FYting XL Mouse Pad,Gaming Mouse Pad 900×400,Anime Mouse

FYting XL Mouse Pad,Gaming Mouse Pad 900×400,Anime Mouse Pad,-Natural Rubber Non-slip Base, Waterproof and Stain-proof, Suitable for PC, MacBook,Laptop(B)

FYting XL Mouse Pad,Gaming Mouse Pad 900×400,Anime Mouse Pad,-Natural Rubber Non-slip Base, Waterproof and Stain-proof, Suitable for PC, MacBook,Laptop(B)
Until getting my very first oversized gamers mat I never really saw the point in them, believing that they were more gimmick then having any functional practicality. I was wrong. These oversized gamer mats are perfect, not only are they visually pleasing but also provide a certain degree of gip as well as being smooth enough for mouse use. Its that fine line where slippy and grippy meet in perfect harmony.
These mats help with the reduction of vibrations via a cushion surface and the Lycra wetsuit style under bottom. They are super easy to clean, I do mine always by hand washing a little detergent usually washing/clothing soap, which removes all dirt and grim that has built up.
This mat is beautiful even though being mostly white it can be a bit of a dirt magnet, however it cleans up perfectly well using my tried and tested hand washing technique bringing it back to brand new looking. I really love the design.
Non il classico tappetino da mouse, ma perfetto per le mie esigenze. In primis lo trovo ottimo soprattutto in estate quando con il sudore rischio di restare appiccicata alla scrivania, con grande fastidio della pelle che solitamente inizia a bruciare. Secondariamente lo trovo utile anche a proteggere la superficie della scrivania dato che con il tempo inizia a scolorirsi e vorrei proteggerla per aumentarne la durata. Il mouse scorre tranquillamente e inoltre il disegno in stile giapponese mi piace molto.
Das Mauspad gefllt mir vom Design her sehr gut.
Leider ist die Bergspitze bei mir oben schon fast abgeschnitten, ich htte mir “mehr Luft” nach oben gewnscht.
Die Druckqualitt geht so, ich habe das Gefhl, dass hier ein kleineres Bild vergrert wurde.
Wei ist natrlich immer anfllig fr Flecken, so schn wei bleibt das Gaming Pad nicht lange.
aber dafr ist es nicht so teuer…