Euro Football Championship Bunting 2024, 24 Different

Euro Football Championship Bunting 2024, 24 Different European Nations Flags for Celebration, 8M/26.24FT UV Fade Resistant Double Sides Fabric Banner for Garden Bar Outdoor Indoor Decorations

Euro Football Championship Bunting 2024, 24 Different European Nations Flags for Celebration, 8M/26.24FT UV Fade Resistant Double Sides Fabric Banner for Garden Bar Outdoor Indoor Decorations
Produkt wird als Deko fr die anstehende em verwendet. Qualitt hat mich berrascht fr den Preis. Dachte erst es wre Papier aber es sind Stoff Fahnen fr den Preis echt toll
Lot de 2 bannires regroupant 24 drapeaux avec les 24 pays de l’Euro 2024…
Trs bien pour les vnements sportifs pour tre accroch la maison mais aussi dans une salle, commerce ou autre festivit, intrieur/extrieur…
Les drapeaux sont plutt fin pour pouvoir voler…
Une lanire pour tre maintenu de chaque ct.
Getting into Euros mood in the office? Then this is for you. Perfect length to string right across the office ready for the sweepstakes. All flags are accurate, and all are in the Euro 2024 competition. Well worth the price point. Can’t wait!
Picked these up for decorating during the Euros for the kids.
Bright colours on the flags make them stand out on the line.
Not much else to say about them until they get used!