille wird mit der Zeit immer schwerer und drckt irgendwann auf die Nase. Dieses Strap macht dabei einiges anders. Statt eines Gummizugs hat man hier ein verstellbares Kunststoffband, welches sich mittels eines Rads am Hinterkopf festziehen lsst und beim drcken eines Knopfs in der Mitte des Rads wieder lsen lsst. Ganz schnell kann man so das Headset auch mal in die Runde geben und verschiedene Kopfgren stellen kein Problem dar. Zudem verfgt der Plastikriemen ber eine Polsterung auf dem Kopf und am Hinterkopf. Das erhht den Tragekomfort enorm. Allerdings muss sich hier die Wertigkeit des Verstellmechanismus ber die Zeit noch auf dauerhaften Gebrauch behaupten. uerlich macht er zumindest den Eindruck, als knnte er mit der Zeit eine Schwachstelle des Headsets sein.
Perfekt finde ich die Gelenke auf beiden Seiten, so lt sich das Headset auch mal schnell hochschieben. Gerade wenn ich PC-Spiele streame, bentige ich hin und wieder einen kurzen Blick auf den Monitor, bzw. muss hier und da mal etwas einstellen. Klar kann man den Passthrough Modus nutzen, dieser eignet sich aber nicht immer, um kleine Buchstaben auf dem Monitor zu entziffern.
Zwischen der Polsterung am Hinterkopf und des Gelenks habe ich mit einem Klettband meine Powerbank befestigt. Somit kommt noch ein wenig mehr Gewicht auf den hinteren Teil des Straps und gleicht somit das Gewicht der Brille super aus. Der Tragekomfort erhht sich damit deutlich und ist ja irgendwie auch der Sinn des original Elite-Straps.
Als kleines Gimmick sind noch ein paar Aufkleber dabei, die ich jedoch an meinem Strap nicht angebracht habe. Meine Tochter hat diese an die alte Quest 2 angeklebt.
Kann ich dieses Strap empfehlen? Unbedingt! Man glaubt gar nicht, was man sich fr einen verbesserten Tragekomfort zulegt. Gerade fr lngere Spielsessions kann ich nur jedem ein solches Strap ans Herz legen!
Bin recht frischer Besitzer einer Q3 und da die Standard Lsungen die meistens bei den Headsets dabei sind absoluter “Mll” sind was die Bequemlichkeit betrifft hab ich Ausschau nach einer alternative gehalten und konnte hier eins testen.
Simple Verpackung fr ein Simples Produkt. Das dran Montieren war etwas Fummelig, funktioniert aber im Endeffekt so wie beim Vorgnger. Nur habe ich hier bemerkt dass das ganze etwas mehr Kraft braucht. Ich hatte tatschlich auch etwas sorge das ich das Plastik dort wo der Lautsprecher drin sitzt durch drck. Denke mal die Maen sind etwas Eng gehalten. Wenn es aber einmal sitzt geht es nicht mehr so leicht ab.
Und ja, wie erwartet. Es ist definitiv ein besseres Feeling als das was original mit dem Headset kam. Auch der Mechanismus mit dem Knopf hinten finde ich super wenn man die Brille fters mal schnell absetzen muss. Leider bringt er aber auch ein Nachteil. Und zwar ist das Content im Bett genieen. Hier mit ist es nicht wirklich mglich eine Bequeme Liegeposition zu finden. Wenn man auf dem Rcken liegt mit dem Kopf Richtung Decke macht sich der Mechanismus bemerkbar und lst die Brille vom Kopf. Seitlich geht es so, trotzdem nicht sonderlich angenehm.
Nutze sie aber Hauptschlich nicht im Liegen von daher finde ich das auch vllig in Ordnung. Materialien sind nicht die Hochwertigsten, aber sie sind bequem und es Quietscht oder Knarzt nichts. Hoffe mal das der Mechanismus einige Sessions aushlt.
Experience stability like never before. The upgraded head strap secures your Meta Quest 3 firmly in place, eliminating any wobbling or slipping during intense gaming moments. Enjoy a seamless and uninterrupted virtual reality adventure with this reliable accessory.
Crafted from high-quality materials, this head strap is built to withstand the rigors of regular use. Invest in a durable accessory that stands the test of time, providing consistent comfort and stability throughout your virtual reality journey.
The Upgraded Head Strap for Meta Quest 3 is a game-changer for immersive VR experiences.
Featuring a one-click release mechanism, this head strap offers unparalleled convenience and comfort. It’s designed to alleviate pressure on the user’s head, allowing for extended gameplay sessions without discomfort.
The strap’s ergonomic design ensures a secure fit, keeping the Meta Quest 3 firmly in place during active gaming sessions. Whether I’m exploring virtual worlds or engaging in intense gameplay, this head strap provides stability and support, enhancing the overall VR experience.
The upgraded design also improves weight distribution, reducing strain on the neck and shoulders. This allows me to fully immerse myself in VR content without worrying about fatigue or discomfort.
Overall, the Upgraded Head Strap for Meta Quest 3 is a must-have accessory for any VR enthusiast. Its innovative features and superior comfort make it an essential addition to my VR setup.
As a VR enthusiast, I’m always on the lookout for comfortable headgear. The head strap I tried for my Meta Quest 3 was a notable improvement. Its thick cushioning reduced the strain on my face and neck during extended play sessions. The flippable hinge was a thoughtful addition, making it easy to put on and take off. Adjusting it for different head sizes was straightforward, enhancing the VR experience for everyone at home. However, securing it to the device felt a bit too tight, requiring extra effort. It’s a solid choice for those looking for comfort in theirVRsessions.
This is a massive improvement over the head strap that is included with the meta and extremely comfortable.
We purchased a meta for my son (10) at Christmas and found the included strap just didn’t have enough adjustment to hold the headset on securely. We made a few bodges with paperclips to stop loose straps flapping around but decided the best thing we could do was look for options for a better after market strap.
We found this one and I have to say it is brilliant. It has a rapid adjustment using the button on the back to open it out and tighten it quickly to get the sizing close, then a turn of the dial on the outer edge of the button tensions the strap. This is ideal when switching between adult and child. The rear and top strap has a really comfortable leather like padding and it is a joy to use.
There are some included stickers for some reason to decorate the strap but to be honest these will be staying in the box.
The sad news is we are no longer using this strap as we found the battery life of the meta quest poor, so upgraded to a power bank version – the reason I say it is sad news is that the power bank version we have upgraded to from a different brand is no where near as convenient and comfortable as this one.
As with the Quest 2, the cloth strap supplied with the Quest 3 just isn’t all that comfortable when word for a while and the upgraded strap from Meta is very expensive and somewhat limited in features.
The Soumit Upgraded Head Strap for Meta Quest 3 is significantly cheaper than the elite strap, is easy to use and makes using the Quest 3 far more comfortable for long play sessions.
Fitting the strap requires popping off the default strap but twisting and replacing with the Soumit Upgraded Head Strap. Getting the new one on takes some work but not what I would call difficult. The over the head strap does need to be fed through the slot at the top of the unit but it’s not difficult.
Both the strap over the top and the area at the back of the head are well padded and hold on to the head very well when seated correctly.
Build quality is good but the standout feature for me is the “ratchet” system for adjusting the headstrap, anyone familiar with the PSVR1 system will be familiar with it with a wheel and release button.
This head strap has greatly improved the comfort of my VR headset. The increased cushion thickness effectively reduces facial pressure and neck strain. The upgraded flippable hinge is a convenient feature, making it easy to put on and take off the headset. Its adjustability suits a wide range of users, and the easy-to-use adjustment mechanism is a notable improvement. The added comfort has allowed for longer and more immersive gaming sessions. The unique stickers for customization are a fun touch.
I’m confident I’m not alone who found the original Quest 3 head straps uncomfortable, prompting a desire to replace them with something more reliable and comfortable. I decided to give this one a try, as it promised just that without leaving too big a footprint on my credit card.
Thanks to the tilting backrest and the back ratchet, these head straps can be conveniently fitted different head sizes and adjusted to different head shapes. The backrest is slightly wide for my liking, because it’s kind of digs into my neck at the bottom, but maybe it’s just because I have very weird shape of the head because my wife doesn’t experience these issues.
The top strap and side arms are sturdy, holding the device well without exerting too much pressure on my head. The middle pivot point on the side arms allows for quick flipping of the device, making it easy to take on and off. The material used is easy to keep clean and maintain.
Overall, these head straps I’ve proven to be a very comfortable and cost-effective option compared to the original ones.
An aftermarket headset for the Oculus 3. I’m not really sure what’s so wrong with the OEM head strap that has entailed such a plethora of third party alternatives, but there’s no doubt that this, with it’s thick padding, use of premier materials and excellent ergonomics is a worthy replacement, and it is comfy for extended periods. You also get a sheet of stickers to customise it, if that floats your boat. Recommended.
The quest three is my first VR set I’ve owned myself and it’s a marvelous piece of kit, however the stuff designed to keep it on your head is shocking and this is where third party accessories come in. This makes it far easier to balance and play longer than the original strap. I liked how it sits on my head without feeling like it’s front heavy.
Good piece of kit, worth the money to get that comfort feeling, you spent up to 600 already, this’ll make it so much better.
If you’re looking for the TLDR, just buy this, it’s awesome.
I think we can all agree the Q3 OEM strap is horrible and is surely by design so they can upsell their elite strap. This strap is infinitely better than the OEM model in my view and being in the fortunate position i am, i’d also say better than a few other aftermarket models i’ve got too.
Out of the box it’s easy to fit, well made and overall excellent padding. This latter bit is what elevates it over similar products in my view. On others i have, they have a similar top of the head padded section, but the back piece is plastic without padding. This has a very generous back of the head padded section and it makes such a different to the wearability. You can tell the moment you first wear this it’s totally different with that additional padding. Playing Asgard’s Warth 2 for several hours with this and it’s night and day compared the OEM strap. I’d also say it’s a nicer experience than other aftermarket straps i’ve got, in some cases straps that cost a reasonable amount more.
Adjustment is easy via the rear dial and you can really get it clamped firmly if desired. The hinges make mounting, removal and just peeking out a doddle. The only thing i think it lacks if i’m being really picky is cable support piece on the side. If you’re a PCVR gamer tethered with a chunky USB cable you’re probably already using some additional velcro to support the cable. I’ve a couple of VR straps that include some form of support for a cable and to me it’s a more polished solution. If the manufacturer is watching, ditch the stickers and include a cable support piece in v1.1, pretty please!
As i said at the start, this is awesome. It’s well made, easy to fit, secure, very adjustable and the comfort levels are fantastic. I highly recommend this!
“Long Story Short”
Comes in generic box with brand sticker on
Strap feels very solid and flexible
Very flexible and sturdy plastic
Additional cushions are very soft and comfy, not too spongy
Extra stickers to customise your strap, some stars and shapes to make it look cooler
Overall: good quality for reasonable price
Value for money 9 out of 10
This head strap makes a really big difference to comfort and convenience. I have a few head straps for the Quest 2 but found they don’t fit the Quest 3. I had been looking at compatible straps when I had the chance to give this one a try. I am glad I did try it as it is really well designed. It is easy to put onto the Quest 3 and once it is on it makes it very easy to put on and take off the headset, perfect for me when I have to drop things quickly. I really like how quickly you can adjust the size; I share my headset with my partner, and we have different head sizes, it saves so much time. It makes the whole experience so much more comfortable as well as it evenly distributes the weight, so it doesn’t press down into my face. I had planned to get the official upgraded head strap but I am not going to now as I am happy with this one.
A much needed upgrade with the oculus quest 3 head strap. Much more comfortable and easy to adjust to fit your head shape. Only issue I had was fitting in the top strap as it is a pain to thread through the plastic bar at the top of the headset. This seems to be an issue with the design of the headset itself and not the strap as I have had this problem with other headstraps for the quest 3.
Other issue is the price as it is a bit much for just a strap. Do I recommend it? Certainly. A much better vr experience and overall a good upgrade.
The build quality is what you’d expect for the price, but it doesn’t really matter because I can wear my Quest 3 for hours now without any pain or discomfort.
It really makes a huge difference in comfort.
The top padding is a nice touch, might even be better than the official elite strap.
Easy to set up, too.
Ich mchte meine uerst positive Erfahrung mit dem Soumit Elite Strap fr Meta Quest 3 teilen. Dieser Kopfbgel hat nicht nur meine Erwartungen erfllt, sondern sie deutlich bertroffen.
Der “EIN-klick Auslsen” Mechanismus ist genial und ermglicht ein einfaches An- und Abnehmen des Headstraps. Dies ist besonders praktisch, wenn mehrere Personen das VR-Headset nutzen, da sich der Kopfbgel mhelos an verschiedene Kopfgren anpassen lsst.
Die Verbesserungen im Halt und Komfort sind deutlich sprbar. Der Elite Strap bietet eine sichere Passform, die das VR-Erlebnis insgesamt angenehmer macht. Die Mglichkeit zur Feineinstellung der Lnge sorgt dafr, dass der Kopfbgel perfekt an die individuellen Bedrfnisse angepasst werden kann.
Die Qualitt des Materials und die Verarbeitung sind beeindruckend. Der Kopfbgel fhlt sich robust an und berzeugt mit einer hochwertigen Bauweise. Selbst bei lngeren VR-Sessions bleibt der Komfort erhalten, und Druckstellen werden vermieden.
Insgesamt kann ich den Soumit Elite Strap fr Meta Quest 3 uneingeschrnkt empfehlen. Er vereint Benutzerfreundlichkeit, verbesserten Halt und hohen Komfort auf eine Weise, die das Virtual Reality-Erlebnis erheblich aufwertet. Wer auf der Suche nach einer hochwertigen Upgrade-Option fr seinen Quest 3 Headstrap ist, wird mit dem Soumit Elite Strap definitiv zufrieden sein.