Carrying Case for Playstation Portal, Protective Hard Shell

Carrying Case for Playstation Portal, Protective Hard Shell Portable Case for PS Portal, 9-in-1 Accessories Set for PS Portal, Silicone Grip Cover, Screen Protector, Joystick Caps

Carrying Case for Playstation Portal, Protective Hard Shell Portable Case for PS Portal, 9-in-1 Accessories Set for PS Portal, Silicone Grip Cover, Screen Protector, Joystick Caps
Very happy with my purchase. Well packaged and arrived quickly. Case fits the portal perfectly. As well as the screen protector and the side sleeves. Helps to stop slipping in your hands. Headphones are good too.
m paralar iyi, bu fiyata ok gzel indirimdeyken aldm. bana 650 liraya geldi parasna gre ok dolu, eksi olarak ekrann arkasn ve erevesinide korumasn isterdim ama bunu bilerek aldm dtm tamamen korumaz ama parasnn karln kat be kat veriyor dier rnlere gre
Ps portal, koruma klfna tam oturuyor. Klf gzel saryor. Koruyucu zellii var ama darbelere kar korur mu emin deilim. Krlmaz cam kaliteli ve net bir gr salyor. Stand ok k ve kullanl. Kulaklk ok kaliteli deil ama i gryor. Ses bouk geliyor ve malzemesi iyi bir hissiyat vermiyor. Ama i gryor. Gzel rn. Alnr.
Alles in einem ein gutes Packet.
Kopfhrer sind fr die Tonne aber bei dem Preis auch zu erwarten.
Tasche ist schn gepolstert und fhlt sich wertig an,die Grips sind angenehm beim spielen und die Caps fr die Analogsticks sitzen fest und machen das was sie sollen.
Panzerfolie frs Display knnten jeder Seite 2 mm lnger sein,ist jetzt nicht strend aber dafr gibts einen Stern Abzug