Baby Bottle Brush Set with Portable Silicone Bottle Brush

Baby Bottle Brush Set with Portable Silicone Bottle Brush, Travel Bottle Cleaner Set, 6 in 1 Baby Bottle Brush for Cleaning, Nipple Brush, Straw Brush, Baby Bottle Drying Rack, and Storage Box, White

The baby bottle brush set is one of the most iconic cleaning tools that every new mom wants. It is also the perfect gift for new parents for baby showers and starter kits
Weight: | 272 g |
Dimensions: | 17 x 14 x 4.5 cm; 272.16 g |
Brand: | Depotner |
Model: | baby bottle brush |
Colour: | White |
Dimensions: | 17 x 14 x 4.5 cm; 272.16 g |
Traveling with a newborn is hard enough, let alone worrying about how you’re going to clean bottles. Everything with this kit is compact and easy to access. The brushes work great and the small drying rack holds all the parts for a bottle or two.
This is a convenient way to travel with a new baby. All of the utensils needed for feeding and after cleaning in one place. I like that it all fits it a small flat travel case.
Das 6-in-1 Babyflaschen-Brstenset in Blau ist uerst praktisch und durchdacht.
Die ausziehbare Flaschenbrste ist optimal fr die grndliche Reinigung aller Arten von Babyflaschen, whrend die Nippelbrste und die Trinkflaschenbrste eine przise Reinigung an schwer zugnglichen Stellen ermglichen.
Das Set enthlt auerdem einen Seifenspender und einen Flschchentrockner, die den Reinigungsprozess effizienter und organisierter gestalten. Alle Teile sind BPA-frei, was fr die Sicherheit und Gesundheit des Babys besonders wichtig ist. Etwas irritierend kann am Anfang das ffnen der Box sein.
Die Flaschenbrste aus Silikon ist besonders weich und hinterlsst keine Kratzer. Alles in allem ist dieses Set eine wertvolle Hilfe im Babyalltag, da es alle notwendigen Utensilien zum Reinigen und Trocknen von Flschchen und Zubehr in einem praktischen Paket vereint. Ein durchdachtes und ntzliches Produkt fr Eltern.
Sobald das Set mit den Babyflaschen Brsten bei uns angekommen ist, habe ich es in die Splmaschine gepackt. Dabei ist es sehr praktisch, dass alle Teile des Sets inklusive der Aufbewahrungsbox splmaschinengeeignet sind. Auch positiv anzumerken ist, dass das Set nach Nichts gerochen hat. Wir hatten schon mal andere Brsten, die stark nach Gummi rochen.
Die groe Brste ist gro genug, um auch in groe (240 ml) Flaschen zu passen und macht ihre Aufgabe auch ganz gut. Milchreste werden gut durch die Borsten erfasst und gelst.
Ein klarer Minuspunkt ist allerdings die schlechte Qualitt der Aufbewahrungsbox. Nach dem ersten Waschen in der Splmaschine (nicht zu hei), lsst sie sich nun nicht mehr richtig schlieen. Dies ist ein No-Go, wenn man die Box z.B. in den Urlaub mitnehmen mchte. Daher Punktabzug.
Wir haben das Brstenset fr die nchste Urlaubsreise gekauft. Es ist sehr klein und handlich und trotzdem ist alles Wichtige dabei. Persnlich finde ich auch den kleinen Splmittelspender total hilfreich, wenn man die Milchpumpe unterwegs in ffentlichen Toiletten reinigen muss.
Ansonsten lassen sich fast alle Brsten auch in den Sterilisator packen, ein weiterer Pluspunkt.
Der integrierte Trocknungsstnder fr die Flaschen ist ebenfalls ganz praktisch.
Die Farben der Brsten knnten etwas schner sein – aber hier geht es ja mehr um den praktischen Nutzen als die Optik, daher ist das vernachlssigbar.
Daher eine klare Empfehlung fr dieses Produkt.
: Produkt entspricht Erwartungen, keine Beanstandungen
: Minimale Beanstandungen
: Nennenswerte Beanstandungen
: Produkt entspricht nicht den Erwartungen
: Geht gar nich
This is a bottle brush set. It’s good for washing bottles and glasses etc. It’s good that you can dry the brushes on the case and also storing the brushes in it.
It is too pricey for what it is. It would also be good if there was a way to extend the brush handle for bigger bottles.
Apart from that, I like the set.
This bottle brush set is marketed for travel, but honestly it’s a great cleaning set for home, too. Not everyone wants to advertise being a new parent with bunch of stuff out taking up a bunch of space. We run a tight ship, and being able to tuck these away in a drawer when not in use is a great feature. There are brushes for each piece – bottle/cup, nipple, and even a straw brush. The case folds out to become a drying rack, and when not in use everything fits back inside neatly. What’s not to like?
Da wir in diesem Sommer mehrere bernachtungsausflge und einen greren Urlaub mit unserem Baby und unserem Kleinkind unternehmen werden, war es mir wichtig, ein Reinigungsset fr die Flaschen fr unterwegs zu haben.
Dieses 6-in-1-Set beinhaltet alles, was man fr unterwegs braucht: eine zusammensteckbare Flaschenbrste, eine zusammensteckbare Trinksaugerbrste, eine Strohbrste fr beispielsweise Strohhlme, einen kleinen Seifenspender fr bis zu 50ml Splmittel, einen Trockenstnder mit acht sten und eine Box, in der all die genannten Utensilien verstaut werden knnen und die zugleich als Abtropfbecken genutzt werden kann. Die beiden Brsten bestehen aus Silikon und sind sehr weich. Farblich entsprechen sie nicht gerade meinem Geschmack (es wirkt sehr altbacken) und sie haben einen leicht unangenehmen Geruch. Laut Hersteller knnen diese jedoch in der Splmaschine gereinigt oder abgekocht werden. Zudem ist alles BPA-frei.
Insgesamt bin ich sehr zufrieden mit dem Set und werde es am Wochenende direkt mit in unseren Kurzurlaub nehmen.
We have two sets! These are a travel must-have with babies. Comes with all the necessary tools that you need to clean bottles and nipples. Super easy to clean and I never have to worry about mold due to the materials that they are made out of.
I purchased this for work travel without my baby (I’m an exclusive pumper) and it was great for washing all my pump parts and letting them dry and a clean surface. It is also great for traveling with baby as I can clean my pump parts and bottles that baby is using. Not a ton of room to dry all of those things at once, but can make it work. It is great that it comes with all the various bottle brush sizes, nipple brush and straw brush. Soap dispenser is great too. It fits great in my diaper bag as well.
Great brush set to clean bottles.
Its 6 pieces in set which comes in storage case.
Easy to use them and easy to clean them to.
For such price worth to buy it.
Great set.
On a day out there’s no need for a cleaning kit like this, you just take the bottles home and wash them later. For over-nighting, or a longer holiday though, this compact cleaning kit is absolutely ideal, especially if a budget airline is involved.
I like the way this kit folds up into such a small and light box, which even creates a little drying rack when emptied of contents. It’s quite ingenious. The brushes are made of silicone so they are easier to sterilise, and with silicone being non-porous (unlike natural bristle) they are less likely to harbour germs in the first place.
The addition of a spray bottle is very welcome, and is suitable for your choice of liquid soap or sterilising solution. All you need to add is clean water and you have everything necessary. Five stars.
This brush set will be mainly used to clean some tall slender drinking glasses that I like to use. They are always a challenge to clean but this set should overcome that problem. It will also come in very handy for cleaning my flask after I have taken it, full of hot soup, to the riverbank.
The set came in a sturdy carry case which will help to keep my kitchen a little bit more organised but I don’t envisage taking this set outside of my home.
Value wise this set is very much on the expensive side for what it offers but the case may be a big plus point for some.
This is very cute little bottle stand which easily to carry and store. We brought it for our upcoming trip and it can easily fit into our diaper bag. Brushes are of good quality and does a good job with cleaning of bottles.
This was a great set of bottle washing brushes for baby bottles for a trip. I also like that that box serves as a bottle rack so you don’t need to place bottle and parts on the counter especially when you’re traveling in a hotel. Came in very handy and fits easily!
I purchase this for my 1st trip with new born ..very useful,easy and comfortable.. it comes with all bottle brush,nipple brush and straw brush … drying racks db dispenser as Bonus. And perfect size it can fit in diaper bag.
I like this a lot. I’m a bit of a germaphobe and this is a great little set that includes everything you need to keep your kid’s bottles clean. It’s super useful if you’re staying in a hotel or something and want a safe, clean way to clean. It’s durable and feels well made. Size wise, it’s a little bigger than I thought it would be, but it’s still very portable and large enough to accommodate several bottles.
Overall, highly recommend. Never traveling without this.
We enjoy taking our younglings everywhere to broaden their horizons. Portal bottle cleaner kits are immensely useful. Let’s try out this one by Depotner.
Useful features:
Comes with all the necessary parts to keep our younglings’ bottles, sippy-cups, etc., clean while on the go.
Comes with a bottle brush with detachable handle, a nipple brush, a bristle brush straw cleaner, and a 50ml dish soap spray bottle dispenser.
Ingenius, portable sized, plastic, storage box with built-in, unfolding drying rack (8 branches), and individual holders for the brush handles + soap dispenser bottle.
Storage box keeps everything neat and tidy.
Made from quality, food grade, soft silicone bristles, and ABS plastics.
This kit works so well that we also use it for our thermos, and sports bottles.
Slight miscue:
The storage box locking tabs (with clearly labeled up/down arrows) are somewhat awkward to open with one hand; the tabs pop open and its edges scrape my fingers.
Easier way (2 hands): with one hand holding the base, and the other holding the cover, I use my thumbs (in the direction of up/down arrows) to pop open the lid.
This a great little set. perfect for a diaper bag or if you’re traveling, but nice enough to use at home, too if you just need something handy. I use it to clean my pump parts and it’s great.