GeeekPi UNO R4 WiFi Ultimate Starter Kit, with Original UNO

GeeekPi UNO R4 WiFi Ultimate Starter Kit, with Original UNO R4 WiFi, Smart IoT & Basic Sensor Projects with Tutorials, Compatible with Arduino IDE, Includes Various Sensors and Accessories

Weight: | 980 g |
Dimensions: | 30 x 18.5 x 6.5 cm; 980 g |
Brand: | GeeekPi |
Model: | KZ-0054 |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | GeeekPi |
Dimensions: | 30 x 18.5 x 6.5 cm; 980 g |
Although I’m technically proficient I’ve never had much chance to get involved in coding, so this beginners kit seemed like the ideal starting point. It contains a wide selection of components and sensors, and a manual of projects (on the SD card) that allows me to progress from simple, to more advanced levels. I’ve found that working my way through it has gradually built my skill and confidence, and the more I tinker with it, the more fascinating it becomes. My ultimate objective is to be able to assemble whatever controller I might need for various projects I have in mind around the house.
The heart of the kit is a genuine Arduino UNO R4 wi-fi enabled module, which is designed around the 32-bit RA4M1 microcontroller. Using the jumpers and the breadboard, the modules can be assembled into any number of gadgets and controllers, with imagination ultimately being your only limitation. The project I’ve enjoyed the most so far has been making a device utilising the sound sensor to detect when someone enters my office when I’m out, and activate various “surprises” for them which are becoming ever more inventive as my skills improve. Injecting a bit of fun is great motivator, and a good way to learn. My next objective is using the gyroscope and accelerometer module to control a modified balsa wood radio controlled plane, and have it fly a pre-programmed flight plan without my intervention. This will take it off the breadboard and into a project case. Wish me luck!
This kit is ideal for adults and children alike, and would be a perfect Christmas gift for would-be boffins, and anyone who enjoys tinkering. For a teenager it could even spark a life-long interest and a future career path – you never know. What’s certainly true is that the ability to code, and to create your own controllers, is highly enabling, and a valuable skill in today’s world. Knowledge is priceless, and skills are valuable. This wonderful kit has already benefited me far more than the level of the asking price. I recommend it highly, and happily give it my five star purchase recommendation.
If you want to try and don’t know where to start, give this a go. Various projects with different levels of complexity, even absolute novices like me can give it a go. Educational and great for teens interested in science too. It is a pricey investment but works well, especially if you want to mess around with making your home sma
This has been brilliant, me and my eldest daughters have been programming this together as a project for them, I’m a long standing pi user but this is a complete set, more than complete as it has everything together instead of having to buy the extra ribbons or hats to use. It has everything you need, we have been plotting the temperature changing in their Guinea pig hutches and the soil sensor in a plant pot to see how much it need watering. It’s easy enough to follow having had some experience with the raspberry pies and there are plenty of instructions available on line.
It’s a great kit for some science experiments and is brilliant for the kids.
It’s the most complete kit I e seen and is highly recommended.
I got this as I am on a quest to make my house smarter and I have wanted to try and number of different experiments out to see if I could make certain routines a little less manual and put a bit of science behind it.
In the box, there is a host of different accessories. The main ‘brain’ of the system is the Arduino Uno, these are quite easy to get and something that I have found is that when I got something working that I found useful, I just bought another Arduino Uno and continued testing experiments out with the other accessories. The kit does come with a lot of accessories, some more useful than others but fun to play with none the less.
I am an avid cigar smoker and one of the things we like to do is age cigars in a humidor. This requires having pretty consistent humidity and temperature. Not checking the box in some time can lead to the cigars drying out and so in an effort to combat this, I made a little humidity and temperature checker, this would start a little motor attached to a Cigar oasis to top the box up with humidity. This so far has worked like a charm and I have been quite impressed. For the summer, I am intending on using the soil moisture sensor to allow my plants to be automatically watered when they get below a certain mouisture content.
Overall, I am really impressed with this set. I have had quite a lot of fun playing wiht this and I have still got so many more things that I can do. The price is pretty decent and is something that would be perfect for an avid inventor or a child who is learning how to program as it really has a ‘Think it, make it, see it work’ style to it which is great for learning! 5/5!
This is a great kit, it has everything needed to get started. The Arduino Uno, like the Raspberry Pi, is an ideal start into coding as both have loads of support. I’ve used both but I’m a big fan of the Uno, it suits the way I think, and I used it extensively when I was working but sadly stopped when I retired and other interests took over my time. I built my own interfaces on copper stripboard but this kit doesn’t require any soldering skills as everything is based around a plug-in proto board where components and wires can be pushed into sockets on the board. Instructions and circuits are on a microSD card and the Uno already has a program which does a short animation ending in a heart symbol on the LEDs. This is a great kit, recommended.
Scheda Wi-Fi Integrata: La scheda Arduino UNO R4 dotata di capacit Wi-Fi integrate, che permettono la comunicazione e la connettivit wireless. Questo aggiunge una dimensione significativa ai progetti, rendendoli pi versatili e moderni.
Variet di Sensori: Il kit include una vasta gamma di sensori, tra cui sensori di temperatura, umidit, movimento e luce. Questi sensori consentono agli utenti di raccogliere dati dall’ambiente circostante e di interagire con il mondo fisico, aprendo la porta a innumerevoli applicazioni pratiche e creative.
Tutorial Step-by-Step: Il kit viene fornito con tutorial completi che guidano gli utenti attraverso vari progetti, iniziando dai concetti di base e aumentando gradualmente la complessit. Ogni progetto accompagnato da istruzioni chiare e dettagliate, facilitando la comprensione dei principi alla base degli esperimenti.
Integrazione IoT: Il kit supporta l’integrazione con l’Internet of Things (IoT), permettendo agli utenti di collegare i propri progetti a Internet e utilizzare servizi cloud. Funzionalit come il monitoraggio remoto, la registrazione dei dati e il controllo in tempo reale sono facilmente realizzabili, rendendo i progetti pi interattivi e utili.
Learning Progressivo: I tutorial seguono un approccio step-by-step, consentendo agli utenti di costruire le proprie conoscenze e competenze man mano che avanzano nei progetti. Ogni progetto introduce nuovi concetti e sfide, incoraggiando un apprendimento continuo ed esplorativo.
Integrazione con Arduino IDE: Il kit si integra perfettamente con l’Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE), fornendo una piattaforma familiare per scrivere, compilare e caricare il codice sulla scheda Arduino. Questo rende il processo di sviluppo fluido e accessibile, soprattutto per coloro che hanno gi familiarit con l’IDE di Arduino.
Il kit Arduino UNO R4 con capacit Wi-Fi integrate rappresenta una soluzione completa e potente per chiunque sia interessato a esplorare il mondo della programmazione e dell’elettronica. La variet di sensori inclusi e i tutorial step-by-step permettono agli utenti di imparare in modo progressivo, costruendo le proprie competenze con progetti di complessit crescente.
L’integrazione con l’IoT e la compatibilit con l’Arduino IDE rendono questo kit estremamente versatile, adatto sia per principianti che per utenti avanzati. Se cerchi un kit che offra ampie possibilit di apprendimento e sperimentazione, l’Arduino UNO R4 con Wi-Fi sicuramente una scelta eccellente.
Este Kit do Arduino UNO R4 Wifi est muito completo, tanto para algum que queira iniciar com projetos de Arduino ou para mesmo algum mais experiente.
O Kit inclui documentao que nos ajuda a compreender todos os componentes e dentro do carto micro sd includo no kit existem vrios guias assim como todo o software para conseguirmos iniciar os nossos projetos e demos.
O software do Arduino fcil de utilizar e permite milhes de utilizaes diferentes.
Para j fiz alguns projetos pequenos como a utilizao da Matrix de LEDS do Arduino Uno R4 Wifi e tambm a utilizao de um sensor de temperatura e humidade em conjunto com o display que vem incluido no kit. Para j a experincia est a ser muito boa mesmo.
Bewertet wird GeeekPi UNO R4 WiFi Ultimate Starter Kit,
Das umfangreiche Arduino Starterset GeeekPi Uno R4 kam gut verpackt und unbeschadet bei uns an. Alles ist superordentlich und sorgsam verpackt.
Es knnen zahlreiche Tutorien heruntergeladen werden. Beispielmodelle knnen nachgebaut werden. Der Arduino ist original. Das Zubehr ist fr ein Smarthome gut ausgewhlt. Wer Erfahrungen mit Raspberry hat, kann diese hier umsetzen.
Das macht richtig Spa. Eine kleine Ltstation sollte man sich vielleicht zulegen, damit man richtig experimentieren kann.
Wie alle Vine Produkttester:innen, berichte ich ber meine eigenen Erfahrungen mit dem getesteten Produkt und bewerte dies mit 1-5 Sternen. Das ist schon ein geniales Anfnger Set, um alles Mgliche auszuprobieren, aber auch wenn man ein eigenes Smarthome aufsetzen mchte. Von mir gibt es eine Kaufempfehlung und begeisterte 5 Sterne.
This is a good kit if you want to start out in electronics it’s put together in easy steps and you can progress at your own pace I always wanted a new hobby and so far this has ticked all the boxes.
This is a genuine Arduino project kit for those wishing to learn to code or extend your knowledge and get to build project kits like this one that do not cost the earth!
The kit has so many modular components included, you will get the best grounding in learning to code and build projects that will inspire you to create your own after gaining such knowledge, skills and experience.
My previous experience working with Microchip products and some rudimentary robotic projects gives me the confidence to work my way through this kit. I will be able to work my way through the projects and have already tried some of the included demo project code no problem with the Arduino IDE sofware.
The Arduino R4 WiFi comes pre-loaded with a program to demonstrate the capabilities of the LED matrix. Plug in the USB-C lead and it powers up to show you an animated heart! Run and upload the flashing LED demo code on the provided TF card and the matrix flashes every LED. It is simple projects like this that will get you up to speed very quickly with Arduino basics. The aim of this kit is to build up your skills until you have worked your way through every project and used each module to the point you can run and automate your home with smart connected technology.
I will certainly update this review after working through the projects to offer any support and tips I feel may be helpful to you if you are just starting out. But to begin with you should read the instructions on the TF card, the software and demo code is on there too!
Have fun!
This is a nice starter set that, despite the title on the front of the box (“FOR Arduino Uno R4 WiFi”) doesn’t require you to own an Arduino board already, as the board is included in the box.
On the good side – it’s a fairly comprehensive starter set, with everything included that you’re likely to need for a number of programming and electronics projects. Documentation is included on the TF (Micro SD) card in the pack, although you can easily find a lot of help online, including forums and YouTube videos.
– Value is only okay, not great – I’m not convinced it represents any saving over buying the components separately. I have a lot of overlapping components from previous Raspberry Pi projects, although for someone starting from scratch that’s less of an issue.
– Everything comes in a plastic storage container, but barely fits, so that once unpacked it doesn’t serve for putting things away again. So if you don’t have anything suitable already, you’ll be needing to purchase a large one.
Contains all you need for basic projects which you can spend countless hours on the accessories included in this kit mean you can experiment with different projects my first project was to create a simple alarm system that would trigger via the included ultrasonic sensor used online tutorials to guide me through this project.
I’ve dabbled with simple electronics in the past, but never coding. At the age of 60 I saw this kit and thought I’d have a go! The kit is well presented and contains everything you need to learn coding using the opensource Arduino IDE. You will need access to a computer to use this kit. All of the learning materials are supplied in a micro SD card, as is all of the required software. The kit contains the latest Arduino R4 wifi board as its centrepiece (not a generic copy). I’m only part way through the learning, but it has been surprisingly easy to pick up, and the learning guide is well written. The kit is supplied with a raft of sensors, and each lesson builds on the last becoming more complex as you gain confidence and progress. The ultimate aim is to equip you with the skills so you would be able to build hardware and write code to control your own smart home. You are only limited by your imagination. I’m already starting to design and program an automatic watering system for my hanging baskets when it is sensed that they are becoming too dry. This is a great starter kit for anyone interested in taking up coding.