Hello-5ive Baby Stroller, Lightweight Compact Foldable Baby

Hello-5ive Baby Stroller, Lightweight Compact Foldable Baby Pushchair with Rain Cover, Mosquito Net, Five-Point Harness, Adjustable Seat, Travel Buggy Pram from Birth 0-3 Years (Dark Grey)
From the brand

Dimensions: | 68 x 49.5 x 103 cm |
Dimensions: | 68 x 49.5 x 103 cm |
Reference: | KD2030005 |
My original pram fills my car boot which is no good when travelling so I needed a travel pram. This pram is perfect. You can sit the seat up or lay flat. Good sun roof and foot rest which comes out which is ideal for younger babies.
It does state it goes up with one hand which isn’t exactly true, there is a clip on the side which is impossible to clip off to unfold when you’ve got a baby in your hand. If this wasn’t on it does pop up very easy with one hand.
Sturdy on rough ground and all round a decent pram. Front facing which and a little window in the sun roof to see baby through when the roofs down.