Fikiro 6 Pcs Waterproof Dry Bags,Camping Travel

Fikiro 6 Pcs Waterproof Dry Bags,Camping Travel Backpacking Dry Sacks Waterproof Bags for Kayaking Rafting Boating Hiking,Lightweight Dry Sacks Set (1.5L+2.5L+3L+3.5L+5L+8L)

Multipurpose Waterproof Bag
When you are immersed in nature, no matter how bad the weather is, these dry bags can keep your goods dry.Enjoy the outdoors at a great value.Different colors and sizes provide better classification and storage.
We use drybags all the time, particularly when hiking and travelling but getting an appropriate size for various kit can be a problem. This set has a good range for small/medium bags which will be perfect for choosing one for a torch and batteries, a phone, camera, GoPro, cooking gear, snacks etc. 13.50 (with a voucher) at time of writing is a great price for six considering you can pay over that for a single bag from some of the bigger brands.
These are well made, easy to use and a good range of sizes. I do think the smallest size is perhaps too small to be practical, but that’s just me.
I tested several of these with a garden hose and some blue roll inside of them. They all survived this rain like test without wetting the roll. I then put a brick in the largest one, added more blue roll and submerged it into a bucket of water. After about 20 mins i returned and the blue roll was starting to get wet. It seems water seeped in through the sides or base and while it wasn’t a lot, the roll was wet in several places. I’m not sure if this is really the use case, but if in prolonged wet conditions similar might happen and it could be an expensive lesson depending what is inside.
While these do have uses, they also have there limitations too hence 4 stars.