Released 9 SEP 2024, this is another “not quite classic” British horror film from the late 60’s The tale of Mark Eden searching for his brother seemingly lost to a cult of witches led by Steele (in unattractive purple makeup, and dubbed, and possibly filming all her scenes in a couple of days). He comes across a majestic Lee, a very wonderful Karloff (Please just watch his expressions as Eden gulps down vintage unique brandy…priceless. Karloff was so ill but his face remains full of life. Producer Tenser knows a bit of fetishsm, sex and tame nudity help a fairly weak script (the ending is not fully explained.More would be a spoiler, and I don’t… ). Wetherall is one of those cool blonde beauties, but still perhaps not relaxing enough yet. Also has a body double (I think). I said the script leaves a lot to be desired but Vernon Sewell directs at pace and the film is never boring. Daft – Yes! Boring – No! 88FILMS have done another splendid transfer. Great colour, picture, sound and optional Subs. Plenty of commentaries for those who like em, and a theatrical trailer. The enclosed booklet is interesting but ONCE AGAIN 88 – NO CAST LIST. If you liked some previous 88n films TIGON releases you are sure to get a great deal of pleasure from this one. (An “X” in it’s day – Now “15”
Released 9 SEP 2024, this is another “not quite classic” British horror film from the late 60’s The tale of Mark Eden searching for his brother seemingly lost to a cult of witches led by Steele (in unattractive purple makeup, and dubbed, and possibly filming all her scenes in a couple of days). He comes across a majestic Lee, a very wonderful Karloff (Please just watch his expressions as Eden gulps down vintage unique brandy…priceless. Karloff was so ill but his face remains full of life. Producer Tenser knows a bit of fetishsm, sex and tame nudity help a fairly weak script (the ending is not fully explained.More would be a spoiler, and I don’t… ). Wetherall is one of those cool blonde beauties, but still perhaps not relaxing enough yet. Also has a body double (I think). I said the script leaves a lot to be desired but Vernon Sewell directs at pace and the film is never boring. Daft – Yes! Boring – No! 88FILMS have done another splendid transfer. Great colour, picture, sound and optional Subs. Plenty of commentaries for those who like em, and a theatrical trailer. The enclosed booklet is interesting but ONCE AGAIN 88 – NO CAST LIST. If you liked some previous 88n films TIGON releases you are sure to get a great deal of pleasure from this one. (An “X” in it’s day – Now “15”